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1、赖世雄旅游英语通出国旅游口语一本通第1期:Check In 办理登机手续 听力内容:Unit1:Check In 办理登机手续Y: Is the right counter to check in for this flight?Y: 这班飞机是在这个柜台办理登机手续吗?X: Yes, it is. Please put your luggage on this scale.X: 不错,是在这儿办。请您把行李放在磅秤上过秤。Y: OK. Is the plane on schedule?Y: 好的。飞机会准时起飞吗?X: Yes, it is. How many pieces of hind

2、luggage do you have?X: 会的。您有几件手提行李呢?Y: Two.Y: 两件。其他出国旅游英语句型:1. please表示“请”,后接动词原形,但也可置于句尾,前面要加逗号。例:Please open the door.请开门。Would you please open the window?请开窗好吗?Come in,please.请进。please也可当动词用,表示“使人高兴、快乐”。例:Mary is easy to please. =It is easy to please Mary.玛丽易于取悦。I sang a song to please my girlfri

3、end Lisa.我唱一首歌以取悦女友丽莎。2. How many+可数名词+.?有多少呢? = How much+不可数名词+.?例:How many pens do you have?你有多少枝笔呢?How much money do you have?你有多少钱呢?第2期:At the Airline Counter在航空公司柜台听力内容:Unit2:At the Airline Counter 在航空公司柜台X:Do you have any seat preferences,sir?X:先生,您对座位有什么偏爱吗?Y: Yes, could you put me in the non

4、-smoking section?Y:有的,请把我安排在非吸烟区好吗?X: Yes. Would you like a window seat?X:没问题。请问您喜欢靠窗的位子吗?Y: If ones available, please,but not over the wing.Y:如果还有空的话最好,但不要在靠机翼的窗边。第3期:Bourding 准备登机听力内容:Unit3:Bourding 准备登机Y: Wed better hurry. Treys boarding already.Y:我们最好快一点,大家都已在登机了。X: OK. Lets go. But which way is

5、 Gate 20?X:好,那就走吧。但20号登机门在哪儿呢?Y: 0h, here comes a man. Lets ask him.Excuse me. Can you direct me to Gate 20,please?Y:哦,前面来了一个人,我们问问他吧。劳驾,能告诉我20号登机门怎么走吗?Z: Sure. Go down the stairs right over there and youll see some directions. Just follow them.Z:当然。顺着那边的楼梯下去,你就会看到一些指示,照着指示走就到了。其他出国旅游英语句型:1. Wed bet

6、ter hurry.我们最好快一点。* 文中本句是“hand better+动词原形”的句型结构,表示“最好.”的意思,不过,在一般会话口语及书写中,表人称的主语常与had连写成如Id,youd或theyd等缩写词。hurry在这儿是动词原形。例:You had better study hard. = Youd better study hard.你最好努力读书。2. But which way is Gate 20。但20号登机门怎么走呢?which way 哪个方向例:Can you tell me which way is the station?= Can you tell me w

7、hich way to the station?= How can I get to the station?你能告诉我到火车站怎么走吗?3. Can you direct me to Gate 20,please? 请你告诉我到20号登机门怎么走,好吗?direct+人+to+地方 指点某人到某地= show+人+to+地方例:Can you direct me to the Bank of China?= Can you show me the way to the Bank of China?请你告诉我到中国银行怎么走好吗?第4期:Flight Time 询问飞行时间 听力内容:Unit

8、4:Flight Time 询问飞行时间Y: Excuse me. Whats the actual fight time from here to San Francisco?Y:对不起。从这儿到旧金山的实际飞行时间是多久?X: Its about twelve hours.X:大约12个小时。Y: Can you tell me what time were arriving?Y:能否告诉我咱们什么时候到达?X: Sure. Let me 6:15 a .m. local time.X:当然。让我想一下我们会在当地时间清晨6:15分到达。Y: I see.Y:我懂了。X: A

9、nd thatII be 10:15 p.m. Beijing time.X:也就是北京时间晚间10:15分。其他出国旅游英语句型:1. Whats the flying time A to B.=Whats the flying time between A and B?=How long does it take to fly from A to B从A到B的飞行时间要多久?例:Whats the flying time from Beijing to Hong Kong?=Whats the flying time between Beijing and Hong Kong?=How l

10、ong does it take to fly from Beijing to Hong Kong?从北京到香港的飞行时间要多久呢?2.Let me see.让我想想看。*这句话可用来拖延时间,整理思绪,功能如同“Well,”(呃,)一样,不妨在会话中多加使用。例:James: Darling, where is my necktie?Alice: Oh, let me see. Its in the closet.詹姆士:亲爱的,我的领带在哪儿呢?艾丽斯:哦,让我想一下。它在衣橱里。第5期:Time Difference 询问时差听力内容:Unit5:Time Difference 询问时差

11、Y: Excuse me. Whats the time difference between Beijing and San Francisco?Y:对不起。北京和旧金山的时差是多少?X: 16 hours. Beijing is 16 hours ahead.X:16小时。北京的时间快16个小时。Y: Are we losing or gaining a day on the way to America?Y:到美国我们在时间上是少了一天还是赚了一天呢?X: We are gaining a day.X:赚了一天。Y: So does it mean were arriving on th

12、e same day?Y:那就是说我们在同一天抵达吗?X: Thats right.X:不错。其他出国旅游英语句型:1. Does it mean + that 从句? 这意味吗?* 使用本句时,一般是在对方讲过话后,再次确定其真正意思,句中that所引导的子句,通常可省略掉that。例:Carlos: Have a nice trip to Malaysia.James: Thanks! But does it(或that) mean(that) youre not coming with us?卡洛斯:马来西亚之行愉快。詹姆士:谢谢!但这是不是表示你不和我们同去呢?2. Thats rig

13、ht. 的确如此。此句一般在对方询问时,表示肯定的答话,常用的还有“Of course.”(当然。)或“Sure.”(确实如此。)例:A: Will you go on a picnic tomorrow?B: Thats right.甲:你明天要去野餐吗?乙:对。第6期:Trading Seats 换座位听力内容:Unit6:Trading Seats 换座位Y: Excuse me. Would you mind trading seats with me?Y:对不起。您介意和我换位子吗?X: Not at all.X:不会啊!Y:Oh,thank you. Thats very kind

14、 of you.Y:哦,谢谢您。您真好。X: Youre welcome .I prefer a window seat.X:不客气。我比较喜欢窗边的位子。Y:Oh,you do? Good. Looking out of the window sometimes scares me. So I prefer to be the man in the middle.Y:哦,真的?很好。向窗外看有时会让我害怕。因此我比较喜欢坐中间的位子。其他出国旅游英语句型:1. Would you mind + 动名词 你介意吗?Would you mind + if 过去时从句?例:Would you mi

15、nd lending me your dictionary?= Would you mind if I borrowed your dictionary?你在意把字典借给我吗?注意:a. would开头的疑问句,表示一种婉转语气。b. if从句中用过去式,是因为would you mind中的would是过去式助动词,所以if从句中的动词时态也应用过去时,以求全句时态的对称。但若助动词是现在式do时,则if从句中的动词也用现在时。例: Would you mind if I opened the window? (客气)= Do you mind if I open the window? (

16、较不客气)你介意我开窗吗?2. Thats very kind of you.你真好。此句通常用在别人帮助我们后,是表示感谢的客气话。例:Bob: John, I have finished painting the wall.鲍勃:约翰,我把墙漆好了。John: Thank you very much. Thats very kind of you.约翰:非常谢谢你。你真好。第7期:Airsickness 晕机 听力内容:Unit7:Airsickness 晕机X:Oh,you look kind of pale. Whats the matter?X:咦,你看起来脸色有点苍白。怎么了?Y:

17、 I feel sick.Y:我有点不舒服。X: Do you? Just a minute. Let me get the airsick bag readyHere.X:真的吗?等一下,让我先把呕吐袋准备好拿去吧。Y: Thank you.Y:谢谢你。X: Shall I get you some water?X:要不要帮你倒些水来?Y:No,thank you. Ill be all right as soon as the plane gets out of this turbulence.Y:不了,谢谢你。只要飞机脱离这乱流,我就没事了。其他出国旅游英语句型:1. Whats the

18、 matter? 怎么回事? = Whats wrong?* 此句型通常是看到有人不适时询问对方的话。例:Tom: Why are you crying? Whats the matter?Mary: I didnt pass the examination.汤姆:你怎么哭了,怎么回事啊?玛丽:我考试没过啊。2. Just a minute. 请等一下。* 这句话其实前面省略了please wait这两个词,它的原名型应是“Please wait just a minute.”(请等一下。),通常老美口语只说“Just a minute.”与此同义的还有“Just a moment.”“Jus

19、t a second.”(且慢,请等一下。)例:Tom: See you tomorrow.Bob: Just a minute. I want a word with you.汤姆:明天见。鲍勃:请等一下。我有话跟你说。3. Let me get the airsick bag ready. 让我把呕吐袋准备好。get sth. ready 将某物准备妥当例:Let me get the camera ready.让我把相机准备好。第8期:Magazine 杂志 听力内容:Unit8: May I have a magazine 杂志Y: Steward!Y:空乘员!X:Yes,maam?X

20、:这位女士,您有什么事吗?Y: May I have a magazine or something?Y:可以拿给我一本杂志或什么东西看看吗?X: Certainly. Just a moment. Ill be right back with one. Which do you prefer, one in English or in Chinese?X:没问题。请等一等。我马上就拿一本来。您喜欢英文还是中文的?Y:One in English,please.Y:请给我一本英文的。X:All right,maam.X:好的,女士。其他出国旅游英语句型:1. May I have a maga

21、zine or something?我可不可以拿本杂志或什么的?通常名词之后的“or something”表示“或什么的”,是一种口语的用法,比如说:“明天我会带书或什么的来。”我们就该如此说:“Ill bring books or something tomorrow.”再举一例如下:例:I need a pair of chopsticks or something to eat with.我需要一双筷子或什么的来吃东西。2. Ill be right back with one.我会立刻带一本你要的杂志过来。这句话其实就等于:“Ill be back immediately with a

22、 magazine.”在此句中,right是表强调的副词,通常放在地方副词或地方副词词组的前面,比如有人问:“Where is John?”“约翰在哪里?”我们可回答说:“He a there.”“他在那边。”但若我们要强调“他就在那边”时,就说:“He is right there.”或说:“He is right beside the window.”“他就在窗户旁那儿。”在本句中“be right back”的right是强调其后back“回来”这个词,此时“be right hack”这个词组,意即“马上就回来”,而right就等于immediately这个表示时间的副词了。第9期:A

23、sking for a Blanket 要毯子 听力内容:第9期:Asking for a Blanket 要毯子Y: Excuse me.Y:对不起。X: Yes?X:您有什么事呢?Y: Could I have one more blanket?Y:能多给我一条毯子吗?X: Im afraid there arent any left at the moment. Can you wait just a little while?X:现在恐怕没多余的毯子。能不能请您稍候一下呢?Y: OK.I will.Y:好啊。X: Ill bring you one as soon as I find

24、one abailable.X:只要我找到多余的毯子就拿来给您。Y:Would you,please? Thank you.Y:那就麻烦你了。谢谢。其他出国旅游英语句型:Im afraid there arent any at the moment.现在恐怕没有毯子哦。I m afraid(that). 恐怕例:Im afraid(that)it will rain tomorrow.明天恐怕会下雨。Im afraid (that) the train has gone.恐怕火车已经离开了。注意:afraid还有下列用法:be afraid of + 动名词 害怕be afraid to +

25、动词原形 害怕例:Tom is afraid of seeing a dentist.汤姆害怕看牙医。Mary is afraid to enter the room alone.玛丽不敢单独进入那房间。第10期:After the Meal 在机上用餐后 听力内容:第10期:After the Meal 在机上用餐后X:What would you like for dessert,sir? We have a choice of cake or ice cream.X:先生,您想吃什么甜点?我们有蛋糕和冰淇凌供您选择。Y:No,thank you .I dont need any. You

26、 a see,Im on a diet.Y:不了,谢谢。我什么都不要。你瞧,我在节食呢。X:On,well,perhaps youd like a cup of coffee or tea instead.X:哦,要不您也可以叫杯咖啡或茶什么的。Y:Yes,coffee,please.Y:那就请给我一杯咖啡吧。其他出国旅游英语句型:What would you like for dessert?你喜欢什么当甜点呢?在此句型中,for是介词,表示“当做”,其后可接表三餐的名词。例:Mary: What would you like for dinner?John: I want fish for

27、 dinner.玛丽:你晚餐想吃什么呢?约翰:我要吃鱼。然而,当表示某人正在吃饭时,其介词就不再用for,而要用at了,就形成“主词+be动词+at+表三餐的名词”的句型,举例如下:例:John is at dinner now.约翰正在吃晚餐。第11期:Going Through Immigration 入境询问 听力内容:第11期:Going Through Immigration 入境询问X: How long are you staying?X:你会停留多久呢?Y: Four weeks.Y:4个星期。X: May I ask what brought you here?X:请问你为什

28、么来这里呢?Y: Im here on business.Y:我是出公差而来的。X: What line of business are you in?X:你从事什么行业呢?Y: I import canned food.Y: 我进口罐头食物。其他出国旅游英语句型:1. May I ask what brought you here?请问你为什么来这里呢?这句话,“May I.”是一种委婉客气的问语,意即“我可以吗?”,句中的brought是bring的动词过去式,表示“带来”或“使来”之意。What brought you here? 什么风把你吹过来?例:Paul: May I ask w

29、hat brought you here?Peter: To see my girlfriend Lucy.保罗:请问你为什么来这儿呢?彼得:来看我的女友露西。2. What line of business are you in?= What is your occupation?= What do you do?你是干哪一行的?第12期:Meet at the Airport 机场接人 听力内容:第12期:Meet at the Airport 机场接人Y: Excuse me. Are you Mr. Smith?Y:对不起,你是史密斯先生吗?X:No,Im not.X:不,我不是。Y:

30、Oh,Im so sorry.Y:哦,真抱歉。X: Thats all right.X:没关系。其他出国旅游英语句型:Thats all right. 没关系。1.这是一句很常用的客气话,使用到的机会很多,比如说:当别人向我们表示歉意或对不起时,我们即可用这句客气话说“不要紧”、“没关系”,同样地,别人当然也可用这句话向我们说“不要紧”、“没关系”。例:A: I hope you dont mind my taking your younger sister out to dinner.B: Thats all right. Go ahead.甲:希望你不介意我带你妹妹出去吃晚餐。乙:没关系,请便。2.与这句话有相同意义的还有:It downt matter.不要紧;没关系。例:It downt matter if youre busy; just make sure you bring home the house money every month.你忙没关系,只要每月把安家费拿回来就好了。第13期:Transit 机场过境 听力内容:第13期:Transit 机场过境X: May I

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