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本文(陈映芳当前中国城市的居住生活安全问题Chen Yingfang the safety of living in Chinese citiesWord文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

陈映芳当前中国城市的居住生活安全问题Chen Yingfang the safety of living in Chinese citiesWord文档格式.docx

1、Chenyingfang(speech at the International Symposium on human security and the Harmonious Society: China and Asia) in June 21, 2006, Nankai University1, about the safety of residential lifeThis topic is one of the subjects I have been working on all these years. It is mainly about the study of the rel

2、ationship between the renovation and renewal of modern cities and the reconstruction of residents lives. This issue is also an international problem, and it involves many aspects. I just want to take this opportunity to sort out some of the problems today, and one of the words this question just wit

3、h the meeting is directly related to human security, from which we can extract a new problem, this is the living security.In my research, there are two concepts which are more important, one is the concept of Japanese sociology, the life structure. This concept is not seen in American and European S

4、ociology, but it is a very important area in sociology, especially in urban sociology. This concept refers to the basic elements of human life, such as time, space, income, economy, family, social relations and so on. Human life itself is made up of these elements. It is an organic combination of al

5、l kinds of factors. For example, each of us lives in the city, basically has a node, which belongs to the elements of the spatial structure. Time is also for all walks of life and professions. In fact, the elements of time are different. In addition, everyones income, expenses and so on, of course,

6、are also important elements of life. The elements are organically combined.Another concept is livability. 02 years, the United States has a book on urban life, mainly on this issue, is to study the urban life of developing countries, is about the habitability of the city. City, a good city, it shoul

7、d provide good conditions and environment for peoples life, is such a concept. Theres a lot involved here. The reason why we will study the introduction of this concept, because now we talk about the city, especially the transformation of the city, leading the transformation basically is in with liv

8、e the government is also an important reason for this, the transformation of the city is to improve the living conditions of the people. The justification for the present urban renewal movement is justified. But we should study what kind of city is really livable city.With just a few concepts, peopl

9、es living life involves a structural problem, involving a variety of factors such as time and space, occupation, leisure, the family life, social activities, social network residents, etc. Different from the social dimension, living life involves personal, family, and community in different life, in

10、cluding now we say small (the main carrier of neighbourhood), also may be related to the regional society. Different kinds of life problems need to be considered from different dimensions. Livable cities should not only provide good living conditions and provide convenient living city, but also shou

11、ld be able to maintain the living structure of the residents of the organic city.2, the right to liveAnother key to my speech today is the right to live. If we talk about the narrow right to live, then we can mainly interpret it as legal rights. But how can the rights conferred by the state law be i

12、mplemented by every citizen? This is still a problem.The right of habitation involves the ownership and use right of land. In China, the ownership of urban land is owned by the state, and the residents have the right to use it. But now the expansion of the city involves farmers in the suburbs. The r

13、ural land in the suburbs is collectively owned, where there is a land ownership problem, and the owner of the land and the ownership of the homestead is the peasant (collective).In addition, the right to housing also includes property rights, and many residents in the city have property rights. In a

14、ddition, the right of residence also includes the right to use the house. Many residents have the right to use the house as determined by law. This kind of right can be exchanged in the market.That is to say, residents, and farmers in the suburbs, have so many rights to their property. Then, our gov

15、ernment in the urban transformation, housing relocation process is how to implement the residents right to live? Now we can see some institutional implementation, such as economic compensation, monetary compensation, or physical (housing) compensation. Of course, the urban and rural areas are differ

16、ent, and for urban residents, as people, their ownership of state-owned land is basically empty,The degree of protection of the right to use is also very limited, and the government can recover the right to use the land in the hands of the residents in accordance with its own needs. Then, in rural a

17、reas, their homestead will be replaced, but in fact, the collective ownership of the village now, how to implement the individual rights, this is still a problem.The protection of residents living is related to land ownership at first. In most countries all over the world, the land is private, wheth

18、er it is the city or the country. Chinas urban land ownership problem, in Asia, first of all, unlike Japan and South Korea, very few comparable. But apart from the mainland, we have a Hongkong to refer to. Hongkongs urban land is also owned by the government, not private. Under such a system, the Ho

19、using Authority, narrow sense of housing security, there is a problem: how to protect their homes and neighborhoods? We can see, Hongkong in residential policy, urban transformation and resettlement issues, the public and the governments opposition is also very sharp. But relatively speaking, the si

20、tuation in the mainland is more prominent, because the government is more powerful. Yesterday, someone discussed with me, saying, apart from the ownership of land, do you still have property ownership? But there is a premise, this land is the state, and now actually state-owned land basically be con

21、verted into all government, the interests of land owned by the government, the public has no right to use the land can restrict the government power. We returned to the city 49 years later, so the public ownership of the city was very smooth, because the land below your house was national. The same

22、is true now. The government says that because of what construction needs, the use of this land, and the residents, whether or not they have property rights, must be made. That is to say, the government has the right to recover the residents of state-owned land use rights (property ownership and use

23、rights at the same time it can ignore the citizens), as long as a giving public welfare or city development needs reason on the line.And our countrys land is collectively owned. This is not the same as in Hongkong. The villagers who lived in Hongkong were privately owned. The houses of these people

24、were protected, and the government could not just dismantle them and drive them to other places. By contrast, the implementation of collective ownership of land has become a problem in the mainland. We rarely see a successful example of village collective protection of farmers land ownership (the vi

25、llage in the South) partly protects the interests of the villagers land and property. In this regard, some scholars stressed that the protection of the interests of farmers should consider the privatization of land or the freedom of land transfer to farmers. However, the present peasants do not have

26、 any legal right to the land and the houses. They have collective ownership of land and the right to use their own homestead. The key is that they lack the means and the actual possibility to protect their legal rights. The same is true of the city, the public has the right to the use of land in the

27、 law, but also property rights or the use of housing, but it is difficult to protect.The real question is whether the legal rights of the peasants and citizens can really be implemented, rather than what specific authority they have.3, the generalized right to live and the safety of residential life

28、Today, I want to talk about the issue of housing rights in a broad sense. This relates to the theme of todays meeting, which is that it is a safety issue in residential life. In fact, it involves the maintenance, protection, development, the right to development, the freedom of development and the p

29、ossibility of development for every citizen, every citizen, individual and family. Specific institutional aspects of housing security, housing benefits, as well as I said the city livable.In addition to the city of city, there are community, or need to use the concept of neighborhood. The establishm

30、ent of livable cities, communities and residential areas involves the problems of urban planning and community planning. Including public facilities planning, resource allocation, traffic construction and so on, is a series of problems. In addition, it also involves the environment, the environment

31、should be a very important topic of urban social research, speaking of broad sense of housing rights, these should be incorporated into the urban social system.A large background of housing security issues is a phenomenon Chinese city with many countries of the city has been very alike, the citys ec

32、onomic development and real estate development, land development and economic benefits hang together, city economic development of real estate has become dependent. Land and its real estate become the most important commodity in the city, the most important management object of capital, and also become the most important resources of the gove

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