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1、index第五单元教案Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?教学内容 :本单元主要学习动词have的一般现在时的用法;使用 do和does引导的一般疑 问句的构成以及简单回答。以“和朋友一起欢度时光”为话题:列举所学的运动 项目,从中挑选出各自喜欢的体育项目, 目的是巩固并新学一些体育项目的名词; 并让学生互相询问所爱好的运动,并根据情况发出邀请,掌握用 do和does引导 的一般疑问句的构成及使用,了解用 Lets提建议的句型。教学目标学会用have对物品的所属进行提问与回答;学会用 let句型提建议;能够谈论自己喜欢哪些球类运动, 不喜欢哪些球类运动及原因; 能

2、够谈论怎样和自己的 朋友度过一段愉快的时光, 并且能运用本单元所学的句型和体育项目名称写篇文 章。以达到进一步复习复习和巩固的目标。教学重难点行为动词have的一般现在时的用法;使用 do和does引导的一般疑问句的构成 和使用。词汇Have, soccer, ball, tennis, racket, ping pong, volleyball, basketball, bat, dose, doesn t , let, uslet s play, well, sound, good, sport, we, many, club, more, class, interesting, bori

3、ng, fun, difficult, relaxing, watch, watch TV, great, collection, but, play sports, only, them, every, day 句型Do you have a TV? Yes, I do. /No, I dont.Do they have computer? Yes, they do. / No, they dont.Does he /she have a soccer ball? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she d ote. snLetsplay soccer. I donthav

4、e a soccer ball. Well, Lets play volleyball. That sounds good.教学设备:多媒体、录音机、投影机教学方法:任务型、活动型教学教学过程:3课时第一课时Step 1复习there be句型,了解就近原则T: Whats on the bookcase?运用图片 (what s on the bed?) S: There is/are 总结归纳ASK: what s表方位的短语ANSWER: There be( not)+主语+表方位的短语 Practice运用图片A: Where is B: It -.sA: What s .B: The

5、re is /areA:就近原则练习用are, is填空1.There three pen cils and a pen in my pen cil-box.2.There many kites 风筝)in the sky.3.There an eraser and two rulers on your desk.4.What in your schoolbag.5.There a pen cil-box in my schoolbag.Step 2观看图片,利用多媒体形象教习球类,及球拍的单词Basketball, soccer ball, volleyball, tennis, ping

6、pong ball, baseball,Introduce the key vocabulary : Show the things in the picture and describe them.Model: Whats this? A soccer ball. This is my lvleoyball. I have a volleyball. A volleyball.Repeat the key vocabulary : Repeat the new words for the students to remember by asking What_s“_? ”.Show the

7、picture in 1a for the students to match.Check the answers as the class.Step 3:Task One: Do pairwork as : Do you have a(basketball,volleyball Yes, I do./no, I don t.Task Two: Do pairwork as : Dose he have a(basketball,volleyball 円丫es, he dose./No, he doesn t.Task Three:with these sentences(1) “This i

8、s my soccer. I have a soccer ball. Do I have a soccer ball? Yes, I do. ”(2) “This is David s volleyball. He has a volleyball. Does he have a volleyball? Yes, he does”.Task Four: 学习第一,二,三人称,及其对应的单复数1.I have no money. She has no money.2.I have no necklace. She has no necklace.3.I have no credit card.

9、She has no credit card.Step4 Listening1bTask one: listen and circle the words you hear.Task Two: Check the answers.Task three: Listen again and write down their own. Sports he or she likes.2aTask One: listen for the names in the pictures, and number the pictures 1-4 Play the recording a second time.

10、 This time students number the pictures.Task Two: listen again. Match the people from activity 2a to the balls in the picture.Task Three: Correct the answers.Task Four: Show the tapescripts. Let s students read and repeat.Step 5:Grammar focusReview the grammar box. Point out the contractions do and

11、does, dont and doesn t. Repeat after the t.eacherStep 6: Relax and watch Flash with basketball.Step 6:HomeworkTell students to interview their classmates or their friends using Doyou have ? / Does he/she have ?第二课时Step One Revisi onReview : 1.球类,及球拍有关的单词。Basketball, soccer ball, volleyball, tennis,

12、ping pong ball, baseball,pong bat, baseball bat Jtennis racket, ping2.Play a game:“ Who has the best memory?A: I have a soccer ballB: She has a soccer ball, and I have a volleyball.C: She has a soccer ball, and he has a volleyball, and I have a tennis racket.D: She has a soccer ball, and he has a vo

13、lleyball, and he has a tennis racket, and I have a pin g-p ong ball.Step Two: Prese ntati on:T: teacher S: stude nt1.T: What s your favourite ball game?S: My favourite ball game is T: Do you want to join the school sports club?(Show the poster of P27/ 4)If you want to ,please fill in the blank.2.Ask

14、 the students to do it . Then introduce yourself.Step Three : Drills根据学生所填信息,结合我所提供的图片,引出句型和形容词A: Let s play soccer.B: I don t have a soccer ball.A: Well, let s play volleyball.B: That sounds good/ interesting/fun/boring/difficult/relaxingAsk them to work in pairs.Step Four: pairworkDo 3a: Task One

15、. Ask the students to fill in the blanks with the words from the box.Task Two. Act it out.Do 3b: Task One . Work in pairs.Task Two. Ask them to act out their own dialogue.Step Five: listening practice.Task 1. Do Secti on B . 1a Match the words with the picture.Task 2.Listen and check the words that

16、you hear in 1a.Task3.Listen again .Write down a word to describe the activities .Step Six: Do some exercises:一.短文改错: 读下面的对话 ,判断每行是否有错 ,如有错 ,请找出并 改正.A: Excuse me, Li Ping. Do you have a soccer ball?B: Sorry, I do.A: Do you think Lin Tao have one?B: Yes, I think so. You can ask for him.A: Lin Tao, can

17、 I borrow you soccer ball please?B: Of course you can! ?A: Thank you. Let play soccer.B: Well, that s sounds boring.A: Then let s play the tennis. I have tennis rackets and balls.B: Oh! That sounds exciteing.Step Seven : Homework:Write a passage to tell sth about your first name, last name your clas

18、s,the sports you like and why.第三课时Step One : RevisionAsk the students to report the passage he or she write.Then ask some students to answer the questions about the passage.Step Two: Presentation1.问学生既然你喜欢运动 ,那么你家里分别有多少有关的球类 ? 2.Then tell the students :T: We will listen to a passage .Please listen a

19、nd try to answer these questions.1. Who has a great sports collection?2. How many tennis rackets does he have?3.How many tennis rackets, basketballs, and baseballs does he have?4.How many soccer balls and volleyballs does he have?5.Does he play sports ?6.What does he do?S: (answer the questions)3.As

20、k the students to retell according to the information.4.Come to SectionB /3a1. Listen and repeat after the tape .2. Go through and expiain some important words ,phrases andsenten ces:Has a great sports collecti on.He doesn t play sports-he only watches them on TV .He has 8 tennis racketsStep Three:

21、Practice1.Ask the students to do this exercise.2.Check the an swers.Step Four: Self CheckTask One; Check the words you know.Task Two: Write numbers in the boxes to make theconversation. Then read the dialogue.Task Four: Just for fun!Step Five : Homework:Write a passage about your uncle or aunt like SectionB/3a.宁波华茂外国语学校陈敏 汪静

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