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1、鲁教版英语五四制七年级下册Unit6教学资料总汇Unit6 教学资料总汇一、学习目标:1. 了解并掌握条件状语从句中用一般现在时表达将来意味的用法;2. 进一步巩固will将来时态并区别使用be doing表达将来意味的用法;3. 一些词组的用法。二、学习重点难点:1. 条件状语从句中的“主将从现”现象,即主句为将来时态时,它所引导的条件状语从句使用一般现在时表达将来的意味,这时主句和从句所表达的时态在意义上仍然保持一致。例如:If he goes to England, he will have to learn English. 如果他要去英格兰,他将不得不学英语。If it is fin

2、e tomorrow, we will have a picnic somewhere. 如果明天天气好,我们就到什么地方野餐去。这里if所引导的是真实条件句(real conditional),即所假设的条件有可能成为现实,表达假定所假设的条件实现时会出现的情况或会采取的行为。有时,我们可以使用并列结构的祈使句来表达这种类型的条件句。例如:If you set your alarm clock, you wont oversleep. 如果你上闹钟,你就不会睡过头了。Set your alarm clock, and you wont oversleep.If you give him an

3、 inch, he will take a mile. 他会得寸进尺。Give him an inch, and he will take a mile.If you dont give him some food, he will starve. 如果你不给他一点吃的,他就会饿死。Give him some food, or/else he will starve.在阅读英文文章时,我们有可能看到这样的句子:If my father will give me permission, I shall spend a few months abroad. 如果我父亲同意,我将在国外待几个月。If

4、 you will take the trouble to read his letter carefully, you will see what he means. 如果你肯花一些时间来认真读他的信,你就会明白 他是什么意思了。在if-分句中中用“will动词原形”并不单纯表示将来意义,这里的will是个表示“意愿”的情态动词,相当于be willing to(愿意)。要注意这种带“will动词原形”的if-分句在某些场合是不可以随便用的,比如我们可以说:If he gets my letter in time, hell be able to change his plans. 如果他及

5、时收到我的信,他就能改变他的计划。却不可以说成:If he will get my letter in time, hell be able to change his plans.另外,在if-分句中还可能使用“would动词原形”的结构,这种用法还是表示“意愿”,常用于表示客气的请求,这时主句动词既可以用will/ shall动词原形,也可以用would/ should/ could/ might动词原形。例如:If you would try Italian food, you would like it. 如果你愿意尝尝意大利食物,你会喜欢它的。If you would reserve

6、 the seats, we would be sure of a comfortable journey. 如果你愿意订座,我们将肯定会有一个舒适的旅程。2. bedoing形式: 用现在进行时态表达将来意味,主要意义是表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作,常用于位置转移的动词,如go,come,leave,start,arrive等,也可用于其它动态动词。例如:The president is coming to the UN this week. 总统这周将到联合国来。We are moving to a different hotel the day after tomorrow. 我们后天

7、将换一家宾馆。在现在英语中,有相当多的动态动词都可以用现在进行时表示将来。例如:Dinner is ready. Were having fish for dinner. 晚饭好了,今晚我们吃鱼。Im spending my holidays in Singapore this year. 今年我要去新加坡度假。Tom isnt finishing his high school until next year. 汤姆明年才高中毕业。3. remind someone (of something), remind someone that . “提醒某人(某事)”,“使某人想起(某事)”例如:

8、If I forget, please remind me. 如果我忘了,请提醒我。 Please remind me that I must call him up before noon. 请提醒我中午之前给他打电话。 The film reminded him of what he had seen in Paris. 这影片使他想起了他在巴黎所见到的情景。4. let in “放进”,“招致(灾害等)” let out “放掉”,“泄露” 例如: Please open the window and let in some fresh air. 请把窗户打开,放点新鲜空气进来。 Don

9、t tell this to Ben. He always lets out our secrets. 不要把这个告诉本,他总是泄露我们的秘密。语言点与词汇词组的用法:1. 在英语里,当句子的主句为将来时态时,它所引导的时间状语从句和条件状语从句都使用一般现在时来表示将来时间,这在英语里被称为“主将从现”。主句的将来时态并不仅限于我们这一课里所学习到的will动词原形构成的一般将来时,还包括be going to动词原形、be doing所表示的一般将来时以及我们以后会学到的其它的将来时态。例如:What is he going to do when he grows up? 他长大了想干什么

10、?We are leaving for Amoy tomorrow if it doesnt rain. 如果明天不下雨,我们就去厦门。We will buy that microwave next week if its price keeps going down. 如果价格持续下降,下个礼拜我们就买那台微波炉。2. take away “拿走”,“使离开”例如:Please take that cat away. I hate animals. 请把那只猫带走。我讨厌动物。What takes you away so early? 为什么你这么早就走?3. spend time away

11、 from family 指“不能和家人一起共度时光”。比较常见的用法是spend time with someone(“和某人一起共度时光”)。 例如: I like to spend time with my friends, just hanging out or reading together. 我爱和朋友一起逛街或读书来打发时间。4. realize “实现”,“意识到” 例如: Work this way, and you will finally realize your dreams. 就这样努力,最终你会实现你的梦想。Suddenly she realized how st

12、upid the mistakes she had made.突然她意识到她犯了多么愚蠢的错误。5. all the time “一直” 例如: Conditions are changing all the time. 情况一直在发生变化。6. look up “向上看”,“好转”,“查找”,“拜访” look up to “尊敬” 例如: Things are looking up. 情况在好转。 You can look up the new word in a dictionary. 你可以在字典里查找生词。 On my way home, I looked him up. 在我回家的

13、路上,我去拜访了他。 Thomas thought Miss. Lee was knowledgeable and looked up to her as his teacher. 汤姆认为李小姐很有学识并且把她尊为自己的老师。单元总结TitleIf you go to the party, youll have a great time!Topic Decision makingFunctions Talk about consequencesStructuresFirst conditionalif +willPresent progressive as futureModal shoul

14、dTarget languageIm going to the dance with Karen and Ann.If you do, youll have a great time.Are you going to the party?Yes, I am. Im going to wear my new jeans.You should wear your cool pants.Vocabularyyoull be late, youll be sorry, youll have a great timetravel around the world, work hard, wear jea

15、nsRecyclingtake the bus, go to college, stay at home, ride my bikesnacks, ice cream, happy, famousLearning StrategiesScanningDeducingWords and Expressions:(n. 名词 adj. 形容词 adv. 副词 v. 动词 prep. 介词 )单词/短语词性词义讲解与例句consequencen.结果;后果consider the consequences 考虑后果jeansn.牛仔裤Lots of students wear jeans nowadays. 现在很多学生穿牛仔裤。organizev.组织;安排Jane organized the party. She asked people to come and bought the food and drinks. 简组织了这个聚会。她请大家参加,并买了食品和饮料。remindv.提醒;使想起Remind me to wri

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