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1、宝玉石专业外语课程名称:宝玉石专业外语English in gemmology demldi主讲课教师:赵 娟第一章 绪 论一、课程性质、目的与任务 宝石专业英语课是宝石方向的专业基础课 程之一 。课程将系统介绍宝石的形成分布;物理光学性质;宝石词汇;各种主要宝石及宝石鉴定的仪器等基本知识。本课程采取全英文教学 , 并配合以计算机多媒体教学 。 目的是进一步提高学生的英语应用水平。二、课程基本要求 要求学生了解、掌握宝石的基本概念和基本物理、光学性质;掌握宝石词汇;掌握各类主要宝石;要求能够用英语掌握基本专业知识,能够熟练阅读、翻译英文资料,达到熟练听、说、读、写、译的水平。三、课程教学主要内

2、容第一章 绪论 (Introduction)第二章 宝石的形成及分布 (Formation and Distribution)第三章 宝石的性质 (Properties) prpti1. 宝石的物理性质 (Physical Properties)(1) Hardness(2) Specific Gravity比重(3) Cleavage kli:vid and Fracturefrkt解理与断裂2. 宝石的光学性质 (Optical Properties)(1) Color(2) Refractive rifrktiv Index (RI)折射率(3) Luster lst光泽(4) Inte

3、rference ,intfirns干扰(5) Cats eyes and Stars3. 宝石的结晶学基础 (Crystallography) ,kristlrfi结晶学第四章 宝石词汇 (Vocabulary)第五章 宝石各论 (Major Gemstones)1. 钻石(1) 钻石的形成 (Formation)(2) 钻石的产地 (Occurrence) k:rns, -k-(3) 钻石的切割 (Cutting)(4) 钻石的重量及质量 (Weight and Quality)(5) 钻石的历史 (History)(6) 世界名钻 (Famous Diamonds)(7) 决定钻石质量的

4、四个因素 (4 C)(8) 戴比尔斯钻石推广中心介绍 (De Beers)2. 翡翠 (Jadeite) deidait3. 红宝及蓝宝 (Ruby ru:bi and Sapphire sfai)4. 祖母绿及海蓝宝石 (Emerald emrld and Aquamarine ,kwmri:n)5. 珍珠 (Pearl) p:l6. 琥珀 (Amber) mb第六章 宝石鉴定及仪器 (Identification and Apparatus ,preits)1. 宝石鉴定要点 (Observation ,bz:vein Points)2. 宝石鉴定仪器 (Apparatus)第七章 宝石加

5、工及优化 (Fashioning and Enhancement inh:ns, -hns)1. 宝石切割 (Faceting) fsit2. 宝石加工 (Fashioning)3. 宝石仿制及优化 (Imitation ,imitein and Enhancement)4. 合成宝石 (Synthetic Gemstones)第八章 钻戒的选择及保养 (Choosing and Protecting)四、学时分配章 次内 容学 时一绪论 (Introduction)2二宝石的形成及分布 (Formation and Distribution)4三宝石的性质 (Properties)4四宝石词

6、汇 (Vocabulary)6五宝石各论 (Major Gemstones)20六宝石鉴定及仪器 (Identification and Apparatus)6七宝石加工及优化 (Fashioning and Enhancement)6八钻戒的选择及保养 (Choosing and Protecting)4英语听力练习8英语口语练习8考试4总计72五、教材及主要参考书教材:English in Gemmology, 赵娟、周祖翼、廖宗廷编著。参考书:Gemstones, Cally Hall , 1994。Part 1 Introduction1. gemology demldi is the

7、 representation ,reprizentein of wealth and power. mysterious mistiris appeal pi:l吸引力, color, light rarity rrti 珍贵hardness ,durability ,djurbilti 耐久性,beauty ,strength ,resilience rizilins, -jns弹力.2. The study and identification of gemstones is a fascinating exciting topic.3. Needed equipment.4. Synt

8、hetic and man-made gemstones.5. Gemstones value generally depends on four elements: beauty ,rarity ,durability and cutting.Formation and distribution of gemstones1. how gemstones and formed(1) the mineral minrl 矿物的origin ;(2) three types rocks: igneous inis火成的 ,sedimentary ,sedimentri沉淀的, and metamo

9、rphic. ,metm:fik变质的2. where gemstones are found(1) the geological conditions.3. beauty ,durability and rarity(1) beauty:1) a definite definit 确切的chemical composition ,kmpzin of gemstone.;2) color, light fire and cutting ;(2) durability1) hardness scale of freidrich mohs; mohs friedrich2) the use of

10、gemstones;3) the toughness韧性 of gemstones: atomic tmik structure ,cleavage plane平面 and fracture.(3) rarity1) carat krt weight.4. physical properties(1) hardness, 1) definition; ,difinin 清晰度2) the hardness scale of mohs;(2) specific spisifik 特殊的gravity density densti密度,1) definition;2) the measuremen

11、t; 3) some examples(3) cleavage and fracture1) internal int:nl 内部的atomic structure of stone;2) the division of cleavage.3) definition of fracture. frkt断裂5. optical propertiesall optical properties are dependent upon light.(1) what makes color1) the color of a gem depends largely on the way it absorb

12、s light.2) According to the color ,gems s division .(2) refractive index1) definition;2) the measurement of RI, and DR.(3) luster1) the determination of luster;2) the definition of splendent; splendnt光亮的3) the division of luster.(4) interference ,intfirns干扰1) definition;定义2) the use of interference.

13、(5) cats eyes and stars1) definition2) the occurrence k:rns, -k- 出现of cats eyes and stars.6. crystallographycrystal kristl结晶 ,homogeneous ,hmdi:nis, ,hu- 同种的portion p:n, pu- 部分of matter that has a definite, orderly atomic structure and an outward form bounded by 周围是、以。为边界smooth ,plane surfaces, symme-trically arra

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