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1、 八上八下总复习八上八下总复习 八年级上册 Unit 1 1表频率的词汇和短语:always,usually,often,never,hardly ever,sometimes,seldom,once a day,twice a week,three times a month,every day 对频率提问用 how often“多久一次”区分:how long“多长时间”对 for+时间段 提问 since+过去时间 how soon“多久以后”对 in+时间段 提问 how far“多远”对距离提问 e.g have you been in China?For three years.d

2、o they go to the movies?Sometimes.will your father be back?In two your school from here?About ten minutes walk.AHow often BHow long CHow soon DHow far 2go skateboarding“去滑滑板”go+ving 用来表示进行某种活动 go swimming/hiking/shopping/boating/sightseeing/bike riding 3surf the Internet“网上冲浪”4the results of

3、 sth“的结果”5as for+名词/代词(宾格)“至于,关于”6ones favorite program“某人最喜欢的节目”7most of the students=most students 大多数学生 8drink milk 喝牛奶 9want sb to do sth=would like sb to do sth“想要某人干”10 be good for sthbe bad for sth“对有好处/坏处”be good at=do well in be poor at 擅长不擅长 be good to=be friendly to 对 友好 11keep healthy=st

4、ay healthy=be in good health=keep in good health“保持健康”12my eating habits“我的饮食习惯”13try to do sth.“努力干”try doing sth“尝试干”have a try“试一下”14a lot of=lots of=plenty of=many+C(pl)许多 much+u 15look after my health=take care of my health 照顾/照看我的健康 16help me get good grades help sb(to)do sth 帮助某人干 help me to

5、study better 17be different from be the same as 与不同 与 相同 18kind of unhealthy=a little=a bit unhealthy 一点不健康=a little bit 19although=though“虽然”表转折,不能和 but 同时用,但可以同义句转换 e.g:Although I tried my best,I failed=I tried my best,I failed.20there are many (不同之处)between American English and British English.Ex

6、ercise 练习()1 _ my past,I cant tell you anything A As for B As to C About for D About to()2 He was so tired that he could _ keep his eyes open A ever B never C hardly D almost()3 Take the medicine once every eight hours That is,take it _ a day A twice B three times C four times D five times()4 Here _

7、 some students homework A am B is C are D be()5“How often do you play computer games?”“_ a week”A One and twice B Once and twice C One or twice D Once or twice()6 Eating more _ food helps you keep _ Ahealth,health,healthy Chealthy,health D.healthy,healthy()7 Jim isnt a child any longer He c

8、an _ himself A look at B look after C take care D take of()8 _ he lives alone,he doesnt feel lonely A If B Because C When D Although()9“_ do you usually have an art lesson?”“Twice a week”A How soon B How long C How often D How far ()10 John can hardly understand my Chinese,_ he?A cant B doesnt C can

9、 D does()11 Jim Green often helps his friends _ their English A at B on C for D with ()12 Its good _ your health _ A for,to drink milk B for,to drink a milk C of,drink milk D of,to drink milk Unit 2 1看病用语 询问某人怎么了?Whats the matter(with sb.)?=Whats the trouble(with sb.)?=Whats wrong(with sb.)?=Is ther

10、e anything wrong(with sb.)?=What happened to sb.?我觉得不太舒服 Im not feeling well.=Im feeling ill/sick.=I feel terrible/bad.=I dont feel well 在英语中表示得某病,结构:have+a+某种病症 如:have a cold,have a toothache,have a fever,have a cough,have a headache,have a stomachache,have a sore throat 但:have cancer“得癌症”When did

11、it start?什么时候开始的?提出建议:You should go to bed.You shouldnt eat anything.should/shouldnt+v 原“应该/不应该干”2.Thats a good idea 好主意 Thats too bad 太糟糕了 Im sorry to hear that.听到此事我很难过 3.I have no idea=I dont know 我不知道 4lie down“躺下”5hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶 a house with a beautiful garden a great country with a

12、long history with:prep.表伴随“有,具有”作后置定语 6see a dentist/doctor 看牙医/医生 7I hope you feel better soon hope+that 从句/to do sth 当主从句主语一致时,可进行同义句转换 e.g:I hope I can find a good job in this city=I hope a good job in this city.8be stressed out=be nervous/tense“紧张的”反义词组:take it easy 9traditional Chinese doctors

13、传统中医 10 too much+不可数名词 too many+可数名词(复数)“太多”much too+adj./adv“太”e.g:We have homework to do every day.There are people here.This shirt is big for me.11in many western countries 在许多西方国家 12Eating a balanced diet is important=important a balanced diet.动名词作主语,谓语动词用单数 13take the medicine 吃药 14 with sb.生某人

14、的气 be angry about sth 因 而生气 15get tired/angry/dressed 变得累/生气/穿好衣服 16few 表否定含义“几乎没有”+可数名词(复数)a few 表肯定含义“几个,少数”little 表否定含义 +不可数名词 a little 表肯定含义 e.g:There are new words in this article.Its easy to understand.There is time left.Dont hurry.17at the moment=now=at present right now“此时,现在”常和现在进行时连用 18unt

15、il=till“直到 之时”,主句的谓语动词必须是延续性动词 not until=after“直到才”,主句的动词为短暂性 e.g:He watched TV his parents came home.He went to bed after he finished his homework.=He to bed he finished his homework.19stay healthy 掌握系表结构,即系动词adj.系动词有 be 动词,look,feel,sound,taste,smell,seem,get,keep,stay,become,fall 等 20Im sorry to

16、hear that 当得知他人有不幸或愉快的事时,表示自己对此内疚或同情的常用语 e.g:my bike is lost Im sorry to hear that.21.Its 形容词(for sb)+to do sth.(对某人而言)做某事怎么样 Its important for us to learn English well.对我们而言学好英语很重要。22.tooth n.复数形式 teeth brush ones teeth 刷牙 23.neck and neck 并驾齐驱,齐头并进 24.I think so/I dont think so 我认为是/我认为不是 Exercise

17、 练习()1 Jim has a sore _ He should drink more water A eye B back C leg D throat()2“Whats _ matter with you?”“headache”A a B an C the D/()3 The angry man cried to me,showing his _ A tooth B teeth C tooths D toothes()4 Do you have a headache or a _?A toothache B teethache C tooth D teeth()5 Im not feel

18、ing very _ at the moment A good B well C better D best()6 Eating a _ diet to stay healthy A balance B balancing C balanced D balances()7 lets go to the teacher for _ A a advice B an advice C some advice D some advices()8“Whats the matter _ Jim?”“He has a fever”A at B for C about D with()9 The food _

19、 beef or lamb can give _ more energy A like,you B likes,you C like,your D likes,your()10 Lily _ a bad cold Call the doctor,please A have B has C is D does()11 You look ill Why _ to see the doctor?A not go B dont go C not going D not to go Unit 3 1What are you doing for vacation?假期你打算干什么?Im babysitti

20、ng my sister.我打算照顾我妹妹。be+doing 用现在进行时来表示一个在最近按计划或安排进行的动作。现在进行时表一般将来时 常用的动词有:is/am/are going is/am/are leaving is/am/are coming 2-What is she doing for vacation?假期她打算干什么?-Shes going camping.她打算去野营。Who is she going with?她打算和谁一起去?When is she going?她打算什么时候去?3That sounds nice/interesting/good sound+adj.4

21、go hiking 去徒步旅行 5 doing sth How/what about 名词?代词(宾格)常用以承上询问事情,征求意见和看法及提建议。6How long are you staying?你打算待多久?Just for four days.How long 必须和延续性动词连用 7go away 离开,走开 8have a good time=have fun=enjou oneself=have a nice/great/wonderful time “过地愉快,玩得开心”9send me a postcard=send a postcard me“给我寄名信片”show me

22、your photos=show your photos me“把你的相片给我看”10get back to school=to school“返回学校”11on Monday/the 12 th on+星期/节日/具体的日子 in December in+月份/年份/季节 next week 当用 this,that,next,last,one 等修饰时间名词后,前面不加 in,on,at等介词 e.g:the morning of October 1 st,we went to April Fools Day,they fled from their homes.2

23、003,they won the match first.He is visting Mount Tai this summer.12take walks=take a walk=go for a walk“散步”13rent videos 租碟子 14vacation plans 假期计划 15famous more famous most famous be famous for 因 而出名 as 作为 而出名 e.g:China is famous the Great Wall.She is famous a writer.16take a long vacation 度长假 vacat

24、ions=take(a)vacation 度假 on vacation 在度假 17think about+n/pron/ving“考虑”18(not)to do sth“决定(不)干”make a decision to do sth decide on+n/pron/ving“决定,选定”e.g:He decided on buying a new car =He decided a new car=He a to buy a new car.19in Japan/China in Xiaogan/Hubei in Europe/Asia/Africa/North America 在欧洲/

25、亚洲/非洲/北美洲 in+洲名/国名/省/城市 20want to do sth=would like to do sth“想干”21do something different 做不同的事 不定代词 something,anything,nothing 的用法;作主语时,谓语用单数 定语(adj,to do sth)永远后置 eg:There is (重要的事)in todays newspaper.用 it 构成反意疑问句 eg:Nothing is wrong with my bike,?22speak French说法语 语言“说”speak 作不及物时,当“发言,讲话”He will

26、 speak in the meeting.23He is leaving the first week in June.leave:离开,出发(短暂动作)be away(延续)e.g:He left his village two days ago.=He his village for two days.leave for“前往,动身去”go to e.g:Hes going to Tibet next week=Hes Tibet next week 24Im planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside.plan to do s

27、th=be going to do sth=plan on doing sth“计划干”25love nature 热爱大自然 26forget all my problems 忘记我所有难题 sth/sb forget to do sth 忘记做 doing sth 忘记曾做过 27finish making my last movie 拍完我的最后一部电影 finish/practice/enjoy/miss/mind/consider/keep doing sth 28want an exciting vacation 想要一个令人激动的假期 Exercise 练习()1“What ar

28、e you _ this weekend?”“Im going to the movies A do B doing C does D to do()2 Were _ for vacation?A go to camp B go camping C going camp D going camping()3 Tony is planning _ his friend in the USA A visit B visit C visiting D to visit()4 His plan _ very interesting A sounds B hears C listens D listen

29、s to()5 She is going to the shop to _ this afternoon A rent a video B go sightseeing C go fishing D rest()6 Hurry up!The bus _ A comes B come C is coming D came()7“How about _ fishing there?”“Thats a good idea”A go B going C to go D goes()8“_ will you stay in Japan?”“Just for four days”A How long B

30、How soon C How often D How much()9 Im very _ and I really need an _ vacation A tired,excited B.tiring,exciting C tired,exciting D tiring,excited()10 Can you finish _ the book in about a week?Ill read it after you A read B reading C to read D reads()11 I really enjoy _ the sports news A listen B list

31、en to C listening D listening to()12 His father came back _ a March cold evening A at B on C in D after()13 I hope there is _ with my eyes Anothing wrong Bwrong nothing Canything wrong Dwrong something ()14 The station is about ten _ from my home A minute walk B minutes walk C minutes walk D walk mi

32、nutes()15 You _ your homework tonight Aneednt to finish Bdont need finish Cneednt finish Ddont need finishing Unit 4 1How do you get to school?谈论如何到达某地的方式 乘坐交通工具的几种方式 步行 walk=go on foot 乘车 take the bus/the train/the taxi/the car=go by bus/train/taxi/car=go on the bus/train in the taxi/car 乘地铁 take t

33、he subway=go by subway=go on the subway 乘飞机 take the plane=go by plane/air=go on the plane=fly to+地点 骑自行车 ride the bike=go by bike=go on the bike 总结:by交通工具(单数,前无冠词)/on foot on/in 限定词(a,the,adj 性物主代词等)交通工具(单数或复数)动词(take/ride)+限定词+交通工具(单数或复数)walk/drive/fly/ride to+名词 可直接表达交通方式 对交通工具提问时,用 How He drives to work every day.=He goes to work /every day.Mr Black went to Beijing by plane yesterday.=Mr Black

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