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1、英语2考前突击复习要点英语(2)考前突击复习要点:一、 熟悉必考词汇;二、 背熟蓝色本电大导学P106-122的例句;听力5篇短文和有录音资料的20几个情景对话。三、 汉译英24句;(此外, 要考高分必须看教师指导书中P88-4, P93-4, P96-3, P99-3, P102-4, P106-3, P111-4, P115-3, P118-3, P121-3, P127-6, P134-5, P140-5, P145-4, P150-5, P154-6, P160-5, P165-4所划出的相关句子)四、 快速浏览老师评讲过的所有试题(蓝本、作业、模拟题)五、 以下选文在阅读理解、完型填

2、空、英译中题目里出现,仅供参考。1、PopulationThe population of China has been growing rapidly in the last forty years. In 1949 there were only 400,000,000 people in China, but the numbers have been rising each year since.There are many reasons for this. General health has been improving from year to year. Farmers ha

3、ve been producing more and more food and people have been eating better and better. For many years now, the leaders of the country have been asking people to have only one child. But this policy has only been working well in the cities. Families in the countryside have still been producing three or

4、four children. And because of better health, fewer children die at birth.Chinas population has always been the largest in the world. The government and scientists have been working on an answer to the problem for a number of years. Hopefully, some day they will be able to solve the problem.中国人口迅猛增长,

5、四十年来中国的人口一直在迅猛增长,1949年中国只有四亿人,但是以后每年的人口数目都不断上升。原因有许多,全民医疗保健逐年改善,农民生产越来越多的食品,人民吃的越来越好。多年以来,国家领导人都号召人们只生一个孩子。但是这些政策在城市贯彻落实得好,农村的家庭却仍有三到四个孩子,因为有良好的健康保障,很少有婴儿在出生时夭折。中国人口一直是世界上最多的,多年来政府和专家一直在努力寻找解决问题的答案。但愿有朝一日,这个问题会得到解决。2、A Guide to the Terracotta WarriorsThe world famous Qin Shihuangs Terracotta Warrior

6、s can be visited 35 kilometres east of Xian. A whole army of thousands of life-sized warriors and their horses and chariots are found in large pits. Pit No. 1 was discovered by farmers in March 1974 and Pits Nos. 2 and 3 in April and May 1976. The warriors are made of clay and each has a different f

7、ace. They are about 1.80 m high and weigh 150 kg. Each warrior was painted in bright colours. When they were uncovered they had real bronze weapons and wooden chariots. Some of these weapons and the chariots have been put in special rooms which can be visited by tourists after they have seen the war

8、riors.The first pit has been covered with a roof to protect the warriors and the second pit has been recovered with earth. The first pit is the one that is visited by thousands of Chinese and foreign tourists: it has even been visited by kings, queens and presidents since the museum was opened. Six

9、thousand warriors can be seen in this pit and more are being cleaned and repaired and will be added to the terracotta army. Some of them have even been taken to other countries and shown in museums there.Qin Shihuangs tomb is still covered by earth and it ia said that treasures and even palaces are

10、contained in the tomb. Today, the top of the tomb is planted with trees and surrounded by fields which are farmed.Photographs may not be taken, but postcards and books can be bought at the museum. The museum can be visited every day and is open from 9.00 a. m. to 4.00 p. m. To get to the museum, tou

11、rists can hire taxis from the hotels or rent bicycles from the Renmin Hotel and from a bicycle shop opposite. They can also take local buses from the city center. There are also daily bus tours which take tourists to Banpo Village and the warriors. Tickets must be bought the day before from the hote

12、ls. Several languages are spoken by the guides and, with their help, a whole day can be spent learning about Xian and its history.在西安以东35公里处,人们可以参观世界闻名的秦始皇兵马俑,在庞大的土坑内,排列着一支活生生的数以千计的勇士大军及其战马和战车。一号坑是由农民于1974年3月发现的,二号和三号坑发现于1976年的4月和5月。勇士由粘土制成,每个勇士的面部均不同。勇土身高约180米,重150公斤,并被涂上鲜艳的色彩。在出土时,他们手握真武器,乘木制战车。有些


14、以从市中心乘公共汽车;还有每日固定的大巴送游客去参观半坡村和兵马俑。门票要在饭店提前一天买。导游讲数种语言,在他们的帮助下,一整天都可以用来了解西安及其历史。3、“I walked along the road until I saw a taxi coming. I stopped it, got in and told the driver to go straight to the house. We passed the shipyards where all the men in our family had worked. I fell asleep and when I woke

15、 up I realized that we had almost arrived. I began to get very excited. We passed the theatre where I had worked as a young boy and then the school which I had attended for so many years. I noticed that the park where I had played was not there anymore. In its place there was an office block. Was it

16、 mistake to come back? We turned into the street. I searched for the housethere it was, the garden which I remembered so well and the front door which had been green and was now yellow. I almost expected my mother to rush out and shout to my father John, Charlies home!. But they had both been dead f

17、or many years.”This is the beginning of Charles Stones latest book, in which he describes his return to his home town, the port of Liverpool, after many years. These are his thoughts as he went back to the place of his birth, where he had lived for twenty years, where he had been employed in the shi

18、pyards. He had left there thirty years before and gone to London to become a professional actor. He had never been back since, until last year.Charles Stones had worked professionally on the London stage for ten years and had then gone to Hollywood, where he became a great movie actor. He had g grea

19、t career and had made twentyfive films by the time he was fifty. Then, one day, he decided to come back home. His wife had died a few months earlier and both of his children had already moved to England. One of them, a lecturer, had got marred and had had three children, and the other had become a p

20、rofessional soldier and had been made a captain. Although they had not seen him for such a long time, they had seen many of his films and had been proud of their father.So, he came back to his home town and it looked like he was going to stay. But then he was asked to make a documentary for British

21、TV. Hed always wanted his career to be as successful in Britain as it was in America, and so he agreed to do it. He moved to London and had only just arrived there when the unexpected turned up.He met an old friend. Shed been an actress in America too and had even been in some of his early films. Sh

22、e had also returned to Britain to be near her family and now had a career in television. They fell in love, he proposed to her and they got married two weeks ago.返乡,我沿马路走着,直到我见到一辆出租车开来。我叫住它,坐进去,告诉司机直接朝那座房子驶去。我们路过了我们家所有男人都工作过的船坞。我睡着了,当我醒来时,我意识到我们大概到了。我开始非常激动起来。我们路过了我小时曾工作过的剧院,然后是我曾就学多年的学校。我注意到,我曾玩耍过的

23、公园不再有了,在那个地方矗立着一幢办公大厦。回来是一个错误吗?我们拐进了街道。我寻找着那幢房子它在那儿,那片我们记忆犹新的花园和那边曾是绿色而如今是黄色的前门。我几乎想到我母亲冲出来并对我父亲嚷着:“约翰,查理回来了!”可是他们都已去世多年了。这是查尔斯斯通斯最新一部书的开头,在这部书中他描写了许多年后他返回故乡利物浦港的事。这些是当他回到出生地时的思绪,他在那儿生活了20年,并在造船厂工作。 30年前他离开了那儿,去伦敦成了一名专职演员。自那时起,他再未回去过,直到去年。查尔斯斯通斯在伦敦戏剧界从事专业工作10年,后来去了好莱坞,在那儿他成为一名伟大的电影演员。他在事业上是辉煌的,到他50岁


25、于两个星期前完了婚! 4、However, as we all know, hard simple work need not be a bad training for later life. Confucius found time to think and before long his thoughts turned to trying to answer some really interesting questions. For example: why play a piece of music if one doesnt understand it or if one play

26、s it badly anyway?One should practise alone at first. And another question he raised: why not learn from oneself as well as from others and the world? These questions may sound very simple to us today but they were quite new 2500 years ago. Such a thirst for knowledge made him an excellent student.

27、Indeed, by the time he was thirty, with help from his tutor, Lao Dan, Comfucius had become a respected teacher. He had mastered the “six ancient skill”.So he started to become famous. As he became well-known, many states wanted him to be a senior official for them. This was not just the case with no

28、rthern states around Shandong, but southern states too. But Confucius was not an ordinary man. So he refused their offers and was happy to work on his ideas in his hometown of Qufu. In fact he did not accept high office until he was over fifty years of age.不过,正如我们所知,艰苦平凡的工作对未来的人生并非是一种无用的磨练。孔子找时间进行思考


30、一般人物。他谢绝了他们的邀请,他喜欢在他的家乡曲阜做他的思想家。实际上直到五十多岁时他才做了高官,这年龄在那个时候是相当老了。5、The Dream FactoryHollywood has been the capital of the film world in the west for almost 90 years now. Before that, films were made in and around New York, but factors put an end to that. Firstly, it was very expensive to make movies t

31、here; actors were mainly from the theatre and they expected high salaries. Secondly, and more to the point, the weather was often poor on the east coast with not enough sunshine. As a result, the film industry moved west to California where there were usually long hours of sunshine and plenty of che

32、ap workers.In the beginning, they made short westerns, also known as “cowboy” films. The countryside surrounding Los Angeles was wonderful for such films and most of them were made in the open air and used natural scenery. Later, they made wonderful films about ancient Greece and Rome as well as sto

33、ries from the Bible and these often lasted for two hours or even longer.At first the films were silent and the dialogue wsa on cards that were shown on the screen. Naturally, this meant that the dialogues were brief and economic. Quite a few actors were excellent in these silent films. You can see pictures of

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