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新视野第二版听说教程第3册 听力原文.docx

1、新视野第二版听说教程第3册 听力原文Unit 1 Live and Love10 short conversations1. W: I dont know what to say about your new girlfriendshe seems so cold, so distant.M: Deep down, shes a loving person. The problem is that she didnt have a loving family like ours. So she doesnt know how to express love.Q: According to th

2、e man, whats wrong with his new girlfriend?2. W: You look at my father and see a tough man with a gun and blood on his hands. But I see him as a man who always provides for his family.M: Whoa, wait a minute. I didnt say anything of the sort. I admire your father a lot.Q: What does the man think abou

3、t the womans father?3. W: You know, I never understood why my parents kept giving second chances to my brother. He never does right by them.M: Then you dont understand the nature of love. Love means never quitting on the one you love.Q: What does the woman NOT understand?4. W: If only I had more mon

4、ey, I would buy my parents everything they wanted.M: Thats a very nice thought, but its really not necessary. Visit them more. That should be enough for them.Q: What should the woman do for her parents?5. W: Excuse me! Have you already started class? Or am I on time?M: Ive already begun the lesson.

5、Were talking about the meaning of love. Please take your seat. Q: What is the topic for the class?6. W: Some learn from their parents, some from their friendsbut if a person has never learned about love, his life is a waste.M: I agree whole-heartedly. Thankfully. I learned about love from my parents

6、 at an early age. Q: What are the speakers talking about?7. W: Its 10 oclock! Youre late again! I just dont know what to say anymore.M: Sweetheart, love, darling, you should know that my being late has nothing to do with my love for you. Try to understand me.Q: What can we infer from the conversatio

7、n?8. W: Sometimes Im glad my mother isnt alive. I think if she could see the person Ive become, shed really be disappointed.M: Mom had a lot of love for you. If she were here now, she wouldnt judge you that way. She just wouldve been happy to see her kids and help them when she could. Q: According t

8、o the man, what would their mother NOT have done if she were alive?9. M: Pardon me. Um, why dont you teach us anything about love in class?W: Well, love is important, but its not a good topic for the classroom. You should learn abut love from your parents or grandparents.Q: What is the probable rela

9、tionship between the two speakers?10. W: Ive been thinking about how I could teach my children to be more loving.M: Sounds like a job for you and your husband. How about I give you some vacation time? You could take a family trip and talk more with your kids.Q: What is the probable relationship betw

10、een the two speakers?Understanding a long conversationM: Sometimes I really dont understand you. You are often rude to our children, you never play with them, and you rarely say you love them. This isnt how parents are supposed to act. Where did you learn such behavior?W: Hey! I dont think Ive treat

11、ed them any differently than my parents treated me and my sisters!M: So thats where you learned itform your parents?W: My parents were good. They raised three children.M: From what I can see, they didnt teach you how to be a loving person. What is going to happen to our kids? If you keep treating th

12、em poorly, theyre going to grow up to be just like you. W: Listen, theres a lot that I can learn about being a good mother, but I still think Im doing a good job. Look at our kids. Theyre already kind and loving people. And I dont think you have any reason to worry.Questions:1. What are the two spea

13、kers talking about?2. According to the man, what is wrong with the way the woman treats her children?3. According to the man, what didnt the womans parents teach her?4. What does the woman think?5. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?Unit 2 Step Up to Better Health10 short con

14、versations1. W: Wow! You look great! What have you been doing to look so good?M: Ive been lifting weights. I really feel great. Strange, but it hardly took any time at all before I started seeing improvements in my body.Q: What has been happening?2. M: Can you help me open this bottle? Someone put t

15、he cap on too tight.W: Sure thing! Ummthere! Hey, that wasnt tight at all! You really need to work out a little more and build up your strength! Q: According to the woman, what is the mans problem?3. M: I just dont know what Im going to do about my energy level! No matter what I do, I always feel ti

16、red!W: Heres an idea: Since youve already been exercising a lot with no result, maybe you can change your diet. Q: According to the woman, what should the man do?4. M: Id really like to begin an exercise program, but I simply dont know how to begin. W: Ive spoken to a doctor about it. Ill tell you w

17、hat he told me: Start off with a little bit of running and then do more and more every day. Q: What does the woman recommend?5. M: Ive been feeling terrible lately. Do you think exercise could help me? W: I cant stay for sure. It probably wouldnt hurt, but exercise cant cure all of your problems.Q:

18、What does the woman mean?6. W: You always do so well in your classes! How do you make it?M: Running gives me energy to stay up late into the night. This allows me to study more. Do the same and run with me tomorrow!Q: What does the man recommend?7. M: Theres a strange limp in your walk. Did you pull

19、 a muscle or something?W: Nah. I just feel a bit tired from all the exercise Ive been doing at the gym. Ill return to normal in just a moment.Q: What is wrong with the woman?8. M: Have you seen how much weight Angelas put on? Why do you think she stopped exercising and started eating such unhealthy

20、foods?W: Its a sad story. Her parents got divorced, and now shes totally ignored her health. Q: What is the conversation about?9. W: Hello? Are you the person I talked to on the phone about checking in for an appointment?M: Yes. Just sign you name on this piece of paper, and the doctor will see you

21、as soon as he is free. Q: Where does the conversation possibly take place?10. W: Ive been so very worried, and I dont have a clue as to why Ive been so sick. M: Try not to worry too much. Do some running, see me in a week, and let me know if things change. Ill run some tests on you if youre still no

22、t feeling well.Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?Understanding a long conversationM: Hey! Hold up! Can you spare a minute?W: Ugh, do you think you can make it quick?M: Ill only need a minute, and then you can return to your run.W: Fine, whats up?M: Ma and Pa asked me to t

23、alk to you about all the exercising youve been doing. They told me I could find you here at the school track.W: So what of it?M: They think youve been doing a bit too much.W: You know what the doctor saidIf I dont get active, I could die of a heart attack.M: Yeah, but I dont think he meant for you t

24、o do so much. You should take it slowly. Maybe you could build an exercise program that becomes more and more difficult as time goes by. W: Is that what your doctor said?M: No. Its just common sense. Everyone knows you shouldnt overwork yourself when you start exercising.W: Thanks for the concern. B

25、ut tell Ma and Pa that Ill be fine with what Im doing. Questions:1. What are the speakers talking about?2. What is the woman doing when the man calls out to her?3. What are the womans parents concerned about?4. How can the man be so sure of his opinion about exercise?5. What is the probable relation

26、ship between the two speakers?Unit 3 Ways to Win10 short conversations1. W: The President has decided that the current education system must be changed.M: Yeah. But the question is what to change and how to change it. Id like a leader who has real ideas for how things could be done!Q: What can we in

27、fer from the conversation?2. W: A new language school from England has gotten a lot of attention because of its success in teaching students English. M: I saw something on the news about it. I should ask my teacher what he thinks.Q: How does the man know of the English language school?3. W: My daugh

28、ters college entrance exam is coming up, and I dont think shes ready. M: You might want to send her to a test preparation school, modeled on the school in Japan. Students there do quite well.Q: Why does the man recommend the test preparation school?4. W: Our school has started offering classes in Ch

29、inese philosophy and religions.M: Ive actually taken some of these classes, as well as a Chinese cooking class. And now I want to visit China to see how the people live.Q: What does the man want to learn about when he travels to China?5. W: Do you have any ideas for how I could improve my study skil

30、ls?M: There are lots of special techniques and even classes on the subject of study skills, but I think you should forget about all of that. Just study more!Q: What should the woman do?6. W: Ive been thinking a lot about how I could become happier. But I dont know what to do.M: Well, I think you sho

31、uld give up on the idea that money brings happiness. Try learning from poor, simple farmers. They always seem happy.Q: What does the man think of farmers?7. W: Well, I cant see why you are traveling to Germany.M: I now you want to me to stay here, but my boss is sending me. Im supposed to have a loo

32、k at a factory there and learn something from it. Q: Why is the man traveling to Germany?8. W: When the meeting begins, Id like you to introduce the methods of negotiation you learned while you were in Japan.M: OK. Do you have plans to discuss how these methods can be used, or can I do that?Q: What are the speakers talking about?9. W: While youre away in Austra

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