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1、外研版小学英语三年级上册知识点汇总外研版小学英语三年级上册知识点汇总外研(一起)三年级Module 1 知识汇总一、词汇餐具:chopsticks(常复)(筷子) fork(叉) knife(刀)食物:hamburger(汉堡包) chips(常复)(炸薯条)其他:use(使用) want(想要) hungry(饥饿的)food(食物)mess(肮脏,凌乱)hard(困难的)easy(容易的)grass(草) 二、习惯搭配look at.看.in the UK在英国a knife and fork一副刀叉speak English说英语fast food快餐be easy for.对.来说是容

2、易的speak Chinese说汉语be hard for.对.来说是困难的三、惯用表达:1.Guess.猜一猜。2.Try them, please.请试一试它们。四、重点句型1. 询问对方是否想要某种食物:Do you want + 食物?Yes, please. / No, 1.Do you want noodles? Yes, please.2.Do you want a hamburger and chips? No, thanks. I want some noodles.2. 询问对方是否使用某物:Do you use + 其他?Yes, I / we do

3、. / No, I / we you use chopsticks in the UK? No, we dont.3.询问对方正在吃什么:What are you eating?Im eating + 食物.eg:What are you eating? Im eating noodles and meat.外研(一起)三年级Module 2 知识汇总一、词汇make(制作) cake(蛋糕) mum(妈妈) dad(爸爸) quiet(安静的,不出声的) water(给(植物)浇水;水) lovely(可爱的)二、习惯搭配make a cake制作蛋糕make a pl

4、ane制作飞机ride my bike骑我的自行车water the flowers浇花play the piano弹钢琴watch TV看电视play the drum打鼓三、惯用表达:1. Good idea!好主意!2. Please be quiet!请安静!3. Thank you!谢谢你!4. Here you are.给你。5. Please stop!请停下来!四、重点句型1. 描述某人正在做某事:主语 + be动词(is/ am/ are)+ 动词-ing + 其他.eg: 1. I am watching TV.2. A cat is running.3. We are m

5、aking a cake for you.2. 询问对方正在做什么:What are you doing?Im + 动词-ing + 其他.eg:What are you doing? Im playing the piano.外研(一起)三年级Module 3 知识汇总一、词汇名词:boat(小船,小舟) people(人, 人们)lake(湖)bread(面包) 形容词:naughty(淘气的) paper(制作的,纸质的) 动词:feed(喂, 为提供食物) row(划) 船 二、习惯搭配get out走开,离开dragon boat龙舟water the flowers浇花feed t

6、he ducks喂鸭子三、重点句型1. 询问“这些/那些是什么”的句型及其答语: What are these/ those? They 1.What are these? They are flowers.2.What are those? They are dragon boats.2. 询问别人“打算去哪儿在某个时间”的句型及其答语: Where are you going +时间? Im/ Were going to +地方.eg: 1.Where are you goingthis afternoon? Im going to the cinema.2.Where a

7、re you goingtomorrow? Were going to the park.外研(一起)三年级Module 4知识汇总一、单词缩写:cant = can not不能其他:1. far 远2. fast 快,快速地 3. winner胜利者4.slow慢的 5. fly飞6. koala树袋熊;考拉7.climb爬8. cry哭二、习惯搭配1. run fast跑得快2. jump far跳得远3. play football踢足球 basketball打篮球5. in the sky在空中三、惯用表达1.Lets see! 让我们看看!2.Help! 救命!3.Oh

8、no! 哦,不!4. Amy, can you run fast?艾米,你能跑得快吗?Yes, I can.是的,我能。5. I can jump far.我能跳得远。6. I cant jump far.我不能跳得远。7. Can you jump far?你能跳得远吗?No, I cant.不,我不能。8. Can you swim?你能游泳吗?Yes, I can.是的,我能。9. What can you see?你能看到什么?I can see a bird. 我能看到一只鸟。10. Look at the picture! What can you see?看这张图片!你们能看到什

9、么?I can see a koala. It can climb.我能看见一只考拉。他能爬。四、重点句型1. I can +动词原形(+其他).eg: I can jump far.我可以跳地远。I can sing a song.我可以唱一首歌。2. What can you see? (I / We can see +)事物名称.eg: What can you see? 你能看到什么?I can see a bird.我能看到一只鸟。外研(一起)三年级Module 5 知识汇总一、词汇1.drink一杯(份)饮料 2.shop商店3.thanks谢谢4.library图书馆,图书室5.

10、worry担心二、常用短语1.go out外出 TV看电视3.go to the shop去商店e in进来5.write a letter写一封信 books读书 a kite放风筝三、常用句子1.Can I have a look?我可以看一看吗?Yes, you can.是的,可以。2.Here you are.给你。3.Can I have an ice cream?我可以吃一个冰淇淋吗?No, you cant. 不,不可以。4. No ice cream.没有冰淇淋。5. I can go to the shop for an ice cream

11、.译文:我可以去商店买一个冰淇淋。6. You cant go out! Youre ill.7. 你不可以出去。你生病了。7.Dont worry!别担心。8. This is my small library.这是我的小图书馆。9.Im sorry.我很抱歉。四、语法知识can 的用法can 是情态动词,不随人称和数的变化而变化。Can I +动词原形+其他?(用来向对方征求意见)Yes, you can. / No, you I have a drink?我可以喝杯饮料吗?Yes, you can.是的,你可以。Can I sing in the library?

12、我可以在图书馆唱歌吗?No, you cant.不,你不可以。外研(一起)三年级Module 6 知识汇总一、词汇have got有 careful小心的 wash洗 has got(have got的第三人称单数形式)有pear梨 peach桃子二、短语new friend新朋友 new shorts新短裤 new shoes新鞋子new football新足球 new dress新连衣裙new shirt新衬衫 new trousers新裤子new schoolbag新书包三、句子1. Ive got a new friend.(我有一个新朋友。)2. Ive got a new foot

13、ball.(我有一个新足球。)3. Can I play with you?(我可以和你一起玩吗?)4. Be careful!(小心!)5. Im sorry.(对不起。)6. Dont worry.(别担心。)7. I can wash them.(我可以洗它们。)四、句型结构1. Ive got a + 可数名词单数.(我有.)eg: Ive got a new schoolbag.(我有一个新书包。) Ive got a big kite.(我有一只大风筝。)2. 主语(第三人称单数)+ has got + 其他.(他/她有.)eg: Hes got new shoes.(他有一双新鞋

14、子。) Shes got a new shirt.(她有一件新衬衫。)外研(一起)三年级Module 7知识汇总一、词汇headache头痛 stomachache胃痛;腹痛 test考试Friday星期五 clever聪明的 cold感冒 class课begin开始 cough咳嗽二、句子1. - Haveyou got a stomach ache?(你胃痛吗?)- Yes, I have.(是的,我胃痛。)2. - Have you got a headache?(你头痛吗?)- No, I havent.(不,我不头痛。)3. - Have you got a test today?(

15、你今天有一个考试吗?)- Yes, I have.(是的,我有。)4.-Wheres Jack?(杰克在哪里?)- Hes ill. Hes got a cough.(他生病了。他咳嗽。)5.-Has Sara got a cough, too?(萨拉也咳嗽了吗?)- No, she hasnt. Shes got a cold.(不,她不咳嗽。她感冒了。)6.-Hashe got a pen?(他有一支钢笔吗?)- No, he hasnt.(不,他没有。)7.-Have you got a picture of a panda?(你有一张熊猫的图片吗?)- Yes, I have.(是的,

16、我有。)8.-Haveyou got a picture of a monkey?(你有一张猴子的图片吗?)- Yes, I have.(是的,我有。)三、句型结构-Have you got a/ an +疾病名称?-Yes, I have. / No, I -Have you got a cold?(你感冒了吗?)-Yes, I have.(是的,我感冒了。)-Haveyou got a headache?(你头痛吗?)- No, I havent.(不,我不头痛。)He/ She has got a/ an +疾病名称.eg:Hehas got a cough.(他咳

17、嗽了。)外研(一起)三年级Module 8知识汇总一、词汇bring带来umbrella雨伞get拿,取which哪一个broken损坏的二、句子1.This is Bob. And this is Bobs house.(这是鲍勃,这是鲍勃的房子。)2. This is your book, Daming. And this is Sams book.(这是你的书,大明。这是萨姆的书。)3. This is my black pen. And this is Sams red pen.(这是我的黑钢笔,这是萨姆的红钢笔。)4. They are not Linglings toys. Tha

18、t is my toy horse. And that is Damings ball.(它们不是玲玲的玩具。那是我的玩具马。那是大明的球。)5. This is my mums cake. This is my dads cake. This is my cake.(这是我妈妈的蛋糕。这是我爸爸的蛋糕。这是我的蛋糕。)6. This is my dads umbrella. And this is my mums umbrella.(这是我爸爸的雨伞。这是我妈妈的雨伞。)7. - Is this your grandmas umbrella?(这是你奶奶的雨伞吗?)- Yes, it is.

19、(是的,它是。)8.-Is this your umbrella?(这是你的雨伞吗?)- Yes, it is.(是的,它是。)9. Thisis Father Bears bag. His bag is brown.(这是熊爸爸的包。他的包是棕色的。)10. - Is it Shanshans ruler?(它是姗姗的尺子吗?)- No, it isnt.(不,它不是。)三、句型结构This is+形容词性物主代词/名词所有格+事物.eg: This is our classroom.(这是我们的教室。)This is Amys father.(这是艾米的爸爸。)-Is this ones

20、+物品?-Yes, it is. / No, it -Is this her dress?(这是她的裙子吗?)-Yes, it is.(是的,它是。)-Is this your teachers book?(这是你老师的书吗?)- No, it isnt.(不,它不是。)外研(一起)上册三年级Module 9知识汇总一、词汇longjump跳远 makefriends交朋友sportsday运动日 high高的highjump跳高 race赛跑runarace(参加)赛跑 star明星;星uncle伯父;叔父;舅父;姑父;姨父二、句子1.- What are you goin

21、g to do here?你打算在这儿做什么?- Im going to make new friends.我打算交新朋友。2. Its going to be sports day on Friday.星期五将是运动日。3. Im going to do the long jump.我打算跳远。4. Amy is going to do the high jump.艾米打算跳高。5. Im going to run a race. 我打算参加赛跑。6. Im going to fly.我打算飞。7. - What are you going to be, Daming?你打算成为什么,大明?

22、- Im going to be a doctor.我打算成为一名医生。8. Im going to be a driver.我打算成为一名司机。三、句型结构1. Im going to +动词(短语)原形(+其他).eg: Im going to have a birthday party tomorrow.我明天打算开一个生日派对。2. Im going to be a/ an+职业名称.eg:Im going to be a teacher.我打算成为一名老师。Im going to be an actor.我打算成为一名演员。3.-What are you going to be?你打

23、算成为什么?-Im going to be a/ an +职业名称.eg: - What are you going to be?你打算成为什么?- Im going to be a policeman.我打算成为一名警察。外研(一起)三年级Module 10知识汇总一、词汇airport飞机场sea大海visit拜访(某人),参观(某地)Saturday星期六film电影二、句子1. -Are you going to Beijing? 你将要去北京吗?- Yes, I am. 是的,我将要去。2. - Where are you going?你将要去哪里?- Im going to Hon

24、g Kong.我将要去香港。3. - Are you going to Hong Kong?你将要去香港吗?- No, Im going to Hainan.不,我将要去海南。4.-Whatare you going to do, Sam?你打算做什么,萨姆?- Im going to swim in the sea.我打算在大海里游泳。5.-What are you going to do?你打算做什么?- Im going to visit my friends.我打算拜访我的朋友们。6.-What are you going to do on Saturday?你打算在星期六做什么?-

25、Im going to see a film.我打算看一部电影。7.-What are you going to see?你打算看什么?- Im going to seeThe Monkey King.我打算看大闹天宫。8.-What are you going to do in the class?你打算在课上做什么?- Im going to dance.我打算跳舞。三、句型结构1.-Are you going (to) +地点?-Yes, I am. / No, Im - Are you going to Hunan?你将要去湖南吗?- Yes, I am.是的,我将要去。- Are you going there?你将要去那里吗?- No, Im not.不,我不去。2.-What are you going to see?- Im going to see +名词(短语).eg: - What are you going to see? 你打算看什么?- Im going to see a football match.我打算看一场足球比赛。

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