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1、职称英语理工类补全短文练习推荐:更多2015年职称英语复习资料理工A补全短文练习一、Looking into the Future Bertrand Russell,a famous philosopher,said in 1944,The one thing the study of the past teaches us is that the future is never how people imagine it will be. In 1946,physicists predicted that within twenty years,most of the worlds ener

2、gy would be supplied by nuclear power._ (46) In 1951,a famous surgeon said that he and his colleagues were confident that by the end of the 1950s,a cure for most if not all cancers will have been found.In 1954,an American economist predicted Americans would go on getting richer and richer._ (47). In

3、 the year 1969,an automation engineer working for Max Factor Cosmetics in Britain said that within twenty or twenty-five years factories that today employ hundreds of workers will need only five or ten computer technicians to run them._ (48). In the early 1970s,there were many predictions that befor

4、e the end of the century most homes in the United States,Europe and Japan would have computers in them._ (49) Long before 1980,it was predicted that instead of letting nature and luck choose their childrens characteristics,people would have to decide which characteristics they wanted their children

5、to inherit from them and previous generations in their families._ (50)We may be able to have undesirablecharacteristics changed or destroyed through genetic therapy.Perhaps we may even begin to wish that Bertrand Russell was right when he said that history teaches us that the future is never like th

6、at future we imagine. A.By the end of the century,he said,there will be no poverty anywhere in the country. B.If this prediction comes true,we will be faced with a much greater responsibility than ever before. C.According to the same predictions,this would result in an information explosionas well a

7、s radical and revolutionary changes in the way we work,learn,and do business. D.When this prediction came true,more people would be killed than ever before. E.They were certain that this would not only be far cleaner than coal and other fossil fuels but far safer and much cheaper. F.He added that th

8、is will lead to enormous social problems for unskilled manual workers in particular,who will be unable to find work. 答案:EAFCB二、Richest Men in the World Warren Buffett,the famed US investor who heads Berkshire Hathaway Inc,replaced his friend and Microsoft Corp founder Bill Gates as the richest man i

9、n the world,Forbes magazine said on Wednesday. The magazine estimated Buffetts worth at $62 billion in its annual ranking of the worlds wealthiest people.(46)Gates was pushed to third place after 13 years of holding the No.1 spot.The magazine estimated Gatesworth at $58 billion. (47)Because it came

10、at a time of great financial turmoil and it came when Buffett has begun to siphon off part of his fortune to charity.Even though he is giving away a piece of his fortune each year,the stock of Berkshire Hathaway,the source of Warren Buffets wealth,has been rising very rapidly, Chief Executive of For

11、bes Magazines Steve Forbes said.(48) Buffett in June 2006 announced plans to give 85 percent of his fortune away,granting it to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and four family charities.Bill Gates serves on the board of directors of Berkshire Hathaway and is a long-time bridge buddy of Buffetts.

12、(49) Buffett,often called the Sage of Omaha,has been lauded among investors for his preference for investing in larger companies with easy-to-understand businesses,large or dominant market shares,consistent earnings,and strong management. (50) Tsutsumi fell off the billionaires list last year after

13、receiving a suspended prison sentence for falsifying financial statements and insider trading in 2005. A.Mexican telecoms tycoon Carlos Slim came in second with an estimated worth of $60 billion B.He also noted that Buffetts fortune climbed $10 billion in the last calendar year C.Gates has also give

14、n a substantial amount of his fortune to the foundation D.Buffetts rise to No.1 was particularly noteworthy,Forbes said E.Japans real estate billionaire ranked first among all the Japanese richest people on the list F.Gates has held the No.1 spot since 1995,when he unseated Yoshiaki Tsutsumi,a Japan

15、ese real estate tycoon 正确答案:ADBCF 解析:46.前一句提到了巴菲特的个人资产总值达到约620亿美元,居福布斯富豪榜榜首,后一句提到了而连续13年蝉联首富桂冠的盖茨则首次“让位”,以资产总值约为580亿美元屈居第三。所以本句应该是居第二位的富豪的信息,所以A选项“墨西哥通信业大亨卡洛斯?斯利姆以600亿美元的资产总值名列第二”最合适。 47.下一句“因为目前正值金融市场大动荡,而且巴菲特开始将其部分财产捐作慈善用途”提到了原因,本句应该是一种现象,而且和巴菲特有关,所以D选项“福布斯指出,巴菲特跃至世界首富尤其令人关注”最合适。 48.前一句是福布斯执行总裁史蒂夫

16、?福布斯说的话,本句是递进的用法,选项B中的he指代的是福布斯的总裁,also表示递进的关系,所以B选项“而且他还指出,巴菲特的资产总值去年增加了100亿美元”最合适。 49.前面提到了2006年6月,巴菲特宣布将其85%的资产捐给比尔/梅琳达?盖茨基金会及四个家庭慈善机构的计划。上一句提到了巴菲特和盖茨的关系,所以本句应该提到盖茨和慈善的关系,因此C选项“盖茨也向基金会捐了一大笔财产”最合适。 50.因为下一句提到了Tsutsumi,所以本句应该和Tsutsumi有关,因此F选项“自从1995年将日本地产大亨Tsutsumi拉下马后,盖茨一直稳坐世界首富宝座”最合适。三、The Worlds

17、 Longest Bridge Rumor has it that1 a legendary six-headed monster lurks in the deep waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea between Italy and the island of Sicily.(1) When completed in 2010,theworlds longest bridge will weigh nearly 300,000 tons 一 equivalent to the iceberg that sank the Titanic and stretch 5 k

18、ilometers long. Thats nearly 50 percent longer than any other bridge ever built.,says structural engineer Shane Rixon. (2)Theyre suspension bridges,massive structures built to span vast water channels or gorges.A suspension bridge needs just two towers to shoulder the structures mammoth weight,thank

19、s to hefty supporting cables slung between the towers and anchored firmly in deep pools of cement at each end of the bridge.The Messina Strait Bridge will have two 54,100-ton towers,which will support most of the bridges load.The beefy cables of the bridge,each 1.2 meter in diameter,will hold up the

20、 longest and widest bridge deck ever built. When construction begins on the Messina Strait Bridge in 2005,the first job will be to erect two 370 meter-tall steel towers.(3 )Getting these cables up will be something2.Its not just their lengthtotally 5.3 kilometersbut their weight (4)After lowering ve

21、rticalsuspender,cables from the main cables,builders will erect a 60 meter-wide 54,630-ton steel roadway,or deck wide enough to accommodate 12 lanes of traffic.The decks weight will pull down on the cables with a force of 70,500 tons.In return,the cables yank up against their firmly rooted anchors w

22、ith a force of 139,000 tons equivalent to the weight of about 100,000 cars.Those anchors are essential.(5)练习: A.Some environmentalists are against the project on biological grounds. B.What do the worlds longest bridges have in common? C.If true,one day you might spy the beast while zipping (呼晡而过)acr

23、oss the Messina Strait Bridge. D.Theyre what will keep the bridge from going anywhere. E.The second job will be to pull two sets of steel cables across the strait,each set being a bundle of 44,352 individual steel wires. F.They will tip up the scales at 166,500 tons more than half the bridges total

24、mass. 答案与题解: 1.C选项C中有一个关键词beast,与第一句的monster相呼应。所以,C是答案。 2.B第二段第二.句的主语是They。由于表语是suspension bridges,They替代的一定是 前面句子出现过的bridges。六个选项中,只有B含有bridges,且填在第二段段首意思 连贯。 3.E空3”前面的句子有the first job这几个词。有first,必有second/then。六个选项中,只 有E含有The second job。所以,E是答案。 4.F空4”前面的句子说的是,把这些吊索吊高定位是有难度的,不仅仅由于它们很长,还 由于它们很重。F介绍

25、了它们的重量,应该是“空4”前面的句子的后续句。 5.D空5”前面的句子说的是,桥桩很重要。为什么很重要呢? D解释了桥桩的作用,意思 连贯,所以是答案。 四、Reinventing the Table An earth scientist has rejigged the periodic table1 to make chemistry simpler to teach to students. _1_But Bruce Railsback from the University of Georgia says he is the first to create a table that

26、breaks with tradition and shows the ions of each element rather than just the elements themselves. I got tired of breaking my arms trying to explain the periodic table to earth students,he says,criss-crossing his hands in the air and pointing to different bits of a traditional table._2_But he has ad

27、ded contour lines to charge density,helping to explain which ions react with which. Geohemists just want an intuitive sense of whats going on with the elements,says Albert Galy from the University of Cambridge4,_3_ _4_He explains that sulphur,for example,shows up in three different spotsone for sulp

28、hide,which is found in minerals,one for su1phite,and one for su1phate,which is found in sea sa1t,for instance. He has also inc1uded symbols to show which ions are nutrients,and which are common in soi1 or water._5_ 练习: A.There have been many attempts to redesign the periodic table since DmM Mendelee

29、v2 drew it up in 1871. B.Railsback has still ordered the elements according to the number of protons they have. C.I imagine this would be good for undergraduates. D.Railsback has listed some elements more than once. E.And the size of elements symbol reflects how much of it is found in the Earths cru

30、st. F.The traditional periodic table was well drawn. 答案与题解: 1.A,文章讲重新设计元素周期表。第一段讲了一位地球科学家已经调整元素周期表,使得教学生化学时更容易些。接着是第二段。第一句是空白,需要填入。接下来的一句话是这么说的:佐治亚大学的Bruce Railsback说他是第一个创造出这样一个表的人,他突破了传统,显示了每个元素的离子而不只是元素本身。A的意思是:自从1871年门捷列夫画出元素周期表以来,许多人试图重新设计周期表。第一个这个信息很重要。按照从一般到具体的行文规律,前一句话应当是一般性的描述。A符合这个条件。 2.B,

31、第三段的第一句话是这么说的在给学生解释元素周期表时我的手臂都要断了他这么说时在空中来回交叉双手,指点传统周期表中不同的元素。这一句话是讲Bruce Railsback重新制作元素周期表的原因。从主题发展来看,这句话似乎跟上文连不上,但这是一篇报道,插入了一些背景信息和其他人的评论。从第二段的最后一句话来看,B比较合适,因为都是讲元素。B说的是:RailSback仍然按照元素所有的质子数排列元素。注意:D也是讲元素。但是B中有still(仍然)这个词,它是衔接第二段的最后一句话的。 3.C,第四段是剑桥大学的Albert Galy对Bruce Railsback重新创造的元素周期表的评论。评论常

32、常用原话。引号表明C是原话。 4.D,第五段需填入主题句。主题句常常是概括性的。从第五段提供的信息来看,sulphur(硫黄)这个元素在三个地方出现,因此D是正确的。D说的是:有些元素Railsback列了一次以上。 5.E,六段的第一句讲到了符号。E也是讲符号,其他的选项都没有讲,因此应选E。 理工B补全短文练习一、The influence of television About six years ago I was eating lunch in a restaurant in New York city when a woman and a young boy sat down at the next table._(46) At one point the woman asked:So,how have you been

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