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1、电池参考规格书00WIPT000401File. No立项编号:00WIPT0004-01Version 版本:A/0Date 日期:2012-11-20Customers Name 客户名称: Type(类型):Li-ion Polymer Battery (锂离子电池)Model(型号):18650/4400mAh/7.4VCustomer Approval(客户确认)Checked By/Date审 核/日 期Approved By/Date批 准/日 期Company Stamp(公司印章)SHENZHEN WIPT ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD(深圳市沃普泰能

2、源科技有限公司)Prepared By/Date编 制/日 期Checked By/Date审 核/日 期Approved By/Date批 准/日 期楚鹏2012/11/20/Address: 5 Building,Wuwu Science and Technology 网址(Website): Park,Longhua Town,Baoan District,Shenzhen 电话(Tel):+86-755-23469919地址:深圳市宝安区龙华镇伍屋科技园5栋 传真(Fax):+86-755-223469909Amendment Records (修正记录)Edition(版 本)Des

3、cription(记 述)Prepared by (编 制)Approved by(批 准)Date(日 期)A/0First Edition首次发行Product Summary 产品概要1、 Scope and standard适用范围及依据标准1.1 Scope适用范围This specification is applied to battery manufactured by Shenzhen Wipt Electronics Co., Ltd.本产品规格书适用于深圳市沃普泰能源科技有限公司提供的锂离子电池。1.2 Standard依据标准 本产品依据标准:中华人民共和国国家标准GB

4、/T 18287-2000蜂窝电话用锂离子电池总规范。 This product complies with National Standard GB/T18287-2000“Cell Phone Lithium-ion Battery General Specifications” of PRC.2、 Production description产品描述2.1 Name名称:Li-ion Battery (锂离子电池) 2.2 Mode型号:18650/4400mAh/7.4V2.3 Cell采用电芯: 18650/2200mAh/3.7V2.4 Structure Drawing电池结构图

5、:(mm)图示只标识沃普泰设计尺寸。2、Specification 主要技术参数NO序号Items项目Parameter参数Remarks备注2.1Rated Capacity标称容量4400mAhDischarge:0.2C 放电cut-off voltage:5.6V 截止电压Minimum Capacity最小容量4360mAh2.2Energy 能量32.56Wh2.3Nominal Voltage标称电压7.4V 2.4Open Voltage出厂电压7.2V7.8V 2.5Load Voltage负载电压7.2V102.6Internal Impedance内阻200mAC 1KH

6、z after standard charge标准充电后AC 1KHz测试2.7Charge voltage充电电压8.4V2.8Standard charge current标准充电电流2200mA 0.5C2.9Max charge current最大充电电流4400mA 1.0 C2.10Standard discharge current标准放电电流880mA 0.2C2.13.75Max discharge current最大放电电流4400mA 1.0C2.12Discharge cut-off voltage放电截止电压5.6V2.13Operating Temperature工

7、作温度0+45Charge充电-20+60Discharge放电2.14Storage Temperature贮存温度 -20+60Less than 1 month 小于一个月-20+30Less than 6 months小于六个月2.15Weight 重量About 180g3.Battery configuration 电池组成NO序号Item 项目Criteria 标准Remarks备注3.1Cell 电芯18650/2200mAh/3.7V3.2PCM 保护板WIPT-2S-G2N+MOS1870 2S3.3Breaker 温度开关/3.4PTC 自恢复保险丝/4.Battery

8、Performance Test 电池性能检查及测试4.1 Appearance 外观和结构There shall be no such defect as scratch, bur and other mechanical scratch, and the connector should be no rust dirt. The structure and dimensions see attached drawing of the battery. 电池的表面应无明显的划痕毛刺及其其它机械划伤,外露的金属端子应无锈蚀污垢。结构尺寸见电池的外形尺寸图。(见附件:电池结构图)4.2 Test

9、 Equipment 测试设备要求(1) Dimension Measuring Instrument 尺寸测量设备The dimension measurement shall be implemented by instruments with accuracy no less than 0.01mm.测量尺寸的仪器的精度应不小于0.01mm(2) Voltmeter 电压表Class with national standard or more sensitive class with inner impedance not less than 10 K/V.国家标准或更灵敏等级,内阻不

10、小于10 K/V.(3) Ammeter 电流表Class with national standard or more sensitive class. Total external resistance including ammeter and wire is less than 0.01.国家标准或更灵敏等级,外部总体内阻包括电流表和导线应小于0.01.(4) Impedance Meter 内阻测试仪Impedance shall be measured by a AC impedance method (AC 1kHz LCR meter).内阻测试仪测试方法为交流阻抗法(AC 1

11、kHz LCR).4.3 Standard Test Condition 标准的测试条件Test should be conducted with new batteries within one month after shipment from our factory and the cells shall not be cycled more than five times before the test. Unless otherwise defined, test and measurement shall be done under temperature of 205 and r

12、elative humidity of 4585%. 测试电池必须是本公司出厂时间不超过一个月的新电池,且电池未进行过五次以上充放电循环。除非其它特殊要求,本产品规格书规定的测试的环境条件为:温度 205,相对湿度 45%85%。4.4 Standard Charge 标准充电0.5C=2200mA Full charge condition: Constant current 0.5C, Constant voltage 8.4V for 4 hours in all at205.0.5C=2200mA 8.4V(CC-CV) 总充电时间不超过4小时,其中在205环境下充电。4.5 Comm

13、on Performance产品的常规性能NoItems/项目Testing method and determinant standard /测试方法和判定标准1Charge Performance充电性能The battery can be charged when using the original charger. The standard charge mode :under the temperature of 205,charge the battery with the current of 0.2C until the voltage reaches up to 8.4V,

14、 then charge with constant voltage until the charge current 0.05C,then stop charging. 使用原装充电器能够充电。标准充电模式:在205条件下,电池用0.2C充电,当电池电压达到8.4V时改为恒压充电,直到充电电流小于或等于0.05C时停止充电。2Discharge Performance放电性能When connecting with load, the battery can supply power. Charge the battery with standard charge mode, then re

15、st for 0.5h, then discharge with 1C until the voltage is 5.6V, and the discharge time is required 51min.电池外接负载能够供电。将电池按标准充电模式充好电后,开路搁置0.5h,再以1C放电至5.6V,要求放电时间51min。3Cycle Performance 循环寿命Under the temperature of 205, charge the battery with 0.2C, when the voltage reaches up to 8.4V charge with consta

16、nt voltage until the charge current 20mA,then stop charging, rest for 0.5h, then discharge with 0.2C to 5.6V. Cycle with the above mode, when the continuous discharge time 60% stop cycling. The cycle life is required 300 times.在205条件下电池按0.2C充电,当电压达到8.4V时改为恒压充电,直到充电电流小于或等于20mA时停止充电,静置0.5h后,0.2C放电至5.6

17、V的方式进行循环,当连续三次放电容量初始容量60%时寿命为终止,要求循环寿命300次.4Charged Storage Characteristics荷电保持能力Charge the battery with 0.2C, then shift to charge with constant voltage until the voltage reaches up to 8.4V, when the charge current 0.05C stop charging; rest under the temperature of 205 for 28d then discharge with 0

18、.2C to 5.6V. The discharge time is required 4.25h. 电池按0.2C充电,当端电压达到8.4V时改为恒压充电,充电电流小于或等于0.05C时,充电停止;将电池开路放置在205条件下28天后,以0.2C放电至5.6V,要求放电时间4.25h。5Storage Characteristics存放性能Charge the battery, which is newly manufactured shorter than 3 months, with 0.5C until the capacity reaches to 4050%, after rest

19、ing for 12 months under the temperature of 205 and the humidity of 4575%, then charge with 0.2C to 8.4V then shift to charge with constant voltage, after full-charge rest for 0.5h, then discharge with 0.2C to 5.6V. The discharge time is required 4h. 将生产日期到实验日期不足3个月的电池按0.5C充入4050%容量后,放置在温度205湿度为4575%

20、的环境中开路存放12个月后,电池按0.2C充电至8.4V时改为恒压充电,充饱后;静置0.5h,再以0.2C放电至5.6V,要求放电时间4h。4.6 Safety Performance产品可靠性NoItems/项目Test method and determinant standard /测试方法和判定标准1High Temperature Characteristics高温性能Under the temperature of 205, after charging the battery with 0.2C, then put the battery into the constant te

21、mperature and humidity oven with 552 for 2h, then discharge with 1C to 5.6V. The discharge time is required 51min and the battery should no deformation and smoking. 在205条件下,电池按0.2C充电结束后,将电池放入552的恒温恒湿箱中恒温2h后,然后以1C电流放电至5.6V,要求放电时间51min, 且电池外观无变形、冒烟。2Low Temperature Characteristics低温性能Under the tempera

22、ture of 205, after charging the battery with 0.2C, then put the battery into the constant temperature and humidity oven with -102 for 1624h, then discharge with 0.2C to 5.6V. The discharge time is required 3h and the battery should no deformation and smoking.在205条件下,电池按0.2C充电结束后,将电池放入-102的恒温恒湿箱中恒温16

23、24h,然后以0.2C电流放电至5.6V,要求放电时间3h, 且电池外观无变形、冒烟。3Overcharge ProtectionCharacteristics 过充电保护性能After full-charging the battery with 0.2C and set 2 times of the nominal voltage and current as constant current and voltage supply, then load it to the battery for 8h. It is required the battery should be no lea

24、kage, deformation, smoking and explosion during the test processes. 电池按0.2C充满电后,再将恒流恒压源设定为2倍标称电压电流,然后加载于电池上8h,要求试验过程中电池不漏液、变形、冒烟和爆炸。4Over-discharge ProtectionCharacteristics过放电保护性能Under the temperature of 205, after discharging the battery with 0.2C to 5.6V, then connect the load with 30 and dischar

25、ge for 24h. It is required the battery should be no leakage, fire, smoking and explosion during the test processes.在205条件下,电池按0.2C放电至5.6V后,外接30负载再放电24h,要求实验过程中电池不漏液、起火、冒烟和爆炸5Short-circuit ProtectionCharacteristics 短路保护性能Under the temperature of 205, after full-charging the battery with 0.2C, then ma

26、ke the batterys anode and cathode short-circuit for 1h (the connecting resistance is smaller than 100m), then cut the anode and cathode, after the battery momentary charge by 1C current,the voltage should come back to 7.2V, and there should be no leakage, deformation, smoking and explosion during th

27、e test processes.在205条件下,电池按0.2C充满电后,将电池正负极短路(外接电阻小于100m)持续1h,再将电池正负极断开,电池以1C瞬时充电后电压应不小于7.2V,且试验过程中电池不漏液、变形、冒烟和爆炸。6Constant Humidity and Temperature Characteristics恒定湿热性能Under the temperature of 205, after charging the battery with 0.2C, then put the battery into the constant temperature and humidit

28、y oven with 102 and 9095% for 48h, the battery should be no obvious deformation, leakage, rust, smoking and explosion. After testing take out the battery then rest for 2h under the temperature of 205, discharge with 1C to 5.6V. The discharge time is required 36min.在205条件下,电池按0.2C充电结束后,放入402,湿度9095%的

29、恒温恒湿箱内48h,电池应无明显变形、漏液、生锈、冒烟或爆炸,试验结束后将电池取出搁置2h,在205条件下,以1C放电至5.6V,要求放电时间36min。7Drop Test跌落实验Under the temperature of 205, after full-charging the battery with 0.2C, then drop it freely from 1 meter height onto the hard board which 1820mm thick (6 times each of X, Y, Z with positive and negative direc

30、tions).The battery should be no smoking and explosion, After test discharge the battery with 1C, and the discharge time is required 51min (The battery should be cycled no more than 3 times, among them if one time is passed then stop.). 在205条件下,电池按0.2C充满电后,将电池从1米高度自由跌落至厚度为1820mm的硬木板上(X、Y、Z正负方向6个方向每个方向分别朝下跌落一次)电池应不冒烟、爆炸,试验结束后,将电池进行1C放电性能测试,要求放电时间51min(最多可进行3次循环,其中任何一次合格即可停止)。4.7 Re

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