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Annabel Lee赏析.docx

1、Annabel Lee赏析 Annabel Lee/安娜贝尔丽by Edgar Allan Poe It was many and many a year ago,In a kingdom by the seaThat a maiden there lived whom you may know.By the name of Annabel Lee;And this maiden she lived with no other thoughtThan to love and be loved by me. 在很多很多年以前,在一个海边的王国里,那儿居住着一个少女,你也许知道,她的名字叫安娜贝尔

2、丽;这个女孩活着只是为了爱我,被我爱,除此之外再也没有其它目的。 I was a child and she was a child,In this kingdom by the sea;But we loved with a love that was more than love-I and my Annabel Lee-With a love that the winged seraphs of heavenCoveted her and me.我是一个孩子她也是个孩子,在这海边的王国里;可是我们深深爱着,爱得超过了爱情我和我的安娜贝尔丽;就连那在天堂最高处飞翔的六翼天使,也对她和我的爱

3、羡慕不已。And this was the reason that, long ago,In this kingdom by the sea,A wind blew out of a cloud, chillingMy beautiful Annabel Lee;So that her highborn kinsmen cameAnd bore her away from me,To shut her up in a sepulchreIn this kingdom by the sea. 这就是那事情的起因,从前,在这海边的王国里,乌云中突然吹来一阵狂风,冻僵了我美丽的安娜贝尔丽;她那出身高

4、贵的男亲戚也来到,愤怒地把她在我身边夺去,然后他把她关进了那墓穴,在这海边的王国里。 The angels, not half so happy in heaven,Went envying her and me-Yes!-that was the reason (as all men know,In this kingdom by the sea)That the wind came out of the cloud by night,Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee. 那些天使,在天堂一点也不幸福,他们在把她和我妒嫉是的!这就是那原因(在这海边的王国人

5、所共知,)就这样,在那夜晚的云朵中吹来了冷风,把我的安娜贝尔丽活活冻死。 But our love it was stronger by far than the loveOf those who were older than we-Of many far wiser than we-And neither the angels in heaven above,Nor the demons down under the sea,Can ever dissever my soul from the soulOf the beautiful Annabel Lee; 可是就算现在,我们的爱也要远

6、比那些比我们年老的人,比我们聪明的人所拥有的爱更有力那些天空上面的天使,还有那些大海下面的魔鬼,都不能分开我的和她的灵魂,我和美丽的安娜贝尔丽。For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreamsOf the beautiful Annabel Lee;And the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyesOf the beautiful Annabel Lee;And so, all the night tide, I lie down by the sideOf my darling-my

7、 darling-my life and my bride,In her sepulchre there by the sea-In her tomb by the sounding sea.只要月亮发光,我就能梦见我美丽的安娜贝尔丽;就算繁星不再升起,她明亮的眼睛也依然和我在一起;就这样,在整个的夜晚,我躺在我亲爱的,亲爱的,一生的新娘身边,在那疯狂咆哮的大海旁,在她安宁睡着的坟墓里。One of Poes most indelible works is the poem Annabel Lee, which was written shortly before his death. In

8、its entirety, this poem encompasses several aspects that set it apart from some of his other works. The language and imagery used in Annabel Lee gives the poem a kind of strength, and emotion, that could not be accomplished through prose alone. Other elements, common to poetry, contribute to this po

9、ems uniqueness and contrariety from prose. Throughout this poem, the name Annabel Lee is an important part of the rhyme scheme. With every stanza, Annabel Lee is mentioned more than once. Reiteration such as this could be for the sake of rhyme, as well as to emphasize the importance of her name, whi

10、ch is associated with the speakers tremendous feelings of solitude. Traditionally, most poems are stanzaic. The poem of Annabel Lee is written in six stanzas, each stanza being composed of six to eight lines. The lines of each stanza seem to alternate. Part of the reason for the alternation of lines

11、 may be due to the aspect of rhyming and rhythm. In the instance where the lines vary, the flow of the poem would be disrupted if it were changed in any way. Annabel Lee is a work that expresses great loss and sadness. The speaker laments that he has lost the one true love of his life. The lonelines

12、s and sadness that permeate the lines of the poem result in an obsession of sorts over the love that the two shared. Every thought and all the dreams he has - everything has to do with this love that was lost. In modern day thought, such an obsession that results in the speaker going to the grave to

13、 lay by her side could be viewed as a form of necrophilism, or morbidity. In the traditional vein of gothic/romantic fiction, or poetry, such behavior is considered to be a sign of ardor to ones true love. 这首诗是爱伦坡的为了纪念他的亡妻弗吉尼亚.克莱姆Virginia Clemm,作者在诗里也理想化了他的妻子,这首诗被认为是爱伦坡抒情诗的巅峰之作。我国清末的著名文人辜鸿铭认为,除了这首安娜

14、贝尔.李以外,美国便没有什么诗了。虽然观点有点偏颇,但可见Annabel Lee的魅力了。不同于一般的同题材作品,全诗没有一处伤感的字眼。诗中,作者将自己与爱妻比作海边城堡中嬉戏的两个孩子,爱与被爱是他们的灵魂。城堡中的快乐惹恼了天上的世界,嫉妒的天使拆散了二人,将爱妻关押在坟墓里。而在海边的世界里,二人从未真正分离,每个夜里,诗人枕着爱妻的名字入眠,在梦中与其相守 诗中有些用词的特别之处需要指出。在第一节中,诗人用了“many and many a year ago”,而非“many years ago”,读者可以试着去体会两种表达带来的时间长度上的不同感觉;全诗提到对Annabel Lee

15、的称谓时,用的是“maiden”和“bride”,而非“woman”或“wife”,我们可以不费力地联想到前者所代表的纯洁、美好,并由此可以推断出爱妻在作者心中的地位;在提到天使时,作者说“her highborn kinsmen”,亦即“她天上的亲戚”,一语道破了爱妻的高贵和作者对其的喜爱她就是他的天使。 作者爱伦坡一生坎坷,幼年失去父母,养父脾气乖戾,常有怀才不遇之恨,倍受苦难折磨,抑郁寡欢,后期嗜酒成,精神走向极端。他的作品包括诗、短篇小说、文学评论,他的尤舍屋的倒塌等更为其树立了“美国侦探小说鼻祖”的称号。 据一位研究美国文学的教授介绍,爱伦坡在妻子死后的一年里,每天夜里都会失踪。有人

16、为探究竟,悄悄尾随。发现诗人每夜会从睡梦中爬起,悄悄来到妻子的坟前,将白天经历的一切娓娓诉说,用他自己的方式与妻轻轻低语,几个小时毫无疲倦,天明,诗人离去,回到住所,躺下。夜夜如此,从不间断。手迹Clearly sensing that Annabel Lee would be his last poem, Poe took the unusual step, after finishing it in May 1849, of writing out several copies, of which this signed copy is one, and circulating them

17、among his friends to ensure that the poem would not go unnoticed. Poe read the poem in lectures in Richmond and sold it, along with The Bells, to Sartains Union Magazine of Literature and Art for publication. However, it was first printed in the New-York Daily Tribune on October 9, 1849, only two da

18、ys after the poets death, rushed into print by Rufus Griswold, who had received a copy for later inclusion in the tenth edition of The Poets and Poetry of America. Although at least four of Poes women friends claimed to have inspired Annabel Lee, the poets real motivation may be a reflection of his continued mourning for his wife, Virginia, who died two years earlier.

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