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译林英语 6B Unit1 The lion and the mouse 精品6课时教案.docx

1、译林英语 6B Unit1 The lion and the mouse 精品6课时教案课时Period1教学内容Teaching ContentsUnit 1 The lion and the mouseStory time教学目标Teaching Aims1.能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,并在老师的引导和帮助下尝试复述和表演对话。2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇:bite, hole, large, sharp, strong, weak, wake up, let.go。3.能听懂、会说、会读表示时间顺序的词组: the next day, just then, from then on。4.通

2、过课文学习,能学会互相帮助,不轻视别人。教学重点Teaching Key Points1.能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,并在老师的引导和帮助下尝试复述和表演对话。2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇:bite, hole, large, sharp, strong, weak, wake up, letgo.3.能听懂、会说、会读表示时间顺序的词组: the next day, just then, from then on.教学难点Teaching Difficult Points1.能理解、读并复述故事。2.能听懂、会说、会读表示时间顺序的词组: the next day, just then, fr

3、om then on。3.wakewoke, bitebit教学准备Teaching Preparation学情分析Students Analysis这个故事学生比较熟悉,理解课文并不困难,但本文篇幅长,内容多,需要学生在课前认真预习,认真听读课文。如果让学生就这个话题用自己的语言表达有一定困难。教具准备Teaching AidsPPT,图片课前自主预习Independent Preview Before Class1. 试着读一读课文内容,圈出自己不懂的单词、词组和句子。2. 听课文录音,试着模仿着读一读,并了解课文大意。3. 完成书上P8第一项习题。教 学 过 程Teaching Proc

4、edures修改或反思Adjustment or ReflectionStep 1 Pre-reading T: Look! Can you guess what my hobby is? S: You like reading, I think.T: Yes. I like reading stories. Do you like stories? What stories do you know?S: The kings new clothesT: Today we are going to read another interesting story. Look at the pictu

5、re. Can you tell me the name?S: The lion and the mouse Unit1 The lion and the mouseT: Look at the lion. What do you think of it?Teach: large strong heavyT: But what is the mouse like? Is it large?. Teach: small weak lightStep 2 While-reading1.T: The large and strong lion, the small and weak mouse. W

6、hat is the story about? First, we know who.What else would you like to know about the story?S: Where? When? What? How? Where? in the forest2.T: What happened? There are some sentences for you. Lets read them together.The lion caught the mouse but let it go. The lion and the mouse became good friends

7、.The lion could not get out from the net. The mouse helped the lion get out.The mouse woke the lion up.3. Read and match 4. Watch and order5. Read and think Teach: one day, the next day, just then, from then on6.Read and think Q: Why did the lion let the mouse go? Q: What happened to the lion?Q: How

8、 did the mouse help the lion?Picture1&2Pic2: How did the mouse say to the lion. QuietlyHow did the lion say to the mouse? Loudly The mouse was afraid.Picture 3-5Underline the new words and phrases Teach: bitebit hole How? Sadly happily7. T: If you were the mouse. What would you say?I am small and we

9、ak, but I am clever and brave(勇敢).I can help the lion! Step 3 Post-reading1.Lets read. 2.Try to retell. 3.T: What do you learn from the story?Sometimes, the strong can be weak.再高的人也有屈身的时候,Sometimes, the weak can be strong.再矮的人也有垫脚的时候。Everyone is good at something.每个人都有自己的长处。Lets help each other!让我们互

10、相帮助!4. 完成书后的练习(分层)作业设计HomeworkA 1. Listen and read the story.2. Retell the story to your friends or family.3. Copy and recite the phrases.B Recite the text.板书设计Blackboard WritingUnit1 The lion and the mouse(Story time)One day walked by woke up caught let it goThe next day caught with a large net bit

11、 couldnt get outJust then saw made a big hole got outFrom then on became good friends教后反思Teaching Reflection After Class课时Period2教学内容Teaching ContentsUnit1 The lion and the mouse Grammar Time, Fun Time, 教学目标Teaching Aims1. 能听懂,会读,会说副词loudly, quietly, sadly, happily, excitedly并能体会副词在句中的作用。2. 能正确恰当地运用

12、副词修饰动词。3. 能生动形象地表演Fun time中的课本剧。教学重点Teaching Key Points1. 能听懂,会读,会说副词loudly, quietly, sadly, happily, excitedly并能体会副词在句中的作用。2. 能正确恰当地运用副词修饰动词。教学难点Teaching Difficult Points能在Fun time课本剧表演中体现出副词的功能性。教学准备Teaching Preparation学情分析Students AnalysisGrammar板块有一点难度,涉及词性的变化,需要教师引导学生发现规律,逐步掌握。教具准备Teaching Aids

13、课件、光盘课前自主预习Independent Preview Before Class整理以前学习过的副词,跟读Fun time.教 学 过 程Teaching Procedures修改或反思Adjustment or ReflectionStep 1 Lets review1. Greetings 2. Read the story together.3. T: Long long ago, there wasS: There was a lion. He was very large and strong.T: What happened? One daythe next day just

14、 then from then onCan you ask some questions about the story? For example, who woke the lion up?Step 2 Grammar time1.Read and feel T: In this story, the mouse and the lion said something. What did they say? How did they feel at that time? Can you try to read and feel? (学生自己读并感受)T: The mouse was very

15、 little, and he was scared, so how did he say it? Can you guess?S: He said quietly. (带读这句话,板书)T: So who can be the mouse and say it quietly? (引导学生夸张读)The mouse said quietly, but how about the large lion? How did he laugh?S: He laughed loudly. (带读,板书) Cartoon time T: After the mouse helped the lion,

16、how did the lion feel? So how did he say?S: He said happily. (带读,板书) T: The lion and the mouse had different feelings at different times. Lets read and feel!2.Learn the adverbsT:Just now we used these four words. S: Quietly, loudly, sadly and happily. T: They are adverbs. (带读,板书)T: And we can get so

17、me adverbs from the adjectives. (学生快速说,读词,贴板书。)You know excitedly. What does it mean? Can you tell us in English?S: It means very, very happily.T: Look at the adverbs. Can you find any rules? (引导学生观察寻找规律)S: Often we add ly after the adjectives and they become adverbs.T: And sometimes they end up wit

18、h ily.3. Try to useT:Look, we learned so many adverbs today. Can we try to read well?Good! You can read well, and can you use them well, too?Look at this boy. Is he happy?S: Yes. T: Hes a happy boy, so he does everything happily.For example, he often laughs happily. He reads happily. What else does

19、he do happily, can you guess?S: He eats happily. He runs happily. He sleeps happily. T: Is this a happy dog?S: No.T: So maybe he does everything sadly. Can you guess and talk in groups?(学生小组讨论,请小组反馈)T: What about Linda? S: Shes an excited girl.T: So what does she often do? Can you guess?S: She gets

20、high marks excitedly. She watches films excitedly. She sings excitedly. T: Great!Step 3 Fun time 1. Before actingT: You showed your ideas excitedly. And how about this lion? He was excited, too. What did he say?S: I am large and strong./ Im powerful and big./T: So at that time, how did he say it?S:

21、He said it loudly/happily/excitedly.T: I think you are all right, and I guess maybe he said excitedly.(出示excitedly的卡片) But did the animals say excitedly, too?S: No. They said sadly/loudly/fearfully.T: Maybe. Look, this is a short play of The lion and the mouse. Before we act, please first work in gr

22、oups of three and decide the adverbs for their words. (学生三人小组讨论并选择合适的副词卡纸)2. Lets actT: Youve well prepared, so lets try to act. Lets act in three, a lion, a mouse and a narrator. The narrator is very important because he can use the adverbs to show the actions vividly.(教师做旁白,请两个学生扮演狮子和老鼠,示范第一幅图,之后学

23、生三人小组表演,请学生上台反馈)(分层)作业设计HomeworkA:Copy and remember the adverbs we learned today.B:Surf the Internet and get to know more adverbs.板书设计Blackboard WritingUnit1 The lion and the mouse 教后反思Teaching Reflection After Class课时Period3教学内容Teaching ContentsSound time, Cartoon time & Culture time教学目标Teaching Ai

24、ms1. 能理解并体会特殊疑问句所用的语调,并能正确地读出来。2. 能理解Cartoon time部分的内容,并能配合此部分内容进行表达。3. 了解Culture time的内容,并适当拓展。教学重点Teaching Key Points1. 能理解并体会特殊疑问句所用的语调,能和一般疑问句升调区分,并正确地读出来。2. 能理解Cartoon time部分的意思,并能配合此部分内容进行表达。教学难点Teaching Difficult Points在前两课时的基础上使用动词和副词将Cartoon time故事的主要内容表达出来。学情分析Students Analysis上学期学了有关升降调的知

25、识,这节课可以先复习整理。学生对Cartoon time一直比较感兴趣,可以鼓励学生充分自主预习。教具准备Teaching AidsPPT, 光盘课前自主预习Independent Preview Before Class听读Cartoon time和Culture time,理解Cartoon time部分。教 学 过 程Teaching Procedures修改或反思Adjustment or ReflectionStep 1 Warm-up1. The Speaking ShadowT: Hello,boys and girls. We always have fun at Englis

26、h Classes. What do we usually do?S: We sing songs, watch movies and act out stories. . T: First lets play a game. Its called The Speaking Shadow. Please repeat what I say. T: Hello, everybody. Im Alex. Do you know what I am? Im a big cat. A cat? No. But were from the same family. Where do I live? In

27、 the forest. Im the king of the forest. Who is my friend? A mouse! A mouse? Yes, he is little, but he saved me. Really? But how? He made a hole in the net with his sharp teeth. Well, thats my story. So, what am I?2. Students guess the answer of the game. S: You are a lion. Step 2 PresentationIntonat

28、ion1. Read and choose the right intonation.Show them Wh-questions from the game. Then let students guess the intonation. T: Do you remember the intonation that I used to ask? Was it falling intonation or rising intonation? Try to read them and tell me the right intonation.(回忆游戏中模仿过的几个问题,试着体会一下所用的语调。

29、)2. Watch the cartoon about intonation. T: Look at these questions. How do they ask them? Please listen. (第一次听语音部分对话时,着重让学生注意问句所用的语调。)3. Listen and repeat the conversation.4. Get the students to know the intonation of Wh-questions. T: If the questions begin with where, who, what, how, etc, we call t

30、hem Wh-questions. We usually use a falling intonation. (学生了解特殊疑问句一般用降调。)Cartoon time1. Look at the first picture from the story. Talk about whos in the story and what they are doing.2. Watch the cartoon and talk about the main idea about the story.3.Read the story again and find out the answers to t

31、he questions. Help students understand play happily,cheer loudly,hit hard and pour into. 4. Listen and repeat the story. Imitate Sam and Bobby. Talk about something else they can say.5. Retell the story together.6. Work in groups. Students can choose to act out or retell the story. Culture time1. Present students two books. One is Aesops Fables. The other one is a Chinese idiom book. Show them some animal stories and

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