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1、BEC商务英语中级考试真题及答案解析BEC商务英语中级考试真题及答案解析BEC商务英语中级考试真题及答案解析 小编给大家带来BEC商务英语中级考试真题, 你都做过了吗?下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。一、1 This businessman has successfully targeted a different grou小编为您整理了BEC商务英语中级考试真题及答案解析,供您学习参考使用。 小编给大家带来BEC商务英语中级考试真题, 你都做过了吗?下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 一、 1 This businessman has successfully targeted a d

2、ifferent group of consumers. 2 With careful forward planning, this businessman is helping the company survive a difficult period. 3 The company is now more open to change because of this businessmans way of thinking. 4 This businessman has made and implemented certain decisions despite opposition to

3、 them. 5 This businessman has achieved some success by misleading people about his intentions. 6 The abilities of this businessman were previously doubted by the company that employs him. 7 This businessman is admired for his ability to manage a number of business interests. Businessman of the Year

4、Award A James King: Chief Executive of Fentons Finance King was nominated for the quality of his leadership, with the judges claiming that the Fentons Finance boss is almost revered by his team. He is credited with reinventing Fentons Finance - revitalising its culture of inflexibility, removing out

5、dated pre-merger barriers and playing a brilliant tactical game. He led everyone to believe he was opposed to large mergers and then jumped on the Westcombe Bank opportunity at just the right moment. History will be the judge, but for now the markets consider King to be a star. B Keith Nash: Chief E

6、xecutive of Hamleys Supermarkets Nash took over as CEO when Hamleys systems and distribution were out of date and the brand badly needed freshening up. He began refocusing the brand at the higher quality end of the food market and launched several own-brand initiatives for the health conscious. As a

7、 result, the share price has gone up nearly 80 per cent. This should be extremely satisfying for Nash, who had left the retailer in 1986, disappointed after failing to secure the top job. C Jorge Marquez: Chairman of the Kenwick Group Marquez was a popular choice for his achievements at Kenwick. The

8、 judges say he has been courageous in pushing through the appointment of controversial or inexperienced chief executives to companies within the group, and then sponsoring them as they transformed their businesses. He operates as a virtual chairman, without a permanent office in any one company. He

9、phones his CEOs regularly, and several of them have acknowledged the vital contribution he makes to their effectiveness. Everyone is impressed at how he also finds the time to be chairman of two other large companies. D Richard Jenkins: Finance Director of Centron Advertising Labouring in the shadow

10、 of a high-profile boss can sometimes draw attention away from the finance director, and the judges considered it was high time Jenkins got that attention. The CEO may be the public face of Centron, but Jenkins is the one who makes it run smoothly. Behind the scenes, he is constantly demonstrating t

11、hat budgets and forecasts are what is needed to make a company successful, particularly now that the advertising market has been hit by recession. It is largely thanks to him that Centron is in much better shape than its rivals. Businessman of the Year Award年度企业家奖。分别介绍了这个奖项的四个候选人的英雄事迹。 第一题,这个企业家成功的定

12、位了不同的消费群体。答案在B段:He began refocusing the brand at the higher quality end of the food market and launched several own-brand initiatives for the health conscious。他开始将品牌定位在高质量的食品市场并且发起了几项注重健康的自主品牌的运动。Health conscious是指注重健康的。一个是高质量的食品市场,一个是注重健康的,联合起来,就是瞄准了不同的消费市场,即不同的消费群体。 第二题,通过小心的前进计划,这个企业家帮助公司度过了一个困难时

13、期。答案是D段的这么一句:budgets and forecasts are what is needed to make a company successful, particularly now that the advertising market has been hit by recession.。预算和预告正是使得公司可以成功的,尤其当现在整个广告市场被衰退袭击的时候。Budgets and forecast就是题干中说的careful forward planning,successful对应于survive,a different period对应于the market ha

14、s been hit by recession。 第三题,因为这个企业家的思维方式,公司对待变化更加开明了。答案是A段的这么一句:He is credited with reinventing Fentons Finance - revitalising its culture of inflexibility。他以重塑了Fentons Finance而受到嘉奖给了固定守旧的文化以新的生命。more open to change就可以对应于revitalising its culture of inflexibility。revitalising是give new life to的意思。 第四

15、题,尽管有反对意见,这个企业家还是制定并执行了某些决定。答案是C段的这么一句:he has been courageous in pushing through the appointment of controversial or inexperienced chief executives to companies within the group在推动某些争议性的或者是经验不足的执行官的任命时他很有勇气。从controversial和courageous可以看出来,这些任命时不完全被接受的,有反对意见(opposition),但他还是坚持了。 第五题,这个企业家通过让人们误会自己的意图而

16、取得某些成功。答案是A段的这么一句:He led everyone to believe he was opposed to large mergers and then jumped on the Westcombe Bank opportunity at just the right moment他让所有人相信他是反对大的并购的,然后在最佳时期跳上Westcombe银行的机会(即收购了这个银行)。let everyone believe,也就是misleading people about his intentions。 第六题,这个企业家的能力最初在雇佣他的公司里受到了怀疑。答案是B段最

17、后一句,稍微隐晦点:This should be extremely satisfying for Nash, who had left the retailer in 1986, disappointed after failing to secure the top job.因为无法得到高层的职位而失望离开,结果因为他的决策,公司股价上升了,让他很满足。意思就是本来以这个人的能力是可以胜任高层的工作的,但是他却没有得到。 第七题,这个企业家因为处理一些商业利益的能力而受到仰慕。答案在C段。C段最后说这个人在不同的公司担任要职(be chairman),不同的公司会有商业利益的冲突,而他却能

18、好好处理(manage),所以答案选C。 二、 Achieving a successful mergerHowever attractive the figures may look on paper, in the long run the success or failure of a merger depends on the human factor. When the agreement has been signed and the accountants have departed, the real problems may only just be beginning. I

19、f there is a culture clash between the two companies in the way their people work, then all the efforts of the financiers and lawyers to strike a deal may have been in vain. According to Chris Bolton of KS Management Consultants, 70% of mergers fail to live up to their promise of shareholder value,

20、riot through any failure in economic terms but because the integration of people is unsuccessful. Corporates, he explains, concentrate their efforts before a merger on legal, technical and financial matters. They employ a range of experts to obtain the most favourable contract possible. But even at

21、these early stages, people issues must be taken into consideration. The strengths and weaknesses of both organisations should be assessed and, if it is a merger of equals, then careful thought should be given to which personnel, from which side, should take on the key roles. This was the issue in 20

22、XX when the proposed merger between two pharmaceutical companies promised to create one of the largest players in the industry. For both companies the merger was intended to reverse falling market share and shareholder value. However, although the companies skill bases were compatible, the chief exe

23、cutives of the two companies could not agree which of them was to head up the new organisation. This illustrates the need to compromise if a merger is to take place. But even in mergers that do go ahead, there can be culture clashes. One way to avoid this is to work with focus groups to see how empl

24、oyees view the existing culture of their organisation. In one example, where two global organisations in the food sector were planning to merge, focus groups discovered that the companies displayed very different profiles. One was sales-focused, knew exactly what it wanted to achieve and pushed init

25、iatives through. The other got involved in lengthy discussions, trying out options methodically and making contingency plans. The first responded quickly to changes in the marketplace; the second took longer, but the option it eventually chose was usually the correct one. Neither companys approach w

26、ould have worked for the other. The answer is not to adopt one companys approach, or even to try to incorporate every aspect of both organisations, but to create a totally new culture. This means taking the best from both sides and making a new organisation that everyone can accept. Or almost everyo

27、ne. Inevitably there will be those who cannot adapt to a different culture. Research into the impact of mergers has found that companies with differing management styles are the ones that need to work hardest at creating a new culture. Another tool that can help to get the right cultural mix is inte

28、rcultural analysis. This involves carrying out research that looks at the culture of a company and the business culture of the country in which it is based. It identifies how people, money and time are managed in a company, and investigates the business customs of the country and how its politics, e

29、conomics and history impact on the way business is done. 13 According to the text, mergers can encounter problems when A contracts are signed too quickly. B experts cannot predict accurate figures. C conflicting attitudes cannot be resolved. D staff are opposed to the terms of the deal. 14 According

30、 to Chris Bolton, what do many organisations do in preparation for a merger? A ensure their interests are represented B give reassurances to shareholders C consider the effect of a merger on employees D analyse the varying strengths of their staff 15 The proposed merger of two pharmaceutical groups

31、failed because A major shareholders were opposed. B there was a fall in the demand for their products. C there were problems combining their areas of expertise. D an issue of personal rivalry could not be resolved. 16 According to the text, focus groups can help companies to A develop new initiative

32、s. B adopt contingency plans. C be decisive and react rapidly. D evaluate how well matched they are. 17 Creating a new culture in a newly merged organisation means that A management styles become more flexible. B there is more chance of the merger working. C staff will find it more difficult to adapt to the changes. D successful elements of the original organisations are lost. 18 According to the text, intercultural analysis will show A what kind of benefits a merger can lead to. B

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