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1、初中英语公开课教案初中英语公开课教案 初中是学生在义务教育阶段下英语系统性学习的起步时期,是为以后的英语学习打基础的重要阶段。这次小编给大家整理了初中英语公开课教案,供大家阅读参考,希望大家喜欢。 初中英语公开课教案1 一,教学目标 1,能够掌握课标要求的“四会”词汇: resolution ,team,foreign。 2,学会谈论理想职业及为此所做出的努力。 3,学会制定未来计划,学会养成良好的习惯。 二、教学重,难点 1, 掌握以下重点单词:resolution ,team,foreign等。 2,掌握重点句子: -Sounds interesting.Im going to learn

2、 another foreign language. -Great! But foreign languages are not for me. 三,教学过程 . Warming- up and revision 1,Daily greeting. 2,头脑风暴: 说出表示的.职业名词 basketball player, pilot, waiter, computer programmer, pianist,scientist, violinist 通过图片复习学过的职业单词,并通过猜单词游戏的方式激发学生兴趣巩固所学知识。 . Presentation 1, Ask the student

3、s to listen to and sing the song Happy New Yearand lead to the topic of New Years resolutions. 2,Present Tony s New Years Resolutions on the big screen and finish Part1a. e.g. learn to play the piano; make the soccer team; get good grades; eat healthier food; get lots of exercise . Talking 1, Tell y

4、our partners about your New Years Resolutions. 2.,S1: What are you going to do next year S2: Well, Im going to take guitar lessons. I really love music. S1: Sounds interesting. Im going to learn another foreign language. S2: Are you Great! But foreign languages are not for me. 3,Let Ss say as many r

5、esolutions as they can. . Listening Work on 1c: 1,Tell Ss to read the resolutions in 1a. Tell Ss to listen and circle the resolutions they hear. 2, Play the recording for the Ss to listen and circle. 3, Check the answers: Work on 1d: 1,T: Now please look at the chart in 1d. Tell Ss Lucy, Kim and Mik

6、e are talking about their New Years Resolutions. How are they going to do it Listen and try to fill in the blanks. 听力指导:本题要求同学们听清他们打算如何做来实现他们各的理想;因此,同学们在听的时候应将注意力放在“如何做”上;第一遍仅听,努力记住要做的事情;第二遍的时候再写出来。 2,Ss listen to the recording carefully and try to fill in the blanks. 3, Play the recording again and

7、 check the answers with the class. V.Homework. Make plans using the sentence structure“be going to ”. 初中英语公开课教案2 教学内容 本单元围绕着“Is this your pencil?”这一主题开展听、说、读、写等多种教学活动,其教学核心内容是“确认物主”。通过本单元的教学,使学生学会辨认物品的所有者,学会根据场景询问物品的所属,以及英语中对应的表达法,学会写寻物启事和失物招领。教师应着力培养学生能在日常交际交往中有效地使用语言进行表达,与他人沟通信息,为今后学习打下坚实的语言基础. 教学

8、目标 1)知识目标: A.学习并掌握指示代词: this、that; B.学习What引导的特殊疑问句; C.学会Yes/No问句及其简单回答; D.学会句型:-How do you spell pen? P-E-N. 2)能力目标: A.能辨认物品的所有者; B.根据不同场景,能用英语对物品的所属进行提问和回答; C.能识别不同句式的语调(陈述句,疑问句); D.培养学生听、说、读、写的能力及创新思维能力. 3)情感目标: A.通过寻找主人的游戏和失物招领等活动,培养学生拾金不昧的良好的品德及健康向上的人格; B.通过开展小组活动,指导学生积极与他人合作,相互学习、相互帮助,共同完成学习任务

9、. 教学重点、难点 重点:A.掌握批示代词this、that用法; B.掌握特殊疑问句和Yes/No问句及其简单回答. 难点:学会写寻物启事和失物招领. 课时安排 第一课时Section A 1a-1c 第二课时Section A 2a-4b 第三课时Section B 1a-2c 第四课时Section B 3a-4 Self-check 1-3 Period One 课前准备 教师:录音机,图片,物品实物. 学生:实物(学习用品). 教学设计 Step One: Warming up.(通过复习形容词性物主代词,把学生引入学习英语的情境中。) Learn the chant. T:Lets

10、 sing the chant together. my 是我的,your是你的,男他的是his,女她的是her; 名词前面常站岗,限定所属有功劳. Step Two: New words.(利用实物教学,使得教学过程自然、形象。) 1. Present the new words. T: Boys and girls, look at this please. Whats this in English? (Teacher holds a pen in the English.) S1:A pen.(Ss may say it in English.) T: Yeah. Its a pen.

11、 And whats this? (The teacher holds an eraser in the hand.) S2:Its an eraser. (Teach the other words such as “pencil, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, backpack, pencil sharpener, and dictionary” in the same way.) 2. Practice the new words. T: Now, please look at the pictures in your books. Can you

12、put the words with the objects in the right pictures? Write the letters next to the words, please.(Give Ss about two minutes to finish 1a.) T: OK,lets check the answers. Who can tell us the answers? S2: Step Three: Present the drills. 1. Present the drill “Is this?Yes/ No,it is/isnt.”(利用实物引入句型,使用不同人

13、的物品来引入形容词性物主代词和名词的搭配的用法。) (Hold the teachers pen.) T:This is my pen.Is this your pen? S1:No,it isnt.Its your pen. T:(Hold the students pen.) This is your pen. Is this your pen? S1:Yes,it is. Its my pen. T:(Hold a girls pen.) This is her pen. Is this your pen? S1:No,it isnt. Its her pen. T:(Hold a bo

14、ys pen.) This is his pen. Is this your pen? S1:No,it isnt. Its his pen. T: Thank you. 2. Practice the drill “Is this your?” in pairs with your own school things.Pay attention to the use of my, your, his or her.(利用学习用品操练句型,并加深对物主代词的理解。) S3:Is this your? S4:Its my S3:Is this? S4:Its his/her (The teach

15、er asks a few pairs to practice.) 3. Present the drill “Is that ? Yes/ No, it is/isnt.”(利用教师所站位置的不同来引入批示代词that的用法,并从位置关系上让学生准确理解this ,that的区别。) T:That is my book. Is that my book? (Put a book on the teachers table so that the Ss can see it clearly, and the teacher stands a little far from the table.

16、) S5:Yes, it is .Its your book. T:That is his book.Is that your book? (Put a boys book on the table and the teacher in the same place.) S5:No, it isnt.Its his book. T:That is her book.Is that your book? (Put a girls book on the table and the teacher in the same place.) S5:No,it isnt.Its her book. (T

17、each and practice the drill “Is that ?” and its answer.) 4. Practice the drill “Is that your?” in pairs with your own school things.(通过练习,区别两个批示代词的用法。) S6:Is that your? S7: Its my . S6:Is that your? S7: Its his/her (The teacher asks some pairs to practice.) 5. Listening.(进行听力练习,巩固所学的句型。) T: Now plea

18、se listen to the three conversations, the first time you only listen. Then I play again. And this time you listen and number the conversations. (Point to the boxes to show where students write the numbers for the conversations. Teacher plays the tape and students listen to it and finish 1b.) T: Lets

19、 check the answers, OK? S8:(from left to right) T: Thank you. 6. Practice the drills according to the pictures using“his or her”.(设置情景,使学生在情景中准确运用物主代词his或her。) (Show students four pictures like the followings.见课件。) Step Four: Task “Have a contest”.(把两个学生的文具混在一起,然后请他们分别 挑 出自己和同伴的物品,用的时间少者为胜者。挑选物品的同时,

20、要求学生用英语说出:This is myThat is her/his) T:Ill put your things and your friends things together. I want to see if you can identify which is yours and which is hers or his. (Put the same number of the things together, and first ask them to pick out their own things and their partners things. Then ask the

21、m to give a report, using the key words and target language. One student picks up the things while the other counts the time as well.) Languages used for the task: 1. This is my 2. That is her/his Step Five: Summary.(编一个Chant ,便于学生进一步识记本节课所学的重点词汇和语言项目。注意应强调Chant 的节奏和一般疑问句的语调。) Chant. T: In this clas

22、s, weve learned the names of some common personal possessions and how to identify ownership. Lets learn to say this chant. Is this my book? Yes, it is. Is that your ruler? No,it isnt. Is this her pencil? Yes, it is. Is that his erase r? No,it isnt. Homework. Read the new words and the target languag

23、es presented in this class and say the chant to improve your spoken English. 初中英语公开课教案3 一、教学设计思路 为学生设置情境,帮助学生在不同情况下做出正确的选择和回答,使学生在应用中掌握知识,人教版八年级英语教案上册Unit 5 教学设计。 二、教学目标 (一)知识 1. 掌握如何礼貌地发出、接受、拒绝邀请:Canyou come to my party? Yes, Id love to. / Sorry, I cant. today,tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next

24、 week, lesson,invitation 2. 掌握如何谈论自己或别人必须做的事情:Ihave to . (二)能力 能够根据日程表中的计划安排自己的活动。 (三)情感 礼貌地发出、接受、拒绝邀请,礼貌地与人交流。 三、教学重点 礼貌地发出、接受、拒绝邀请。Can youcome to my party? Yes, Id love to. / Sorry, I cant. today,tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, lesson,invitation 四、教学难点 根据日程表中的计划安排自己的活动并对邀请做出适当回答。 五、教学

25、媒体 电脑、投影仪、邀请卡片 六、教学过程 1.动画导入,激发学生的学习兴趣: 教师可先播放一段有关“聚会”的动画,激发学生的学习兴趣并导入新知。 2.完成任务,合作学习: 教师可以给学生布置以下任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中掌握所学的知识。 任务一:Planning abirthday party. 让学生以小组为单位为某位同学筹备一个集体生日聚会,讨论在生日聚会上大家可以做哪些活动并列出清单。 任务二:Writing aninvitation card. 学生以小组为单位展开活动,制作邀请卡向其他组的同学发出邀请,请他们来参加本组的集体生日聚会。注意邀请卡的用词和基本格式。 任务三:统计聚

26、会人数。 学生以小组为单位开展活动。假设班上要组织一次野餐活动,一个学生为组织者,询问组员并统计本组参加的人数及不参加的原因,并做好记录。 group member Yes / No reasons 完成任务可能要用到的语言结构: We are going to have apicnic. Can you come? When is it going tostart? Im sorry. I haveto. 3. 拓展学习: 学生设计假期某一周的日程安排。在设计的过程中,要尽可能合理安排好学习、休闲娱乐等各项活动,并留出一些空余时间。要注意有自己的特色,能联系拓展所学的知识。 七、评价方法 可

27、从以下三个方面来考查学生的学习情况,并将学生学习的评价融入到教学过程中。 课堂参与情况:积极主动,声音响亮,较流畅地用英语表达自己要说的话。 合作学习情况:与小组成员共同努力,很好地完成学习任务。 知识掌握情况:是否已经掌握了所学的知识,并能很好地运用。 八、板书设计 九、达标测试 一、选词填空 1.根据句意,用方框内的词的正确形式填空 have a rest play there bebe busy practice be free listen to 1. Can they _the music in the classroom? 2. Im sorry. TomorrowIm _ soc

28、cer and having a math lesson. 3. He has got a badheadache. Let him_. 4._ a lot ofinteresting books in the library. 5. Well have a pianolesson on Friday. The teacher asked us _ the piano everyday. 6. Paul and Eliza_ both _ on Sunday. They can watch the footballmatch. 7. Im sorry,I_ really _ this week

29、. I cant go to seeyou. 二、句子搭配 选择适当的答语填入括号内 ( ) 1. Would you like acold drink? ( ) 2. Would you like togo to the cinema on Friday? ( ) 3. Would you like ahamburger? ( ) 4. Would you likethat cassette for your birthday? ( ) 5. Would you likehelp with your homework? a. No thanks, I dontlike that kind o

30、f music. b. No thanks, I dont eatmeat. c. Yes please, I feelvery thirsty. d. Yes please, I cantunderstand it at all. e. No thanks, I dontlike cinemas. 答案与解析: 一、 1. 应为listento根据题中music,引出词组listen to the music 2. 应为playing,与句尾having amath lesson 呼应。 3. 应为have a rest,注意词组letsb. do sth. 4. 应为There are,因为后面的a lotof interesting books是复数。 5. 应为to practice,注意词组asksb. to do sth. 6.应为arefree,注意句意“他们能看足球比赛”。 7.应为ambusy,注意句意“我不能去看你”。 初中英语公开课教案4 课前准备 教师:准备游戏时所用的图片(食物、蔬菜、动物)。 学生:准备表演时所需道具(服装、假发)。 教学设计 Step One :Present the sentence patterns. 1. Play a game “How many words do you know?

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