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1、雅思语法训练第一章 动词时态1. 一般现在时1)表示当前的情况或状态例1:Snails are a great luxury in various parts of the world.例2:哈里在他的书房摆着一只大瓶子。2)表示经常发生的动作或反复出现的情况。例1:The riots and fighting often occur at the World Cup and other football competitions. 例2:在决定什么可以吃而什么不可以吃的时候,人们往往变得不合情理。3)表示客观事实或永恒真理。例1:Soil erosion threatens the prod

2、uctivity of land in both rich and poor countries (剑3,T2,R)例2:英语中有一个生动的说法来形容这种情况。4)在时间和条件状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来时。例:当一个国家发展科技的时候,传统技艺和生活方式可望不会完全消失。(剑3,T2,W) 5)在see (to it), take care 的宾语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来时。例1:请确保把所有的窗户都关好。 2. 一般过去时基本形式:规则动词在词尾加-ed1)表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态。例1:In the early days of the settlement of Austr

3、alia, enterprising settlers unwisely introduced the European rabbit.例2:我是土生土长的上海人。2)表示过去的习惯行为或经常发生的事情。例:去年我们经常练习游泳。3. 一般将来时基本形式:will (第一人称可以用shall) +动词原形。1)表示在将来出现的情况或者发生的动作。例1:I hope that there will be a lot more schools, and not so much pressure on students to pass exams. (剑3,T1,S)例2:我认为在未来的50年中国的

4、教育质量会有很大的提高。(剑3,T1,S)2)表示习惯或者倾向例1:The myth is that from a disorderly array of factual information an orderly, relevant theory will somehow emerge. (剑3,T1,R)例2:海豚会把落水者推到水面使其得救,或者在落水者周围形成一个保护圈使其免遭鲨鱼的袭击。4. 现在进行时基本形式:系动词(is, am 或are) +动词-ing.1)表示现在正在进行的动作例1:Were doing some market research for a new tele

5、vision channel. (剑2,T3,L)例2:越来越多的日本游客正在前往澳大利亚度假。(剑3,T2,W)例3:空气污染正日益成为全世界政府和人民忧虑的焦点。(剑3,T4,R)2)现在进行时的句子中,经常会有一些表示当前、频率、或持续的副词,包括always, constantly, continually, currently, forever, perpetually等。例1:He is forever talking about the friendly people, the clean atmosphere, the closeness to nature and the g

6、entle pace of living.例2:它们的轮廓总是在变化。(剑2,T1,R)例3:吸烟的人在不断地破坏自己的肺。(剑3,T1,R)3)表示即将要发生的事情例:The theater is reopening soon after its three-year redevelopment program. (剑6,T1,L)5. 过去进行时基本形式:was (were) +动词-ing1)表示在过去的某个时间动作正在进行例1:The United States discovered in 1982 that about one-fifth of its farmland was lo

7、sing topsoil at a rate likely to diminish the soils productivity. (剑3,T2,R)例1:另一名病人可能同样抱怨她的邻居联合起来在对她进行诽谤和迫害。 2)表示过去很快就要发生的事情例:Mr. White told me that he was leaving for Singapore in a few days.6. 现在完成时基本形式:has (have) + 动词-ed1)表示过去的动作对现在产生的影响例1:He cant enter for the race because he has broken his leg.

8、例2:广播和电视使广告商得以用这种手段吸引成百万人的注意力。 2)现在完成时强调动作的完成例1:We have all experienced days when everything goes wrong. 例2:在所有的大洲之中,野生动物最大幅度的减少出现在北美。3)表示从过去持续到现在的状态例1:My parents have been married for 28 years and still get along very well. (剑3,T1,S)例2:近年来从人类学和考古学方面收集到的证据表明,该地区已维持一系列的当地文化长达11000年之久。(剑3,T3,R)4)现在完成时

9、与特定词语一起使用这些词语包括:since自从;so far迄今为止;as yet (to date) 迄今为止;over (或in) the past在过去的时间里等。例1:Over the years, Ive collected maps and other data to prepare what I call a “route book” for the trip. (剑2,T1,L)例2:奥运会自1924年开始,已经发展壮大起来了。(剑3,T1,W)例3:在过去一个世纪,人类基因库的构成没有发生显著的变化。(剑3,T4,R)7. 过去完成时基本形式:had + 动词-ed1)表示到

10、过去的某个时候为止,动作已经完成例1:Even though we had known each other for so many years, we didnt become good friends till middle school. (剑3,T4,S)例2:到1999年3月,失业率达到5%的平稳状态。(剑3,T4,W)例3:另一个参与项目的部门表现不太好,生产率只增长了15%,这个部门以前在所有部门中也是最差的。(剑3,T4,R)2)过去完成时表示从过去的过去持续到过去的状态例:He had been on the throne for barely eight months wh

11、en he authorized this measure. 3)过去完成时用于一些句型用于It was the first (second, last) time that sb. had done sth. 句型。例:It was the first time I had ever entered a talent contest. (剑3,T3,S)4)用于no soonerthan 或 hardlywhen (一就)句型例:I had no sooner got off the ship than I was assailed by a man who wanted to sell m

12、e a diamond ring. 8. 现在完成进行时基本形式:has (have) been + 动词-ing1)表示动作从过去某个时候开始,一直持续到当前例1:Weve been talking about a teacher who influenced you.我们一直在谈论对你产生影响的一位老师。例2:我的眼睛一直在流眼泪,这种情况困扰我好几天了。(剑3,G,TA,W)例3:近代以来,科学研究一直在提供证据,表明经年累月地吸烟会大大地增加患绝症的风险。(剑3,T1,R)9. 过去将来时基本形式:would (should) + 动词原形表示过去某个时间即将发生的动作例1:There

13、 were hopes that the problem of the rabbit would become manageable. 有望解决欧洲兔子所带来的问题。例2:我告诉我的父母我会早点回来。I told my parents that I should return early.表示过去的习惯或倾向例1:He would often make up stories or give us examples from his own life. (剑3,T1,S)他会经常编出一些故事,或者给我们讲他本人的生活实例。第二章 被动语态基本构成:主语 + 系动词 + 动词的-ed形式如果需要说

14、明施动者,则由介词by引出,置于动词的-ed形式之后。被动语态的时态变化由系动词加以体现。1. 当太多的爱过热情被释放出来的时候,国际间的紧张关系实际上是升温了。(剑3,T1,W)International tensions are actually enhanced when too much patriotic emotion is released.2. 令人困扰的是,在这十年期间,发展中国家没有更多的进步。(剑3,T3,W)What is disturbing is that not more progress was made during this ten-year period

15、by the developing countries.3. 作为个人通信手段的电子邮件正在被手机短信取代。(剑3,T2,W)E-mail is being replaced by SMS (short message sent by cell phone) for personal communication.4. 1993年进行的一项对环保效果的研究发现,随着化肥补贴的终止,出现了化肥使用量的下降。(剑3,T2,R)A study of the environmental effects in 1993 found that the end of fertilizers subsidies

16、 had been followed by a fall in fertilizer use. 5. 这项工作到明天的这个时候将已完成。The work will have been finished by this time tomorrow. 6. 所有参加奥林匹克运动的民族都会觉得奥运会是一项非常珍贵、值得保留和骄傲,并且极具价值,可为后代传承的遗产。(剑3,T1,W)All the nations which participate in the Olympics feel the Games is something very precious, to be preserved an

17、d honored, a valuable legacy to be carried on for future generations. 7. 保姆与工厂职工之间的差别必须加以考虑。(剑3,T3,W)The difference between the babysitter and the factory worker has to be considered. 8. 一种文化的传统方面是其历史的一部分,并且从一个国家文化特性的角度来看,它应该得到一定程度的保留。(剑3,T2,W)Traditional aspects of a culture are part of its history

18、 and should be maintained to a certain degree from the perspective of a national cultural identity. 9. 他们的工作状况应该总是受其父母的监督。Their work condition should always be supervised by their parents. 第三章 从句第一部分 定语从句1. 类型限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句例句1. I love anything that makes me laugh.我喜欢让我发笑的任何事物。2. This diploma course

19、 is available only to those who already hold a degree in psychology.这个证书课程只提供给已经拥有心理学学位的人员。3. The feature which makes fireflies and glow-worms so appealing is their ability to produce an often dazzling display of light. 萤火虫之所以如此吸引人是因为它们常常能够发出耀眼的光芒。1. Often music was played out of doors, where nature

20、 provided the environment. 音乐常在户外演奏,在那里大自然提供了环境。2. The famous monastery of St. Bernard, which was founded in the eleventh century, lies about a mile away.著名的圣伯纳德修道院谓语约一英里远的地方,是在十一世纪建造的。3. Many people in industry and the Services, who have practical experience of noise, regard any investigation of th

21、is question as waste of time.在工业部门和部队服役的许多人对噪音都有切身的体会,他们认为对于噪音问题进行任何研究都是浪费时间。区别1. 限定正在谈论的事物2. that可以替换who或which3. 如果关系代词指的是宾语的话,可以省略4. 无逗号1. 给出附加的非本质信息2. 不能用that3. 关系代词不可省略4. 必须有逗号2. 引导词引导词例句that 修饰事物:他们往往对维护民族尊严的时间给予大量关注。They tend to pay a lot of attention to events that support national pride.修饰人:

22、我想跟你谈谈以为特殊的老师,他对我的教育产生了重大影响。(剑3,T1,S)I would like to tell you about a special teacher that had a big influence on my education. which 1994到1995年期间出现了很大的增长,这种情况在未来的几年里很有可能还会持续下去。(剑3,T2,W)The year 1994 and 1995 saw great increases, which likely continued into the following years. who 约翰逊当时是诗人兼批评家,他能够把

23、常识升华到天才的高度。(剑5,T1,R)Johnson was a poet and critic who raised common sense to the heights of genius. whom 如果我们鼓励孩子们去竞争,他们可能会成为一群只看中胜利的人。(剑5,T3,W)If we encourage our children to compete, they might become people for whom the only important thing is victory. Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, a Boeing 777

24、-200 jetliner, leaves Kuala Lumpur bound for Beijing with 227 passengers on board, 154 of whom are Chinese, and a Malaysian crew of 12.whose 对于那些工作安稳的人来说,加薪几乎是不可能的。(剑6,T3,R)For those whose jobs are secure, pay increases are rarely possible. when The opening ceremony is scheduled to be held on Thursd

25、ay, when Chinese Primer Li Keqiang will be attendance to make a keynote speech.where 在有些情形下,合作是必要的。(剑5,T3,W)There are situations where cooperation is necessary. why 发生这种变化的主要原因之一就是电视的影响力增大了。(剑3,G,TB,W)One of the major reasons why this change has happened is the increased influence of TV.whereby 表示“凭

26、借,借以”,相当于by which 政府可以推行一个体系,让产生更多垃圾的个人和公司支付更多的资金,用于处理垃圾。(剑5,G,TB,W)The government could introduce a system whereby individuals and companies that produce more waste must pay more money, to cover the cost of dealing with it.than It is much more holistic than is immediately apparent from reading the

27、final thesis or published papers. (剑3,T1,R)这远比使人一读就懂的定稿论文或已发表的论文来得更全面而完整。as当主句出现such, as, the same等词时,定语从句往往由as引导,从而构成固定结构。At exactly the same time as this new realization of the finite character of health-care resources was sinking in, an awareness of a contrary kind was developing in Western socie

28、ty. (剑4,T4,R)就在保健资源是有限的这个新认识被理解的同时,一种相反的观点也在西方社会逐渐形成。As引导非限制性定语从句,不仅可以修饰某个词语,而且可以修饰整个主句。从句位置很灵活,可位于句首,句尾和句中。As will be observed, the hierarchically controlled programs increased productivity by about 25%. (剑3,T4,R)可以看到,等级控制项目使生产率增长约25%。介词+ which +名词At which time 在这时要是滴眼液有效并且我可以让眼睛休息,我相信一周后我就能戴隐形眼镜或者

29、普通眼镜,到时候我就能够开始新工作了。(剑3,G,TA,W)Assuming the eye drops work, and I am able to let my eyes rest, I trust I will be able to wear my contract lenses or glasses after a week, at which time I will be able to report to my new job. At which point 在这时A linguists personal judgments are often uncertain, or disa

30、gree with the judgments of other linguists, at which point recourse is needed to more objective methods of enquiry, using non-linguists as informants. (剑4,T3,R)一位语言学家的个人判断通常捉摸不定,或者与其他语言学家的意见相冲突,这个时候就需要用更加客观的方法进行研究,用非语言学家来充当语料供应人。In which case 在这种情况下Often, the researcher wishes to obtain information

31、about just a single variable, in which case a restricted set of questions may be used. (剑4,T3,R)通常,研究者只希望获得一个可变因素方面的信息,这样的话就可以使用一组有限的问题。By which time 到这时为止2030至2040年之前,在日本预计会出现更迅猛的增长,有人认为,到那时,三个国家老年人的比例将会彼此类似。(剑5,T1,W)A more dramatic rise is predicted between 2030 and 2040 in Japan, by which time it is thought that the proportion of elderly people will be similar in the three countries. 介词 + which农作物将更有可能在适合它们自然习性的环境中种植。(剑3,T2,R)Crops are more likely to be grown in the environments to

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