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1、They travelled far from home.Far from relieving my cough, the medicine aggravated it.His work is far from perfect.(2). 单项填空She is _ being pleased about it; she is very angry. A. frequent B. quite C. far from D. rather- What do you think of the town _ - Oh, it is very beautiful. A. so far B. by far C

2、. too far D. far and awayThey all lived in the village thirty miles _ from the city. A. away B. far C. far away D. farawayHes _ pleased with your work A. far away from far far 62. in favour of赞成;支持;有利于;主张;Could you do me a favour and pick up Sam from school today今天你能 帮我个忙 去学校接萨姆吗Both countries seem

3、to favour the agreement. 两个国家似乎都更倾向于这份协议。The child favours his father with his brown eyes. 这个孩子棕色的眼睛像他的父亲。I am in favour of stopping work now. 我赞成现在停止工作。favour短语:in sbs favour 对某人有利;do sb. a favour /do a favour for sb. 帮某人忙;do sb. the favour to do sth./do sb. a favour by doing sth.帮助某人做某事;favour n.

4、喜爱;恩惠vt. 喜爱;偏袒;ask a favour of sb = ask sb a favour 请某人帮个忙; show favour to sb. 偏袒某人;用法:表示“支持,赞同某人/某事”除了用in favour of之外;还可以用:be for sb./sth.; stand on ones side等。be against sb./sth.表示“不支持,不赞同某人/某事”。(1). 单项填空I dont like to ask people for help as a rule but I wonder if you could _ me a favour. A. make

5、B. do C. find D. get Almost everyone is_ bringing down the price of housing because its too high now. Ain favor of Bin charge of Cin honor of Din search ofWill you _ me a favour and take this to the post office for me Agive Bmake Cdo Dbring Will all those _ the proposal raise their hands A. in relat

6、ion to B. in excess of C. in contrast to D. in favor ofThe plan for a new airport have been scrapped _ an extension to the old one. A. in favour B. out of favour C. in favour of D. favourite(2). 用所给短语的适当形式填空 in case of/in consequence of/in favour of/in possession ofAll his family are _ his decision

7、to work in western area after graduation.While reading, _ coming across new words, youd better guess their meanings rather than refer to the dictionary.Mary told me that she was _ some lovely jewels.They had to move to another city _ the typhoon. 63. fed up with受够了;厌烦;饱受;Im fed up with waiting for h

8、er. 我等她都等得不耐烦了。Whats the matter You look pretty fed up. 怎么啦你显得那么不耐烦。feed短语:feed sb./sth. on sth. 给(人或动物)食物;喂;饲养;feed on(动物)以为主食;feed sth. to sb./sth. 给(人或动物)某物作为食物;(1). 用适当的介词填空 Several children were feeding bread _ the ducks. What do you feed your dog _ Cows feed _ grass. Im fed up _ the same break

9、fast every morning. -What do you _ the poultry _ -Usually its corn or cereal. A. feedwith B. giveto C. feedon D. feedupThey _ us on duck and green peas. A. serve B. feed C. feast D. treat Alice, you feed the bird today, _ But I fed it yesterday. A. do you B. didnt you C. dont you D. will youYoumustb

10、ekiddingI _upwithyourpoorworkhabits. fed 64. quite a few好些;相当多;I have made quite a few friends here.在这里我已经交了好多朋友。Very few people can bear the cold in Antarctica. 几乎没有人能忍受南极的寒冷。Only a few people could see the scene.只有几个人看到了这个景象。(看到这一景象的人不多。)A few friends came to see me last week. 上星期有几个朋友来看我。Not a fe

11、w students are going there. 许多学生都要去那里。辨析:very few/only a few/a few/not a few very few, only a few都可表示“少”,“几乎没有”的意思,但very few侧重于“几乎没有人”或“大多数都不”这一概念。 only a few侧重于表达“在许多之中有几个”,不强调“大多数不”这一概念。 a few 意思是“少数几个,一些”,表达肯定概念。 not a few 相当于many,意思是“许多、大量”。(1). 完成句子Are your friends hereYes, _ (相当多) are here.Don

12、t be in such a hurry. There are _ passengers in the bus. A. many B. a few C. few D. quite a fewMr Smith has been to Shanghai several times. He has done _ business there. A. masses of B. a number of C. lots D. a few _ friends Betty had made there were all invited to her birthday party. A. Few of B. F

13、ew C. The few D. A few This new type machine takes up _. A. too much rooms B. few room C. a few room D. little room 65. focus on集中(注意力、精力等)于;对(某事或做某事)予以注意;使聚焦于;使直射于;He focused his mind on his lessons. 他把心思集中在功课上。Today were going to focus on the question of homeless people. 今天, 我们主要讨论无家可归者的问题。A near

14、sighted person cannot focus accurately on distant objects. 近视的人看不清远处的物体。短语:focus ones attention on sth.= center/concentrate/fix ones attention on sth. 集中注意力于;(1). 完成句子:在我看来,学校应该把精力集中在教学上。In my opinion, schools should _ .他把相机对准了远处的高楼。He _ his camera _ the huge building in the distance. Butterflies _

15、a sweet liquid produced by flowers, which bees and other insects collect. A. carry on B. feed on C. put on D. focus on The whole attention in the world was _ on the problem of how to control bird flu then. A. paid B. attracted C. focused D. concerned The _ of the earthquake was 200 kms away from Tia

16、njin, but the people of the city could still feel the earthquake. A. bow B. place C. contact D. focus Only by _ your attention _ what youre learning can you learn it well.A. focus; on B. focusing; on C. paying; on D. pay; on Keys:61. (1). 他们离家远游。这种药非但不镇咳,反而使我咳嗽得更厉害了。他的工作远非十全十美。 (2). CAAB62. (1). BACDC (2). in favour of in case of in possession of in consequence of63. (1). to on on with (2). ACDB64. (1). quite a few (2). CACD65. (1). focus attention on teaching focused;on (2). BCDB

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