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1、牛津版英语九年级上教案全套牛津版英语九年级上教案(全)9A Unit 1 课时划分单元教学课时教学部分学习材料课型教学重点与具体要求从技能培养目标来划分从教学过程来划分第一单元Star SignsPeriod 1P6-7Comic strip Welcometo the unit听说课新授课1. 了解星座的相关知识;辨别并学习不同星座的名称;了解东西方文化差异;2. 练习代表十二星座的标志;初步了解“Its + adjective + of sb. to do sth.”Period 2P8-11Reading(1)阅读课新授课1. 通过各种阅读手段了解各星座的时间和名称;了解与性格有关的词汇

2、2. 归纳各星座的人物所拥有的性格特征,了解文章大意3. 能根据课文内容完成有关练习:P10 B、CPeriod 3P8-11Reading(2)阅读、练习课巩固课1. 通过活动来熟悉掌握课文中描述性格的形容词并运用;通过练习加深课文的理解2. 学习知识点和重要短语3. 能根据课文内容完成有关练习:P11 C2、DPeriod 4P12Vocabulary词汇课新授课1. 能辨别形容词的褒贬,并在此基础上能用形容词描述性格2. 形容词及其反义词Period 5P13-14Grammar(1)语法课新授课1. 能用It is +adj. +of + (not) to do来表达对某人行为的看法,

3、并能与It is +adj. +for + (not) to do进行区分;2. 能用be+ adj. + enough + to do来描述一个人的性格和能力3. 完成书本巩固练习Period 6P15-17Grammar(2)语法课新授课1. 学习句子的基本成分2. 能区分句子的不同成分,并用句子的基本成分造句3. 完成书本巩固练习Period 7P18-19Integrated skills综合技能课新授课1. 在书面和口语形式中理解星象;从阅读和听力材料中加深了解有关信息,再弄清事实;交流关于别人的信息。2. 巩固所学有关星座和星运的知识3. 掌握一定的听力技巧,获取相关信息。Peri

4、od 8P20Study skills语言技能课新授课1. 问候语,结尾,俚语,笑话,缩写词和词的缩约形式等在正式和非正式用语中的合适用法2. 辨别和了解英语口语和书面语中不同的正式程度,能在已经完成的作业中找出并改正不合适的用语错误Period 9P21-22Main Task写作课新授课 学会组织观点并用例子证明其合理性,用正确的正式语言写一封正式的推荐信,包含推荐人的性格和技能Period 10P23Checkout语言知识课复习课 巩固本单元的知识点和语法项目,运用本单元学习的语法和词汇9A Unit 1 Teaching PlanPeriod (1)教学题目:9A Unit 1 Co

5、mic strip and Welcome to the unit教学课时:Period 1教学部分:Page 67教学课型:新授课;听说课教学目标:了解星座的相关知识;辨别并学习不同星座的名称;了解东西方文化差异教学内容:练习代表十二星座的标志;初步了解“Its + adjective + of sb. to do sth.”教学准备:录音机,多媒体,投影仪教学步骤:Step1 Lead-in1. Ask students: What year is this year? 2. Show students the picture of twelve animals in Chinese ho

6、roscope, and tell them different names鼠:Rat,牛:Ox,虎:Tiger,兔:Hare,龙:Dragon,蛇:Snake,马:Horse,羊:Sheep,猴:Monkey,鸡:Cock,狗:Dog,猪:Boar. Tell them this year is in the year of the Rat.3. Ask students: How old are you? When were you born? (What year were you born in?)What is your animal sign? What characters do

7、 you think it has?4. Ask students: What month were you born in? (review twelve months in a year)5. Tell students that everyone in western countries has his or her own star sign. (T: We know that animal signs are very popular in Chinese culture, we are familiar with them. But people in western countr

8、ies have their own star signs according to the birth month. It can tell you something about your abilities, talents and special qualities.)Step 2 Welcome to the unit1. Show students the picture of star signs. “How much do you know about them?” Let students guess different star signs. (can be in Chin

9、ese)2. In the West, people use some creatures to represent the star signs. Can you tell me their names? Teach students new words.3. Look at the pictures and read the new words after the teacher.4. Let students finish Part A on P7 and check the answers by reading the names.5. Some more exercises to s

10、ee if students have known the star signs. (1) Show students 6 pictures and name the star signs.(2) Play a guessing game: fill in the blanks by using the names of the creatures.6. Tell students there are 6 more star signs and let them guess what they are represented by using the 6 pictures in Part B

11、on P7.7. Check the answers to Part B.Step 3 Oral practice1. Ask students: When is your birthday? What is your star sign?2. Show students the twelve star signs and let them point out their own star sign in both English and Chinese. Ask the students to try to remember their own star sign.3. Pair work:

12、 Let students ask and answer in pairs.Step 4 Comic strips1. Are you interested in star signs? So are Eddie and Hobo. Listen to their conversation and repeat it after the tape.2. Ask students some questions to see if they have known the dialogue.(1) Who brings Eddie the newspaper?(2) What does Hobo a

13、sk Eddie to read? Why?(3) Whatdo Eddies stars say?(4) What happens to Eddies breakfast at the end of the story?3. Let students read the dialogue by themselves (or practice in pairs)4. Do some more exercises after reading and check the answers together.5. What do you think Hobos and Eddies star signs

14、 are?6. Oral practice:Try to act out this dialogue in pairs Ask the students to make a new dialogue by adding their own ideas.Step 5 Homework1. Remember the star signs.2. Make up a new dialogue about star signs.3. Try to find out how many classmates are under the star sign as you. Period (2)教学题目:9A

15、Unit 1 Reading (1)教学课时:Period 2教学部分:Page 811教学课型:新授课;阅读课教学目标:通过各种阅读手段了解各星座的时间和名称;了解与性格有关的词汇教学内容:归纳各星座的人物所拥有的性格特征,了解文章大意教学准备:录音机,多媒体,投影仪教学步骤:Step 1 Revision1. Finish some exercises.2. Review the star signs: look at the star signs and name them. Read together after the teacher.3. Guessing game: (Test

16、who has the best memory) Teacher will say the Chinese name of the star sign; students try to find out the right picture and say the name in English.Step 2 Lead-in1. Free talk: (1) What is your star sign?(2) Can you tell me something about yourself?( abilities, special qualities, characteristics)(3)

17、How many students are under the same star sign as you? (Yesterdays homework)(4) What are they like?(clever, kind, generous, hard-working, brave, patient, polite.)(5) Do you share similar characteristics? (Let students speak out as many adjectives about characters as possible.)2. Do you know these wo

18、rds? They are also used to describe people. (Teach the new words, and finish Exercise B on P10.)3. Read the new words after the teacher. Then let students read the sentences by themselves.4. Do some more exercises to see if students have known all the words meanings.Step 3 Reading1. T: Its said that

19、 star signs can represent a persons characteristics. Lets check if it is true. Please listen to the tape and learn something about them.2. Reading task 1: After listening to the tape, do “T” or “F” questions.3. Reading task 2: Ask students some questions to check if they have known the main idea, wi

20、th the books open.(1) Is Aries lazy? (2) Which star sign likes saving money?(3) Does Sagittarius like telling jokes?(4) Which star sign has the best imagination?(5) If your birthday is on 13th September, what is your star sign?4. Make students read the article passage by passage and try to find out

21、the adjectives to describe peoples characteristics with the picture of each star sign. (Esp.their own star sign)T: Whose star sign is Aries? When is your birthday? Whatcharacteristics do you have/ do this star sign have? Aries: energetic, active, impatient, selfishTaurus: stubborn, hard-working, pat

22、ientGemini: curious, clever, outgoingCancer: kindLeo: strong, confident, generousVirgo: modest, practicalLibra: polite, fair, elegantScorpio: powerful, sillySagittarius: humorous, luckyCapricorn: successful, patientAquarius: kind, wise, strangePisces: generous, kind, gentle, easy-going, creative, im

23、aginative5. Discussion: What is your star sign? Do you have the same characteristics as the star sign says?Do you think what the star signs say about people are facts?- So we can have a conclusion: What the star signs say about people are not facts. We can just learn about star signs for fun.Step 4

24、Some More Exercises1. What are your characteristics? Write a short description of your own characteristics.2. Then show your description to your partner. 3. Discuss with your partner whether or not you agree with each other.Step 5 Homework1. Read the passage three times.2. Remember all the adjective

25、s which describe a persons characteristics.Period (3)教学题目:9A Unit 1 Reading (2)教学课时:Period 3教学部分:Page 811教学课型:巩固练习课;阅读课教学目标:通过活动来熟悉掌握课文中描述性格的形容词并运用;通过练习加深课文的理解教学内容:学习知识点和重要短语教学准备:多媒体,投影仪教学步骤:Step 1 Revision1. Ask students some questions while showing Picture 1.(超链接)(1) How many star signs are there

26、in a year?(2) How do you know your star sign? What decides your star sign?(3) Do the people under the same star sign share similar characteristics?(4) What characteristics do the people under your star sign have?2. Explain the language points while answering the above questions.(超链接)1) A year is div

27、ided into 12 different star signs.2) Your date of birth decides your star sign.3) People born under the same star sign share similar characteristics.3. Ask more questions about Reading (超链接)1) Which star sign doesnt give up easily?2) Which star sign loves peace and doesnt like to argue with others?3

28、) Which star sign is suggested to forgive others for their mistakes?4) Which star sign likes to dream about everything?4. Teach the language points by answering the above questions.(超链接)(1) You are patient and do not give up easily.(2) You love peace and do not like to argue with others.(3) Sometime

29、s it is silly of you not to forgive others for their mistakes.(4) You like to dream about everything.Step2 Group work1. Show students some pictures and passages about some famous people. Let students guess what star signs theyare?2. Finish Part C2 on Page11, and then check the answers.3. Discussion:

30、 What kind of friend do you like to make? (Why?)What is his/her star sign? (Let students talk about his or her own characteristics and his or her friends.)4. What star signs are suitable for these jobs? Why?Step 4 ConclusionWhat star signs say about people are not facts. We should work hard to make

31、our dream come true.Step 5 Homework1. Read the passage again and again. 2. Do some exercises.Period (4)教学题目:9A Unit 1 Vocabulary教学课时:Period 4教学部分:Page 12教学课型:新授课;词汇课教学目标:能辨别形容词的褒贬,并在此基础上能用形容词描述性格教学内容:形容词及其反义词教学准备:多媒体,投影仪教学步骤:Step 1 Revision1. Do some exercises to review the words which they learnt yesterday.(1) What are your friends characteristics?(2) I also have many friends; do you know what kind of person he or s

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