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1、五年级英语上册五年级上学期目录Unit One Come with me!Objectives and Requirements目标与要求一、Language语言1、Review复习: 1)Is this your dictionary? No, its not.Its Tonys dictionary. 2)What does she do ? Shes a doctor.2、Additional附加:Come with me!3、Sounds and words 语音和单词:/二、Vocabulary 词汇1、 Key 重点:farmer,factory,worker,aunt,uncle

2、,cousin,calendar, dictionary,diary2、 Additional 附加:magazine,newspaper,planner3、 Sounds and words 语音和单词:sun,cut,fun,mother,son,month三、Teaching key points(教学重点):1、 New words(略)。2、 Drills: 1)Is this your dictionary?No, its not.Its Tonys dictionary. 2)What does she do?Shes a doctor.四、Teaching difficult

3、points(教学难点):1、 Sounds: 字母u和o在单词中的发音。五、Teaching aids(教具):1、 第一册Gogo,Tony和Jenny的头饰;2、 挂图、单词图片和实物(杂志、报纸、日程计划簿等);3、 自制课件、录音带等。六、Teaching procedure(分为三课时) The First PeriodStep 1 Revision1.Revise the old words and the sentences,using the pictures: What does she/he do? She/He is a teacher(doctor,nurse,tax

4、i driver,student,etc).Step2 presentation1.Use the pictures and the sentences to teach the new words: 1)What does he/she do? farmer/factory worker.2) Whats this?dictionary/calendar/diary2. Draw a family tree to help explain and teach the following new words: aunt/uncle/cousin3.Play the tape and have

5、Ss repeat the new words.4. Play the word games:1)Guessing: 学完新单词后,老师用口型表示出单词( 不出声),让学生们猜词。2)Spelling bee: 教师将学生分为两组排队站好,当老师举起本课的一张图画卡片时(图画一面向外),每组的S1说出图画卡片上的单词,如calendar!如果该学生说对了,教师让他把该单词用粉笔写在黑板上。如写对了,该学生所在的组得一分。如写错了,另外一组的学生获得机会出来拼写单词。然后这两组的S1回到各组的队尾,另外两个S2出来继续游戏,直至所有单词正确拼出。5ReviewFirst,teacher show

6、s one of his/her personal belongings to the class and says This is my (dictionary).Then T puts it on a table at the front of the room.Ask all Ss to bring one of their own items to the front.As each student comes to the front ,he/she holds up the item and says,e.g.This is my (notebook).Then he/she pu

7、ts the item on the table.When everyone is finished,ask S1 to come to the front .S1chooses one of the items on the table and says This is (S2s name)s (planner).Then S1 gives the item back to S2.Then another student goes to the front,makes a sentence and give the item to the owener.Continue until all

8、Ss have had a turn .If a student isnt sure who owns an item ,he/she can ask questions.e.g.(S3s name),is this your (pen)?2)Ask the students to listen to the tape and repeat.6.Practice 1. 1)Getting ready a.Ask four Ss to write the questions A-D on the board. b.Ask another four Ss to read the questions

9、 aloud. 2)Using the book a).Have Ss look at the pictures for A.Write Hes .underneath question A on the board. T:(Point to each picture. )What does he do?Ss:Hes a (teacher). b).T:Lets listen to the tape. Play the tape for A,and then pause. T:What does he do?Ss:Hes a factory worker.T:Put a checkmark i

10、n the box for picture 2.c).Repeat the procedures with the other three questions.7.Practice 2. 1)Getting ready Have Ss look at the questions on the page . Ask S1 to read the first question.S1:What does your mom or dad do? T:My moms a (teacher). T:(S2s name),ask(S3s name)the second question. S2:What d

11、o you want to be?S3:I want to be a (doctor).2)Using the book T:Now,write your answers on the top row. Ask the first question and have Ss write their answers. Do the same with the second question. Walk around the classroom to help Ss if needed. Put Ss into groupsof three and have them interview the t

12、wo other members of the group. T:Write the answers on the page. When Ss are finished ,ask volunteers to report to the class,e.g.(S1s name) wants to be a (farmer).8.Do Exx:书写本P1,Ex.1Step3 Homework1. Copy the new words and remember them.2.书写本P1,Ex.2. The Second PeriodStep 1 Revision1.Revise the senten

13、ces: 1)Is this your? 2)What does he/she do?2.Dictate the new words.Step2 presentation1.Introduce and teach the bonus vocabulary ,magazine,newspaper and planner,using realia.2.Conversation 1) Introduce the characters of the book and their relationships,using the Picture Cards:Gogo,Tony and Jenny.2)Us

14、e the CAI:a.The teacher tell the story about Gogo,Tony and Jenny first,then ask the Ss to look at the pictures and listen to the tape.b.Teach the new word: islandc.Play the tape again,pausing after each sentence to let Ss repeat.d.Put Ss into groups of three and have them practice acting out the dia

15、logue.e.Ask volunteers to perform in front of the class.3.Song activity 1)a.Introduce the characters of the song first:Aunt Sally,Uncle Jimmy,Cousin Sue,Cousin Lu,then ask and answer: Whos this?Whats her/his name? b.Read out the lyrics and have Ss repeat. c.Play the tape and point to each word as it

16、 is sung. d.Play the tape again for Ss to practice singing together.e.Ask volunteers to sing in front of the class.2)a.Revise the family words first:family,father,mother,brother,sister,grandfather,grandmother,uncle,aunt,cousinb.Ask the Ss to find and circle the family words ,then check the answers w

17、ith the whole class.4.Do Exx:活动手册,P1-4,Ex1,2,3.Step3 Homework1. Recite the conversation.2.书写本P2-3,Ex.3,4.The Third PeriodStep 1 Revision1. Ask some Ss to recite the conversation.2. Sing the song.Step2 presentation1. Activity1) Draw a family tree of Tony and Jenny.2) Give Ss some time to read the pas

18、sage silently.3) Ask some Ss to read the sentences aloud.4) Ask and answer the questions with the Ss.5) Let the Ss write down the answers of the questions,and the teacher walk around the classroom to check Sss writing.2. Sounds and words1) A.Use the pictures to revise the old words and teach the new

19、 ones: son,month.Ask the Ss to sum up the same sound: / /.B.Let the Ss look at the pictures,play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape says it.C.Play the tape again,have Ss repeat after the tape.D.After enough practice,point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words.E.Point ou

20、t that the sound can be made by the letters u or o.2)A.Have Ss look at the sentences.B.Read out the five sentences on the page and have Ss circle the words that have the sound / /.C.Read out the sentences and have Ss repeat.D.Give Ss some time to practice on their own.E.Ask individual Ss to read the

21、 sentences aloud.F.When Ss are used to the sound in the sentences,have them read the sentences quickly like tongue twisters.3.Do Exx: 活动手册,P4,Ex4书写本P3-4,Ex.5,6.Step3 Homework1. 书写本P4,Ex.7.2. Revise the contents of this unit.Unit two Do you have any glue?一、 Teaching objectives1、 Language functionsAsk

22、ing about and describing possessions2、 Language structures Do you have any ? Yes ,I do.( No, I dont.) Does Jenny have any stamps ? Yes, she dose. 3、 New vocabularystaples 装订书针 scissors 剪刀stamps 邮票 envelopes 信封paper clips 纸夹 paper 纸tape 贴胶带 glue 胶水4、 SkillsListening:能听懂Do you have any ? Yes, I do(No,

23、 I dont)Dose Jenny have any ? Yes, she dose. 这一类的询问及回答;Speaking:能运用本课句型对物体发问及回答;Reading:能辨认出前面所学过的句型;Writing:能书写本课生词并能运用本课生词及句型进行填空;二、 Teaching key points本课生词及句型。三、 Teaching difficult pointspet , cat , carrot, bat, rabbit, parrot 中的t发音。四、Teaching aids1、 TV.2、 Computer.3、 Real objects: staples, sciss

24、ors , stamps , envelopes , paper clips , paper , tape , glue四、 Teaching procedure(分三课时)The first period(vocabulary-Targrt )Step 1 Revision1、 Revise the old words in Unit 1,using the pictures and the drills:Is this your ?Step 2 Presentation1、 Vocabulary:1) Look at the pictures, listen to the tape fir

25、st;2) Use the pictures(or the thing) and the drills: Is this your ? to teach the new words:staples, scissors , stamps , envelopes , paper clips , paper , tape , glue3) Read the new words together or in pairs.4)Play a game: a)看谁认得快又准: 以竞赛形式,让学生看闪烁的图片拼读单词。b)老师将一些实物(如: staples, scissors等)放入一个纸箱内,请学生上台蒙

26、着眼去摸,并让全班提问:Whats this? 让这个学生去猜:Its a/an 猜对的则给予奖励。2、 Tagrt:1) Look at the pictures, listen to the tape first;2) Look at the pictures and sentences, listen and repeat;3) Write down the new sentences on the blackboard and teach: Do you have any ? Yes ,I do.( No, I dont.) Does Jenny have any ? Yes, she

27、 dose. 4) Practise the new sentences.5) Pair work: Let the students use the real objects to practice the dialogue in pairs, then act it out.6) Books open at Page 10,read Target together.3、Extension activity:利用新单词进行拓展句型的练习:让学生把以学生学过的句型进行对话,并注意把它组织成一段条理清晰的话。Step 3 Homework1、 Copy the new words and rem

28、ember them.2、 Recite Target. 3、 In advance ConversationThe second period(conversation、p11p13)Step 1 Revision1、 Look at the pictures and read together:2、 Look at the pictures and revise the drills: Do you have any ? Yes ,I do.( No, I dont.) Does XXX have any ? Yes, she dose. Step 2 Presentation1、conv

29、ersation1) Look at the pictures, listen to the tape first;2) Look at the pictures and sentences, listen and repeat;3) Practice the new sentences.4) Pair work: Let the students use the real objects to practice the dialogue in groups, then act it out.6) Books open at Page 9,read together.2、 Do Exercis

30、e:(p11、p13详见课件)一、 Practice 1二、 Practice 2三、 Activity: look and write1) Have Ss look at the page. Go over the characters names if necessary.2) Asks and answer.3) Writing.3、Song activity:1) Sing an English song“do you have any staples?”.2) Write and sing.(先让学生小组完成后,进行唱歌。)Step 3 Homework1、 Recite conve

31、rsation2、 Do U2 in workbook, Page 8.The Third period(Sounds and words)Step 1 Revision1、 Recite p9-p10.2、 Dictate the new words and the sentences.Step 2 Presentation1、 Listen, point and say:1) Write “pet” and “cat” on the board and underling the ending -t .2) (Point to t ) Lets practice this sound.3) 让学生看老师的口型,使他们明白发t音时,舌头贴着下齿龈。4) Look at the pictures, listen to the tape first;5) Look at the pictures, listen and repeat;6)Have

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