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本文(学年人教版英语必修四新素养同步讲义Unit 4 Body language 1 Section Ⅰ Word版含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

学年人教版英语必修四新素养同步讲义Unit 4 Body language 1 Section Ⅰ Word版含答案.docx

1、学年人教版英语必修四新素养同步讲义Unit 4 Body language 1 Section Word版含答案握手是人与人问候的基本礼仪,但方式不同,表达的意义也大不相同。The Secret of the Successful HandshakeThe secret of the successful handshake is no secret anymore. Management consultant Robert E. Brown explains what shaking hands is all about in his book, The Art, the Power, th

2、e Magic: How to Read Hands That Talk.For example, to do the “AllAmerican Handshake”, you have to look into another persons eyes, hold his or her whole hand, two or three times. According to Brown, this is the handshake of a good listener and trustworthy person.Politicians and salespeople often use t

3、he “TwoHanded Handshake” because its extrafriendly. They put their left hand on the other persons arm or shoulder as they shake hands. This can feel too friendly to some people, so its best to use it with good friends.Watch out for people with handshakes that pull your fingers, or twist(扭转) your han

4、d. If you get one of these handshakes, the person is trying to intimidate(恐吓) you.Two more uncomfortable handshakes are the “Palm Pinch” and the “Dead Fish”. A Palm Pincher shakes your hand with only a few fingers. In the Dead Fish handshake, the persons hand slides out of the handshake. Its possibl

5、e that the people with these handshakes are embarrassed(尴尬的) or shy.Shaking hands is an important part of body language. It can identify someone as truthful, friendly, powerful, or nervous. Its hard to be successful without knowing about a good handshake such as the AllAmerican. If this isnt your na

6、tural handshake, dont worry. Mr Brown says that you can change your handshake with lots of practice. So, go on out there and start shaking hands. Just think of all the people you can meet!Section Warming Up & ReadingComprehending重点单词写作词汇1.dormitory n. 宿舍2.canteen n. 食堂3.approach vt.& vi. 接近;靠近;走近n.

7、接近;方法;途径4.cheek n. 面颊5.major adj. 主要的 n. 成人;成年人adj. 成人的;成熟的7.dash vi. 猛冲;突进8.flight_n. 飞行;航班拓展词汇9.likely adj.可能的unlikely adj.不可能的10.statement n陈述;说明state v陈述;说明11.greet vi.& vt.迎接;问候greeting n迎接;问候;招呼12.represent vt.代表;象征representation n代表,代表团;代理representative adj.代表性的 n代表,代理人13.association n

8、社团;联系;联想associate v把联系起来14.curious adj.好奇的curiously adv.好奇地curiosity n好奇心15.defend vt.保护;保卫defence n防御;保卫16.misunderstand vt.误解;误会misunderstanding n误解;误会阅读词汇17.simply adv. 简单地;只18.Muslim n& adj. 穆斯林(的);_伊斯兰教信徒(的)19.posture n. 姿势;体态20.crossroads n. 十字路口重点短语1.put_up 举起;抬起2.in_defence 保卫;防御3.kiss_sb.on

9、_the_cheek 亲吻某人的脸4.be_likely_to 很可能;有希望5.in_general 总的来说;通常6.defend.against 防御;保卫以免受重点句型1.the first/second/./last名词to do.:The_first_person_to_arrive(第一个到达的人) was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain.2.状语从句的省略:She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hand

10、s, as_if_in_defence(好像是在自卫).3.not all.表示部分否定:Not_all_cultures(并不是所有文化) greet each other the same way, nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people. FastreadingSkim the text and do the following exercises.1What does the text mainly talk about?ACommunication. BSpok

11、en language.CBody language. DDifferent cultures.答案:C2Match the main idea of each paragraph.Para.1ATo suggest studying international customs.Paras.23 BTo meet the international students at the Capital International Airport.Para.4 CTo introduce the students to each other and explain their different wa

12、ys of greeting.Para.5 DTo explain different cultural “body language” in some countries.答案:BCDA CarefulreadingRead the text carefully and choose the best answer.1In which of the following countries do people greet each other in the same way?AColombia and Britain.BSpain and Italy.CFrance and Jordan.DC

13、hina and Japan.2How does the text develop?ABy giving examples. BBy giving data.CBy giving definition. DBy making comparisons.3Whats the purpose of the second paragraph?ATo give examples of mistakes the international students make.BTo give examples of cultural differences in body language.CTo show ho

14、w surprised we are by their different behavior.DTo show how important body language is.4What can we learn from the passage?ANever too old to learn.BWhen in Rome, do as the Romans do.CFour eyes see more than two.DEvery country has its own customs.答案:14.BABB StudyreadingAnalyze the following difficult

15、 sentences in the text.1They shook hands and then kissed each other twice on each cheek, since that is the French custom when adults meet people they know.本句是一个复合句。句子的主语是They,since引导的是原因状语从句,在从句中when引导的是时间状语从句。 翻译两个人握了握手,并且在对方的面颊上亲吻了两下。因为法国成年人见到他们认识的人时通常就是这么做的。2In the same way that people communicat

16、e with spoken language, they also express their feelings using unspoken “language” through physical distance, actions or posture.本句是一个复合句。In the same way that.是句子的状语,way是先行词,关系代词that引导的是定语从句。句子的主语是they;using unspoken “language” through physical distance, actions or posture是现在分词作伴随状语。 翻译如同用口头语言交流一样,人

17、们还使用无声的语言身体间的距离、动作或姿势,来表达他们的情感。3Most people around the world now greet each other by shaking hands, but some cultures use other greetings as well, such as the Japanese, who prefer to bow.本句是一个并列句,并列连词but连接两个分句。在第二个分句中,Japanese是先行词,who引导的是非限制性定语从句。 翻译现在世界上多数人见面时握手相互问候,但有些文化(背景的人)会采取另外一些寒暄的方式。比方说,日本人就

18、更愿意鞠躬。representreprIzentvt.代表;象征associationssIeInn.社团;联系;联想dormitorydmItrIn.宿舍canteenkntinn.食堂flightflaItn.飞行;航班curiouslykjrIslIadv.好奇地curiouskjrIsadj.好奇的curiositykjrIsItIn.好奇心greetritvi.& vt. 迎接;问候;和(某人)打招呼(或问好)approachprtvt.& vi.接近;靠近;走近 n接近;方法;途径kiss sb.on the cheek亲吻某人的脸颊cheektikn.面颊in defence保卫

19、;防御defencedIfensn.防御;保卫defenddIfendvt.保护;保卫defend.against防御;保卫以免受majormeIdadj.主要的misunderstanding n误解;误会misunderstandmIsndstndvt.误解;误会reach ones hand out to sb.向某人伸出手bowba v鞠躬dashdvi.猛冲;突进adultdlt;US dltn成人;成年人 adj.成人的;成熟的on the contrary 与此相反,恰恰相反contrary to sth.与某事相反simplysImplIadv.简单地;只get to do s

20、th.逐渐做某事get之后的动词不定式多为表示认知过程或心理变化的动词,如get to know, get to understand, get to realize, get to admit等。spokenspknadj. 口语的,口头的posturepstn.姿势be likely to很可能;有希望likelylaIklIadj.可能的as well此处意为“也,又”,相当于副词too,多置于肯定句的句末。preferprIf(r)v.更喜欢prefer to do sth.更喜欢做某事in general(generally speaking)总的来说;通常(写文章或说话时作总结用的

21、插入语)though在此处为副词,意为“然而”。crossroadskrsrdzn.十字路口at the/a crossroads(人生或发展)处于关键时刻,在紧要关头【核心素养链接】在面对面的沟通中,人们大部分的信息交流是通过无声的身体语言实现的。身体语言,也称肢体语言,是指非词语性的身体符号,包括目光与面部表情、身体运动与触摸、身体姿势与外表、身体之间的空间距离等。通过身体语言实现的沟通,称作身体语言沟通。身体语言在人际沟通中有着口头语言所不能替代的作用。因此,要了解他人,我们就要善于观察对方的身体语言;而在沟通的时候,要善于利用自己的身体语言,以便于更好地表达自己。COMMUNICATI

22、ON:NO PROBLEM?Yesterday, another student and I, representingour universitys student association, went to the Capital International Airport to meet this years international students. They were coming to study at Beijing University. We would take them first to their dormitoriesand then to the student

23、canteen. After half an hour of waiting for their flightto arrive, I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously. I stood for a minute watching them and then went to greet them.现在分词短语representing our universitys student association作定语,前后有逗号隔开,相当于一个非限制性定语从句。现在分词短语looking a

24、round curiously作伴随状语。现在分词短语watching them作伴随状语。The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain. After I met them and then introduced them to each other, I was very surprised. Tony approached Julia, touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek

25、!She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defence. I guessed that there was probably a major misunderstanding. Then Akira Nagata from Japan came in smiling, together with George Cook from Canada.As they were introduced, George reached his hand out to the Japanese student.

26、Just at that moment, however, Akira bowed so his nose touched Georges moving hand. They both apologizedanother cultural mistake!本句中closely followed by.是过去分词短语作状语。The first person to arrive意思是“第一个到达的人”,不定式to arrive作后置定语,修饰person。The first person与arrive之间是逻辑上的主谓关系。现在分词短语appearing surprised作伴随状语;as if

27、in defence是as if she was in defence的省略。Ahmed Aziz, another international student, was from Jordan. When we met yesterday, he moved very close to me as I introduced myself. I moved back a bit, but he came closer to ask a question and then shook my hand. When Darlene Coulon from France came dashing th

28、rough the door, she recognized Tony Garcias smiling face. They shook hands and then kissed each other twice on each cheek, since that is the French custom when adults meet people they know. Ahmed Aziz, on the contrary, simply nodded at the girls. Men from Middle Eastern and other Muslim countries wi

29、ll often stand quite close to other men to talk but will usually not touch women.现在分词短语dashing through the door作状语,修饰came。As I get to know more international friends, I learn more about this cultural “body language”. Not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor are they comfortable in the sam

30、e way with touching or distance between people. In the same way that people communicate with spoken language, they also express their feelings using unspoken “language” through physical distance, actions or posture. English people, for example, do not usually stand very close to others or touch stra

31、ngers as soon as they meet. However, people from places like Spain, Italy or South American countries approach others closely and are more likely to touch them. Most people around the world now greet each other by shaking hands, but some cultures use other greetings as well, such as the Japanese, who prefer to bow

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