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1、x7u4Unit4 Sharing 第一二课时 词汇 主备人:文建卫 高琰勇 授课人: 授课时间: 评价: 学习目标:1.让学生熟练掌握本单元单词和短语,能够准确应用这些单词和短语完成句子。2.小组合作,自主探究。 3.激情投入,快乐学习。使用说明&方法指导:1.组合作前学生必须独立完成这张学案并思考 2.学生间主动积极合作 3.生认真查阅相关的信息(包括词典和练习册)并组织讨论.重点难点:学会在具体语境中准确、恰当运用所学词汇。上节目标检测 Fill in the blanks according to the text.1_.n.安排;排列_ v.安排;排列2._ vt.捐赠 _n.捐献;

2、捐赠 _n. 捐赠者3._adj.自愿的;志愿的;无偿的_n.志愿者v.自愿(做)4._vt.& n.买;购买 _(同义词) 5._ vi.工作vt.操作_ n. 操作;手术 6 _ 极想;渴望 7 the other day _ 8 dry out _ 9 dry up_ 10 in need _ 本节目标展示及讲解(以下为重要单词和短语的用法)1. be dying toAll of them are dying to see the movie. I am dying for a glass of water. 【归纳用法】:_; Many of us are _ to know wha

3、t the theme of new project is. A. agreeing B. dying C. wanting D. desiring我极想出国 【联想拓展】“渴望”的类似说法be eager to do sth./for sth. be anxious to do sth./ for sth.desire to do sth./for sth long to do sth. / for sth.巧学妙记:提到die短语多,病饿冻死of用,相继死亡off拖,绝种绝迹跟out,逐渐消失away选,急切渴望常用进行时。2. relevant 1)【语境助记】观察例句,总结releva

4、nt用法: What you said is not relevant to this matter . Her statement is really relevant to this case. be relevant to = be connected with/ have sth. to do with 2)【针对训练】His nationality _ whether he is a good teacher.他的国籍与他是否是位好老师无关。What experience do you have that is_this position? 你有什么跟这个工作相关的经历?3. adj

5、ust1)【语境助记】观察例句,总结adjust的用法:It took her a while to adjust to living alone. You will quickly adjust yourself to student life. Just as I tried to make the necessary adjustment to this new situation,Wang Ping appeared. 2)【针对训练】我的表快了,我得把它校准。My watch is too fast. I have to _ it.她花了很长时间才适应了在美国独自生活。It took

6、 her a long time to_ alone in America.动物能使自己适应生存环境。Animals can _ the environment.4. participate vi. 参与;参加 participate in 参加 participate with sb. in sth. 同某人参与某事 take part in=join in=participate in 【易混辨异】participate, attend, take part in, join, join (sb.) in(1) participate正式用语,常与in搭配,意为“参与;参加”。强调与他人共

7、同参加某一活动,暗示以一种积极的态度参加。(2)attend一般用于指参加会议,出席典礼或招待会等,也可以指上学、听课、听演讲或讲座等。(3) join 常用词,通常指参加某组织或团体,并成为其中的一员,其宾语往往是thearmy/party/team/club等。(4) join in 参加正在进行的活动,其宾语一般是竞赛、娱乐、谈话、讨论、聚会、游戏等名词,可用于join in (doing) sth./join (doing) sth.结构中。(5) take part in 指参加群众性的活动,侧重说明主语参加该项活动并在其中发挥一定的作用。part 前若有修饰语,要用不定

8、冠词。如:take (an active) part in school/activities。 选词填空All the students _ cleaning the street. Her wish is to _ the army after graduation. They will _ an important meeting tomorrow. They the 16th Asian Games and won the 1000th gold medal for Chinese team. Please _ us in playing football. 5.privilege n

9、. 特权;特别优待 It was a privilege to know you .能认识你真是荣幸之至。I hope to have the privilege of working with them .我希望有和他们一起工作的荣幸。用法归纳:_; _ 6. otherwise conj. 否则;不然 adv. 用别的方法;其他方面Work hard when you are young, otherwise youll regret it.练习:(1)Seize the chance,_ you will regret it. (2)He is slow, but _ he is a g

10、ood student. 祈使句 , and (or ,otherwise ) + 简单句(常用将来时)1) Hurry up , _ you will be late.2) Study hard , _ you will pass the exam .7. voluntary adj.自愿的,无偿的 _n.& v.志愿者;自愿提供 _adv. 自愿地,主动地volunteer for sth./to do自愿提供某物或做某事 When she retired she did a lot of voluntary work for the Red Cross. I need some volu

11、nteers to clean up the kitchen. The company volunteered to donate 500000 yuan to help him.练习填空: He volunteered _the task. She is a _ (volunteer) worker at the hospital. He volunteered _ (look) after the old man. He helped his poor friend_.8.the other day=some days ago 前几天 (通常与过去式连用)拓展:another day 改天

12、 one day某天(过去时或将来时 )some day 将来某一天(将来时)eg:I met him in the street the other day. 几天前我在街上遇见了他。运用:用上述短语填空。 Youll succeed _ as long as you work hard. Why not write the composition_ ? We visited the History Museum _.9Operate 1) vt 操作;开办,经营/开办学校/操作机器 2) vi 工作;运转Solar panels can only operate in sunlight.

13、The machine doesnt operate smoothly.3) vi 动手术 operate sb on+某部位 给某人动手术观察operate在下句中的含义和用法。(1)The machine is not operating properly. _ (2)The kettle is operated by electricity. _ (3)They operate three factories . _ (4) The doctors decided to operate on her for cancer _ . operation n.运转;操作;工作;作用;生效;手术

14、;经营;管理come into operation put into operation be in operation 10. in need 在困难中,在危急中be in need of sth 需要 There is no need for sth. 不需要某物There is no need for do sth. 某人没有必要做某事.A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难朋友才是真朋友.(1)They are _ books and teachers.(2)_ to go there so early.(没必要)11.donate

15、vt. 捐赠 ;赠送 donate blood/organs 献血/捐器官 donation 捐赠 (1)Last year he donated $1000 to cancer research. (2)They received a large _ to the school.12.purchase Vt. n. 购买;采购 make a purchase 采购 Eg: He saved money to _ a new car. 13. distribute vt.分配;分发;分布distribution n. 分发,分布状况 distribute sth to/among sb./st

16、h eg: The mother _ candy _ children.本节目标训练及检测 Ask students to fill in the text with proper words in this class. be dying to; in need; hear from; the other day; remote; adjust; textbook; arrangement; otherwise; voluntary; distribute; donate; paperwork; muddy; participate1._ (前几天) I 2 Li Ping, one of

17、my best friends, working in a 3._ village school in the west part of China as a voluntary teacher. The condition there is very bad. The way to his school is 4 and the classroom is very old. Still worse, the students have not enough 5._ . At the beginning, he couldnt stand it, but now he has already

18、6._ to it. Much to his satisfaction, the students 7._ learn much knowledge to build and develop their hometown. He says he is very busy now. Every day he does much 8._ and makes 9. _ for the next day. 10. _ he would have written to me earlier. However, he feels very full and happy.Li Ping also advis

19、es me to join a 11._ organization to 12. _ in various activities to help those 13. . He says I can 14._ books or money to the poor children. He will 15. _ these things to them.【当堂检测】 Translate the following sentences into English.1.我昨天收到了纽约的姐姐的来信。 I _ _ my sister in New York yesterday.2.她渴望出国。 She _

20、 _ _ go abroad.3.我们学校的许多学生都参加了志愿者活动。(participate in)Many students in our school _ _ _the volunteer activities.4.跟汤姆一家度过一天,真是一种殊荣。(It is a privilege to.) _ _ _ _ _have spent a day with Toms family.Unit 5 第三四课时: reading主备人:高琰勇 文建卫 授课人: 授课时间: 评价: 教学与学习目标: 掌握课文中的重点单词、短语和句子。 了解巴布亚新几内亚的情况及作者在该小山村志愿教书的情况。训

21、练学生阅读技巧及通过阅读分析在小山村中的积极和消极面。 使用说明与学法指导:1.5分钟完成上节目标检测内容。2.按照要求完成本节目标展示、目标训练、目标检测和目标作业部分的内容。有疑问的用红色笔标出,等待解疑。3.认真书写,规范作答,按时上交。重点难点:帮助学生理解“志愿者活动、献爱心活动、合作共享”的意义以及培养学生在日常生活中帮助他人、扶贫救困的爱心。上节目标检测Find words in the unit that have the following meanings.1. _ to change slightly to make something work better2. _ a

22、 metal shelf for cooking meat, toasting bread, etc3. _ connected with what is being done or discussed4. _ an idea5. _ an honour6. _ something that has been organized7. _ written work in an office, such as writing reports or letters8. _ to breathe air into your nose noisily本节目标展示SkimmingMatch the mai

23、n idea with each paragraph. P1 No.1 XieLeis preparation year(一年预科)P2 No.2 Benefits of her preparation courseP3 No.3 The authors best wish for XieLeiP4 No.4 Benefits of living with a host familyP5 No.5 Xie Leis new planP6 No.6 Xie Lei, a Chinese girl, came to study in LondonP7 No.7 Xie Leis difficult

24、y getting used to a new way of life Careful reading1.Read the text carefully and choose the best answer.1). According to the first paragraph, which of the following is TRUE about Xie Lei?A. She went to London first by plane and then by bus.B. This was not her first time to be abroad.C. She was not w

25、illing to go to London.D. She had been in London for half a year.2). Why did Xie Leis tutor seem dissatisfied with her first essay?A. Because she didnt give her own opinions at all.B. Because there were too many mistakes in it.C. Because what she wrote made no sense.D. Because her opinions were diff

26、erent from her tutors. 2.Read the text carefully and complete the form about Xie Leis life in England.ParagraphMain idea2She has to complete a business _. In her opinion, the preparation course is most _.3She has to get used to a whole new way of life.4She lives with a(n) _, which gives her the oppo

27、rtunity to learn more about _ and _ in the new country.5From the first _ she did for her tutor, she has understood that she has to give her own _and explain them by referring to other authors.6She feels much more _ in England and realizes its important to have a(n) _ between study and a(n) _.本节目标作业

28、Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.Xie Lei, a 21-year-old girl, for the first time left her motherland China to study for a business _ in London. Like most foreign students, she has to complete the preparation course before applying for a _ course. Xie Lei explained it took up all her _ in the beginning to get used to a new way of life there. Sometimes she felt like a child because she had had to learn almost everything again. Luckily, she lives with a _ family who can give her good advice, and also the chance to learn more

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