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1、Whereismydog教学设计Whereismydog?教学设计二、Purpose : 1. Knowledge : Catch new “ in , behind , by , near , under , on ” 2. Ability : Can act and speak 3. Feeling : Congratulate the better living ability 三、Focus 1. Words : in , on , by , near , under , by 2. Senlenles : Where is ? Its 四、教学用具:(Teaching aids )

2、1、 教具:录音机、磁带、各种实物。 2、 学具:书、笔、练习册。 教师:许维洁 五、Teaching : 1.Greeting T : Hello , boys and girls S : Hello , Miss Xu. T : Whats the time ?(出示钟面) S : Its 设计意图:课前会话不仅能活跃课堂气氛,还能使学生尽快进入英语教学氛围中。 2.Warmup : A game T : boys and girls . please look at the desk . Answer my question . Whats on the desk ? S : Its a

3、 box . T : Whats in it ? please guess . S : A pen l eraser T : Now , let me open it . Oh , Its a Qiqi . 设计意图:为激发学生学习欲望,让学生在猜测中发挥想象,自主学习并为后面的教学作下埋笔。 3. Presentation T : What can you see on the desk ? S : I can see a box . T : What can you see in the box ? S : I can see Qiqi in the box . 4. Into new l

4、esson : T : Now , boys and girls .Answer my question . Where is Qiqi ?(连续地问,采用直观教学。) (1)板书:by靠近、挨着(讲解、领读) T : Where is Qiqi ?(Qiqi的卡片靠盒子) He is by the box . (引导学生回答) T : Where is Miss Xu ? S : She is by the desk . (2)板书:near在的附近(讲解、领读) T : Where is Qiqi ? (Qiqi的卡片放盒子的旁边) He is near the box . T : Whe

5、re is Miss Xu ? S : She is near the desk . (3)板书:under在的下面(讲解、领读) T : Where is Qiqi ? He is under the box . T : Where is Miss Xu ? She is under the desk . (4)板书:behind在的后面(讲解、领读) S : She is behind the door . 设计意图:运用直观教学和肢体语言表达本课知识点,印象直观、深刻。 5. Practice : (1)呈现课件 T : What can you see in the picture ?

6、 S : I can see an apple . T : Where is the apple ? S : Its on the desk . 设计意图:在课件辅助下,把所学的方向介词再现一遍。在教学过程中,培养学生动口的能力,从中体验到学习英语的乐趣。 (2)Pair work . S1 : Where is my ruler ? S2 : Its in your pencilbox . S1 : Where is my pencilbox ? S2 : Its in your bag . S1 : Where is my bag ? S2 : Its behind the desk .

7、S3 : Where is my ball ? S4 : Its under the desk . S5 : Where is my book ? S6 : Its near the pencilbox . 设计意图:由于句型简单,学生们表现十分踊跃,也极大提高了学习兴趣,增强学生的自信心,从而更好地理解本课的知识点。学生在互动学习中获得交际成功的喜悦。 (3)Drauing T : Now . boys and girls . please take out your paper and pencil . Listen and draw . T : First , draw a boy by

8、 the desk . Second , draw a bag behind the desk . Third , draw an apple in the desk . Lasr one , draw a cat near the desk . 设计意图:由听入手,学生动手,以画助学。根据学生的喜好,拓展知识,激发学生学英语的欲望和热情。 6. Sing a song T : Now boys and girls . Lets relax . Sing an English song , ok ? S : Ok . 设计意图:多媒体出示歌词及优美的画面,让学生先听后跟唱。学生们在紧张兴奋的学习之中,唱支英文歌曲活跃课堂气氛,从而拉近师生距离。 7. Homework : Draw some pictures . Ask and ansuer . 设计意图:根据学生的心理特点和喜爱来布置作业,能有效提高学生学习和实际运用英语的能力。

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