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1、届上海市高三英语16区二模汇编阅读C篇2020届高三英语二模汇编阅读C篇1、2020黄浦二模Directions: Read the following passage. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage

2、you have read.( C )Scientists in Antarctica have recorded, for the first time, unusually warm water beneath a glacier (冰川) the size of Florida that is already melting and contributing to a rise in sea levels.The researchers, working on the Thwaites Glacier, recorded water temperatures at the base of

3、 the ice of more than 2, above the normal freezing point. Critically, the measurements were taken at the glaciers grounding line, the area where it transforms from resting wholly on bedrock to spreading out on the sea as ice shelves. It is unclear how fast the glacier is getting worse: Studies have

4、forecast its total collapse in a century or in a few decades. The presence of warm water in the grounding line may support estimates at the faster range.That is worthy of attention because the Thwaites, along with the Pine Island Glacier and several smaller glaciers, acts as a brake on part of the m

5、uch larger West Antarctic Ice Sheet, which if melted, would raise the worlds oceans by more than a meter over centuries, an amount that would put many coastal cities underwater.“Warm waters in this part of the world, as remote as they may seem, should serve as a warning to all of us about the potent

6、ial terrible changes to the planet brought about by climate change,” said David Holland, director of New York Universitys Environmental Fluid Dynamics Laboratory.Glaciologists have previously raised alarm over the presence of warm water melting the Thwaites from below. This is the first time, though

7、, that warm waters have been measured at the glaciers grounding line.To observe activity beneath the glacier, Dr. Hollands team drilled a hole about 30 centimeters wide and 600 meters deep from the surface to the bottom and then placed equipment that measures water temperature and ocean turbulence,

8、or the mixing of freshwater from the glacier and salty ocean water. Collecting the data took about 96 hours in subzero weather. Warm waters beneath the Thwaites are actively melting it, the team found.While scientists may not yet be able to definitively predict how soon glaciers like the Thwaites wi

9、ll melt, human-caused climate change is a key factor. The biggest predictor of “how much ice we will lose and how quickly we will lose it,” Dr. Holland said, “is human action.”63. What does warm water found in the glaciers grounding line indicate? A. Sea levels should be remeasured. B. It may take a

10、 century for the glacier to melt. C. The grounding line is getting shorter. D. The glacier might disappear sooner.64. The Thwaites and other glaciers are important because _. A. they hold back ice B. they are extremely large C. they are located at bedrocks D. they are collapsing65. What can be infer

11、red from the passage about the researchers viewpoints? A. We can predict how much ice can be kept. B. Human beings are to blame for the loss of ice. C. Glaciers serve a more important purpose than expected. D. More data needs to be collected to support the estimates.66. What is the passage mainly ab

12、out? A. The efforts made to avoid the presence of warm water. B. The alarm voiced on the worsening situation of glaciers. C. The tools employed to measure the temperature of Antarctica. D. The prediction based on a scientific study of the grounding line.【答案】63-66: DABB【难度】中等偏难2、2020普陀二模(C)The sun sh

13、ows its face every day, but an amazing new telescope is giving us a whole different view of it. And guess what? Our familiar friend in the sky has some impressive features! Seen from the earth without a fancy telescope, the sun resembles a pale disc, sort of like a big sugar cookie shining in the sk

14、y. However, in detailed photos and video captured by the new telescope, the suns surface looks lumpy(块状的)and bumpy.The incredible instrument responsible for these eye-popping images is the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST), the most powerful solar telescope in the world. A project of the Nati

15、onal Science Foundation (NSF), the telescope is named after a U.S. politician who represented the state of Hawaii, which is home to the high-tech, high-resolution wonder.The DKIST is at the summit of Haleakal on the island of Maui, which isa volcano! While that might sound like a risky place for a $

16、344-million observatory to perch, the volcano is extinct. Whats more, the combination of high elevation, low air disturbance, and deep blue skies make it an ideal location to study the sun. Modern astronomers(天文学家)arent the first to recognize that Haleakal has a special connection to the sunancient

17、Hawaiians were way ahead of them. The summit of Haleakal is admired by native Hawaiians, who gave the place its name, which means “House of the Sun.”Now, after being under construction for about ten years, the DKIST is sunbathing in this storeyed spot. When the telescopes first videos and photos wer

18、e posted, they blew up on social media like a superstar, but the NSF has much bigger goals than going viral. The astronomers want to study the surface of the sun to better predict solar weather.Why on earth would people want a weather forecast for a place thats more than 145 million kilometers away?

19、 Because events on the surface of the sun can end up affecting us right here at home. Solar weather can disable satellite systems and GPS tracking systems and even cause blackouts, in which large areas temporarily lose electricity. In 2017, solar flares(耀斑)disabled radio communications as three hurr

20、icanes were bearing down on the Caribbean. As you can imagine, that was a huge blow to emergency response efforts.By studying the images the DKIST captures, scientists hope to learn how to predict solar weather events in time for people to take precautions and prevent disasters. In the meantime, we

21、can all enjoy getting an eye-opening new view of the sun!63. The underlined word “perch” in paragraph 3 most probably means .A. to be on something high B. to take photos or videosC. to tear something apart D. to be used to help understand64. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.

22、 The sun looks like a big sugar cookie in the DKISTs image.B. The NSF is responsible for astronomy education in Hawaii.C. High air turbulence is one of the conditions of the solar research.D. The native Hawaiians have a long history of appreciating the sun.65. In paragraph 5, the case in the Caribbe

23、an is mentioned to .A. explain why we have to get best photos of the sunB. suggest how natural disasters are caused by the sunC. show how solar weather harms communications on the earthD. illustrate why weather forecast is so important for disaster prevention66. Which of the following is the best ti

24、tle of the passage?A. A New View of the Sun B. An Amazing New TelescopeC. Weather Forecast for the Sun D. The Best Location for Sun Research【答案】63-66 ADCA【难度】中等3、2020徐汇二模(C)There has, in recent years, been an outpouring of information about the impact of buildings on the natural environment. Informa

25、tion which explains and promotes green and sustainable construction design, strives to convince others of its efficacy (功效) and warns of the dangers of ignoring the issue. Seldom do these documents offer any advice to practitioners, such as those designing mechanical and electrical systems for a bui

26、lding, on how to use this knowledge on a practical level. Although there are a good many advocates of “green” construction in the architectural industry, able to list enough reasons why buildings should be designed in a sustainable way, not to mention plenty of architectural firms with experience in

27、 green design, this is not enough to make green construction come into being. The driving force behind whether a building is constructed with minimal environmental impact lies with the owner of the building; that is, the person financing the project. If the owner considers green design unimportant,

28、or of secondary importance, then more than likely, it will not be factored into the design.The commissioning (委任) process plays a key role in ensuring the owner gets the building he wants, in terms of design, costs and risk. At the predesign stage, the owners objectives and expectations are discusse

29、d and documented. This gives a design team a solid foundation on which they can build their ideas. Owners who skip the commissioning process, or fail to take “green” issues into account when doing so, often come a cropper once their building is up and running. Materials and equipment are installed a

30、s planned, and, at first glance, appear to fulfil their purpose adequately. However, in time, the owner realizes that operational and maintenance costs are higher than necessary, and that the occupants are dissatisfied with the results. These factors in turn lead to higher ownership costs as well as

31、 increased environmental impact.In some cases, an owner may be aware of the latest trends in sustainable building design. However, firms should not take it as read that the client already has an idea of how green he intends the structure to be. Indeed, this initial interaction between owner and firm

32、 is the ideal time for a designer to outline and promote the ways that green design can meet the clients objectives, thus turning a project originally not destined for green design into a potential candidate.Typically, when considering whether or not to adopt a green approach, an owner will ask about additional costs or return for investment. In a typical project, landscape architects, mechanical and electrical engineers do not become involved until a much later stage. However, in green design, they must be involved

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