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1、商务谈判策划书英文商务谈判策划书英文篇一:英文版商务谈判计划书 商 务 谈 判 计 划 书 专业班级: 11市场营销专升本学生姓名:拾以婷,李玉敏,叶蕾,汪平莉,张晨,朱真真吴颖翔,章王亮,张玉铜,尹成存Phone Agency Company Negotiation Plan1.BackgroundsOur company :Our company was established on April 20, XX, mainly engaged in mobile voice, data,IP telephony and multimedia services. In addition to

2、providing basic voice services, it also offers mobile phone sales agents, IP phones and other value-added data services, with Global, M-Zone, Shen Zhou Xing and other well-known customer brands.Opponent company :Samsung Group is South Koreas largest conglomerate, has sales outlets in many countries

3、and regions, businesses involved in electronics, finance, machinery, and many other fields, in the international market highlights prowess.2. ThemeCooperate with each other to obtain, at a reasonable price to buy 5000 mobile phone, customized technical guidance and after-sales service and reasonable

4、 time. 3. Team members Leader:Gao Tiaoqin Main negotiator:Yan BinAssist negotiator:Huang Mengmeng Legal advisor:Jia MiaoFinancial advisor:Gao TiaoqinAnalysis of opponent negotiating team membersGuo Xvru:good reaction force(Leader, Assist negotiator) Chen Jiali:calm(Legal advisor)Zhao Yajing:strong o

5、bservation ability(Financial advisor) Zhang Najuan:good at debating(Main negotiator)4. Negotiation situation analysisOur advantages :1) Good operating performance and great development potential2)As a buyer, we have the initiative in the choice of cooperation companies.The opponents advantages:Tough

6、 brand strength , multi-service network。Our disadvantages:Since the machine is customized contracts, time-consuming, it is difficult to profit in a shorttime.The opponents advantages:Initial negotiations with us,not familiar with the market. 5. Negotiation goals 1).The highest goal: Opponent company

7、 can allow us to take installments, with the lowest price to buy.2).Acceptable goal:Establish long-term partnership, cooperation and win-win。 3).The lowest goal:Price cannot be higher than the market price6.Negotiation agenda:To reach the opponent company on June 25, for a period of two days。 The fi

8、rst day (visit, preliminary negotiations) 9:00-10:00 visit the Samsung mobile phone company 10:00-11:00 visit the major sales outlets15:00-16:00 sales staff of opponent company introduce mobile phone sales, preliminary negotiations related matters The next day9:00-10:00 subject of negotiations we pr

9、oposed. 10:00-11:30 accept each other hospitality. 14:00-16:00 reach final negotiations. 21:00 left7.Negotiation strategies1. Start negotiating strategies2. By using negotiation, positive language to make a statement, make each other feel goodfor ones own, so that negotiations commence negotiations

10、in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere.3. Interim Strategy and Analysis negotiations(1) Highlight the advantages of a buyers market:(2) When we make the appropriate concessions, remember to request return. .(3) Using diversionary tactics to deal with opponents strategies,our main goal is to achieve l

11、ow-cost purchase.(4) Emphasize the success of our agreement to the other benefits of both hard and soft at the same time, if the other party fails implied agreement with us will be a huge loss.8. Emergency plan 1. How to handle a deadlock during negotiations? Strategies: First impasse main topic set

12、 aside, first discuss some minor issues. When necessary permissions to use the limited number of strategies and tactics to wait and see.2. If negotiations to find each other really well, but there is still room for bargaining on price. How will we hold?Response: For the price we must adhere to the b

13、ottom line not to give way, first with large quantities of orders made chips hold each other, if the other party is not willing to make concessions on price, we can ask each other to provide better on the other side of the original price, excellent after-sales service to ensure that the interests of

14、 the company:篇二:商务英语谈判策划书 新商务谈判策划书 小组成员: 指导老师:课 程:商务英语谈判实训日 期:时间:地点:美主方:客方: 一、 谈判双方公司背景: 1、主方公司分析:本公司长期与美国各大林场和森工企业保持着密切的合作关系。现以与多家北美森林资源开发公司达成战略交流合作,组建一个稳定的货源保障系统,从而保证了我们优质的产品质量和充足的产品资源。供应各类进口美国白橡木、红橡木、赤杨木、水曲柳、樱桃木等各类北美进口板材。并在国外长期派驻专业采购人员,从原木的采购,锯材的加工,烘干,装箱,船运物流到仓储配送,做到专业化、一体化;在每一个环节上精益求精、力求完美。展望未来,

15、我们将努力创造行业标准,坚持引进优质产品,不断创新服务水平,倾力打造北美板材行业的航空母舰。北美森工集团以诚信为纽带,以共赢为目标,以博大的胸襟愿与各界有识之士共同打造绿色、环保的财富人生。 2、客方公司分析:洛阳瑞森电子有限公司位于十三朝古都洛阳,其探索于流行的前沿,紧握时尚的脉搏,立足于大众的需求,凭借洛阳得天独厚的综合优势,以多年流行产品的行业经验,致力于各类新、奇、特、流行产品的开发、合作生产与推广! 我公司销售的光电混装连接器,光纤光缆连接器等系列产品,款式新、品种多、质量好、价格低,一经推出便在全国市场引起了强烈反响,并受到各地经销商的一致好评! 我们以产品环保化,产品健康化为已任,本着低价高质,薄利多销,让利于经销商的原则,光灿全线产品,告别暴利、承受压力,公司全面通过ISO9001质量体系认证,建立了与国际接轨的质量管理体系,在设计、生产、安装和服务过程中严格实施标准化管理和控制。公司还通过了军工产品质量体系认证。 二、谈判团队人员组成 主方:销售经理 Carol 销售助理(甲)

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