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1、高中英语选修六第一单元教案解析(6,1)重点单词:1. n.信仰;信任;信心 重点用法 have faith in sb./sth.对某人/某事有信心 lose faith in 不再信任,对失去信心典例1) Having faith in the masses is the requirement by government.2) Under no circumstance shall we lose faith in the future.练习 汉译英 他对我的能力很有信心。_2. n. 目标;目的;瞄准vi.&vt.瞄准(向某方向)努力重点用法take aim (at) 瞄准 aim a

2、t向瞄准;旨在,针对;志在典例1) What is your aim in life?2) He aimed the gun at the enemy officer3) Our factory must aim at developing new models of machinesShe went to London with the aim of finding a job.I drove fast,aiming at catching the last bus.I aim to be a doctor when I leave school.练习Jerry works out ever

3、y morning, _ a weight loss of ten pounds.Aputting forward Brelying on Csetting foot in Daiming at1The education program_combining brain work with manual labor is being widely spread throughout the country.Ato aim at Baims at Chaving aimed at Daimed at3. adj. 典型的, 象征性的;不出所料;特有的重点用法be typical of是代表; 象

4、征典例1) Lin Daiyu is a typical character in Dream of the Red Chamber.2) grasp typical cases抓典型3) Its typical of her to be late.练习 John always thinks of others instead of himself.So he does. It is_ of him to want to help others.Aaggressive Bevident Ctypical DConventional4. vt. 采用,采纳; 收养重点用法adoption n.采

5、用;收养 形近词:adapt v. 使适应, 改编 adaptation n. 适应, 改编, 改写本典例1) In the meeting, all the works agreed to adopt a new idea to reform the factory. My mother was adopted when she was four.His adopted son went abroad last week.The young couple had no children of their own and adopted an orphan.After a few months

6、,the child came to adapt to his new life.练习Our school has_a new teaching method to meet the requirement of the students.Aadapted Badopted Cadjusted DAdvancedFrench fashionable dress has been _ by people in many parts of the world.Aadopting Badopted Cadapted Dadapting5. vt. 使确信;使信服重点用法 convince sb. o

7、f sth.使某人相信某事 convince sb to do sth说服某人做某事be convinced of sth相信某事 be convinced that+从句相信某事典例1) He was convinced of his error. 2) He convinced me that I should study law3) It took many hours to convince the court of his guilt4) We convinced Anne to go by train rather than plane 【高考考例】To catch up with

8、 the times, we must keep ourselves _of the current news.A.warned B. informed C. convinced D. accused练习根据句子的意思在横线上填入适当词或词组。1) He_ me _ his innocence.2) After his discussion, I _ that I was wrong. 3) It is no use trying _ him to quit smoking.6. n. 努力;尝试;企图vt.尝试;企图重点用法 attempt sth.试图做; 努力去执行(完成)某事 atte

9、mpt to do企图做某事make an attempt at sthto do sth.企图做某事典例1) The prisoners attempted an escape, but failed. 2) An astronaut will attempt to leave the spaceship and then return to it3) The boys made an attempt to leave for camping but were stopped by their parents练习 1. The Chinese are looking forward to t

10、he first_to land on the moon after Yang Liweis successful trip to space.Ameasure Battempt Cpurpose DDesire2. He _ to escape from the prison, but he couldnt find anybody to help him.Asucceeded Battempted Cadvised DofferedDavid had prepared carefully for the chemistry exam,so that he could be sure of

11、passing it at her first_.Apurpose Bdesire Cwish Dattempt7. vt.预言;预告;预测(侧重从已知的事实推断或根据自然规律断定未来的事情。重点用法 predict sth. predict that prediction n. 预言, 预报 典例1) An eclipse could be predicted in ancient days.2) His teacher predicted that he could be a CEO of a company because of his intelligence and diligenc

12、e.3) Do you take seriously his prediction of a government defeat?练习 汉译英 预告明天有雨._8. vt.拥有;具有;支配 ( possession的复数 )领地,个人财产。They used all the money they possessed.Fear possessed him and prevented him from moving.He is possessed of good health.The car Tom was in possession of was once in the possession o

13、f his uncle.The finance company now has possession of the house.We lost all our possessions in the terrible earthquake.短语归纳in ones possession由掌握 in charge of负全责, 经管, in the charge of由负责,经营 take possession of占有,拥有 练习 汉译英 我管理这家公司,也就是这家公司由我管理。_Does the young man standing there_the company?No.The compan

14、y is_his father.Ain possession of;in the possession of Bhave possession of;in the possession ofCtake possession of;in possession of Dhas possession of;in possession ofHow did you_the old valuable house?It used to be _my uncle.He left it to me in his will.Atake possession of;in possession of Btake th

15、e possession of;in the possession ofCtake possession of;in the possession of Dtake the possession of;in possession of9. n.数字;身体,体型;人物How does she manage to keep her figure when she eats so much? He was the outstanding political figure of his time.figure out理解,明白I cant figure out why he quit his job.

16、(湖北卷)The present situation is very complex,so I think it will take me some time to_its reality.Amake up Bfigure out Clook through Dput off10. n.呼吁;恳求 vi.有感染力;呼吁;求助;vt. 将上诉Bob launched an urgent appeal for the famine victims.The police are appealing to the public for information about the crime.Does

17、the idea of working abroad appeal to you?The opening ceremony of the Beijing 2008 Olympics appealed to the audience all over the world.We appealed to him for help.Since they wont listen to the advice,we have to_force.Aappeal to Bstick to Ckeep to Dapply toappeal to呼吁,上诉,求助;stick tokeep to坚持;apply to

18、适应 I think what _ to me about her performance is her walking way and sweet voice. Aattracts Bcontributes Cbelongs Dappeals重点词组 1. 大量 典例1) Thanks a great deal for your help with our work.2) A great deal of money was used in rescuing the victims in Wenchuan earthquake. 短语归纳 表示“许多,大量”a great deal of/a

19、good deal of/a large amount of/much/not a little可用于修饰不可数名词a few/quite a few/a good many/a great many/a great number of可用于修饰可数名词a lot of/a large quantity of/large quantities of/plenty of 既可修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词(1)a great deal为副词性短语,修饰动词、形容词,尤其是修饰形容词比较级。We learned a great deal from them.After taking some p

20、ills,she felt a great deal better.(2)a great deal还可以作名词短语,用做不可数名词;或者作主语或宾语,作主语时谓语动词用单数。A great deal has been finished,but there is still much to be done.(3)a great/good deal of接不可数名词,表示时间、金钱、麻烦等。He has given me a great deal of help.He has spent a large amount of money on his new house.Dont worry abo

21、ut it.We have plenty of time.We will have to work_faster in order to complete our task on time.Aa great deal of Ba great deal Ca great many of Da great many_work has been done to improve the peoples living standard.AMany BA great many CA great deal of DA large number of2 巧合地 典例 By coincidence, his w

22、ife is one of my classmate in college.By a strange coincidence,we happened to be travelling on the same train.短语归纳 by accident 碰巧,偶然 by chance碰巧,偶然 on purpose故意It is a coincidence that.是巧合的It was rather a coincidence that she appeared at that exact moment.What a coincidence!I wasnt expecting to see

23、you here.练习 _,my deskmate and I were born on the same day and same year,so we have a lot in common.ABy accident BBy chance CBy coincidence DBy adventure3. 另一方面on (the) one hand.,on the other hand.(引出不同的,尤指对立的观点、思想等)一方面,另一方面(却)She was at a loss.On one hand she loved him;on the other hand she didnt wa

24、nt to make her parents angry.He is an able man,but on the other hand he is too proud.first(ly).;second(ly).第一;第二for one thing.,for another.一则,二则Firstly,I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this success.Im not going to buy it;for one thing I dont like the colour,and for another its f

25、ar too expensive.(浙江卷)I would like a job which pays more,but_I enjoy the work Im doing at the moment.Ain other words Bon the other hand Cfor one thing Das a matter of fact4. 活着的;本人 典例1) In the performance, you can see your idols in the flesh.2) His appearance in the flesh ended the rumours about his

26、 death.练习 汉译英当使用信用卡时,需要你的本人签名。_5. 因此,结果 典例1) He got a bad cough. In consequence, he had to ask a doctor for help. 2) He had to ask a doctor for help in consequence of his bad cough. 短语归纳 in consequence of. 的结果, 因为.的缘故, 由于 as a consequence因而, 结果练习 汉译英 因为他付出的努力,他取得了非凡的成就。6.6. 许多;大量 dozens of许多,大量习惯用语:

27、(pack)indozens成打(包装),(sell)bythedozen论打(出售), inscores(成批的)7.练习_them have been to New York_.AScores; dozen of times BDozens of; score of timesCScores of; dozens of times DTwo scores of; two dozens of times重点句子:1. But it was evident that ideas were changing in the 13th century when painters like Giott

28、o di Bondone began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way.解释it在句中做形式主语,真正的主语是 that 从句。it做形式主语,可以代替不定式、动名词、从句,置于句首,无意义,使句式结构更平衡。常见句型有:(1)It is important (easy, hard, difficult, possible, necessary.) for sb. to do sth.(2)It is a pity (a shame, a pleasure, ones duty, bad manners.) for sb. to

29、 do sth.(3)It is kind (nice, wise, brave, silly, polite, friendly.) of sb. to do sth.(4)Its a pity (a shame, a fact, a wonder.) that.(5)It is strange (obvious, true, good, possible, likely, clear.) that.(6)It seems (happens, turns out, occurs to me.) that.(7)It is said (reported, decided, expected.) that.练习1. _is reported that Harry Potter is so interesting a book that all kids like to read it.AIt BWhich CAs DThat2. The

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