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1、地道英文俚语AZ321330地道英语句典A-Z #321-330地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇,把整体美语环境带到你面前唯一途径。(某些措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)*昨晚(城市)1被(雷暴)2(袭击3a/重复地严重袭击3b), 外面是(下雨)4, (打闪)5和(打雷)6: Last night the city1 was (hit3a/battered3b) by a thunderstorm2, and it was raining4, lightning5 and thundering6 outside.*(一整年长)1我们(痛打)2(较弱的球队)3但被(具威力4a/难以应付4

2、b)的(对手)5(彻底打败)6: (All year long)1 we (beat up on)2 (weaker teams)3 but get slaughtered6 by (powerful4a/ formidable4b) opponents5.*她的男朋友对她说: “我一定是对你的(香水)1(过敏)2, 因为每次我(走近你)3我都(打喷嚏)4.”: Her boyfriend said to her: “I must be allergic2 to your perfume1, because I sneeze4 every time I (come near you)3.”*他

3、的朋友说: “你的(衬衣)1真的(不好看)2.” 他说: “(没有人问你的意见)3. (你想为它打架吗)4?”: His friend said: “Your shirt1 is ugly2.” He said: “(Nobody asks for your opinion)3. (Do you want to make something of it)4?”*我说: “看来对手(打你一大顿/ditto)1是吗?” 他回答道: “是, 但我也(重重地打他好几拳/ditto)2”: I said: “Looks like your opponent (worked you over/beat y

4、ou up)1 pretty good didnt he?” He replied: “Yeah, but I (got in a few good shots/landed a few good shots/ landed a few good blows)2 too.”*他(轻打)1(经理的)2(半开之门)3问道: “(对不起)4(打扰/ditto)5你了. (我可以有你一刻的时间吗)6?”: She tapped1 at the managers2 (half-open door)3 and asked: “Sorry4 to (bother/interrupt)5 you. (May

5、I have a moment of your time)6?”*那(受害者)1因为做(好心人)2 (尝试)3去(阻止)4(两组陌生人)5(打斗)6被(石头)7和(棍子)8(殴打/ditto)9至(半死/ditto)10: The victim1 was (pummeled/clobbered/beaten/bashed)9 (half-dead/half to death)10 with rocks7 and bats8 for being a (Good Samaritan)2 in trying3 to stop4 a fight6 between (two groups of stra

6、ngers)5.*他说: “我对他(偷走我女朋友)1(那么愤怒)2我会把他(撕成碎片3a/打得彻底毁坏/ditto3b/打到不省人事/ditto3c).”: He said: “Im (so mad)2 at him for (stealing my girlfriend)1 I could (tear him into pieces3a/beat him into pulp/make hamburger out of him/make mincemeat out of him3b/beat him senseless/ beat him unconscious/beat him to unc

7、onsciousness3c).”*(警察)1对(激奋的)2(被抢劫的受害人)3说: “(就此打住)4, 你可以再跟我(慢慢地)5(重复所发生)6吗?”: The police1 said to the excited2 (mugging victim)3: “(Stop right there)4! Can you (go over what happened)6 with me again slowly5?”*那(富冲劲胆量)1的孩子对(恶霸)2说: “你要(打我一顿/ditto3a/打架吗/ditto3b)吗? (来吧/ditto)4.”: The spunky1 kid said to

8、 the bully2: “Do you want (a piece of me/to clobber me/to beat me up3a/to rumble/to scrap/to pick a fight with me3b)? (Come on/Get it on/Bring it on)4!”*他的朋友对他说: “等到你的女朋友(发觉)1(你对她不忠)2, 我(肯定)3她将会对你的(脸孔4a/嘴唇4b)(打一拳)5.”: His friend said to him: “Wait until your girlfriend (find out)1 (youre cheating on

9、 her)2, I bet3 shes going to pow5 口 you in the (face4a/kisser4b).”*她说: “我(已经尝试)1(所有种类方法2a/很多不同方法2b)但我(似乎)3不(能够去)4(摆脱)5这(恼人)6的(打嗝)7.”: She said: “I (have tried)1 (all kind of ways2a/many different ways2b) but I dont seem3 to (be able to)4 (get rid of)5 this annoying6 hiccup7.”*他的朋友对他说: “你最好(全部还清1a/偿还

10、1b/交付要偿还那部分1c)那(大耳窿)2不然他将会(痛打你一大顿 /ditto)3.”: His friend said to him: “You better (pay off1a/pay back1b/pay up1c) the (loan shark)2 or hes going to (beat you up/bust your kneecap/break your legs/kick your teeth in/punch your lights out/beat the living daylights note: not “daylight” out of you/punch

11、you out/rough you up good 口)3.”*我说: “今晚(面对)1你那(重量组)2的(冠军头衔持有者)3你不(担忧/ditto)4吗?” 他回答道: “(我会毫不费力地把他打败/ditto)5.”: I said: “Arent you (concerned/worried)4 about facing1 the (title holder)3 of your (weight class)2 tonight?” He replied: “(I can take him with ease/I can destroy him without breaking a sweat

12、/I can take him out easily)5.”*在(小学/ditto)1我(惯性地)2因为一个(细小/ditto)3(违例)4获得(用木直尺击打手掌5a/用木条击打手指关节5b/鞭打手掌5c): At (primary school/ junior grade school)1, I (used to)2 get (a rap on the palm with a wooden ruler5a/a rap on the knuckles with a wooden stick5b/a strap on the palm5c) for a (trivial/minor/small)

13、3 infraction4.*他说: “我(一整天)1(一直在打呵欠2a/几乎不能够把眼睛睁开2b), (很可能3a/最大可能3b)从(太晚睡觉)4和(闷热天气).” 4: He said: “I (have been yawning2a/ could barely keep my eyes open2b) (all day long)1, (likely3a/most likely3b) from (late nights)4 and (muggy weather)5.”*他的妻子问道: “你要(带你的妈妈去吃午饭)1吗?” 他说: “(当然了)2, (打电话过去/ditto)3(找出/di

14、tto)4(这下午她在干什么)5?”: His wife asked: “Do you want to (take your mother out for lunch)1?” He said: “Sure2. (Phone over/Give her a call/Give her a ring/Call her up)3 and (find out/see)4 (what shes doing this afternoon)5.”*那两个(的秘书)1 (敌对/ditto)2 (关系)3(开端是)4在一个(下午)5在(办公室)6里一件(琐碎争执)7(快速地)8(恶化/ditto)9为(女人打斗

15、)10: The two secretaries1 (bitter/hostile)2 relationship3 started4 one afternoon5 at the office6 when a (petty argument)7 quickly8 (degenerated/deteriorated/ worsened)9 into a catfight10.*他对在(淋浴室)1(偷走)2他所有衣服的(同学)3(尖叫道)4: “当我(抓到你)5我将会把你(痛打一顿6a/重击一拳6b/打到不省人事/ditto6c).”: He screamed4 at his classmate3

16、who (ran away with)2 all his clothes in the (shower room)1: “When I (catch you)5 Im going to (pound you good 口6a/ belt you one 口6b/beat you senseless/beat you unconscious/beat you to unconsciousness6c).”*对那(破产)1(科技公司)2(最有价值资产)3(部门)4(竞投大战)5 (成为白热化)6, (最终)7有可能会(变为)8那两间(国际电讯巨人)9之间的(重拳互击打斗)10: A (biddin

17、g war)5 for the (crown jewel)3 division4 of the bankrupt1 (technology company)2 (is heating up)6, and (in the end)7 it would likely (turn into)8 a slugfest10 between the two (global telecom giants)9.*我回家(快速随便地打出)1一个(电子邮件)2去(餐馆连锁店总公司)3(表达我不满于4a/抱怨关于4b)在(他们其中一个地点)5(我得到的)6(可怕/ditto)7(服务)8: I came home

18、and (pounded out)1 an email2 to the (head office of the restaurant chain)3 (to express my dissatisfaction with4a/to complain about4b) the (horrible/abysmal/terrible/ awful/dreadful)7 service8 (I received)6 at (one of their locations)5.*她的姐姐说: “今年如果你的男朋友不(聪明一点儿)1买一件好的生日(礼物/ditto)2给你, 你应该用(啤酒瓶3a/棒球棍3b

19、/你的左勾拳3c)给他(一个4a/好好地4b)(猛力打击他/ditto)5.”: Her sister said: “If your boyfriend doesnt (smarten up)1 and get you a nice birthday (gift/present)2 this year, you should (sock him/clock him)5 (one4a/ good4b) with (a beer bottle3a/a baseball bat3b/ your left hook3c).”*他跟他(正在离婚的妻子)1说: “我(宁愿/ditto)2把我们的(争论)3

20、(私下4a/和平地4b/我们两者之间4c)(解决)5但如果你(选择)6在(法庭)7(打个痛快直至分胜负/ditto)8我(高兴做到你的要求/ditto)9.”: He said to his (divorcing wife)1: “I (prefer to/would just as soon)2 settle5 our differences3 (privately4a/peacefully4b/ between ourselves4c), but if you choose6 to (slug it out/fight it out)8 in court7 Ill (gladly obli

21、ge/be glad to oblige)9.”d:大: () big; (姐姐) older (sister); (一般小) (normal) size; () such a (time, e.g., 大清早: such an early morning) 大爷亞伯: uncle (i.e., a man older than ones father) 大叔亞叔: uncle (i.e., a man younger than ones father) 大娘亞婆: auntie (i.e., a woman older than ones mother) 大妈亞嬸: auntie (i.e.

22、 a, woman younger than ones mother) *她的(丈夫)1有(大于寻常的)2 (头颅)3和(细小的身干)4: Her husband1 has an outsized2 head3 and (a small body)4.*这套电影是(伟大场面制作)1有(好几千个)2(临时演员)3: This movie is an (epic production)1 with thousands2 of extras3.*他说: “(明显地)1那(举重)2(金牌得奖者)3是(大个儿/大块头/ditto)4.”: He said: “Obviously1 the weight-

23、lifting2 (gold medalist)3 is (a hunk/he-man/ muscleman/muscle-bound dude)4.”*(热门马)1在(末段直路)2(大量发力)3以(十五个马位)4(胜出)5: The favoriate1 (poured it on)3 (down the stretch)2 and won5 by (fifteen lengths)4.*他说: “(拿鱼网)1, 我有一条(巨大的/ditto)2(在钓鱼线上)3.”: He said: “(Get the net)1! I have a (biggie/monster/whopper/hug

24、e one)2 (on the line)3.”*安然的(倒闭)1(触发)2(大量的)3(诉讼4a/企业管治改革1b): The collapse1 of Enron triggered2 (an avalanche of)3 (lawsuits4a/reforms in corporate governance4b).*公司(卖出1a/转手1b)后那(管理层)2(经历/ditto)3(大规模转变)4: The (management level)2 (underwent/went through)3 (wholesale changes)4 after the company (was so

25、ld1a/changed hands1b).*那(离婚男人的)1(一大部分/ditto)2的(收入)3(去了)4(赡养费支付)5: (Much of/A good portion of)2 the divorcs1 income3 (goes towards)4 (alimony payments)5.*他的(十来岁女儿)1为了(将来临的学年)2(需要)3(大量/ditto)4 (新衣服)5: His (teenage daughter)1 needs3 (scads/ tons/loads/piles/oodles)4 of (new clothes)5 for the (coming sc

26、hool term)2.*在他的(部门)1(声称的)2(贪污事件)3他是(大程度地牵连在内/ditto)4: He is (in the thick of/very much involved in)4 the alleged2 corruption3 of his department1.*在他六十岁生日的(祝贺者)1说: “(希望)2你(生命)3(赐予)4 (福大命大)5.”: A well-wisher1 at his 60th birthday said: “May2 your life3 (blessed with)4 (good fortune and longevity)5.”*

27、一个(技术人员)1(用电脑加大)2那(模特儿的)3(手臂肌肉)4来作(广告画)5: A technician1 computer-enhanced2 the models3 biceps4 for the poster5.*(大量/ditto)1(影迷)2为(星际大战)3(特权专营)4(末集)5的(首映)6(等候了多小时)7: (Hordes/ Legions)1 of fans2 (waited for hours)6 for the (initial screenings)5 of the (last instalment)4 of the Inter-galaxy Battle fran

28、chise3.*那小孩子的(哥哥)1对那(恶霸)2说: “(不要大欺负小)3, (你要试试我来替代吗)4?”: The little boys (big brother)1 said to the bully2: “(Pick on someone of your own size)3. (Do you want to try me instead)4?”*那(销售副总裁)1(很兴奋地)2说: “我们(刚赢得)3一个(相当大的合同)4(跨越五年)5.”: The (Sales Vice-President)1 said excitedly2: “We (just won)3 a (sizabl

29、e contract)4 which (spans five years)5.”*那个(开枪嫌疑犯)1被两个(武装2a/魁梧2b)(侦探)3(大字形地)4(按下/ditto)5(在地上)6: The (shooting suspect)1 was (held down/pinned down)5 (on the ground)6 spread-eagled4 by two (armed2a/burly2b) detectives3.*他说: “在这(学校)1(那里有2a/我们有2b)五百一十(登记人数)3, (大概一成/ditto)4是(外国学生)5.”: He said: “(There a

30、re2a/We have2b) 510 enrollments3 in this school1, and (roughly 10% of them/approximately 10% of them/10% of them, give or take a few)4, are (foreign students)5.”*这(球队)1(堆积大量/ditto)2的(天才)3但(不知什么原因)4他们(有问题)5(将个别部分拼合一起)6(使它成功)7: This team1 (is stacked/is loaded/is stock-piled)2 with talent3 but somehow

31、4 (there are problems)5 (putting the pieces together)6 (to make it work)7.*那(大银幕明星)1在(百老汇剧院)2(初次登台)3(致力做出4a /做出4b)(杰出5a/极好/ditto5b)的(表演)6: The (big-screen actor)1 (put in4a/ delivered4b) a (bigger-than-life5a/huge/colossal5b) performance6 in his Broadway2 debut3.*(可能导致严重破坏/ditto)1的(法律诉讼)2是(已成过去3a /解

32、决了3b)但我们还有(大量/ditto)4其他的(难题)5来(解决)6: The (crippling/ devastating)1 lawsuit2 is (behind us3a/settled3b), but we still have a (host of/large number of/great many/myriad of/heap of/mass of/load of/ truckload of/bucket-load of/pile of/stack of/host of)4 other problems5 to resolve6. *(尽管)1在一个(剧烈)2(竞争性的)3(市场)4(毫无援助地进行)5下那(电子组)6去年(产生/ditto)7一个(巨大的)8(成绩)9:

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