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1、船机设备管理使用与保养规定中英文船机设备管理、使用、保养规定及奖惩制度Regulations for the Management, Usage and Maintenance of Machinery and Equipment根据总公司的管理准则和项目部管理制度精神,结合本项目部的实际情况,为了使本项目部的船机管理达到预期要求,满足项目部施工需要,提高设备利用律和完好率,努力保持固定资产保值增效。特制定本管理办法,以加强船机管理、使用及保养等工作,保障项目施工顺利进行。Based on the principle for Machinery Management of head offic

2、e and the spirit of Project Administration, this regulation for the management, usage and maintenance of machinery and equipment is formulated to strengthen the management, meet the construction requirement, improve the frequency and finally maintain the value of those fixed assets. 一、 船机管理I. Manage

3、ment for the Machinery根据本项目部船机管理细则,结合本项目部船机管理实际情况,要求船机管理做好如下细则:Based on this regulation and combine the real situation on site, the following points shall be strictly executed by all the staffs of Equipment Department:1.1.1)抓好“管、用、养、修”四个环节,指导机务组、拌合站、起重运输班组等,督促管理、操作人员履行管理制度,使设备处于良好状态,提高设备完好率和利用率。Focu

4、s on “manage, use, maintain, repair” the four stage. Guide the operator crew, batching plant crew and crane crew to keep the machinery in good condition and improve the availability and usage frequency. 1.1.2)会同有关部门搞好设备、动力安全技术教育,对设备事故根据“三不放过”原则(事故原因分析不清不放过,事故责任者和群众没有受到教育不放过,没有采取切实可行的防范措施不放过的原则),及时调查

5、分析,提出处理意见和防范措施。Cooperate with other department to carry out safety training courses. When machinery accident happens, three stage must go through: first is to make clear the accident causes, second is to teach the responsible person and let the staffs learn from the accident, third is to take effect

6、ive measures to prevent similar accident reoccurrence. All the accident must be investigated, analyzed on time, after that, find out the solutions and countermeasures.1.1.3)组织“设备星级管理”活动,定期检查评比,表彰先进,树立典型。Organize the activity of “Star-grade Management”. Regularly compare and assess, praise the advanc

7、ed staff and set up an example for all other members.1.1.4)负责上报设备封存、报废、更新改造、租赁及维修计划,严格控制维修范围,合理使用修理费用。When the machinery and equipment shall be sealed up, scrapped, renovated, rented or repaired, the plan/schedule must be submitted in advance. The repair scope and reasonable cost for the same shall

8、be limited.1.1.5)督促前场机械设备管理人员、操作人员的业务学习和技术考核,并对船机部人员的调整、奖惩提出意见和建议。The machinery operators and supervisors shall also learn the skills and involve in the technical assess. They shall give suggestions for the staffs of equipment department regarding the manpower adjustment, praise or punishment. 1.1.6

9、)随时对本部门各环节的工作进行检查、审核,把好价格、验收、发放、使用核算及结算关。Frequently carry out the inspection and checking during the working process of each stage. Carefully execute the works regarding price, checking before acceptance, dispatching, adjust accounts and settle accounts.1.1.7)推行方针目标管理,并根据有关规章制度制定本部门的考核奖惩办法。Promote t

10、he guideline principle management, set up the award/punishment means based on relevant document.1.2严格设备使用责任制(结合本项目实际情况定人、定机管理)Strictly Execute the responsibility system for machinery usage.1.2.1)设备的使用,应严格贯彻“管用结合,人机合一”的原则,各种设备都应严格实行定人、定机、定安全操作规程等管理制度,做到每台设备均有人管理,每台设备均完好无损。The person who uses the equi

11、pment shall be responsible for the good condition of the machine. Who use which machine and how to safely operate it must be fixed and unchanged, so that each machine can be taken good care by the responsible person.1.2.2)每班作业的机械设备(如砼拌和站、砼罐车、汽车吊、发电机、空压机等)必须建立机长负责制,认真执行交班制度(各班组负责监督)。Each operating cr

12、ew (batching plant, concrete mixing truck, crane truck, power generator, air compressor) shall be taken in charge by the crew commander. When hand over the equipment to the next shift, the responsible person shall clearly state the situation of the machine and make relevant records. 1.2.3)工程中的关键设备(即

13、一旦发生故障而停机,将影响工程进度、工程质量、安全生产等)应由设备部分管责任人直接负责,监督其使用、维修、保养、切实保证设备处于完好的状态,以及保证设备运转安全。The key equipment (whose stop might affect the construction progress, working quality and execution safety) will be directly taken care of by the responsible staff of Equipment department. He shall make sure the equipme

14、nt in good and safe condition whenever it is operating, maintaining or repairing.1.3严格执行设备走合期的规定 Strictly Comply the Regulations in Run-in Period新设备到场后,应按说明书的规定进行走合期运转,走合期内应注意以下各项After the new equipment delivered to site, it shall operated according to the product specification. During the Run-in pe

15、riod, the following points shall be paid special attention to:1.3.1)应减载限速使用。Operate it with little load and at low speed.1.3.2)应经常检查机械各部位运转的情况和工作温度,发现问题应及时排除。Frequently observe the situation of operating parts and check the working temperature. Immediately eliminate the noted problem if any.1.3.3)应按

16、说明书的规定加注润滑油和使用燃料。Add the lube and fuel according to the product specification.1.3.4)应经常检查各紧固件,若发现松动,应及时拧紧或更换,走合期后,应按使用说明书的规定,对设备进行一次保养。Frequently check the fastener, once it is loses, fasten it or replace it immediately. After the Run-in period, regularly maintain the equipment/machinery as per the Specification.1.4船机油料的使用选择 Selection of oil for the Equipment船机设备使用的燃油、润滑油、液压油、刹车油各种油品,必须按照设备使用说明书的规定选用和更换,如需代用时,各种燃油料应符合技术规范,不得随意使用,以免损坏机械设备。

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