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1、初二下英语期末复习初二下英语期末复习初二下英语期末复习本册书重点内容同学们,本学期的课本内容已经给大家陆续地介绍完了,现在进入了复习阶段。初二下学期的内容在整个初中阶段占有非常重要的地位,因此一定要好好复习哦!现在我领着大家来过一遍本册书中的重点内容:1. 宾语从句宾语从句的概念可以查阅相关的资料或笔记,在这里强调期中最重要的核心内容:时态和语序。主句动词若是一般时态,从句中根据需要选择时态;主句若是过去时,从句必须也是过去时。语序指得是从句的语序,是陈述句语序,简而言之,就是主语在谓语之前,如:I want to know if he likes going with us.当然,连接词也是

2、需要注意的:连接词分三种:1, that; 2, if, whether; 3, wh-2. 直接引语、间接引语这个知识点其实就是宾语从句,只不过尤其需要注意的就是人称、时间、地点等状语,因为比如:他说“我喜欢足球”,那转换之后肯定变成了:他说他喜欢足球。3. 状语从句本册书中出现的状语从句主要有:时间状语从句,原因状语从句,结果状语从句,目的状语从句等。4. 情态动词主要需要注意would这个词的用法,他表示的是在虚拟条件下,你会怎样去做。比如说如果你能上月球,那么你会怎样。这些内容是初中阶段的难点,也是重点,因此,不但要搞清楚他们是怎么回事,更重要的是多使用这些结构,多做练习,这样才能在考

3、试中取得好成绩。好,下面咱们就开始吧! 模拟练习题一、单项选择请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳的选项填空。( ) 1.Do you know _ the MP3 player last week?Sorry, I have no idea.A. how much did she pay for B. how much will she pay forC. how much she paid forD. how much she will pay for( ) 2. - What did she say? - She said that she _ three languages.A. sp

4、oke B. could spoke C. could D. could speak( ) 3. Will your mother _ you if you _ the English exam?A. be angry with, dont pass B. be angry at , wont passC. be angry to, dont pass D. be angry to, wont pass( ) 4. He said the bus _ soon.A. were started B. started C. was starting D. would start( ) 5. The

5、 children will climb the hill if it _ tomorrow.A. wont rain B. didnt rain C. doesnt rain D. isnt raining( ) 6. What do you need to do _ you want to be a doctor?A. what B. whether C. if D. that( ) 7. Daming wants to know something about _ to Xian.A. visit B. traveling C. to see D. watches( ) 8. Pleas

6、e remember _ the windows when you leave the classroom.A. open B. to open C. closing D. to close( ) 9. You must be careful when you _ with fireworks.A. play B. will play C. played D. playing( ) 10. All the students went home _ school was over. A. before B. since C. as soon as D. while( ) 11.Youll fee

7、l much better _ you take the medicine.A. after B. before C. when D. while( ) 12. Lingling studied hard _ she could pass the maths exam.A. because B. so that C. after D. while( ) 13. _ he is very old, _ he can run as fast as me.A. Although; but B. Though; but C.;and D. Though;( ) 14. - Do you collect

8、 anything? - Yes, I do. I have _of books.A. collect B. collection C. collected D. a collection( ) 15. - Lingling, your room is _. Please _.- OK, mum.A. tidy; clean it up B. untidy; clean up it C. untidy; clean it up D. tidy; clean up it( ) 16. I would like to buy a _ the show.A. recording of B. reco

9、rder of C. recode of D. record( ) 17. Daming always sends letters to his friends _.A. by email B. on line C. by phone D. with email( ) 18. - Hello! May I speak to Lingling, please?- Sorry, she isnt here at the moment._.A. You have the wrong number. B.I will call you back.C. Can I take a message?D. H

10、old on for a moment.( ) 19. People all over world celebrate _.A. Qingming jie B. Mid-autumn DayC. April Fools DayD. New Year( ) 20. _is celebrated on 14th, July. A. Mothers Day B. American Independence DayC. Fathers Day D. Thanksgiving Day二、完形填空通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Do you know (21)s

11、ome people often love to play this game? It is an interesting game (22)“Musical Chairs”. It is easy to play and most people enjoy it. (23)you (24)are some chairs and a tape-recorder. Put the chairs in a row. The chairs may be put in twos, back to back.The game is easy. When the music starts, the pla

12、yers walk round the chairs. Of course, everyone (25)in the same way. They should walk in time to the music. If the music is (26), they should walk quickly. (27)the music is slow, they should walk slowly.(28)playing music mustnt see the people in the game. When the music stops, the players try to sit

13、 on the chairs. If a person (29)a chair to sit on, he drops out. (30), before the music starts again, one chair must (31). When the music (32)again, one more player will be (33). At last, there (34)two players and one chair. (35)music stops, the one sitting on the chair is the winner.( ) 21. A. what

14、B. C. whoD. if( ) 22. A. calls B. is callingC. is calledD. called( ) 23. A. WhatB. ThatC. D. Where( ) 24. A. haveB. get C. take D. need( ) 25. A. walkB. walking C. goes D. going( ) 26. A. quickly B. fastC. slow D. slowly( ) 27. A. WhatB. Whether C. If D. So( ) 28. A. The one B. The other C. The othe

15、rs D. Another( ) 29. A. may not find B. may not look forC. cannot find D. cannot look for( ) 30. A. WhenB. While C. AsD. Then( ) 31. A. take away B. be put in C. put inD. be taken away( ) 32. A. startsB. will stop C. stops D. will starts( ) 33. A. out B. inC. ofD. for( ) 34. A. isB. will be C. will

16、have D. were( ) 35. A. IfB. because C. ThenD. When三、阅读理解阅读下列三篇文章,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。ADear Alice.You really have two different questions here, so well discuss them one at a time. Your problems at school may be a result of a number of things. You dont say much about how these classmates get along w

17、ith each other. Its possible that all the students are feeling a little cautious(谨慎) in the first term.Its also possible that the others are unkind. If this is so, you have to find out why you are the class “outsider”.In your letter you often offer to help others with their work. Is it possible that

18、 your classmates didnt understand your offers? Could it seem that you were trying to “buy” friends with these offers?Is it possible that you took no notice of your classmates when you had your good friend near you? They may have felt hurt at that time. It may take a time for them to believe in you.

19、If so, try to ask one classmate directly what the problem is. If you hear a negative(负面的) answer, at least youll know what to do.( ) 36. From the letter we know that Alice was very _A. lucky B. unkind C. clever D. unhappy( ) 37. Form the letter we can conclude(得出结论) that _.A. Alice wasnt pleased wit

20、h her teachers.B. Alices parents made her study too hardC. Alice didnt want to go to school any more.D. Alice didnt get along well with her classmates ( ) 38. In the letter Shelia talked about _possible reasons for Alices problems.A. four B. six C. seven D. eight( ) 39. Which of the following is NOT

21、 true according to the letter?A. Alice felt her classmates werent kind to her.B. Alice was very warm-hearted to help her classmates.C. Alice didnt want to get along well with her classmates.D. The girl asked two questions in her letter.( ) 40. Shelias advice to Alice is that _A. Alice should find ou

22、t the true reason for her problems.B. Alice should leave school as soon as possible.C. Alice should get one negative answer.D. Alice should “buy” friends with her offers.BA man made a nice talking machine. It could weigh people. The man wanted to try the machine before he could make a lot of these k

23、inds of machines.He put the machine into the waiting room of a station. There were always lots of people in and out there.The first one began to use the machine. It was an Indian woman. When she stand on the machine, the machine thought for a few minutes to decide which language it should speak. “Go

24、od morning, madam,” it said in Indian. “Your weight is 72 kilos. Thats three kilos more. If you eat more fruit and vegetables, you will be soon all right. Wish you a nice day.”The second one who used the machine was a nice Chinese girl. She stood on the machine and waited to hear her weight. “Good m

25、orning, Miss,”the machine said in Chinese. “Your weight is 45 kilos. Its all right for your age and height. Go on to eat what you eat every day. Wish you a nice day.”The third one to use the machine was a very fat American woman. She thought for a long time before standing on the machine. But as soo

26、n as she stood on the machine, the machine spoke quickly in English, “Good morning. Will one of you get off?”( ) 41. The nice talking machine could_ A. tell people what they should eat B. weigh and talk to peopleC. tell people how old they are D. tell a story( ) 42. First the man put his machine _.A

27、. in the doctors waiting roomB. in a museumC. in a station D. in a train( ) 43. What did the machine tell the Indian woman?A. She was a little lighter. B. She was just all right. C. She needed to eat more and exercise more. D. She was a little bit heavy.( ) 44. Which of the following is RIGHT?A. The

28、 machine tested only two people.B. The Chinese girl was too thin.C. The Indian woman was in fact heavier than the American woman.D. Of the three the Chinese girl was the lightest.( ) 45. The machine said quickly “Will one of you get off?” because _A. two people were on itB. the third woman was too fat

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