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1、江苏南京中山陵英文导游词 江苏南京中山陵英文导游词My dear friends ,when you come to a city, you probably want to visit the most famous scenic spots of special interest. Nanjing has many place of historic interests and has been capital for six “dynasties.” But if you leave Nanjing without visiting Dr. Sun Yat-sen s Mausoleum

2、, undoubtedly you have missed the most arresting and famous tourist attraction of the city. Talking about the Mausoleum we should have an idea about Sun Yat-sen, the great pioneer of Chinese democratic revolution. Mr. Sun s original name is Sun Wen and styled himself Yat-sen. So foreign friends woul

3、d call him “Dr. Sun Yat-sen ”. Since he took “Woodcutter in Zhoushan ”as his alias when he took part in the revolutionary activities, he was respectfully and widely called Mr. Sun Zhongshan in China. On October 12, 1866, Mr. Sun was born in a farmer s family in Caiheng village of Xiangshan county (t

4、he present-day zhongshang City) ,Guangdong Province. When he was still young, he had great expectations. He studied medicine in Honolulu, Hong Kong and some other places and after graduation he worked as a practitioner in Gangzhou, Macao and other places Later he gave up medicine as his profession t

5、o take part in political activities. In 1905, he set up China Alliance Organization in Japan and he was elected president. He put forward the famous guiding principle- “driving the invaders out ,restoring the sovereignty of China, establishing a republic and equalizing the land ownership ” and the T

6、hree People s Principles-“ Nationalism, Democracy and the People s Livelihood. ” On October 10, 1911, the Wuchang uprising broke out and Dr. Sun as elected Inrterim President of the Republic of China by representatives from seventeen provinces. On the following New Year s day (January 1, 1912) Mr. S

7、un took the oath of office in Nanjing. From then on ,Mr. Sun experienced Yuan Shikai s usurpation, the Second Revolution, “Campaign Protecting the Interim Constitution.” In 1921, Mr. Sun took the position of President in Unusual Times in Guangzhou. At the first National Congress of Kuomintang held i

8、n Quangzhou in 1924, he perfected the original Three People s Principles and put forward Three people s New Principles. He also proposed the policies of “Making an alliance with Russia and the Communist Party of China and helping the farmers and workers. ” In November 1924, in spite of his illness,

9、Mr. Sun went up to Beijing to discuss state affairs with General Feng Yuxiang. Unfortunately, he broke down from constant overwork and passed away on March 12, 1925. The location of the Mausoleum was chosen by Mr. Sun himself. Here is exactly a good place to build a mausoleum. You may wonder: Mr. Su

10、n was born in Guangdong but died in Beijing. For his whole life he traveled throughout China for the revolution. Why did he choose Nanjing as the venue of his tomb? It is said that far before Mr. Sun took office in 1912, the abbot of Lingu Monastery had recommended him that his place is good for fen

11、gshui, because it faces the plain and is backed up by green mountains as its protective screen. On March 31,1912 Mr. Un resigned as a political compromise for the sake of the union of the North China and the South China. One day of the early April, he went hunting with Hu Hanmin around the Piety Tom

12、b of Ming Dynasty. They took a rest in the place wehre the Mausoleum is located now. Mr. Sun looked around and said “IF possible I would like my countrymen to allow me to have this place to bury my coffin.” Surely, the fengshui of the Zijing Mountain is not the basic reason for the location of Mr. S

13、un s mausoleum . The basic reason is that, he said on dying “After my death, you can bury me at the foot of the Zijin Mountain in Nanjing in memory of the Revolution of 1911, because Nanjing is where the temporary government was founded. ”So although Mr. Sun stayed in Nanjing not a long time, it had

14、 a special meaning to him. Fundamentally speaking, the reason he chose Zijing Mountain as his permanent resting-place is to commemorate the revolution of 1911 and to encourage the revolutionaries. In order to respect Mr. Sun s wish, the Preparatory Committee of Sun Yat-sen s Funeral, including his w

15、ife Song Qingling and his son Sunke, examined the area and chose the site for the Mausoleum. They delimited 2000 mu and offered a reward in newspaper for the best design of the Mausoleum. Among all the contribution, young architect Lu Yanzhi s design, a design in the shape of a bell ,was highly prai

16、sed and gained the first prize and he himself was invited to supervise the whole project as well. On March 12,1926, the first anniversary of Mr. Sun s death, the project got started and 3 years later, it was completed in spring of 1929. It cost 1.5 million silver collars totally. Unfortunately, LuYa

17、nzhi, the young architect with great gift, suffered when supervising the project ,and died at 35, just before the completion of the Mausoleum. The completion ceremony was held on June 1, 1929 and Mr. Sun s remains was transported from Beijing to Nangjing. From then on ,Mr. Sun has slept here for nea

18、rly 70 years. The construction of Dr. Sun Yat-sen s Mausoleum was an important event in the history of Nanjing. In order to meet Mr. Sun s coffin, the first asphalt road was built from Zhongshan Port in the west to Zhongshan Gate in the east; it is 12 kilometres in length and also called Zhongshan R

19、oad. Up to today, Zhangshan Road is still one of the most important main roads. At the same time, the city gate Chaoyang Gate which was built in Ming Dynasty was renovated and Changed its name to Zhongshan Gate. Between Zhongshang Gate and Dr.Sun Yat-sen s Mausoleum, a road called the Mausoleum Road

20、 was built. Just as the people of Paris take pride of their les Champs-Elysees and the people of New York ,the Fifth Avenue, the nanjing people are prond of their boulevards. And the 3 kilometers long Mausoleum Road is undoubtedly the best representative of these boulevards. Along both sides of the

21、“green corridor” grows the main kind of tree in Nanjing as parasols Usually Chinese people call them French plane trees, in fact they are Chinese local products. Just because Frenchmen took them from Yunnan Province to France and later they transplanted them in their leased territory in Shanghai, th

22、at is why they got such a name. Now ,we are going out of the Zhongshan Gate and driving along the Mausoleum Road. The destination ahead is a square in shape of crescent, According to Lu Yanzhi s design, the place of the Mausoleum is like a “duo”, a big wooden bell, which was used to announce a polic

23、y, decree or a war in ancient time. Duo s sound is loud and clear, implying to make the whole world peaceful and happy. The design reminds the people of Dr. Sun Yat-sen s well-known saying “The revolution is far from success and we should continue working hard.” This saying also serves s an alert to

24、 the later generation. The crescent-shaped square is the bottom of the “Bell of Freedom”. Now ,please look to the south. There is a octagon platform structured with reinforced concrete but covered with Jinshan stone of Suzhou. The platform is divided into three layers and each layer is enclosed by s

25、tone rails. The copper “ding” (an ancient cooking vessel) with two looped handles and two legs weighs 5000 kg. IT is 4.25 meters high and its diameter is 1.23 meters. It is one of the construction for memory of the mausoleum. The “ding ” was built in autumn, 1933 with donation of students and teachi

26、ng staff of the Zhongshan University and Mr. Dai jitao. One side of the “ding ” is engraved with three characters “Intelligence, Humanity and Brevity”. These three words are the school instruction of Zhongshan University. Inside of the “ding ”stands a hexagon copper tablet on which Dai Jitao s mothe

27、r s handwriting of the “Filial Piety” is engraved. To the bell-shaped mausoleum the “ding ” is just like the pendulum . It seems to serve to alarm the whole nation by striking the bell. Stepping on the steps, we will see a soaring memorial archway with four columns. The archway was built between 193

28、1 and 1933, 12meters hight and 17.3 meters in width. It is made of huge Granite from Fujian Province, but its structure is in Chinese traditional wood structure style. Now, look up at the shining words inscribed on the horizontal board. The word in English mean fraternity. They were written by Dr. S

29、un Yat-sen. The word are taken from a Tang Dynasty poet Han Yu s “Fraternity is humanity ” .It is said that Mr. Sun very much liked to write these two words to others. Dr. Sun devoted his whole life to bourgeois democratic revolution with great fraternity and struggled for the national independence

30、and freedom fro scores of years. So we can say that “fraternity” is the best generalization of his life. Further from the Fraternity Archway, there is a road leading to the mausoleum. The road is 480 meters long and dozens of meters wide. The whole design of the mausoleum gives prominence to Chinese

31、 traditional style, grand, solemn and specific. In order to embody the greatness of Mr. Sun, the Mausoleum followed the example of ancient mausoleums and was built against mountains and the coffin chamber was placed at the top of the mountain that is 160 meters high. In addition, the plants of the M

32、ausoleum are symmetric, which make it feel more solemn. Now, please look forward to the north, along the hillside ,situate the mausoleum Gate, the Stele Pavilion, the Memorial Hall and the coffin chamber right behind. The pines,cypresses, ginkgoes and maples on the both sides of the road represent M

33、r. Sun s revolutionary spirit and lofty quality. They take the place of statues and stone beasts which usually flanked the sacred road in ancient times. Among the trees, cedar is one of the “four kinds of tree for appreciation” and has been honored as the tree of Nanjing City. The grand archway at the end of the Mausoleum Road is the formal

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