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English on the air.docx

1、English on the air1流行美语又和大家见面了。Michael是一个在纽约上大学的美国年轻人,他经常跟中国学生李华一起玩。Michael向李华学中文,李华向 Michael 学英文。Michael 正在准备考试,有很多功课要做,但是李华要他出去休息休息,两人约好下午在动物园见面。他们在对话中会用这两个词:all-nighter和cram。L: 嗨,Michael. 我在这儿!M: Hey, Li Hua. Oh, the elephant house, lets go in and take a look.L: 噢,那是大象馆啊? 好, 进去看看。 不行,不行,这儿太臭 了。走吧

2、!M: Oh, yeah. Lets get out of here. In fact, Ive got a lot of studying to do. Im going to pull an all-nighter.L: 我知道你有很多功课,但是你在准备考试的时候也总得休息休息 嘛。我听说这次考试会很难。你刚才说 all-nighter 是不是开夜车 的意思呀?M: Yeah, thats what I meant. Li Hua, youre smart!L: 我是猜出来的, all的意思是整个,全部,nighter和 night 很像。我想一个人要整夜学习,那不就是开夜车吗?但是,有一

3、点我不太懂,你说:to pull an all-nighter,什么是pull ?M: Pull means to get yourself through a difficult time.L: 噢, pull an all-nighter, 就是迫使自己整夜念书,因为要这样做是很辛苦的。M: Yep. You wouldnt have to pull an all-nighter because you have been studying all semester, I havent been.L: 这你可说对了。我不需要开夜车,因为我整个一学期都在学习。 你要开夜车,因为你平时不学习。

4、M: I know, I know, youre a better student than I am.L: Michael, 我真喜欢纽约的秋天, 空气很清新。你要是能跟我一起玩,不用回去念书,那该多好啊!M: I dont want to go study either, but I should.L: 对啊, 你 要是上星期多花点时间念书不就好了嘛。现在你得临时抱佛脚了。M: I perform better on tests when I cram.L: Cram? Cram是把什么东西塞进去的意思,跟学习有什么关系呢?M: Well, its sort of the same mea

5、ning. Im going to do a lot of studying at the last minute, thats what it means to cram.L: 意思差不多?噢,我知道了!Cram就是我们中文里说的填鸭式方法,就是硬把食品塞给鸭子吃,这样鸭子就长得肥。北京烤鸭 就是用这种鸭子做的。你说的cram 是临时抱佛脚,在考试前猛记猛背,把知识往脑子里塞。你还认为这是好办法?M: Well, everyones different. Cramming works for me.L: 你认为临时抱佛脚对你来说行得通。可是,Michael,想把半学期的内容在一个晚上记住,这

6、样做可真傻。M: Stop being my mother, Li Hua!L: 我才不想当你妈呢, 你不听我的话,那就算了。Michael, cram这个词是否还能用在别的场合呢?M: Not really. Its only used to describe studying for a test, usually college or high-school level.L: 噢,只能指大学生或中学生在考试前开夜车,临时抱佛脚。M: And thats what I need to do, right now. Its getting late and I know I will hav

7、e to pull an all-nighter.L: 好吧,我明天早上给你打电话。M: No, dont worry about me, Im sure I will still be cramming.L: 哟,你还准备开夜车开到天亮呐? Ok, well, good luck!今天李华向Michael学了两个常用语,一个是:all-nighter, 意思是开夜车;另一个是:cram, 这是指中学生或大学生在考试前临时抱佛脚。 今天的流行美语就学习到这里,我们下次再见。2昨天晚上Michael 和一个老同学一起出去玩, 两个人都喝得酩酊大醉。现在李华来找他一起去看一个新的艺术展览。李华会学

8、到两个常用语:wasted和 to get a kick out of something。L: 嗨, Michael,快走吧,该去看展览了!M: Give me a moment, Li Hua. Last night a friend and I went out to a bar and got wasted, so I dont feel very good right now.L: Got wasted? 你说你们浪费了好多钱呀?M: No, Li Hua, when I say we got wasted I mean we got very very drunk.L: 噢,你们到

9、酒吧去了。你说的wasted意思是喝酒喝得酩酊大醉, 不是指浪费。M: We were so wasted that we couldnt even stand up straight.L: 你们真是要命,喝得站都站不直。干吗要喝那么多呢?这么喝对你身体不好的。M: I know. My best friend from high school came to visit, and we usually get wasted when we meet.L: 中学时的好朋友来看你,一高兴就喝多了,这我可以理解。在中国,老同学见面的时候,我们总是会开个party, 往往喝好多酒, 可是我们不见得会

10、醉到象你这种程度。M: Ugh. It always seems like a lot of fun when I get completely wasted, but the next day, I regret it.L: 是啊,喝得大醉的时候觉得很好玩,到第二天你就后悔了。得了,你得换换衣服,吃点东西。我们得早点去,否则人会太多了。M: Eat something? Are you kidding? I cant even open my eyes without feeling sick.L: 哟,你睁开眼睛就想吐呀?那是不能吃东西。Michael,幸好今天是星期六,否则你整天就不能上

11、课,什么事也做不了。M: Yes, Im in graduate school, and I cant afford to miss too many classes.L: 研究生要缺太多课可不是开玩笑的。得了,我看你还是先洗一个澡,再喝点茶,这样可能会好些。M: Okay, Ill try.L: Michael,你觉得怎么样,好点吗?快,我们走吧!M: Li Hua, dont speak so loudly. I still have a headache. I think you get a kick out of watching me suffer.L: 你说什么?你想踢我?M: N

12、o, I said you get a kick out of watching me suffer. That means, you enjoy watching me suffer.L: 噢,to get a kick out of something意思就是为了什么事感到很开心。 这个kick跟踢球的kick是同一个字吗?M: Thats right.L: 我干吗看见你难受我就高兴呢? 你是自作自受!M: I know, I know.youre a good friend. You get a kick out of helping people, not watching them

13、suffer.L: 这你说得还象样,我才不愿意看见别人难受,我很高兴帮助别人。 帮助象你这样的美国学生学中文我就很高兴。M: Im so useless. I only get a kick out of doing stupid things, like getting wasted or watching old cartoons.L: 偶然喝醉一次,看看老的卡通片也不能说自己没有用嘛。你看到你的学生英语有进步,不也让你很高兴吗?M: Yes, I guess I do get a kick out of watching my students learn.L: Michael, 走吧!

14、 嗨,看完展览要不要再去喝个酩酊大醉呀?M: Arrrgh! Li Hua, you really do get a kick out of tormenting me. Ill never get wasted for the rest of my life. I promise.L: 我只是开个玩笑而已。不过,我倒是希望你这辈子再也不要喝那么多酒了!别看Michael 昨晚喝醉了,今天还晕乎乎的。可是他教了李华两个很有用的常用语,一个是:wasted,那是指喝得大醉;另一个是:to get a kick out of something,那就是为某件事感到很高兴。这次的流行美语就到此结束,

15、下次节目再见。3Michael这个美国学生由于各方面的压力太大而情绪不太好。 今天他想去找李华一起出去放松放松。现在他正在敲李华的门。Michael会教李华两个常用语:to play hooky和to snap。 L:Michael,你在这儿干什么?你不是有课吗? M:Yes, Im supposed to be in class right now. But I didnt read the assignment for class today, and I just didnt feel like going, so I decided to play hooky. L:你真够呛,没看今天

16、上课的材料就不想去上课,还想在家玩什么游戏!什么是hooky呀? M:No, to play hooky means to skip class. L:噢,原来to play hooky是指逃学,旷课。我还以为是玩什么游戏呢!Michael, 你要进来坐会儿吗? M:Actually, I was going to the student center to hang out and have lunch. I was wondering if you would like to come with me. L:你要到学生中心那儿去看看,然后再吃午饭呀?我跟你一起去,我本来就要去吃午饭。不过,

17、我只有一个小时的时间,下午我得去工作。 M:It seems like you have been working a lot lately. I have an idea! Why dont you call in to work and tell them youre sick! You can also play hooky from work. L:我最近工作是很忙。Michael,你的意思是让我打电话给工作的地方说我生病,这样就可以不去上班?这也可以说是to play hooky? M:Yes, you can play hooky from school or from work.

18、 L:你可真能出馊主意!自己逃学还不算,还要我装病不去工作。不行,我工作的地方星期一总是很忙的,而且上星期我真的生病,请了两天假。I dont want to play hooky from work. 我说得对不对,Michael? M:Yes, very good. I guess youd better go to work then. Its too bad I cant spend more time with you. Well, if you have only one hour for lunch, wed better hurry. L:别着急,一个小时来得及。等我拿件大衣。

19、 L:Michael, 你很幸运,没有象我那么多的压力。我得自己赚钱付学费,还要养活自己。你可以随便play hooky, 我可不行。 M:Hey, I may play hooky once in a while, but I usually study hard. Do you think I dont feel any pressure to get good grades? If I dont do well, I wont get a good job later on. L:哟,哪儿来那么大的火气呀!我知道你不是经常逃学,你学习很努力,争取得到好分数,将来找一份好工作。你不用发那么

20、大的脾气嘛! M:Im sorry, Li Hua. I didnt mean to snap at you. Its just that right now Im so stressed. Thats part of the reason why I didnt go to class today. L:没关系,我知道你最近压力很大。你说 “I didnt mean to snap at you, 那是什么意思呀?是不是指你很生气地跟我说话? M:Yeah, to snap, s-n-a-p. To snap at someone means to yell at someone or ta

21、lk to them in an angry way. L:to snap at someone 就是对某人大声嚷嚷,或者很生气地和某人说话。Michael,你一般不对人那么讲话的。我想可能是你最近压力太大了。 M:Yeah, but thats no excuse for snapping at you. I know you didnt mean to make me angry. L:我是没有让你生气的意思。 没关系,每个人都有情绪不好的时候嘛!Michael, 我以前好象听到别人用过to snap at someone, 可不太清楚它的意思。有一次,一个小孩说他打破了什么东西。 M:H

22、is mother must have snapped at him when he broke something at home. L:对,他是说他妈妈骂他因为他打破了一个花瓶。可是,Michael,这里的snap是过去时,那该怎么拼呢? M:Past tense for snap is s-n-a-p-p-e-d. I can say, I snapped at you but I apologized. L:得了,不用道歉了。啊呀,不好了,时间到了,我得去上班了。See you later, Michael! M:Bye, Li Hua! 今天李华又从Michael那儿学到两个常用语,

23、to play hooky就是逃学,或者装病不去上班;to snap就是对某人嚷嚷,很生气地对某人说话。这次播送完了,下次节目再见4今天李华和 Michael二人一起开车到市中心,他们想要找个停车的空位。在他们二人对话中,李华会学到两个常用语:a big deal和give it a shot。M: Man, I hate trying to park my car in this city! There are never any spaces. Hey look! Theres one!L: 啊!我看到了那个位子。 Um, Michael, 可是我不知道我该不该停 那儿。我的停车技术很 差

24、,我怕出差错把车给撞了。M: Dont worry about it! You have to learn this sooner or later. Give it a shot!L: 你说什么?Give what? 我该把车干吗?M: I said give it a shot, that means try or give it a try. We say give a shot when we ask someone to try something they are not sure they can do.L: 噢,你用的字 shot, S-H-O-T. 就好像开枪射击的那个 sh

25、ot,是不 是?M: Thats right. For instance, when you are taking a test, and you are not sure of the answer to a question, you still have to give it a shot and try to guess the correct answer.L: 奥,give it a shot原来指的是尽量试试,即使你没有多大信心。M: Thats right. Now you try and use this phrase. Go ahead, give it a shot!L:

26、 Hmm, 如果说你想要申请一个很好的工作,可是又怕自己得不到,你就可以说:Give it a shot! 反正你也不会有什么损失的。M: Youve got it.L: 那还有没有其它场合可以用shot这个字的?M: Well, we might also say give it your best shot.L: 好,所以我们也可以说“give it your best shot”, 意思就是全力以赴去试一下。M: Thats right. Now youd better move your car into that space. We shouldnt sit here in the

27、middle of the road. Go ahead and park, give it a shot!L: 好,我就试试。L: 我的天, Michael,我撞到哪里了?M: Dont worry Li Hua, its not a big deal. The bumper just hit the parking meter.L: 你说不大什么?不管撞倒哪儿都不得了啊。M: No no, I said its not a big deal. That means its not very serious.L: Oh, 那“big deal”是哪两个字,怎么拼?M: Big, B-I-G;

28、 Deal, D-E-A-L. If something is a big deal it is very serious, or very important to someone.L: 奥,我明白了,当我撞上停车计时表,你说 its not a big deal,你的意思是说没什么大不了的。我并没有造成多大损害。M: Yeah, at least I dont think you did. Maybe you scratched the bumper or the parking meter. You didnt really damage the car or meter, so its

29、 not a big deal.L: 原来如此,但愿你说的对。哎,还有,要是不用 not 这个字可以 吗?M: Sure you can, for instance, it was a big deal for me when I turned 16 and got a drivers license.L: 对。对美国青年人来说,拿到驾驶执照可真是一件大事。M: Looks like you understand how to use this phrase. Why dont you make another sentence?L: 好,我就用它造句子: It was a very big

30、deal for Chinese people when Beijing got the chance to host the 2008 Summer Olympics.M: It sure was! I remember on TV, I saw a lot of people in Beijing partying when that happened.L: 哎呀,别多说了。我得赶快把车停好。M: Yep, if a cop sees you stopping traffic, he might think it is a big deal. Move out of the space a

31、nd try to park again. Give it another shot!今天李华学到了两个常用语:a big deal 和give it a shot。A big deal是指很重大,或者严重的事。Give it a shot 指的是尽力去试。5李华到美国来念书还不到一年,纽约有好多地方她还没有去过。今天Michael 带李华到一个夜总会去玩。李华有点紧张,但是她会学到两个常用语:uptight和to get it 。M:Hey Li Hua, why are you sitting over here next to the bar? Why dont you go out a

32、nd dance?L:我为什么坐在这里,不去跳舞?我。有点累。M:Oh come on! Dont be so uptight! Everyone is having a good time except for you.L:你说除了我,每个人都很高兴?你叫我不要什么?什么是uptight?M:I said, dont be uptight. Uptight means tense, irritable, or unable to relax.L:Uptight 就是紧张,显得烦躁,不能放松。Uptight 这个词是怎么拼的?M:Uptight, u-p-t-i-g-h-t. You really are uptight! Were at a danc

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