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Unit 7 Poems 牛津深圳版英语七年级下册单元同步复习.docx

1、Unit 7 Poems 牛津深圳版英语七年级下册单元同步复习Unit 7 Poems课前回顾1. poem诗歌; poet 诗人; poetry诗歌(总称)2. advice 【不可数名词】搭配:a piece of advice; some advice give sb. some advice 给某人建议3. agree with sb/sth 同意某人的意见,想法,分析,解释; agree to do sth 表示同意做某事 【名词】agreement 【反义词】disagree; disagreement(名词)4. be worried about = worry about 为担

2、忧You dont have to worry about him. =You dont have to be worried about him.5. 的用法 “too形容词副词动词不定式”结构简称为“”结构。这种结构是英语中常用的一种句型,在大多数情况下表示否定意义,在翻译时,通常可译为:“太而不能”、“太无法。tooadj./ do这个句型是too.to的最基本的常用句型。如:这男孩年龄太小,不能上学。 The boy is too young to go to school.Exercises一、首字母填空。1. - Simon will pro

3、bably be a fireman. - Yes. I a with you.2. Eddie d to go to Hainan Island with his friend. He wanted to go to Thailand.3. I usually buy a newspaper from the s at the street corner on my way home.4. I like reading the p from the Tang Dynasty.5. The girl with a big s is my younger sister. She is alway

4、s very happy.6. Flight in the second line and right in the sixth line r_.7. Please answer these questions in c sentences.8. In some places, people get water from w_.9. I come from a(n)o family. My father is a worker and my mother is a nurse.10.He had a f of excitement after hearing the news.11. The

5、thieves escaped and disappeared into a n street.12. Soldiers must obey the o from their officers.13. He is nearly two metres in h_.14. I will take your a and change my bad habits now.15. The c looked at three men arguing. They didnt know what had happened.16. How fast he runs! He is really a s_.17.

6、Read the passage a and then find out the unknown words in it.18. The workers at the building s are busy building the bridge now.19. Please discuss the problems in g of six.20. I usually take a s before I go to bed.二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1.他们根本不需要我的帮忙。They_ _ need my help _ _.2.那个公交站旁边有一个报摊。There is a_ _

7、next to that bus stop.3.下课之后,学生们冲出教室去玩。Students_ _ of the classroom to play when the class is over.4.看,有一群人正么大树下唱歌。Look! There are_ _ _ people singing under a big tree.5.我妈妈总是很担心我的健康。My mother_ always_ _ my health.三、单项选择。1.Mr Zhuang gave us some_on how to learn maths well.A. advices B. advice C. adv

8、ises D.advise2.We wondered how_ to the top of the mountain.A. did they get they get C. they got D.they get3.-1think we will visit the zoo first. -I agree_the zoo first.A. to visit B. visit C. t o visiting D.visiting4.When she met her old friend in the street, she was too _ to _ any words.A.exci

9、ting,say B.exciting,saying C.excited,say D.excited, saying5.Mum, dont_me. I can take good care of myself.A. worry B. worried C. worry about D.worried about6.He had something important and he hurried_.A. leave B. to leave C. leaving leaving7. -Are you free this afternoon? Lets play soccer. -Sorr

10、y. I have no time. 1 have too much homework_. A. do do C.doing doing8._there all the time, please.A. Dont be B. Cant be C.Be not D.Not be9. _delicious food it is! We all like it.A. What B. What a C.How D. How a 10.She_the first prize in yesterdays singing competition. B.beat C.wins

11、 D.won11. -Is there _in todays newspaper? -Yes,there is_in it. A.some thing new, something new B.anything new, anything newC.anything new, something new anything, new something12.We_a picnic in the mountains if it_tomorrow.A. have, doesnt rain B. will have, wont rainC.have, wont rain D.will ha

12、ve, doesnt rain13.China has_population in the worldA. larger B. the largest C.smaller D.the smallest14.That_movie made her_.A.exciting, exciting B.excited, excited C.exciting,excited D.excited, exciting15.We study in the classroom most of the time, so we must keep our classroom_.A. clean B. cleans C

13、. clearly D.dirty四、完形填空Tom grows the nicest vegetables and fruits and the most beautiful flowers in the village. Plants grow in Toms garden all through the _1_ and they are much_2 _. Tom cuts some flowers for his sitting room table, eats some fruits and vegetables, and_3_most of them in the market.

14、His vegetables, fruit and flowers are so_4_and beautiful that they sold much more _5_in the market than those of other villagers. How does Tom grow these beautiful things? He is so_6_that he just sits under his orange tree with his radio. He_7_the music all day. That is quite true. Tom_8_things in s

15、pring, summer, autumn and winter. After that he sits with his radio. And everything_9_. It is the music that does the work. Tom knows more clearly that music makes the biggest vegetables and the most beautiful flowers. Plants love_10_as much as people.1. A. week B. month C. season D. year 2. A. bett

16、er B. worse C. less D. later 3. A. buys B. sells C. borrows D. lends 4. A. dear B. bad C. big D. small 5. A. politely B. quickly C. slowly D. carefully 6. A. angry B. busy C. tired D. lazy 7. A. listens to B. hears C. watches D. speaks 8. A. fills B. plants C. throws D. makes 9. A. does B. moves C.

17、grows D. plays 10. A. work B. rain C. stories D. music重点语法Grammar(一)感叹句(Exclamations)(一)感叹句是表示喜怒哀乐等强烈感情的句子。感叹句句末通常用感叹号,读时一般用降调。(二) 感叹句的基本句型【句型一】What + (a / an) + 形容词 + 名词 + 主语 + 谓语!What a clever boy he is! (他是个)多么聪明的男孩啊!What fine weather it is! 多好的天气啊!What beautiful flowers they are! (它们是)多么漂亮的花啊!【说

18、明】有些不可数名词,如 rain, surprise, breakfast, lunch 等,当前面有形容词修饰,使抽象名词具体化时,则要用 what a / an,如:What a heavy rain it is! 多大的一场雨啊!【句型二】How + 形容词 / 副词 + 主语 + 谓语!How kind you are! 你心肠真好!How beautifully you sing! 你唱得真好听! 感叹句型总结How +形容词+ a +名词+其他成分! / How+形容词或副词+其他成分!What +名词+其他成分! What +a / an +形容词+名词+其他成分!What +

19、形容词+复数名词+其他成分! What + 形容词+不可数名词+其他成分!Exercises一、将下列句子改为感叹句。1 It is quite a nice present. nice present it is!2 We have fine weather today. weather we have today!3 Its sunny today. sunny day it is today!4 The children are working hard. the children are working!5 She played basketball wonderfully. she

20、played basketball!6 He is good at singing! he sings!7 The fish is very lovely. the fish is!8 They live a happy life today. life they live today!Grammar(二)祈使句(Imperatives)1.祈使句的定义及句式特征:定义:祈使句是用来表示请求、命令、叮嘱、邀请、劝告或祝愿等的句子。它的特点是通常省略主语you,以动词原形开头,末尾可用句号或感叹号。祈使句没有疑问句的形式,一般只有肯定和否定两种形式。Go and wash your hands.

21、 (表命令) Be quite, please. (Please be quiet.)(表请求)Be kind to your sister.(表劝告) Watch your steps.(表警告)No parking. (表禁止) 2.肯定形式1)以系动词be开头的祈使句,这种祈使句的常用结构:be+形容词 / 名词Be quiet / quick! 2)以实义动词开头的祈使句,这种祈使句的常用结构为:动词原形+宾语(+其他)Come in, please! Please open your books!3)let型(Let+宾语+动词原形+其他) Let him do it by hims

22、elf. 3.否定形式(一般在动词上否定,也可以用否定副词(never)来表示)1)be型【Dont be +其他成分(形容词、名词或介词短语)】Dont be careless! 2)do型(Dont +动词原形+其他):Dont believe him! 3)Let引起的祈使句有两种否定形式 a). Let+宾语+not+动词原形+其他Let her not do that. b). Dont+ let+宾语+动词原形+其他 Dont let Jim do that. 4) 在公共场合的提示语中,否定祈使句常用“No名词 / V-ing形式”结构,表示“禁止做某事”。例如: NO PHOT

23、OS! 禁止拍照! No parking!Exercises 一、选择最佳答案填空:1. _ with fire. Its very dangerous.A. Playing B. Play C. Dont play D. Doesnt play2Dont _ the radio. The baby is sleeping.A. turn off B. turn on C. turn over D. turn down3. _ hard and youll make progress in English. A. Work B. To work C. Working D. Worked4. _

24、 worried about me Mom. Ive grown up. A. Dont B. Dont be C. Not D. Not be5. _ late again, Bill!A. Dont to be B. Dont be C. Not be D. Be not6. _ cross the road until(直到)the traffic lights turn green.A. Not B. Wont C. Doesnt D. Dont7. Please help me carry it, _?A. will I B. will you C. shall I D. shall

25、 we8. Dont make so much noise, _?A. will you B. wont you C. shall we D. do you9. Kate, _ your homework here tomorrow.A. bring B. brings C. to bring D. bringing10. _ me the truth, or Ill be angry.A. Telling B. To tell C. Told D. Tell11. _ on the grass, or it will “cry”.A. To walk B. Not to walk C. Wa

26、lk D. Dont walk12. _ swim in the river alone, Karen. Its too dangerous.A. Not B. Dont C. Doesnt D. No13. _ along this street, and you can find the hotel on your right, next to the market. A. Walk B. To walk C. Walks D. Walking14. Daniel, _ play with the mobile phone while youre walking in the street

27、.A. dont B. doesnt C. wont D. cant二、阅读理解A man is looking for things of old times. One day he came to a village and found a blue bowl. It looked very old. It was on the ground and a cat was drinking milk from it. A farmer, the owner of the cat, was lying beside the bowl. In order not to draw the farm

28、ers attention to the value(价值)of the bowl, the man said to him in a soft voice,What a nice cat you have! Will you sell it to me? How much would you give me for it? The farmer opened his eyes and asked. Twenty dollars. Would it be enough? A few minutes later, the farmer agreed. After he paid the farm

29、er, the man said, My cat will certainly feel thirsty. May I take the bowl? I can give the cat milk with it. But the farmer said,Im sorry I cant give it to you.Thanks to the bowl, I have already sold twenty cats.” 1. From the passage, we know the blue bowl was . A. beautiful B. big C. useful D. valuable2. What the man really wanted was . A. the bowl B. the cat C. the milk D. nothing3. The man b

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