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1、铁路施工常用英文词汇落石冲击力 impact force of falling stone 隧道埋置深度;埋深 buried depth of tunnel 地温梯度 geothermal dradient 地应力 crustal stress 预留变形量 deformation allowance 暗挖法 subsurface excavation method 明挖法 open-cut method 矿山法 mining method; mine tunneling method 钻眼爆破法 drilling and blasting method 新奥法 New Austrian Tun

2、nelling Method; NATM 喷锚构筑法 shotcrete-bolt construction method 掘进机法 tunnel boring machine method 盾构法 shield method 沉管法 immersed tunnelling method 地下连续墙法 underground diaphragm wall method; underground wall method; diaphragm wall method 全断面开挖法 full-face tunnelling method 分部开挖法 partial excavation method

3、 台阶法 benching tunnelling method 正台阶法 positive benching tunnelling method 反台阶法 negative benching tunnelling method 导坑 heading 上下导坑法 top and bottom heading method 上导坑法 top-heading method 漏斗棚架法 hopper-shed support tunnelling method 蘑菇形开挖法 mushroom-type tunnelling method 侧壁导坑法 side heading method 单侧导坑法

4、single side heading method 双侧导坑法 twin-side heading method 品字形导坑法 top and twin-side bottom heading method 眼睛式开挖法 spectacles type tunnelling method 超前导坑 advance heading 扩大 enlargement 拉槽 pull trough; trench excavated 马口 excavation of side wall at intervals 控制爆破 controlled blasting 光面爆破 smooth blasting

5、 预裂爆破 presplit blasting 先墙后拱法 side wall first lining method 先拱后墙法 arch first lining method; flying arch method 开挖工作面 excavated surface; excavated work face 超挖 overbreak 欠挖 underbreak 找顶 top cleaning 出碴 mucking and removing 有轨运输 track transportation 无规运输 trackless transportation 拱圈封顶 closing the toop

6、 of lining 墙顶封口 seal; seal at the top of wall 喷射混凝土回弹 rebound of shotcrete 隧道贯通 tunnel holing-through 隧道贯通误差 tunnel through error 隧道贯通面 tunnel through plane 临时支护 temporary support 构件支撑 member support 钢拱支撑 steel arch support 喷射混凝土支护 shotcrete support 锚杆支护 anchor bolt support 喷锚支护 shotcrete and rock b

7、olt support 系统锚杆 system anchor bolt 超前支护 advance support 超前锚杆 advance anchor bolt 插板支护 inserting plate support; forepoling 小导管预注浆 pre-grouting with small duct 管棚支护 pipe-shed support; pipe roofing support 格构拱;钢花拱;格棚拱 trellis arch; lattice arch 喷射混凝土 shotcrete; spray concrete 干喷混凝土 dry shotcreting 湿喷混

8、凝土 wet shotcreting 潮喷混凝土;半湿喷混凝土 half set shotcreting 喷射钢纤维混凝土 steel fiber shotcrete; steel fiber reinforced shotcrete 防水混凝土 waterproof concrete 预切槽 precutting trough 辅助坑道 service gallery 竖井 shaft 斜井 inlined shaft 横洞 transverse gallery 平行导坑 parallel heading 横通道 transverse passage-way 调查坑道 investigati

9、on gallery; survey tunnel 竖井联系测量 shaft connection survey 隧道防水 waterproofing of tunnel 防水等级 classification of waterproof 防水层 waterproof layer 防水板 waterproof board; waterproof sheet 防水涂层 waterproofing coating 隧道压浆 pressure grouting of tunnel 止水带 water stop tie 盲沟 blind ditch 泻水洞 drain cavern; drain tu

10、nnel 隧道运营通风 permanent ventilation of tunnel 自然通风 natural ventilation 机械通风 mechanical ventilation 风道式通风 ventilation by air passage 隧道通风帘幕 ventilation curtain 列车活塞作用 piston action of train 隧道射流式通风 tunnel efflux ventilation; tunnel injector type ventilation 隧道通风试验 tunnel ventilation test 隧道施工通风 constru

11、ction ventilation of tunnel 风管式通风 ventilation by pipes 巷道式通风 ventilation by ducts 隧道照明 tunnel illumination; tunnel lighting 隧道防灾设施 tunnel anti-disaster equipment 避车洞 refuge hole; refuge recess; refuge niche 隧道火灾 tunnel fire hazard 隧道报警装置 tunnel warning equipment 隧道消防系统 tunnel fire-fighting system 隧道

12、瓦斯爆炸 tunnel gas explosion 隧道监控量测 tunnel monitoring measurement 隧道地表沉降 tunnel ground subsidence 隧道拱顶下沉 tunnel arch top settlement 隧道底鼓 tunnel floor heave 隧道周边位移 tunnel perimeter deflection 隧道地中位移 tunnel surrounding mass deflection 隧道改建 tunnel reconstruction 隧道落底 under cut of tunnel 隧道挑顶 top picking o

13、f tunnel 隧道套拱 cover arch of tunnel 施工调查 construction investigation 施工准备 construction preparation 征地 expropriation 拆迁 removing 租地 rented land 交接桩 delivery-receiving stake 施工复测 construction repetition; repetive survey; construction repetition survey 测量放样 staking out in survey 土石方调配 cut-fill transition

14、 土石方体积图;土积图 volume diagram of earth-rock work 隐蔽工程 hidden project; hidden construction work 废弃工程 abandoned project; abandoned construction work 工程运输 engineering transportation 冬季施工 cold weather construction; winter season construction 雨季施工 raining season construction; rainy season construction 工程招标

15、calling for tenders of project; calling for tending of project 工程投标 bidding for project 工程报价 project quoted price 工程发包 contracting out of project 工程承包 contracting of project 工程监理 supervision of construction; supervision of project 总预算 total budget 单项预算 individual budget 建筑业总产值 total output of buildi

16、ng industry 指导性施工组织设计 design for guiding construction organization; guiding design for construction scheme 实施性施工组织设计 design for practical construction organization; practical design ofr construction scheme; operative construction organization design 临时工程 temporary project 大型临时工程 large-scale temporar

17、y project 小型临时工程 small-scale temporary project 过渡工程 transition project 控制工程 dominant project 关键工程 key project 辅助设施 auxiliary facilities 通车期限 time limit for opening to traffic 施工总工期 total time of construction; total construction time 施工组织方案 construction scheme 开工报告 report on starting of construction

18、work; commencement report of construction work; construction starting report 竣工报告 completion repport of construction work 施工计划管理 planned manangement of construction 网络计划技术 network planning technique 施工工艺流程 construction technology process; construction process 工法制度 construction method system 施工产值 con

19、struction output value 施工利润 construction profit 施工机械利用率 utilization ratio of construction machinery 施工机械完好率 ratio of construction machinery in good condition 施工形象进度 construction figuue progress; figurative progress of construction work 挖掘机 excavating machine; excavator 单斗挖土机 power shovel 索铲挖土机 dragl

20、ine 反铲挖土机 backhoe 蛤壳式抓斗 clamshell bucket 推土机 bulldozer 铲运机 scoper; scraper; carrying scraper 装载机 loader 带式输送机 belt conveyer 平地机 grader 振动碾压机 vibration compactor vibration roller 压路机 roller 潜孔钻机 diving drill 凿岩机 air hammer drill; rock drill 碎石机 crusher 挖沟机 trench cutting machine; trenching machine; t

21、rencher 塔式起重机 tower crane; column crane 汽车式起重机 automobile crane; autocrane; truck crane 轮胎式起重机 rubber tired crane; rough-terrain crane 履带式起重机 crawler crane; caterpiller crane 轨道起重机 track crane; rail crane 浮式起重机;浮吊 floating crane 缆索起重机 cable crane 空中索道 aerial ropway 电动卷扬机 electric winch 电动吊车;电动葫芦 ele

22、ctric hoist 千斤顶 jack 打桩机 pile driver 蒸汽打桩机 steam pile driver; steam pile hammer 柴油打桩机 diesel pile driver 液压打桩机 hydraulic pile driver 振动打桩机 vibrating pile driver; vibratory driver 振动沉拨桩机 vibro-driver extractor 静压力拨桩机 static pressure pile extractor; static pressure pile drawing machine 履带式桩架 crawler p

23、ile frame 旋转式钻机 swiveling drill machine; rotary drill machine 灌水钻机 diving drill machine 套管钻机 drill machine with casting 冲击式钻机 impact-type drill machine; percussion type drill machine 离心水泵 centrifugal pump 真空水泵 vacuum pump 深井水泵 deep well pump 轴流水泵 axial flow pump 清水泵 driving pump 往复式空气压缩机 reciprocati

24、ng compressor 螺杆式空气压缩机 screw compressor 单转子滑片式空压机 single rotary compressor 水泥输送泵 cement pump 混凝土搅拌机 concrete mixer 鼓筒式混凝土搅拌机 drum concrete mixer 锥形反转出料混凝土搅拌机 tapered reverse tilting concrete mixer 锥形倾翻出料混凝土搅拌机 tapered tilting concrete mixer 强制式混凝土搅拌机 forced concrete mixer 混凝土搅拌楼 concrete mixing plan

25、t 简易混凝土搅拌站 simple concrete mixing plant 混凝土搅拌运输车 concrete mixing and transporting car; truck mixer; transit mixer 混凝土输送泵 concrete pump 混凝土泵车 concrete pump truck 混凝土吊斗 concrete lifting bucket 钢筋调直机 bar straightener 钢筋切断机 bar cutter 钢筋弯曲机 bar bender 钢筋冷拉机 bar cold-drawing machine 插入式混凝土振捣器 immersion t

26、ype vibrator for concrete 附着式混凝土振捣器 attached type vibrator for concrete; attached type vibrator 平板式混凝土振捣器 plate vibrator 混凝土振动台 concrete vibrating stand 长线张拉台座 stretching bed for longline production 斜撑桅杆式架梁起重机 cross stay derrick girder erecting machine 全回转式架梁起重机 full circle girderr erecting crane 双悬

27、臂式架桥机 double cantilever girder-erecting machine 单梁式架桥机 single beam girder-erecting machine 双梁式架桥机 double beam girder-erecting machine 组拼式架桥机 assembly type girer-erecting machine 造桥机 bridge fabrication machine 工程船舶 engineering ship; engineering vessel 舟桥 bateau bridge 浮箱 floating box; pontoon 万能杆件 fa

28、bricated universal steel members 模板 form 组合钢模板 combined steel formwork 滑动模板 slip form 爬升模板 climbing shuttering 砌拱支架;碗扣式脚手架 soffit scaffolding 风镐 air pick; pneumatic pick 凿岩台车;钻孔台车 rock drilling jumbo 立爪式装岩机 vertical claw rock loader 蟹爪式装岩机 crab rock loader 梭式矿车 shutter car 槽式列车 bunker train 电瓶车 stor

29、age battery car 斗车 bucker loader 大型矿车 large scale ore car 装岩机 rock loader 干喷混凝土机 dry shotcreting machine 湿喷混凝土机 wet shotcreting machine 半湿喷混凝土机 half wet shotcreting machine 喷射混凝土机械手 shotcrete manipulator 风动凿岩机 pneumatic rock drill 手持式凿岩机 portable rock drill; jack hammer 通风机 ventilating set; ventilat

30、ing machine; ventilator 注浆机 grouting machine; grouter 注浆泵 grouting pump; injection pump 隧道衬砌模板台车 working jumbo for tunnel lining; tunnelling shutter jumbo for tunnel lining 隧道掘进机 tunnel boring machine; TBM 盾构 shield 接触网架线车 installation vehicle for contact wire 接触网作业车 operation vehicle for contract w

31、ire 自卸汽车 dumping truck 斗式提升机 bucket elevator 安全技术措施 safety techincal measures 安全教育 safety education 事故报告 accident report 灾害性地质 disaster geology 突泥 projecting mud soil 突水 gushing water 冒顶 roof fall 岩爆 rock burst 瓦斯突出 gas projection 瓦斯浓度 gas density; gas consistency 掏底开挖;挖神仙土 cut the vertical earthwork bottom 施工防护 construction protection 线路封锁 track blockade; closure of track; traffic interruption 防护音响信号 protecting acoustic

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