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1、人才盘点会议引导者指南The Talent Review MeetingFacilitators Guide人才盘点会议引导者指南Tools, Templates, Examples and Checklists for Talent and SuccessionPlanning Meetings人才继任计划会议工具、模板、示例及清单Table of ContentsSection One: What Is Talent Management? 1第一章:什么是人才管理?Talent Management-Typical Job Responsibilities 3人才管理 主要的工作职责Ta

2、lent Management Concepts 5人才管理概念Talent Concepts: Similarities And Differences 6人才概念的异同Talent Management Terms 7.人才管理专业术语The Business Need For Talent Management 9人才管理的业务需求Make Informed Talent Decisions And Reduce Risk 10制定明智的人才决策并降低风险Talent Management: A Win-Win For Everyone 12人才管理:双赢模式Keep Your Sale

3、s And Leadership Pipelines Full! 14保持销售及领导力通道饱满!The Leadership Pipeline 16领导力通道Past Performance And Future Potential 18过去绩效与未来潜能Identify Talent Resources To Achieve Business Goals 20识别人才资源以实现业务目标Talent Management Forces 22人才管理推动力Section Two: The Talent Review Meeting 24第二章:人才盘点会议Talent Review Meetin

4、g Best Practices 26人才盘点会议最佳实践More Talent Review Meeting Best Practices 28更多人才盘点会议最佳实践Three Phases Of The Talent Review Meeting Process 30人才盘点会议流程的三个阶段Attributes Of Talent Review Meeting Facilitators 32人才盘点会议引导者的特征Your Role As The Talent Management Project Lead 33作为人才管理项目引导者的角色Establishing Internal T

5、alent Management Policies 35制定内部人才管理政策The Roles Of Your Talen T Review Meeting Partners 37人才盘点会议合作伙伴的角色Working With Human Resource Partners 39与人力资源合作伙伴协作Working With The Meeting Scribe 40与会议记录者协作Working With Business Leaders And Assistants 42与业务领导者及其助理协作Section Three: Planning The Talent Review Meet

6、ing 44第三章:计划人才盘点会议Defining Your Goals 46定义目标Defining Your Talent Review Meeting Scope 47定义人才盘点会议的范围Defining Your Talent Management Timeline 4 9定义人才管理时间表A Sample Annual Talent Review Timeline 50年度人才盘点时间表示例A Sample Multi-Year Talent Management Plan 51多年人才管理计划示例Identify Your Talent Meeting Discussion T

7、opics 5 3明确人才会议讨论主题Sample Talent Meeting Agenda 56人才会议议程示例Sample Meeting Ground Rules 57会议基本规则示例Definitions: What Is A High Potential? 58定义:什么是高潜人才?Definitions: What Is A Successor? 59定义:什么是继任人选?Definitions: What Is A Key Expert? 61定义:什么是核心专家?Begin To Design A Development Program Now 63从现在开始设计发展方案Pl

8、anning The Length And Logistics Of The Meeting 65计划会议的时长和后勤事务Calculating The Length Of The Meeting 67计算会议时长Case Example: Planning A Talent Review Meeting 69案例:计划人才盘点会议Case Example Worksheet 7 0工作表案例A Facilitator Preparation Checklist 71引导者准备清单Section Four: Talent Assessment And Preparation 74第四章:人才测

9、评与准备Talent Assessment Tools 7 5人才测评工具A Tool For Managers: Employee Career Discussions 77管理者工具:员工职业讨论Consistency Is Key 79一致性是关键Defining Talent Assessment Tools 8 1确定人才测评工具Talent Assessment Tools: The Talent Profile 84人才测评工具:人才简介The 9-Box Chart 87九宫格表Position Competency Models 88职位能力模型Career Growth D

10、escriptions 89职业发展描述Identifying Critical Positions 91识别关键职位Talent Assessment: Rating Leadership Competencies 93人才测评:领导能力评级Case Example: Analyzing Leadership Assessment Data 95案例:分析领导力测评数据What System Will You Use? 96将使用什么系统?Talent Management Communication Ideas 97人才管理沟通理念Business Leader Content For C

11、ommunications 98业务领导者沟通内容Sample: A Quick Reference Tool For Business Leaders 99示例:业务领导者快速参考工具Talking Points For Leaders 101领导者讨论要点Preparing The Senior Leader For The Meeting 104使高层领导者做好会议准备Talent Review Meeting Logistics 106人才盘点会议后勤事务Section Five: Facilitating The Talent Review Meeting 108第五章:引导人才盘点

12、会议The Roles Of The Talent Meeting Facilitator 109人才会议引导者的角色Facilitation Tips: Keeping The Meeting On Track 110引导提示:保持会议切题Questioning Techniques For Facilitators 112引导者提问技巧Sample Talent Review Discussion 114人才盘点讨论示例Documenting The Meeting -Scribe Responsibilities 121为会议做记录 记录者职责Scribe Notes Example 1

13、23记录者笔记示例Section Six: After The Talent Review Meeting 125第六章:人才盘点会议结束之后Sample Questions- Post Talent Review Evaluation 126示例问题 后期人才盘点评估Talent Review Meeting Facilitator Feedback Form 128人才盘点会议引导者反馈表High Potential Notification: You Have Choices! 130高潜人才通知:你可以做选择!A Sample Talent Notification Process 1

14、32人才通知流程示例What Do They Need To Know? 133他们需要了解什么?How Do I Develop High Potential Employees? 134如何发展高潜人才员工?Leadership Development Ideas-Be Creative! 135领导力发展观点 具有创造性!Case Example: Making Development Recommendations 136案例:提出发展建议Case Example: Development Recommendation Notes 139案例:发展建议笔记Talent Manageme

15、nt Metrics 140人才管理指标Communicate Your Results 142传达结果Appendix 144附录Talent Management Concepts: Same And Different 145人才管理概念:相同与不同Case Example: Planning A Talent Review Meeting 147案例:计划人才盘点会议Case Example: Analyzing Leadership Assessment Data 149案例:分析领导力测评数据Case Example: Development Recommendation Note

16、s 151案例:发展建议笔记Frequently Asked Questions 153常见问题HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE如何使用本指南The purpose of this book is to provide practical advice, ideas, and tools for individuals who are responsible for leading Talent Review Meetings within their own organization. This book is designed to save you time by provid

17、ing basic checklists and templates for documents to be used before, during and after your Talent Review Meetings. 本指南为组织中负责引导人才管理会议的个人提供实用的建议、 思路及工具, 旨在通过为人 才盘点会议开始前、进行时及结束后的文件提供基本的清单及模板,为你节省时间。Use this book as your planning guide to help you, your team and your Business Leaders to be fully prepared

18、 for the Talent Review Meeting process. Use the information in the book to think through your strategy and processes. Use the checklists to track your action plan progress. Use the templates as a foundation to create your own Talent Review Meeting communications and documents. 使用本指南作为计划指导帮助你、你的团队及业务

19、领导者为人才盘点会议流程做充分的准 备。参考书中信息考量你的策略和流程; 使用清单追踪你的行动计划进度; 以模板为基础建 立你自己的人才盘点沟通及文件。This book does not provide legal advice. Readers are advised to work with professional legal counsel to review and approve all talent assessment, succession planning, and leadership development strategic plans, processes and

20、 programs created, modified, and/or implemented within their own organizations.本指南并不提供法律意见。建议读者与专业法律顾问一同审核及批准组织内建立、修改和 / 或实现的所有人才测评、继任计划和领导力发展策略计划、流程及项目。SECTION ONE: WHAT IS TALENT MANAGEMENT?第一章:什么是人才管理?The definition and scope of the term Talent Management may vary within organizations of differen

21、t sizes, with different cultures and different business needs. One company may be focusing on succession planning to ensure a strong pipeline of leaders to fill pending retirement vacancy positions, while another organization might be focusing on the identification of high potential employees to dev

22、elop future leaders and key employees to lead a growing start-up company.However, we can all use a basic definition of Talent Management as: “人才管理 ”的定义及范畴因 组织的规模、 文化和业务需求的不同而有所差异。 有的企业可能 关注继任计划以确保充足的 领导者补给线, 填补即将到来的退休所造成的职位空缺, 然而有 的企业则可能关注高潜人才 的识别以发展未来领导者和核心员工来领导发展中的初创企业。 尽管如此,我们还是可以 给人才管理下一个基本的定义:A

23、 focus on the onboarding, identification, assessment, development, and movement of internal talent.聚焦内部人才的入职、识别、测评、发展和调动。The objectives of a Talent Management strategy may include: 人才管理策略的目标可以包括:Identification of emerging talent to fill high vacancy risk roles and future leadership needs 识别新兴人才,以填补存

24、在高空置风险的职位并满足未来领导力的需求Development of specific competencies to ensure emerging talent is prepared for future roles in the organization 发展特定能力,确保新兴人才为组织未来职位做好准备Retain key talent and critical expertise within the organization 保留组织中的核心人才和重要专业技能Identify talent risk areas and develop contingency plans and s

25、uccession plans 识别人才风险领域,并开发应急计划及继任计划Increase diversity within the key talent and leadership populations of the organization 增加组织内核心人才和领导力群体的多元化Decrease the high costs associated with external recruiting 降低因外部招聘而产生的高额成本Develop more cross-functional career movement and job experiences within the orga

26、nization, to avoid a silo-mentality that focuses only on upward advancement within one functional area 在组织内开展更多的跨职能部门的职业调动及工作经历, 以避免仅聚焦于单一职能领域 晋升的 “孤岛思维 ”。Provide a structured and consistent focus on talent development and purposeful career movement in the organization 为组织中的人才发展和计划性职位调动提供结构化、持续性的关注T

27、alking with employees about their talents and development interests, and increasing their own accountability and ownership of their career growth 和员工交流他们的专长、发展兴趣,促进他们职业发展的自身责任感与主人翁意识What additional objectives would you include for your organization? 除上述外,你的组织还包括哪些目标 ?TALENT MANAGEMENT-TYPICAL JOB RE

28、SPONSIBILITIES人才管理 主要的工作职责Some organizations use the term talent management to refer to both external talent recruiting and to internal talent identification. Both external talent acquisition and internal talent management are designed to identify top talent for the organization. However, the focus

29、of internal talent management pertains more to the retention and development of talent, rather than sourcing new talent externally. In addition, the skill sets of employees in external talent recruiting roles (talent acquisition) are very different from those who are responsible for internal talent

30、management, as shown below:一些组织使用 “人才管理 ”这一术语既涵盖外部人才的招募同时涵盖内部人才的识别。 聘请外 部人才和管理内部人才都是为组织识别顶尖人才。 然而, 内部人才管理更关注人才的保留与 发展, 而非新人才的外部引进。 除此之外, 负责外部人才招聘与负责内部人才管理的员工所 使用的技能有很大不同,如下所示:Knowledge of succession planning and talent assessment tools, leadership development and talent meeting facilitation 继任计划和人才测

31、评工具知识、领导力 发展及人才会议引导In small organizations, the Talent Management Professionals job responsibilities may include both internal and external talent responsibilities. However, in mid to large sized organizations, there is a strong case to be made for the creation of a Talent Management role to focus solely on internal talent management, which may include some or all of these job functions:在小型组织内, 人才管理专业人士职责可能同时包括内部及外部人才的管理。 然而在大中型 组织中, 有充足的理由需要建立仅聚焦内部人才管理的人才管理角色, 该角色可包括以下的 部分或全部职能:

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