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1、英语学习阅读材料A4打印版 190214别用恶意去揣测世界的爱心In the days when an ice creamsundaecost much less, a 10 year old boy entered a hotel coffee shop andsatat a table. A waitress put a glass of water in front of him.在冰淇淋圣代还很便宜的年代,一个10岁的小男孩走进一家酒店的咖啡厅,在一张桌子旁坐了下来。一名服务员在他面前放了一杯水。“How much is an ice cream sundae?”“一个冰淇淋圣代多少钱

2、?”“50 cents,” replied the waitress.“50美分,”服务员回答道。The little boy pulled his hand out of his pocket and studied a number of coins in it.小男孩从口袋里拿出手来,仔细地数了一下手里的硬币。“How much is a dish of plain ice cream?” he inquired. Some people were now waiting for a table and the waitress was a bitimpatient.”“一碟原味冰淇淋多

3、少钱?”他问道。这时候有一些人正在候位,服务员有些不耐烦了。“35 cents,” she saidbrusquely.“35美分。”她粗鲁地回复道。The little boy again counted the coins. “Ill have the plain ice cream,” he said.小男孩又数了一遍硬币。“我要一份原味冰淇淋。”他说。The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on the table and walked away. The boy finished the ice cream, paid the

4、 cashier and departed.服务员拿来冰淇淋,把账单放到桌上后就走开了。小男孩吃完冰淇淋,付了钱,然后离开了。When the waitress came back, she began wiping down the table and then swallowed hard at what she saw.当服务员回来的时候,他开始擦桌子,然后她被自己看到的一切哽住了。There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were 15 cents her tip.在那里的空碟子下面整齐地放着15美分她的小费=圣雄甘地的十句改变世界的名言:

5、爱是勇者的特权Are youinspiredby Mahatma Gandhi? Gandhi quotes inspired millions of Indians to act in non-violentprotestagainst Britishoppression. His own wisdom andphilosophycan always inspire us. Here are the Gandhis Top 10 inspirational quotes that give you power to change the world.你是否曾受到过圣雄甘地的启发?甘地激励了上

6、百万印度人民以非暴力抵抗运动反对英国的殖民统治。一直以来,甘地都在以他的智慧和哲学理念影响着我们。以下是甘地所说过的最鼓舞人心的10句名言,希望这些句子能带给你改变世界的力量。1.First theyignoreyou. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.1.他们先是无视你,再来是嘲笑你,接着他们与你战斗,最后你赢了。2.The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is theattributeof the strong.2.软弱的人不懂得原谅。原谅是强大的表现。3.Happi

7、ness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are inharmony.3.幸福就是你的所想、所说和所做的和谐统一。4.A Noutteredfrom the deepestconvictionis better than a Yesmerelyuttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.4.从内心深处发出的一声“不”,要好过于为了取悦甚至是为了避免麻烦而说出的一声“是”。5.Acowardisincapableof exhibiting love; it is thepr

8、erogativeof the brave.5.懦夫没有能力去表现爱;爱是勇者的特权。6.A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.6.人是思想的产物。心里想的是什么,就会变成什么样的人。7.A nations cultureresidesin the hearts and in the soul of its people.7.国家的文化蕴藏在其人民的内心和灵魂之中。8.Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Alwa

9、ys aim atpurifyingyour thoughts and everything will be well.8.时刻致力于思想、语言和行为的完全和谐。时刻致力于净化你的思想,这样一切就都会好起来的。9.An error does not become truth by reason of multipliedpropagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.9.谬误不会因为千百遍地传播就变成真理;同样,真理也不会因为无人所知就变成谬误。10.An ounce of practice is worth mo

10、re than tons ofpreaching.10.再微小的实践也远胜于再繁多的说教=心之所向 路之所往:没有比心更真实的地方1. Its also very helpful to realize that this very body that we have, with its aches and its pleasures,is exactly what we need to be fully human.1. 如果能意识到正是我们现在可疼痛可欢愉的身体,让我们成为了完整的人,那是很有用的。2. Theinwardjourney is about finding your own f

11、ullness, something that no one else can take away.2. 所谓内心的旅程就是要找到自己的满足感,这是谁也无法从你身上带走的东西。3. Thats what I consider truegenerosity. You give your all, and yet you feel as if it costs your nothing.3. 我认为真正的慷慨是:你奉献了所有,但仍觉得你没有任何损失。4. Feelinggratefulto orappreciativeof someone or something in your life act

12、ually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life.4. 对生活中人事的感激或欣赏,实际上会带来更多你欣赏和有价值的事。5. Themiracleof gratitude is that it shifts youperceptionto such an extent that it changes the world you see.5. 感恩的神奇之处在于,它将你的视角转换,改变了你看到的世界。6. All things are lessons God would have you l

13、earn, and the best students get the hardest tests.6. 所有事都是上帝希望你学习的课程,最优秀的学生会面临最困难的测试。7. Life should be touched, notstrangled. Youve got to relax, let it happen at times.7. 你需要感受生活,而不是在生活中苦苦挣扎。你需要休息,有时顺其自然就很好。8. What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within

14、 us.8. 和在我们心中的事相比,过去和未来都不是特别重要。9. Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other.9. 感激是人们可以为他人做的最简单却也是最有力量的事。10. We need to learn how to steer by our innercompassand trust it more than we ever have before.10. 我们需要知道如何依照内心的方向前行,并比以往更相信内心的方向=貌美如花的人变老是什么感

15、觉?How does it feel to once be extremely gorgeous and pretty, grow old, and now no one pays attention to you?曾经貌美如花、沉鱼落雁,却慢慢老去,直到现在没人愿意看你一眼是什么感觉?获得3.4k好评的回答Jill E Griffin:I dont know about extremely gorgeous”, but when I was younger I was often asked to model.我不知道什么算“貌美如花”,但我年轻时常被叫去当模特。Im 53 now, and

16、 no one asks me to model anymore. Its ok. It is what it is.现在我53岁,没人再叫我去当模特了。没关系,这就是现实。Sure, Id prefer the wrinkles go away. Id love be to be 110# no matter what I eat again, and I do miss that long, blond, shiny hairbut wishing for something that was, but no longer is,thats a recipe for unhappiness

17、.当然我想让皱纹都消失不见,我想再回到怎么吃体重都是110磅的日子,我真怀念那时长长的金色秀发,但期望那些一去不复回的东西真是自寻烦恼。It just is what it is.这就是现实。I am glad for the years though. The wisdom that comes with experience is priceless, and something the younger generations just cant understand.过去的这些年我很开心,阅历带给我的智慧是无价之宝,也是年轻一代不会懂的。获得624好评的回答Beth Ann:Just a

18、bout everyone becomes less attractive as they age.几乎每个人的容颜都会随着年龄的增长而老去。I am experiencing that myself.I used to like to look at myself in the mirror and in pictures.I got a lot of attention from both sexes because of my appearance.我自己现在正经历着这些,我过去喜欢看镜子和照片里的自己,因为我的外表无论男女都会投来目光。Im now middle aged, sligh

19、tly overweight, and really nothing special to look at.现在我人到中年,稍胖,也真的没什么特殊之处可看了。But my self-worth is derived from what I do for people, how I care for my friends and family, and what I am capable of doing.但我的自身价值也从为他人所做的事、对朋友和家人的关心照顾以及我自己的能力中得到了体现。获得25.6k好评的回答Annette Blankenship:It feels like wearing

20、 acloakof invisibility.那感觉就像穿了隐形斗篷。When I was in my 20s and 30s, I had an excellent figure (36-23-35), and was considered beautiful by many people.我二三十岁时身材很好(36-23-35),很多人都说我很漂亮。I was used to mens heads swiveling when I walked by, and people watching when I crossed the room.我习惯了走过男人身边时的回头率,穿过房间时人们投来

21、的目光。Time and health problems have taken their toll; but you know what-when someone likes me-I know they like me for who I am inside-not as a pretty doll-like individual that many did not want to bother to get to know, beyond the decorative factor.时间和健康问题都在摧残着我的容颜,但你知道吗?现在有人喜欢我时,我知道他们喜欢的是我的内在,而不是很多人除

22、了外表都不想费心去了解的漂亮“洋娃娃”。获得1.2k好评的回答Michelle Morehouse:A co-worker and I were discussing marriage vs raising children as a single mom, the difficulty in dating again and other things surrounding my life at the time.同事和我正讨论是该结婚还是做一个单亲妈妈独自带娃、再去约会的困难,还有当时我生活中的其他事情。I told her I just wasnt feeling like seriou

23、sly dating anyone yet.我告诉她我没有再认真约会的心情了。She got quiet for a while and then told me that I “really should enjoy being young because one day you will wake up and you will have become truly invisible”.她沉默了一会儿,然后告诉我“真该好好享受年轻的时光,因为有一天醒来会发现真是没人会看你了。I was 38 at the time. She was nearing retirement and said

24、a man hadnt looked at her that way in 15 years, except her husband of course.我当时38岁,她要退休了,她说有15年没有男人那样看过她了,当然除了她丈夫。She said it literally occurred to her one day.她说这其实就是一夜之间的事。Its not just about age either, 20 extra pounds can have the same effect as 20 years of aging. Men you would normally expect t

25、o at least glance your direction just dont.这当然不只是年龄的问题,超重20磅就相当于老了20岁,你本来以为至少会瞥你一眼的男人都不再看你了。When my son was a teen he would become so annoyed when men would look at me that I would have to send him to fetch something across the grocery store, or leave him in the car. He becamehyperaware.我儿子10多岁的时候有男

26、人看我他会很生气,我就得叫他去杂货店里别的地方拿点东西,或者把他留在车里,他变得特别敏感。Now, in my forties, I am noticing the decline in attention that I had previously completely ignored.现在我四十多岁了,我注意到回头率的下降,这种回头率以前我都视而不见的。I dont think I bothered to really “enjoy being young” as Sue had suggested.我觉着我没有像Sue建议我的那样费心去真正享受“年轻的时光”。=成功就在脚下:揭开成功人士

27、的18个成功秘诀Success doesnt come with aninstructionmanual. Instead, theres a lot of trying, failing, and constantly struggling. Success did not come to them in thethunderclapsof theirEureka! moments. Talent was just the beginning . their progress toward their goals was furthered by their fierce dedicatio

28、n to the day-to-day struggle for achievement.成功没有附带说明书。相反,成功需要很多的尝试、失败,并不断的奋斗。对于成功者而言,成功并不是突然发生的。天资是第一点他们向目标前进的过程中更重要,成功的人每天都为了成就而努力奋斗。1. When you try to emulate someone successful, you end up with a second-rate version of it.当你尝试着模仿别人的成功,你会以其二流版本结束。2.You cant always change your conditions, but you

29、can always change the way you deal with them.你不可以改变现状,但你可以改变你和别人交流的方式。3. If everyone else thinks your idea isridiculous, then you have no competition, and higher potential rewards.如果其他人都认为你的想法很荒谬,那你就没有竞争了,而且之后会有更高的潜在回报。4. Keep being kind even when things are at their worst.即使事情处于最坏的情况,仍然要善待它。5. You

30、cant influence people unless theygenuinelylike you.除非别人真心喜欢你,不然你无法影响他们。6. Being bland wont engage anyone. Flaws are often the mostcompellingthing about someone.平庸不会吸引任何人。缺陷往往会引人注目。7. You cant create or believe in your companys core values until you figure out your own.在发现自己的价值观前,你不能创造或者相信你公司的核心价值观。8

31、. Swing big. Otherwise, its not worth peoples time, and it usually ends up working out.做出大的改变。不然,它不值得花时间对待,而且通常最后会把你消磨殆尽。9. Never count yourself out, no matter howintimidatingtheopponent.不管对手如何凶猛,不要对自己丧失信心。10. Be open to strange and sometimesirrationalassociations.能够接受奇怪的,甚至有时不合理的联想。11. You cant succeed unless youre willing to put everything youve got into it.把你的全部投进去,不然你不能成功。12. You cant turn a side project into something amazing. You have tocommit.你必须承认,你无法把一个不重要的项目做得很出彩。13. Staying the course and pretending things are normal is the

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