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人教版新目标九年级上册英语教学案Unit 7 Where would you like to visit.docx

1、人教版新目标九年级上册英语教学案Unit 7 Where would you like to visit人教版新目标九年级上册英语教学案Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? Period 2 Section a 3a-4 2013-11-17 I.学习目标:知识目标:熟练掌握(听说读写):熟练掌握词汇: consider, lively, sight, including, tower, church, underground, wine, translate, light, 了解以下词汇的语音,语义: in general, touristy, Spot

2、light, convenient, general, pack.熟练掌握并运用目标功能句:1. Why not consider visiting Paris?2. Paris is the capital of France, and is one of the liveliest cities in Europe.3. Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money.4. So unless you speak French yourself , its best to travel with someone who can

3、translate things for you. 技能目标:通过阅读“Travel spotlight: Paris”,能够以旅游为话题熟练地进行对话练习。 II.情感态度与价值观: 提高学生的合作能力,让学生对未来充满信心,同时了解世界各地风情、文化,开拓视野。重 点:熟练掌握关键词汇和目标功能句难 点:能正确运用目标语言谈论想去的地方。教 法:“自学-释疑-达标”模式下的:1、任务型教学法 2、自主探究、合作导学教 具:多媒体 (multi-media)课 型:读说课 (reading-speaking)课 时:第二课时(Period 2)教 学 过 程学 案教师活动(含学法指导)学 生

4、 活 动设 计 意 图一、课前预习中国有许多名胜古迹,你知道多少?你认为这些地方怎么样?你想去哪里?为什么?如:A: What do you think of ?B:Its relaxing/exciting/touristyA: Where would you like to visit?B: Id like to visitA: What do you like about the city?B: Its beautiful and it has a lot of wonderful sights /II.你了解以下城市吗?(请简单的用英语描述一下)Hong kong:_Mexico Ci

5、ty:_New York:_Sydney:_Paris:_.通过预习谈谈你的疑惑:_二课堂展示与释疑:Before reading 模块一:自学展示:(结合课前预习、)任务1:work in pairs: A: What do you think of ?B:Its relaxing/exciting/touristy任务II: Free Talk: (接龙比赛) A: Where would you like to visit?B: Id like to visitA: Why? B: Its beautiful and it has a lot of wonderful sights /模

6、块二:情景体验:While reading 模块1. Skimming(速读):默声速读文章并回答:Whats the topic sentence?Are there many fantastic sights in Paris? What are they?模块2. Scanning(找读): 完成下面任务仔细阅读短文,Fill in the chart. 对短文进行内容梳理,ParisFeatureParis is the_of France. Its one of the_cities in Europe.SightsIt has some_TransportationTravelin

7、g by _ can cost a lot of money.Its best to take the_train.Cost is quite an _place._is not expensive.LanguageIts best to travel with someone who can_ for you.模块3. Reading up(研读) 知识探究 (1)自主学习: 自学释义,找出重难点。(2)合作探究: 对所学知识存在的问题进行解疑 , 讨论交流。(3)观察与思考:1. consider Why not consider visiting Paris? 为什么不考虑去巴黎呢?归纳

8、拓展 consider 意为_,后接名词、代词、动名词。 consider doing sth. 考虑做某事。即学即用1:( )Im considering _ my job, Ill call and tell you about it in a few days.A. to change B. changing C. changed D. changeThey are (考虑) setting up a new school for the poor children归纳拓展would like 意为_,相当于want。但would like常用于口语,语气较委婉。would 常缩写为d。

9、(I wouldId; he wouldhed 等)相关句型:would like sth.想要某物would like to do sth. 想要做某事would like sb. to do sth. 希望/想要某人做某事一般疑问句式:Would you like some.? 的肯定回答为_. 否定回答为_Would you like/love to(do).? 肯定回答一般为_也可用Yes, please; All right; Yes; OK等。否定回答一般为Id love/like to, but./Im afraid not./.即学即用 ( )Would you like to

10、 take a vacation with us next summer? _, but I must do my work first. A. OK, please B. Good idea C. Yes, Id love D. Yes, Id like to I would like _(go) to Beijing. He woul d like me _(help)him with English.模块4.跟读录音,熟读3a听一听,看谁读得准!模块5.复述短文:学以致用:After reading Group workTask:Make a survey: Students nameP

11、laces they would like to go ReasonsThen report like this: Li Hua would like to visit Beijing. Beijing is very beautiful, It has many places of interest. Its famous for the Great Wall三. 课堂总结:From this lesson I have learnt:(知识、能力、方法) _ 我还有哪些疑惑_四. Homework: 配套练习册 P43 的全部练习题。当堂达标测试一: 根据首字母和句意填空。1 A bicy

12、cle is often far more c_ than a car in busy cities.2 In western countries people usually hold a wedding in a c_.3 Can you t_ the word into Chinese?4 I like all the subjects, _(包括) P.E. and art.二:单项选择。1 Why not consider _ Kunming for your next vacation?A. visiting B. to visit C. visited D. visits2.Pe

13、ter _ 100 yuan for his jacket.A. cost B. took C.paid D.spent3. Its best _ with someone who can speak English B. to travel C, traveling D. traveled4.Isnt it supposed _ very hot?A. be B. to be C. being D. to being三:用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Why not _(go) to the movies? 2.How many _(church) are ther

14、e in the city?3.Every year lots of _(tour) come to visit the Great Wall.走进中考:Why not join us in the game, Nance?(2008 厦门)-_. But I have to do the dishes first.A.Yes.please. B.Id love to. C.Lets goUsually people in Japan and Korea _ when they meet for the first time. 2008 浙江宁波A.are supposed to kiss B

15、.are supposed to bow C.uppose to kiss D.suppose to bow 1、 Ask and answer the questions. 2、Guide the students to learn and ask the students to talk about many places of interest.3、let Ss talk about many places of interest. like Hong kong/ Mexico City/ New York /Sydney/ ParisLets read 3a and find out

16、some information.First, read as quickly as you can, then tell : “Whats the topic sentence?” 5. read carefully, and finish the task: 学法指导:Reading strategy:While you are reading, if you just want to find out some information. Scanning is a good way to make it quickly if you want to learn about some de

17、tails. You neednt read the sentences one by one.6、Ask the students to read up and find out the difficult points by themselves. If Ss cant understand them ,the teacher help them to solve the difficulties.7、检查答案,必要时给以知识点拨。8、播放录音,强化话题句的跟读。 9.试着复述课文,并在小组内交流。10、Guide the students 引导学生初步运用功能句谈论想去的地方,并简单阐述

18、原因。11、要求学生以最快的速度,完成调查与报告:建议所用时间5分钟互评时间展示3分钟。12 ,13老师点拨、补充14、老师观察、巡视学生做题情况。聆听学生展示答案,必要时给予核对点拨。建议所用时间45分钟1、Talk about the Pictures.2、Have a match in groups. 3.Free talk:4.Ask Ss to read in silence ququickly.5.Scan the passage and fill in the card to get in more formation in reading.快速浏览文章,找出关键信息。6、(1)

19、自主学习: 独学释义,找出重难点。(2)合作探究: 让学生相互解疑 , 讨论交流。(3)观察比较, 进行知识反馈。Ss finish the exercise7.Check the answers in groups.8、对照课文,认真模仿,力求读准音。9、朗读并复述。10. 在循序渐进的学习中,通过观察与思考,层层深入,进而达到水到渠成的写作效果。11、组员间调查,小组内交流并组织好如何报告。12、Ss make a surveyThen rerort in pairs.13同伴互相调查。每组选出一对优秀搭档,在班内展示。13、学生概况、总结。14当堂完成达标题。15.叫三位不同层次的学生在

20、黑板上达标16、小组成员共同核对答案。、1、这一部分承上启下。既是上一堂课的复习,又是话题延伸以旧带新,为学习新内容作铺垫和过渡。2、通过学生自学查找相关知识,自觉过渡到新内容,为课上的阅读扫除障碍,降低学习难度,调动学生的学习积极性。3.调动学生有针对性地合作自学创设情境,在比赛中自学展示同时导入新课,启发学生思维。同时调动学生的积极性。预设情境,训练学生语言表达能力。4、Let the Ss get to know the keyinformation.5、Practice reading using the reading strategy.这一环节为课文复述做了铺垫。由简单到复杂,由易

21、到难,循序渐进。6、To master the language knowledge积累语言知识,为“说”做准备。7、检查学习效果,增强学习信心。8、训练学生的朗读能力,培养语感。9、 Train students oral ability using the targetlanguage.10、Learning by doingput knowledge into practiceAnd train the Spoken ability of the students.11.学以致用,提高学生的语言实践能力。新课程理念强调课堂小社会,生活大课堂,课堂生活化,生活即课堂。12、加强学法指导,渗

22、透情感教育,增强交际意识。13、发挥老师的引导、指导、监督作用,以人为本,面向全体学生充分调动学生的学习积极性。14、检查本课技能目标的落实情况,检测学习效果。六、板书设计: Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? Section B 3a-4 Period41What do you think of ? It is great/boring/ interesting/exciting/very good/educational Did you have fun camping?Im sorry you didnt have fun on your day

23、off. 七、教学反思:本节课以培养学生综合语用能力为指导思想,以话题为主线,层层递进设置任务链,导入呈现说读体验;词句对话分组活动创造性运用;感知体验理解巩固升华,由易到难,先读后说,先输入后输出, 循序渐进地深化教学内容。运用我校自学释疑达标的模式,以比赛的形式,激发学生学习兴趣,倡导学生“主动参与,合作交流,乐于探究”的学习方式,寓读说寓语言实践活动中,实现了“用中学,学中用”learning by doing 用语言做事的最终目的。但也存在不足:在这堂读说课教学过程中,尽管所有的情境和问题都能激发学生的兴趣和动机,培养学生的探索能力和合作意识,但是忽略了分层教学原则,课堂设计中应该设计

24、部分适合基础差的学生,让这部分学生在学习中以此而能展示自我,从而不当学习的看客!八 课后练习精编设计意图 Unit7 提高练习题. 单项选择(15分) 选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( ) 1. I sat by the window and enjoyed the outside.A. trips B. sights C. findings D. lyrics( ) 2. Where would you like to go vacation? Well, I hope to visit Paris.A. to B. in C. on D. at( ) 3. My English teach

25、er has a strange way of making his class and interesting.A. boring B. convenient C. peaceful D. lively( ) 4. She has so much to do besides translating the article. A. other B. else C. another D. others( ) 5. Would you love to go ? Sure, Id love to. A. interesting anything B. anything interesting C.

26、interesting somewhere D. somewhere interesting( ) 6. Paris is very big. Youd better _ the city by subway. A. get up B. get around C. get on D. get off ( ) 7. Its best _ Australia in summer.A. visiting B. to visit C. visit D. visited( ) 8.I hear _ students in your class like hiking on weekends. Yes,

27、you are right. Exercise is good for us. A. quite a bit B. a quite bit C. a few quite D. quite a few ( ) 9 Have you ever been to Qufu? Yes. I went there last year. Its a very _ place. A. educational B. dangerous C. difficult D. delicious( )10. Some robots are _ to do the same things _ people.A. enoug

28、h smart; as B. enough smart; withC. smart enough; as D. smart enough; with( ) 11. Shopping with me? Sorry. I have a lot of clothes _. A. to wash B. washed C. wash D. to be washed( ) 12. I hope Tina _ to my birthday party next Wednesday. A. to come B. come C. came D. will come ( ) 13. Tom, where is the restaurant _ you often g

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