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1、英语语法完全版2约有90个双宾动词可有两个名词或代词作间接宾语及直接宾语。如果直接宾语紧跟在这些动词后面,间接宾语可变成由to引起的短语,这些动词则成了及物动词:He lent me his knife=He lent his knife to me He left her ten thousand dollars=He left ten thousand dollars to her更多例句:aHe gave John a cigarette (or an English lesson),offered me tea(or a position,a bribe),handed his bro

2、ther the salt (or the letter),delivered them the goods(or a letter,the message),passed me the butter,brought me my book(or a cup of tea),took(or carried)me an umbrella,left me some cakes(or a free choice),returned me the book(or an angry look),threw me a magazine(or a word),tossed(or cast,flung)the

3、beggar a pennybHe provided(or furnished,supplied)us(with)food and everything necessary,presented me(with)a good dictionary(用with时较不用时为多)It afforded me an opportunity(or great pleasure,satisfaction)He rendered his boss a service(or assistance,the account),tendered me his resignation(or his services),

4、administered me a blow,caused(or occasioned)me so much pain(or anxiety,heavy loss,inconvenience,some trouble),dealt me a scoldingcHe granted me an audience(or a credit,a holiday,a re- quest),meted us out reward and punishment,allowed them more time(or a holiday,ten dollars),awarded me the prize(or f

5、ull marks),accorded her the privilege (or a warm welcome,due praise)He refused me admittance(or the request,this favour,the loan of a book),denied me nothing(or justice,all comfort,help),(be)grudged me my salary(or my honour),barred no friends his housedHe assigned me a duty(or a small room),allotte

6、d me a garden(or a few exercises),prescribed me a milk diet (or a duty),apportioned us different duties,issued me a permit(or a driving license)The hardware store shipped me a big machine(or some utensils)He forwarded(or sent,dispatched,posted,mailed) her a parcelThey paid me the salary(or the taxi

7、fare,the tuition,the price),reimbursed me the costs,advanced me a months salary(or 1000 dollars),remitted me a thousand dollars,lent me some money,owed me a debt(or thanks,obligations),sold rich customers good diamonds and sold others poor goods,charged me no tuition(or a dollar),loaned me their car

8、,rented me a houseeHe played me a tune(or a piece),sang me a Japanese song(=sing a Japanese song to me or for me),extended us a warm welcome,stood me champagne,served me a good dinner,fed his dog beefHe wishes me good luck(or good evening,every joy,a safe journey,the compliments of the season,a good

9、 night),bade me a welcome(or adieu,good morning),waved me adieu(or a greeting),nodded me a welcome (or approval),bowed me his heartiest thanks,paid them a visit(or his respects)fHe wrote me letters(or a few lines),answered me nothing (or not a word,a question),scrawled me a note,read me the letter(o

10、r a poem,a lesson),told me a story(or everything),foretold me my future,showed me his care (or much kindness),pointed me out my mistake,whispered me a piece of news,telegraphed(or wired,faxed,cabled)me full details of the result,telephoned (or phoned) me the details(or the current price),transmitted

11、 me a message,taught me Chinese(or music,a lesson,singing,obedience),preached us a very good sermon,pledged me his friendship,put me a question,quoted me an instancegHe bequeathed(or willed)his children a large fortune(or all his property),left me a large fortuneThey yielded the enemy their position

12、,ceded him the land,conceded him the privileges(or the favours he asked)They guaranteed me satisfaction(or regular employment,punctual arrival),insured(or assured) me success (success to me or for me),promised me assistanceHe recommended me a good book(or a good servant)They did him harm(or honour,g

13、ood,justice,wrong,credit,a favour,a good turn,an injustice,an injury,a kindness,a service),caused us a lot of mischiefThey made him a visit(or an offer,a promise,no reply,some answers)直接宾语亦称作事物宾语(Thing-Object),而间接宾语亦称作表人宾语(Person-Object)。不过间接宾语间或也指事物:He never gives the matter a second thought,does n

14、ot give the plan a trial,wished it a happy ending,allowed his imagination a full play直接宾语可以是代词:Dont tell her thatHe told his brother thatWho asked you this? Who gave it(to) you? We gave it(to)himI will pay it (to) you all尽管上面句中的间接宾语可以变作to引起的短语,但这种短语少用为宜,但在下面这类句子中,却用以to引起的短语较好:To you,I give this(间接宾语

15、为了强调而提前)To the President,I write this letterTo whom do you give it?(和一个疑问代词连用)Who do you give it to? Which boy do you sing to,Mary? The man to whom you told the story is my uncle(和关系代词连用)I have given to him(直接宾语省略)I will write to himPlease deliver to JohnI have given the book to Mary,the best studen

16、t in class(间接宾语比直接宾语更长更重要)I only teach English to students who are truly anxious to learnThe letter,I have sent to him(直接宾语放在句首)All these valuable things,he gave to meSome dictionaries have been given to the library(直接宾语是被动动词的主语)A letter will be sent to him bought a dog for me) 约有35个双宾动词用两个名词或代词作间接宾

17、语及直接宾语。这种动词可变成及物动词,这时间接宾语应改作由for引起的宾语:He ordered me a book=He ordered a book for meShe made me a dress=She made a dress for me更多例句:aHe built himself a hutThe shoemaker turns me out 100 pairs of shoesHunan Province yield China a lot of riceShe wove me a garlandThe carpenter made Uncle a beautiful des

18、kShe cooked me eggsShe boiled me some waterFix me a drinkPlease spread me some bread with butterI will cut you a slice of breadPour me out some tea(or coffee)Please fill me some winebPlease pull me a chair to the tablePlease fetch me a dictionary(or a doctor)He reached me a pencilIll put you a chair

19、 over thereHe gathered me some stampsHe chose his wife a nice dressPick me out a dozen orangesCan you match me this cloth? cCan you find(or get,secure,obtain)me a job? They reserved us a hotel room,called us a taxi,bought us a lunchThe book won him a good name,earned him a lot of money,but created h

20、im many enemiesThis incident acquired(or gained) him wealthIve got me money enough,will buy me some liquor(口语体)You have save him so much trouble(or time,money)Can you spare me a few minutes(or one dollar)? Could you change me this five-pound note(or ten-dollar bill)? Can you cash me this bill? 上面句子中

21、的间接宾语可以变作由for引起的短语,在1424节中所说情况下,必须改成这种短语:For you alone,I cook this fishFor my family,I must save some moneyFor whom do you build so big a house? Who(m) do you choose this cloth for? The person for whom you made a dress was my nieceI will cook for youPlease call(a taxi)for meShe poured out coffee for

22、 John,the man she loved mostI will get a job for John,who has been jobless for many monthsThis trouble you can save for me and many othersA good name will this good work gain for him,but not wealthThree taxis were called for usA magnificent palace was built for the king and queen21S+DV+N+N(John envi

23、ed me my dog) 约有70个双宾动词虽然可以变作及物动词,却不在表人的宾语前用介词to或for。这时有几种情况: a有些动词后,表人宾语前用另一介词;b有些动词后,事物宾语前有一介词;c-f其他动词很少变作及物动词:aThey played(or served)John a trick(or a bad turn),bestowed him honour(or a title,praise),enjoined(or imposed)me obedience(or a duty),(=They played a trick on John,served a trick on him,b

24、estowed honour on him,) She flung him a wink,flashed me a glance,shot John an angry look,cast me a glance,dealt(or hit) him a blow(=She flung a wink at him,flashed a glance at me,) They bore us malice (or ill will,hatred),waged us war(=They bore malice against us,waged war against us,) He bore me gr

25、eat affection(or good will)(=He bore great affection for me,) He asked me some questions(or the time,my name,my address,the way,the fare,the price,the reason,the cause)(=He asked some questions of me,) He asked you a favour (or permission,a kindness)(=He asked a favour from you,) bHe envied John his

26、 new car (or his pretty wife),forgave us our sins(or our debt,our negligence,our misconduct),pardoned me the question(or my offence),excused me my asking,took me out a walk(or an airing,a drive)(=He envied John for his new car,forgave us for our sins,) He banished me the realm,dismissed me the club(

27、or the service),expelled me the school(=He banished me from the realm,dismissed me from the club,) cHe fined me ten dollars ,wagered(or bet)me ten dollars(that John would win),bid me half the price,quoted you the best price(or a proverb),tipped me one dollar(or the wink)It costs him twelve dollars(o

28、r much trouble,his life),takes me six days(or all my life) to do that,will last me three yearsThe business lost me all my capital,profited me a lot of money,netted him a thousand dollars dailydI struck him a heavy blow,fetched him a slap(or a box on the ear)caught that man two kicks in the stomach,h

29、it his face a rap,hit him a hard blow(所有斜体动词都是gave的意思)She kissed him good night(or good-bye,a welcome,a hearty kiss),swept him a look(or a bow,a curtsy),blew him a kissShe bore him witness(or company),kept him company,has borne him three childrenThey made me a present(or some allowance,a request,an

30、apology)eIt bodes(or portends)us no good(or evil)He prophesied me successHe set us a task(or the examination paper,a good example)(CfHe set a task for us) The doctor ordered me a complete rest(or a special diet,silence)He forbade his children tobacco(or the use of liquor or drugs)He deigned me no re

31、plyfShe dropped me a few lines(or a note,a postcard,a curtsy)I enclose you a list of new productsHe led me a(pretty)dance(or a dogs life)He called me namesHe let me bloodHe means(or intends)you no harm22S+DV+N+W-CL or W-I(John showed me what I should do or what to do) 约有10个动词用名词或代词作间接宾语,却用一个由疑问词引起的从

32、句或不定式作直接宾语:English grammar shows us how we should make sentences (=how to make sentences)Please tell me which book we should choose(=which book to choose)Can you advise me what I must do(=what to do)? He asked me where he could get the entrance ticket(= where to get the entrance ticket) He reminded me when I must go(=when

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