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1、在国际会议上发表的论文,作者的单位应该注明国籍和邮政编码。3. 论文摘要和关键词关键词写在摘要的下面,一般在4-6个词之间,最少2个,最多不能超过10个。多用名词形式而不使用动词。key word: observation, incubation, examination-oriented education.4引言(Introduction)引言一般应该包括:介绍主题内容,即:论文作了何种研究,主题是什么。限定研讨范围,指出论文主题的界限,参数范围,研究工作侧重点等。点明论文的宗旨及研究成果,以及开展该项研究的意义和必要性。列出论文的主要框架,概述个部分的主要内容。5正文(Body)正文一般

2、分为:开头部分(介绍论文的宗旨以及所要探讨的核心问题);叙述部分(通过观察、实验或调查、比较、分析、综合、推论、论证和科学的假设等方法,对所研究的问题进行层次清晰、准确鲜明的叙述);结论和讨论部分(浓缩观察的事实,归纳实验或调研的发现,分析研究的结果,指出尚有争议的问题,阐明自己的观点,得出最后的结论)。写正文时常用的一些句型: 阐明论文目的(宗旨)时常用的句型:1本文的主要目的是1) The purpose of this paper is 2) The primary goal of this research is3) The intention of this paper is to

3、survey4) The overall objective of this study is5) In this paper, was provided (given, illustrated)6) Our goal has been to provide7) In this paper, we aim at8) The emphasis of this study lies in2该项工作是关于1) The present work is concerned with the processes underlying2) The above work deals with the mech

4、anism involved in3) Our work at present is devoted to the changes occurring in4) the work we have done bears on the effects produced by5) The work we are dong is closely related to the deliberations described in6) Compared with the current research, the previous work was in connection with the inves

5、tigation made by7) The work presented in this paper focuses on several aspects of the following8) The authors are now initiating some experimental investigation to establish9) Our studies were performed to determine the amount of10) The problem we have outlined deals largely with the study of3该项工作的主

6、要目的是1) The chief aim of the present work is to investigate the features of2) The main purpose of our recent work was to examine the properties of3) The major object of their further work will be research into the nature of4) Our work in this direction has been intended to provide some information ab

7、out5) The work which is being done now is designed to find some solution to the problem of6) Work of this kind has been started in order to assess the role of7) Previous work in this area was initiated in the hope of obtaining data in8) We did this work hoping to establish9) The authors undertook th

8、e work with a view to show10) By doing this work we expect(ed) to demonstrate) Doing this joint work, we intend(ed) to show12) The primary objective of our work was to define the reasons for redundant protection systems and give examples of systems used in 13) With research of many years, the author

9、s endeavour is to explain why in14) The above-mentioned work has been performed with a view of4该项研究的主要目的是1) The chief aim of the present study is to find out2) The primary object of this fundamental research will be to reveal the cause of3) The main objective of our investigation has been to obtain

10、some knowledge of4) The study of was made in order to clarify5) The above study has been carried out to determine6) Their (pioneer) studies were intended to elucidate7) Those earlier investigations are in hopes of providing evidence for8) We performed this present study in the hope that we might bri

11、ng to light some facts about9) The authors attempted their studies in order that they might10) We undertook the above study to the end that we might11) They initiated the present study so that they might12) Carrying out this study we hope to find out13) Performing these studies the author intended t

12、o reveal14) With recent research, the author intends to outline the framework of5该项实验主要是为了1) We made these experiments in order to show a correlation2) The author attempted the set experiment with a view to demonstrate certain phenomena3) Experiments onwere made in order to measure the amount of4) E

13、xperiments involving have been carried out to determine5) Experiments using this technique are (not) under way to test (check)6) Experiments on are made to answer the question whether7) The experiment being made by our research group is aimed at obtaining the result of8) We have designed such an exp

14、eriment for the purpose 指明研究范围时常用的句型1该问题是关于的研究1) This problem is concerned (chiefly) with the study of2) The problem ofdeals (largely) with the determination of3) The problem they have advanced bears on the elucidation of4) The problem to be discussed in this paper is related closely with5) The prob

15、lem described previously was directed to the example of, which differs from6) The problem under investigation involves some significant agreements and disagreements in2这是研究的问题1) This is a problem concerned with the nature of2) This is a problem relating to the influence of3) This is a problem which

16、deals with the role of4) This is a problem which bears on the effect of5) This is a problem in connection with6) This is a problem as mentioned previously in3该问题在范围之内(外)1) The problem is within the scope of2) Our problem lies beyond the range of3) The problem you have just outlined seems to be outsi

17、de of the province of4) The problem the authors have raised goes off the limits of5) The problem I have referred to falls within the field of6) The problem under discussion is not within the scope of4该项研究涉及到的范围1) Studies of these effects cover(ed)various aspects of2) Investigations oninvolve(d) also

18、 specific situations.3) Our studies with this technique are confined to one particular aspect.4) More recent studies by this worker were chiefly concerned with the influence of5) The research on the conventional techniques explains well the phenomenon of6) The new findings from the experiment agree

19、to the result obtained in5该研究进一步推广到的范围1) The authors have extended their studies to some other related species.2) We hope to expand our investigations to include other material.3) The research we have done deserves further studies.4) The investigation carried out by the experts suggests an increase

20、of the application in5) The approach under study predicates a wider range of application. 阐述理论时常用的句型1该理论是提出来的1) The theory ofwas created 50 years ago.2) The alternative theory was constructed in 80s.3) The theory ofwas developed in the 1999s.4) The theory ofwas elaborated in the early 70s.5) The the

21、ory ofwas formulated as early as 1999.6) The theory ofwas advanced as long ago as the 1993s. 7) The theory ofwas put forward as far back as 1995.8) The theory ofwas proposed last year.9) The theory ofwas suggested the year before last year2该理论的内容(特点)是1) Underlying this theory is the idea that2) The

22、underlying concept of this theory is3) The underlying principle of the theory is as follows4) This is an alternative theory that5) This is a similar theory to the effect that6) This is a working theory which is based on the idea that7) A basic feature of this theory is8) The fundamental feature of t

23、his theory is as follows9) The theory is characterized by10) prove to be the outstanding features of the theory.3根据该理论,可得出1) According to Bs theory both processes occur simultaneously.2) As follows from the theory by N, such situations lead to3) As can be seen from the theory advanced bysuch interac

24、tions are the basis of4) In the light of the theory, we have developed a variation method to handle such problems.5) Based on the theory, the author has obtained sufficient information from recent experiments with4该理论认为1) The kinetic theory holds that2) This newly-developed theory maintains that3) T

25、he theory advanced byclaims that4) The theory ofpredicts that5) The principal concept of the theory lies in6) The investigating theory5应用该理论(不)能说明1) We can interpret these findings in terms of the above theory.2) We cannot explain these phenomena using the above theory.3) We can hardly explain these

26、 findings applying this theory.4) These findings can be interpreted in terms of the above theory.5) Such phenomena cannot be explained on the basis of this theory.6) The theory can(not)apply to other cases of7) The theory developed byis valid (invalid) for other species.8) Xs theory proved to be tru

27、e for all steps of9) The above theory has been verified by many other authors.10) The very peculiar theory can be applied to a wider range of experiments in 描述实验时常用的句型: 1某项实验(所用设备)包括1) The experiment consisted of three steps, which are described in Table 3.2) The test equipment which was used consis

28、ted of 5 force-measuring transducers and 2 recording instruments furnished by3) Included in the experiment were a high-pressure vessl assembly, 2UA3 uranium analysers, and a complete 100 x 50 x 50cm soil bin.4) All high-pressure hydrogen creep-rupture tests were carried out in specially designed hig

29、h-pressure equipment rated at5) The winch is composed of the following main parts: a welded frame, a safety-brake clutch, a chain drum and a worn reducing gear.2到,从未有过某方面的实验1) An experiment of the kind has not been made2) The kind of experiment you have in mind has never been carried out until now.3) The kind of experiment you mentioned would not be undertaken in the near future.4) So far we have not performed any experiment of this kind.5) Until now the authors have not

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