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北师大高三英语Unit 28重点词汇.docx

1、北师大高三英语Unit 28重点词汇北师大高三英语Unit 28重点词汇一、重点单词:1. relieve vt.减轻, 解除, 援救, 救济, 换班;短语:relieve the boys arm of pain减轻了孩子手臂的疼痛;relieve effectually有效地减轻;relieve greatly大为减轻;relieve painlessly无痛地除去;relieve spiritually精神上减轻;relieve ultimately最后解除;relieve against在衬托下;relieve at因感到宽慰;relieve by镶在边上;relieve sb fro

2、m使摆脱,解除;relieve sb from anxiety消除某人的忧虑;relieve .of使摆脱,解除;relieve of sbs command解除某人的指挥权;relieve sb of the burden减轻某人的负担;relieve with用来衬托;relieve ones feelings 发泄感情; relieve sb. of 使某人解除;用法:relieve是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。relieve的宾语指人时,后接from或of,前强调状态,后强调对象;宾语指事物、状态时,常后接with或不接介词;常用被动结构,后接against,表示“在的衬托下”;后接

3、at或不定式,表示“因而感到宽慰”;后接of,表示“被免除(职务)”。如:relieve sb from anxiety;/ Your coming relieves me of the bother./ She relieved the dullness of the evening with a few songs. / The mountain is relieved against the blue sky./ I was relieved at the news./ He was relieved of his post. 配套练习:(1). 单项填空:After the accid

4、ent, the truck driver was _ for cuts and bruises. A. treated B. cured C. corrected D. relievedDont _ this news to the public until we give you to go ahead. A. release B. relieve C. relate D. RetainI think a cold drink can _ you after your long hot journey. A. recover B. reward C. relieve D. refresh

5、The little girl was so frightened that she just wouldnt _ her grip on my arm. A. loosen B. remove C. relieve D. dismiss(2). 完成句子This will _ _(减轻压力)on the trains to some extent. The minister _ _ _ _ _(被解除了职务).2. filter n.滤波器, 过滤器, 滤光器, 筛选;vt.过滤, 渗透, 用过滤法除去;vi.滤过, 渗入, (消息等)走漏, 慢慢传开; 短语:filter tip过滤嘴香烟

6、;pass sth through a filter过滤某东西;filter light露出亮光;filter water过滤水;filter off滤掉(某物);filter out滤出,泄露;filter out the facts泄露出去事实真相;filter through逐渐被理解;filter into渗入,传入;filter into the country渗入国内;filter into Japan渗入日本;filter into peoples minds渗入人心;filter through渗透,滤过,透露;用法:filter可用作及物动词也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时

7、,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。filter接out表示“滤出”“泄露出去”; 后接through,表示“过滤”。如:They filtered the water through a cloth to remove the dirt. 后接into,表示“渗入”。如:Enemy managed to filter into the country.配套练习:They are hoping to _ the Japanese market with their latest product. A. transmit B. plunge C. penetrate D. filter Tom

8、 could not _ the last problem on the arithmetic test. A. fill out B. figure out C. find out D. filter outWhat they produced has no any _ value. But it is very useful to their research. A.filter B.fold C.partial D.commercialWell _ you for any damage done to your house while we are in it. A. filter B.

9、 hook C. swallow D. compensateThe news began to _ through to the outside world. A. pour B. filter C. broadcast D. drip3. excess n.过度, 剩于, 无节制, 超过, 超额; adj.过度的, 额外的; excessive adj.过多的, 过分的, 额外;短语:excess baggage超重行李;excess details过多的细节;excess fat过多的脂肪;excess furniture多余的家具;excess sleep过多的睡眠;go to exce

10、ss走极端;in toexcess过度(地),太;excess in drinking纵饮过度;excess of超过,超越,过度,过多的量;用法:excess后接 of,表示“过度的”;后接 of, of的宾语后再接 over,表示“超过的部分”。如: He has an excess of energy. The excess of 7 over 5 is 2.配套练习:My cases were too heavy, and the airline charged me $40 for _ baggage. A. extensive B. exclusive C. extreme D.

11、excess The cost of the damage _ our worst fears. A. excelled B. examined C. exceeded D. excessWill all those _ the proposal raise their hands? A. in relation to B. in contrast to C. in excess of D. in favor ofIf your letter is over weight, you must pay for the _.A.excess B.exceed C.checked D.chasedW

12、hat she achieved in her research might _ what she had been expecting. A.exceed B.exclaim C.excess D.extend4. ease n. 安逸;舒适; v. 减轻(痛苦,忧虑);缓和;放松短语:at ease 感到舒适而无忧虑;感到放松,不拘束; with ease 毫不费劲地,轻而易举地; be ill at ease 局促不安, 心神不宁;put sb. at his ease 使某人宽心;set sb.s heart at ease 使安心, 安慰某人;social ease 毫不拘束, 态度

13、自然;stand at ease (口令)稍息; take ones ease 休息, 悠闲;ease from care无忧无虑;ease of mind心情舒畅;ease oneself into a chair慢慢地坐到椅子上;ease sb of使某人舒适安心,减轻(痛苦,忧虑等);ease sb of the pain消除痛苦;ease sb of his purse抢人钱包;ease sb of his troubles消除某人的烦恼;用法:ease可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时常接名词或代词作宾语,主语可以是人,也可以是物/事物。ease用作不及物动词时,主语

14、多为物。有时主动形式含有被动意义。配套练习:(1). 完成句子 听说孩子们都很安全,她才放心。Her mind _ knowing that the children were safe. 她不断练习奏鸣曲直到熟练为止。She practiced until she could play the sonata_.(2). 单项填空:He felt completely _ ease _ Mary. A. at; with B .at ; to C. with; with D. to; to Every Monday morning, all the teachers and students

15、in our school stand at _ as our national flag is raised. A. attention B. attentions C. at ease D. attentivelyThe old couple are now quite as their son is out of danger. least last risk ease How was your interview with the famous basketball player -Yao Ming? I was quite nervous at

16、 first, but his warm smile put me. action ease C.on work D.on watch 5. adore v. 崇拜;爱慕;喜爱(相当于worship, admire)短语:adore sth./doing sth.喜欢某物/做某事;adore a famous scientist崇拜一位著名的科学家;adore this film十分喜欢这部电影;adore absolutely绝对地疼爱;adore blindly盲目崇拜;adore faithfully虔诚地崇拜;adore passionately热情地崇拜;ador

17、e simply就是崇拜;adore.as把当作崇拜;adore.for因崇拜;adore.with true devotion虔诚地崇拜;用法:adore的基本意思是极度地“热爱,爱慕”,指感情上为一个爱慕对象的魅力所倾倒; 也可作“敬仰,崇拜”解,指把某人或物当作神或神圣的东西来崇拜或信奉。多接指人的名词,也可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语,作此解时不用于进行体。在口语中, adore也可作“非常喜欢”解,后面可接动名词或动词不定式作宾语。配套练习:(1). 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空They _ (adore) her as a living goddess.She adores

18、_ (visit) museums.I would adore _ (settle) back homeland.(2). 单项填空:He _ his wife and children. A. adore B.was adoring C.admire D. adored She adores _ to the theatre. A. to go B. going C. goes D. go You are my reason to live. All I own I would give just to have you _ me. A. adore B. adoring C. to ado

19、re D. adored Think _ how they all adore you! A. about B. back C. of D. over 6. bathe vt.沐浴,洗;沉浸;短语:bathe in cold water洗冷水浴;bathe in moonlight沐浴在月光中;bathe in tears泪流满面;bathe oneself in water把自己浸在水里;go for a bathe去游泳;have/take a bathe游泳;bathe a wound清洗伤口;用法:bathe的基本意思是“泡在水里”。在美式英语中可作“洗澡”“游泳”解。作“自己洗澡,游

20、泳”解时用作不及物动词; 作“给洗澡”解时用作及物动词。常用于被动结构。bathe作“冲洗”解时用作及物动词,主要指用水或药水等液体冲洗眼睛或伤口等。表示“用冲洗”时其后面可接介词with。bathe用于比喻,可表示“沐浴”“笼罩”在日月光下或水汗水中,这时多接介词in,常用于被动结构。bathe用作名词时是英国用语,它是相对于室内洗澡的,到海、湖、河的室外“洗澡,游泳”。bathe通常用作单数形式,常与a连用。配套练习:The valley was _ in sunlight, and the children were singing and jumping with joy A. bat

21、hed B. covered C. swam D. surroundedThe sun began to rise in the sky, _ the mountain in golden light. A. bathed B. bathing C. to have bathed D. have bathed There was a clear and dancing mountain stream in _ we took our morningbatheevery day. A. where B. what C. that D. which I went _ abathethis morn

22、ing. A. to B. for C. towards D. out of 7. smooth adj.平滑的,平坦的,平稳的;短语:smooth to the touch手感平滑;smooth a sheet抚平床单;smooth the anger平息愤怒;smooth away消除,克服,使容易,使顺利;smooth away misunderstanding消除误会;smooth away obstacles消除障碍;smooth down弄光,使平滑;smooth out a handkerchief把手绢弄平;smooth out difficulties排除困难;smooth

23、over掩饰,调停,平息,排除;用法:smooth用作动词的意思是“使光滑”“使平坦”,引申则可表示“使顺利”。smooth用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。配套练习:The girl is always _ with children and always speaks in a _ voice, so she is fit for a job in a kindergarten. A. soft; soft B. gentle; smooth C. gentle; gentle D. soft; gentle There is no _ evidence that peop

24、le can control their dreams, at least in experimental situations in a lab. A. rigid B. solid C. smooth D. harshThough he was born and brought up in America, he can speak _ Chinese. A. smooth B. fluent C. fluid D. flowingThe typhoon laid the trees _ with the ground. A. smooth B. ever C. even D. flatA

25、 jeep is ideal for driving over _ terrain. A. smooth B. even C. rough D. steep8. credit n.赞扬,荣誉,功劳;短语:purchase for credit赊买;account in credit存款户;a man of credit有声望的人;on credit挂账,赊账;buy sth on credit赊购某物;sell sth on credit赊账;enter sth to sbs credit把记在某人的账上;without credit不讲信誉;credit in history历史学分;cre

26、dit of the store商店的信誉;credit to的光荣;credit to parents父母的光荣;用法:credit作“赊购,赊欠”解时,一般只用作不可数名词,常与介词on连用; 作“赞扬,荣誉,功劳”解时,通常也用作不可数名词,与介词to连用表示“给带来荣誉”,与for连用表示“赞扬”或“受到赞扬”的原因。credit是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。常用于credit sth to sb或credit sb with sth结构中。配套练习:The plan was so shallow and impractical that no serious_was ever ma

27、de to realize it. A. recognition B. comment C. attempt D. creditFluency in three languages _ her for work in the European Parliament. A. qualifies B. enables C. credits D. deservesThe mayor _ the police officer a medal of honor for his heroic deed in rescuing the earthquake victims. A. rewarded B. a

28、warded C. credited D. prizedHis business was very successful, but it was at the _ of his family life. A. consumption B. credit C. exhaustion D. expenseIt _ you to at least 50% off the regular price of either frames or lenses when you buy both. A. presents B. entitles C. credits D. tipsThis ticket _

29、you to a free meal in our new restaurant. A. gives B. grants C. entitles D. credits 9. prone adj.易于发生(不愉快事)的;短语:prone to倾于 .;accident prone易出事故的;prone bed卧椅;prone bombing俯冲轰炸;fire prone有火灾危险;prone position卧姿;prone float俯卧漂浮姿势;用法:prone作“易于的;很可能的”解时常用作表语,其后常接介词to引起的短语,也常接动词不定式。配套练习:Astronauts are _ al

30、l kinds of tests before they are actually sent up in a spacecraft. A. inclined to B. subjected to C. prone to D. bound to Doctors are interested in using lasers as a surgical tool in operations on people who are _ to heart attack. A. prone B. disposed C. infections D. accessibleWeightlifting,oranyothersportthatbuildsupyourmuscles,canmakebonesbecomedenserandless _toinjury. A.attached B.prone C.immune D.reconciledWeak people areprone_ cold.

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