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1、小谢尔顿中英对照剧本第三季第二集S03E02- Abigail Baker? - Here.- 阿比盖尔贝克 - 到Georgie Cooper?乔治库珀Here.到Sheldon Cooper?谢尔顿库珀Georgie, wheres your brother?小乔 你弟去哪了I dont know.我不知道Good enough for me. Melissa Dixon?很好 梅丽莎迪克森Since I no longer had a college class因为无法再上能激发我智力的with Dr. Sturgis to stoke my intellectual fire,斯特吉斯

2、博士讲授的大学课程I needed to find someone else所以我需要找一个who was up to the task of being my mentor.能胜任我导师工作的人A great mind.一个有伟大思想A once-in-a-generation thinker.百年一遇的思想家Fortunately, my schedule was wide open.幸运的是 我的日程为此而生Schools in session.开始上课Pastor Jeff, I just need your signature.杰夫牧师 我需要你的签字Oh. Uh, sorry.哦

3、打扰了I didnt realize you had a guest.我不知道你有客人Its quite all right. You remember Robin?没事儿 你记得罗宾么Of course.当然- So nice to see you again. - You, too.- 很高兴又见面了 - 我也是Well, I dont want to interrupt. Actually,那 我就不打扰了I was just fixin to head out.其实我刚好想出去- Already? - Yeah.- 这么快就走了 - 是啊Discharged my firearm at

4、 a muskrat yesterday.我昨天朝一只麝鼠开了枪Lot of paperwork.要写很多报告See you soon?回头见Yes, you will.嗯 我们很快会再见面的Bye, Mrs. Cooper.Bye.再见 库珀夫人 再见That seems to be going well.看起来你们进展不错Its going really well.是的 确实很好I like her so much.我非常喜欢她Why do you sound sad about it?为什么听起来有一点伤感Well, this is hard for me to say out loud

5、.嗯 说这个对我来说很难But when Im around her,但是当我在她身边I find myself having.我发现我自己会有那种感觉you know.你明白的I dont know.我不懂Man thoughts.男人的想法Oh. But. youre the pastor.但. 你是位牧师啊You cant act on those.你不能做那种事Hence my sadness.因此我很忧伤What are you gonna do?你以后打算怎么做呢Im not sure.我不知道I cant engage in a physical relationship我不能在

6、神圣的婚姻之外outside of holy matrimony.发展肉体上的关系Right?是吗- Right. - Right.- 当然 - 是的引力与时空A solution is a homogenous mixture溶液是由溶质和溶剂组成的consisting of a solute and a solvent.均匀混合物The solute is the substance that is being dissolved.溶质就是被溶解的物质A squared plus B squared equals.?A平方加B平方等于.战争与和平Aw.唉And Pastor Jeff as

7、ked me to hold him accountable杰夫牧师让我看住他so he doesnt succumb to temptation.这样他才不会屈服于诱惑Well, how the heck you do that?好吧 你要怎么做Im not sure.我不知道Probably have to give him the stink eye every so often.可能得经常给他一个质疑的眼神The pastors been married before.他之前结过婚Is it really that big a deal?这并不是很大的问题Yes, George. It

8、 states very clearly in the Bible:问题很大 乔治 圣经中写的很明确Among you there must not be even a hint of.在你们心中不可有一丝.Sexual. immorality.淫. 乱That book is a bummer sometimes.那本书有时很讨厌Its no joke.这是认真的He could lose his job.他可能会丢掉工作I guess I just dont get it.我就是理解不了Maybe because you only也许是因为你只会go to church when ther

9、es a bake sale.在有点心义卖的时候才会去教堂- Thats not nice. - Its true.- 真够刻薄的 - 这是事实Doesnt make it nice.事实也改变不了你的刻薄Everything all right with Sheldon?谢尔顿一切正常吗How much time you got?他那些破事我能说到下个世纪Why?怎么了Hasnt been in P.E. Since Monday.从星期一开始他就没上过体育课Really? Mm-hmm.真的吗Hes here. I drove him.他在学校 我载他来的You check the pla

10、ces they like to stuff him?你去他常被装进去的地方检查过了吗Lockers, trash cans,储物柜 垃圾桶those bags we put the footballs in.我们放橄榄球的包里Nothing.没发现他- Top of the flagpole? -Nope.- 旗杆顶 - 没有Hey, Hubert.嗨 休伯特Was Sheldon in class today?今天谢尔顿来上课了吗Nope. Havent seen him all week.没有 已经一周没见过他了Werent you gonna say anything?那你也不反映一下

11、吗I didnt want to jinx it.我不想搞砸它So he hasnt been in any of your classes?所以你们的课他都没来Mm-mm, not a one.Nope.- 嗯 - 一门也没上But I bring him here, I take him home.但是我载他来学校了 还载他回家Hes got to be somewhere in the building.他一定在学校里Mm, I mightve seen him in the library.嗯 我在图书馆好像见过他But at this point, I sometimes think

12、但我现在已经感觉I see him when Im alone in my house.独自在家时也能看见他了Like that creepy Chucky doll in the movies?就像电影里毛骨悚然的鬼娃Exactly!就是这种感觉Hey, Tam. I cant find Sheldon.嗨 小谭 我找不到谢尔顿了You know where he is?你知道他在哪吗I promised not to say.我答应他不说的Tam.小谭Lucky for you Im weak.你走运了 我意志很薄弱Are you kidding me?你在开玩笑吧I knew Tam w

13、as weak.我就知道小谭意志薄弱What do you think youre doing?你觉得你在做什么呢Exploring the impact of the French invasion论法国入侵对on Imperial Russian society.俄国帝国社会的影响Well, get out of here.好吧 快出来Youre going back to class.你要回去上课No, Im not.我不去Excuse me?你说什么I dont learn anything in class.我上课什么也学不到But in here Ive taught myself

14、 the applications但是在这我可以自学the applications of gravitational lensing,引力透镜效应的应用Faradays law of magnetic induction,法拉第的磁感应定律and how to whistle.还学会了怎么吹口哨Well, sound came out yesterday.昨天还能吹出来的Y-You cant spend your day in a broom closet.那你也不能成天待在杂物间里啊Its no longer a broom closet.这对于我来说不再是一个杂物间了Its now a

15、citadel of higher learning.这是高等知识的天堂Which one says Robin, I like you哪一件既能表达罗宾 我喜欢你but also says God is watching,又能表达上帝在看着我们be cool?淡定The blue one.蓝色那件Mary, your husbands on the line.你丈夫打电话来了 玛丽- Excuse me.- Yeah, blue.- 我先离开一下 - 我也觉得Definitely blue.蓝色的更合适- Although.- Everything okay?- 但是. - 有什么事吗She

16、ldon locked himself in a broom closet,谢尔顿把他自己锁在杂物间里and hes refusing to go to class.还不愿意去上课Whats he doing in a closet?他在杂物间里干什么Apparently, learning about Russia.学习俄罗斯那些东西呗Well, what do you want me to do?那你想让我怎么做I want you to handle it.我想让你解决这个问题Youre right there. Why cant you handle it?你不是就在那儿吗 你怎么自己

17、不解决- Cause Im at work.- So am I.- 因为我在上班 - 我还不是You know what I mean.你知道我是什么意思That you have a real job and I dont?意思是你的是正经工作 而我的不是吗Mary, I have football practice in ten minutes, and I.还有十分钟橄榄球训练就要开始了 玛丽I dont have time to deal with this.我可没时间处理这事Well, youre gonna have to, cause Im busy.那你自己想办法 因为我也很忙

18、You tell him, sister.干得好 姐们The bolo ties too sexy, right?这种领带是不是有点太性感了Knew it.我就知道Hope youre happy. your mother and I are fighting now!你妈和我因为你吵了一架 你满意了吧Theres a closet, it. My son made a citadel.这是杂物间 我儿子在里头Never mind.你就当没看见吧- Sheldon, go to your room. - Gladly.- 回房去 谢尔顿 - 乐意之至Hes just gonna read in

19、 there.他顶多在房间里看看书Id take away Professor Proton.要是我就不准他看质子教授Stay out of this.你就别掺和这事了No more Professor Proton!不准看质子教授了Thats how you do it.就得这么干I cant believe you didnt make him go to class.难以置信 你居然没把他弄回去上课You told me to handle it; I handled it.是你告诉我自己解决这事的 我解决了啊That ones on you.这次是你的责任You didnt handl

20、e it. You didnt do anything.你根本不是解决问题 你啥都没做I had to get to practice,我要去帮学生训练and I made a decision.不管怎么说我做出了决定He was in the building, he was safe, and he was learning.反正他在学校里面 很安全 还可以学习He is never gonna improve his social skills但一直这样独自一人的话if hes sitting all alone.他的社交能力就没办法得到锻炼He has to be around peo

21、ple.他必须多和人接触Sounds like you know what he needs.既然你说的头头是道的go fix it.那你去解决这个问题Cause I have to do everything, right?难道这家里什么事情都是我做吗Oh. Someones sleeping on the couch tonight.看来今晚某人要睡沙发了Get out of here!滚Well, maybe Shel is just acting out也许谢尔顿这样表现cause he doesnt have his college class to go to anymore.是因

22、为他不能去上大学课程了I could ask Johns professor friend.我可以问问约翰当教授的朋友Maybe hed let him sit in on a class.看看他愿不愿意让谢尔顿去旁听And you are just bringing this up now?那你怎么现在才说I wouldve said something earlier,我刚刚就想说了but I was enjoying the fight.只不过 看你们吵架挺爽的Hello?喂?Hi, Dr. Linkletter.你好 林克莱特博士- Its Connie Tucker. - Conni

23、e.- 我是康妮塔克 - 你好 康妮To what do I owe the pleasure?有何贵干I need a favor.我需要你帮个忙Of course. Anything.当然可以 什么事都行Should we discuss it over dinner?要不我们一起吃个晚饭 边吃边聊Ill take a rain check on that.择日再说吧I was hoping我希望that my grandson could join in your physics class我的孙子能来听你的物理课until John is, uh. back.直到约翰回来上课为止Fro

24、m the mental hospital?从精神病院回来吗Yes.是The one he never told you hed been in before?那个他之前进去过 但没跟你说的医院Yes.是A curious ethical choice on his part, if you ask me.要我说 他的这个做法真是不太厚道Can he take the class or not?我孙子到底能不能来听你的课?Of course.当然Although, I never taught a child before.但是我从来没有教过小孩Is he potty-trained?他会自己

25、上厕所了吗What are you doing?你在干什么呢Watching last weeks Professor Protonin my mind.在脑子里回看上周的质子教授Moon Pie?小甜饼Good news. You could start going我有个好消息to your college class again.你可以继续去大学上课了Dr. Sturgis is back?斯特吉斯博士回来了吗No, but his friend Dr. Linkletter还没 但是他的朋友 林克莱特博士is gonna let you come and take his class.同

26、意让你去上他的课But I take Dr. Sturgiss class.但是我上的是斯特吉斯博士的课I know, but thats not an option我知道 但是现在他还没回来right now, and Dr. Linkletters been nice enough to.而且林克莱特博士人也很好to let you sit in on his.他已经同意了 让你去上他的课But I like the way that Dr. Sturgis teaches.但是我喜欢斯特吉斯博士的授课方式Well, you might like the way也许你去上了林克莱特博士的课

27、之后that Dr. Linkletter teaches even better.会发现你更喜欢他的课Is it lecture-based?他的课是讲座性质的吗I dont know.我也不了解Whats his interpretation of quantum mechanics?他对量子力学是怎么解释的I couldnt say.我也说不准Whered he get his doctorate?他的博士学位是在哪所学校取得的From the University of Shut Up and Say Thank You.你就不能少问点问题 说声谢谢吗Thank you.谢谢I tho

28、ught you were gonna take out the garbage.我以为你会把垃圾扔出去呢Im sorry. I was under the impression不好意思 我还记得某人说you did everything around here.家里的事情都是她做的呢You really want to start this again?你真的还想再吵一架吗I contribute plenty,我也为这个家付出了很多and it wouldnt kill you to show a little appreciation.你就不能对我表达出一点点的感谢吗Ill be sure to do that. As soon as I finish我会的 但是我得先把衣服洗了the laundry, the dishes, the va

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