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1、英语同义词汇总abandon ,give up 放弃abide by ,stick to 坚持,遵循abide by ,adhere to 服从,遵守abnormal ,unusual 不平常的,反常 abrupt ,sudden 突然的 abundant ,plentiful 丰富的,大量的accelerate,step up 加速、加快account for, explain 解释accumulate, collect 积累、积聚accumulate, gather 聚集accuse of , charge with 指控犯罪achieve, attain 努力、获取adverse, un

2、favorable 不利的、负面的advisable, wise 明智的、可取的aim, goal 目标、目的alleviate, lessen 减轻、缓解allocate, assign 委派任命allocate, distribute 分发、分配alternative, choice 选择annoying, irritating 使人厌烦的anyhow, anyway 无论、不管appalling, dreadful,terrible 可怕的arouse, excite 刺激、激怒assemble, gather 聚集assert, state firmly 声称、宣称astonish,

3、surprise 使惊讶,吃惊at once, immediately 立刻、马上at stake, in danger 处于危险中attend, go to 参加attend to, wait on 服务、招待、伺候authentically, genuinely 真正的authority, government 当局、政府ban, forbid 禁止barren, bare 贫瘠的be bordering on, be close to接近于,几乎be hailed as, be acclaimed as 被称赞/赞誉为bearing, influence 关系、影响behavior, c

4、onduct 行为、举止boom, successful 成功branch, division 分支机构brave, courageous 勇敢的break, beat 打破call, phone 打电话call up, telephone 打电话call off , cancel 停止、取消capability, ability 能力capture, catch(caught) 捕捉cater for, meet 满足、迎合census, count, 人口普查cheerful, pleasant, 高兴、愉快的childish, immature, 幼稚、不成熟的collaborate,

5、cooperate, 合作、协作collide with, run into, 撞上,碰撞compel, force, 强迫、迫使compiled(compily) ,write, written 编辑complain, feel unhappy, 抱怨,不高兴complete, finish, 完成comprehend, understand, 理解concise, short and clear, 简明的confidential, secret, 秘密的concrete,real 真实的conscientious, careful, 仔细的consolidate, strengthen,

6、巩固、增强consume, use, 消费、使用contaminate, pollute, 污染contend, argue, 争辩、主张conversation, talk, 谈话convert, change, 兑换conviction, belief, courteous, respectful, 有礼貌的coverage, reportage, 新闻报道credible, convincing, 可信的cultivate, develop 培育发展cut in, interrupt, 打断、插话,damaging, harmful, 有害的deadly, fatal, 致命的debat

7、e, discuss, 讨论、辩论decent, honest, good 诚实的deduce, derive, 推导 演绎deliberately, intentionally, 故意地demolish, pull down, 拆毁, 毁掉demolish, disprove 反对 densely, compactly, 紧凑地depict, describe, 描绘、描述desirable, satisfactory, 满意的deter, inhibit, 阻止、抑制diligent, hardworking, 勤奋的dimly, faintly, 昏暗地disorder, confusi

8、on, 无序、混乱diverse, vary, 多种多样do away with, get rid of , 拆除、除掉draft, formulate, 起草、制定draw, attract, 吸引duplicate, copy, 复制、复印effect, result, 影响,后果eligible, entitled, 有资格的eligible, qualified, 有资格的embody, include, 包含、包括end,stop 结束 endeavor to, try to, 想方设法eternal, everlasting, 没有尽头的eventually, finally, 最

9、后exhaustive, extremely thorough, 详尽的exhibit, show, 表现、展示explore, investigate, 探讨、调查extinction, dying out, 灭绝、死光extract, take out, 拔出、取出fascinate,intrigue,wonderful 产生兴趣faulty, wrong, 错误的final, last, 最后的find faults with, criticize, 挑错、指责fire, dismiss, 解雇for love or money, at any price, 无论如何for the mo

10、st part, mostly, 大多数foster, cultivate, 培养、培育funny, humorous 幽默的 framework, skeleton, 基本结构gain, put on , 增加gain, profit, 获利gangster, violent criminal, 匪徒、歹徒gather, come together, 集合get up, arise, 起床gorgeous, magnificent, 好看的grasp, take hold of, 抓住grateful, thankful, 感激、感谢的graceful, polite 有礼貌的guarant

11、ee, ensure, 确保,保证harness, utilize, 利用hazard, danger , 危险horrify, terrify, 使害怕identify, name, recognized 认出,说出immediately, right away, 立刻、马上immense, enormous, great 巨大的improved, better, 改进的in conjunction with, together with, 共同in distress, in danger, 处于危险中inevitable, certain, 不可避免的ingenious, clever,

12、精巧的initial, beginning, 开始的insane, crazy, 疯狂的insist on, demand, 坚持要求invaluable, extremely useful, 无价的investigate, look into, 研究isolated, solitary, 孤独的last, past, 过去的lately, recently, 最近、近来lawful, legal, 合法的let, rent, 出租lethal, deadly, 致命的limited, small, 有限的look for, try to find, 寻找lure, attraction, 吸

13、引、诱惑maked, clear,clean 显著的magnificent, splendid, 宏伟壮观的make up ones mind, decide, 下定决心manual, physical, 身体的massive, extensive, 大量的merge, combine 融合mighty, very strong, 汹涌澎湃的mildly, gently, 温和地和蔼地minute, slight, 细小的细微的miss, avoid 躲避mock, laugh at, 取笑、嘲笑motive, reason, 动机,理由moving, stirring, 感动人的neares

14、t, closest to, 离最近notably, particularly, 特别是、尤其地now and then, occasionally, 偶尔有时numerous, many, 许多的obscure from view, preventfrom view, 遮obvious, clear, 显而易见occasionally, sometimes, 偶尔、有时occur, happen, 发生odd, strange, 奇怪的 omit to do sth, fail to do sth, 未能做某事operative, working, 起作用的orthodox, convent

15、ional, 正统的、传统的outcome, result, 结局、结果outrageous, unacceptable, 残暴的overtake, pass, 超过participate in, take part in, 参加particularly, especially, 特别、尤其perceive, notice, 留意、觉察permit, allow, 允许persist, continue, 持续phase, stage, 阶段、时期physician, doctor, (内科)医生plane, aircraft, 飞机poorly, inadequately, 不足地、贫乏地p

16、orcelain, china, 瓷器possess, own, 拥有、占有postulate, assume, 假定、设定practically, almost, 几乎preserve, keep, 保存pressing, urgent, 紧迫的previously, before, 以前、先前principal main 主要的principal organizer, planner, 组织者prior to, before, 在之前probe, explore, 探测、研究profound, deep 深深的promotion, advancetment 推动propose, sugge

17、st, 建议provoke, elicit, 引发、诱发put up with, tolerate 忍受pull up, stop, 停下puzzle, mystery, 神秘、奥秘a quarter of, a fourth of, 四分之一quit, give up, 放弃、戒除rarely, seldom, 很少readily, willingly, 乐意地realize, know, 了解、知道realize, fulfill, 实现recommend, suggest, 建议、要求regardless of, whatever, 不论,不管regret, sorry, 对感到懊悔re

18、gulate, control, 调整、控制rely on, depend on, 依靠, remedy, cure, 治疗、治愈remove, take off, 脱掉resentment,anger,surprise 生气resident, occupant, 居民restrain, prevent, 阻止restrict, confine, limit 局限,限制risk, danger, 危险,风险rough, difficult 困难的safe, secure, 安全的satisfactorily, acceptably, 令人满意地scared, frightened, 恐惧的sc

19、atter, separate, 分散、散开scene, location, 地点sensational, exciting, 令人激动的settle, solve, 解决set up, establish 建立severe, hard, 艰苦、艰辛的habby, unfair, 不公正的shine, polish, 发光、擦亮shock, surprise, 震惊,使惊讶shrink, contract, 收缩sketch, outline, 概述,略述sole, only, 唯一的space, room, 空间spare, extra, 多余的spectrum, range, 范围、领域s

20、peed, velocity, 速度spur, encourage, 刺激、激励stand to reason, seem logical, 合理的standpoint, point of view, 立场、观点steadily, continuously, 持续地stroll, walk, 散步subject, topic, 主旨、主题substantial, significant, 实质的重大的summit, top of the mountain 山顶take into consideration, take into account, talk over, discuss, 讨论、谈

21、论terminate, put an end to, 结束the remainder, the rest, 剩余部分tolerate, put up with, bear 忍受、忍耐touching, moving, 感人的tough, strong, 强壮的turmoil, confusion 骚乱tremble, shake, 颤抖、发抖try, test, 尝试turn out, produce, 生产,制造typical, characteristic, 典型的uncertainty, doubt, 怀疑、不确定uneasy, anxious, 不安的忧虑的urge, advise,

22、敦促、建议utterly, totally, 完全地、彻底地vague, imprecise,unclear 不确切的vanish, disappear, 消失vigorous, healthy, energentic有活力的virtually, almost, 几乎while, when, 当的时候wholesome, healthy, 健康的widen, broaden, 变宽、加宽without bias, fairly, 公平地wreck, damage, 毁坏、破坏yield, harvest , 收成、产量1 Captain Cook Arrow LegendIt was a gr

23、eat legend while it lasted, but DNA testing has finally ended a two-century-old story of the Hawaiian arrow carved from the bone of British explorer Captain James Cook who died in the Sandwich Islands in 1779.“There is no Cook in the Australian Museum,” museum collection manager Jude Philip said not

24、 long ago in announcing the DNA evidence that the arrow was not made of Cooks bone. But that will not stop the museum from continuing to display the arrow in its exhibition, “Uncovered: Treasures of the Australian Museum,” which does include a feather cape presented to Cook by Hawaiian King Kalaniop

25、uu in 1778.Cook was one of Britains great explorers and is credited with discovering the “Great South Land,” now Australia, in 1770. He was clubbed to death in the Sandwich Islands, now Hawaii.The legend of Cooks arrow began in 1824 when Hawaiian King Kamehameha on his deathbed gave the arrow to Wil

26、liam Adams, a London surgeon and relative of Cooks wife, saying it was made of Cooks bone after the fatal fight with islanders.In the 1890s the arrow was given to the Australian Museum and the legend continued until it came face-to-face with science.DNA testing by laboratories in Australia and New Z

27、ealand revealed the arrow was not made of Cooks bone but was more likely made of animal bone, said Philp.However, Cooks fans refuse to give up hope that one Cook legend will prove true and that part of his remains will still be uncovered, as they say there is evidence not all of Cooks body was burie

28、d at sea in 1779. “On this occasion technology has won,” said Cliff Thornton, president of the Captain Cook Society, in a statement from Britain. “But I am sure that one of these of the Cook legends will prove to be true and it will happen one day.” 2 Avalanche and Its Safety An avalanche i

29、s a sudden and rapid flow of snow, often mixed with air and water, down a mountainside. Avalanches are among the biggest dangers in the mountains for both life and property. All avalanches are caused by an over=burden of material, typically snowpack, that is too massive and unstable for the slope th

30、at supports it. Determining the critical load, the amount of over-burden which is likely to cause an avalanche, is a complex task involving the evaluation of a number of factors. Terrain slopes flatter than 25 degrees or steeper than 60 degrees typically have a low risk of avalanche. Snow does not g

31、ather significantly on steep slopes; also, snow does not flow easily on fiat slopes. Human-triggered avalanches have the greatest incidence when the snows angle of rest is between 35 and 45 degrees; the critical angle, the angle at which the human incidence of avalanches is greatest, is 38 degrees. The rule of thumb is: A slope that is flat enough to hold snow but steep enough to ski has t

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