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1、考生不得在本试题上答题或任意涂写I. Multiple choice. (20 points)Part one: Identify one of the four choices A, B, C or D which would best keep the meaning of the underlined word or phrase.1. Does some personal difficulty underlie his lack of interest in work? A. stand for B. proceed to C. account for D. attribute to

2、2. When Frank had found a movie he liked, what others said cut no ice with him. A. had much effect on B. had no effect on C. made a deep impression on D. made a slight impression on3. Working overtime every night is much too strenuous for a sixty-year-old man. A. treacherous B. envious C. arduous D.

3、 ambiguous4. Some of the little boys tried to go secretly into the ball game without buying a ticket. A. sneak B. roam C. stroll D. cruise5. A careful typist, my secretary is very conscientious about correcting even the smallest error. A. meticulous B. ambiguous C. perfidious D. treacherous 6. We ha

4、ve to be careful not to incite her suspicion when we take her to the surprise party. A. abhor B. annoy C. arouse D. appease 7. The candidates seemed more interested in slandering each other than in talking about the issues. A. maligning B. confining C. declining D. refining8. The area is roped off b

5、ecause the water is contaminated. A. promulgated B. predicted C. placated D. polluted9. The florist has a good assortment of flowers for his customers to choose from. A. classification B. division C. display D. collection10. It is now unlawful for factories to emit black smoke into the air. A. launc

6、h B. discharge C. pass D. dismissPart two: Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct.11. Many settlers could not stand the _ of the New England winter. A. vigor B. rigor C. warmth D. vividness12. We believe in _ treatment of prisoners so that they can turn over a new leaf. A. human B. hu

7、mane C. cruel D. stern13. In many countries now, smoking is not _ in public places. A. permissive B. permutable C. permissible D. pernicious共11页 当前第1页出题教师:吴念、谢应光 负责人:吴显友14. Health without riches is _ to riches without health. A. preferable B. better C. desirable D. desirous15. A vast cigar-shaped bo

8、dy of gas was raised and eventually _ from the surface of the sun. A. descended B. outrun C. reflected D. abstracted16. In America, the judicial is headed by _. A. the President B. Congress C. the Supreme Court D. the Secretary General17. The US formally entered the Second World War in _. A. 1937 B.

9、 1939 C. 1941 D. 194318. “To be, or not to be” is quoted from _. A. King Lear B. Julius Caesar C. Romeo and Juliet D. Hamlet19. “Tree” in English, “arbre” in French and “shu”(树) in Chinese all refer to the same thing: “a type of plant with a wooden trunk and branches.” This indicates that _. A. lang

10、uage is vocal B. language is arbitrary C. language is productive D. language is rule-governed 20. _ is regarded as father of modern linguistics. A. N. Chomsky B. L. Bloomfield C. M.A.K. Halliday D. F. de Saussure II. Proofreading and error correction. (15 points) The following passage contains TEN e

11、rrors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.Example Whenart museum wants a new exhibit, 1 在When后面加an it never buys things in finished f

12、orm and hangs them on the wall. 2 去掉never When a natural history museum wants an exhibition, it must 3 将exhibition改为 exhibitoften build it. Animals perform many useful and entertaining jobs. Dogs are particularly valuable guiding the blind, 1 _protecting property, finding lost people, and huntingcri

13、minals. Horses are used in guarding herds, carryingpeople in lands where there are no roads, and help 2 _farmers work in their land. Pigeons have long beenused to carry messages. People realize that althoughanimals may not have the same intelligence like human 3 _beings, they are smart to learn cert

14、ain things. 4 _Training a dog to be a watchdog often produces unex-共11页 当前第2页pected results. Some dogs quickly learn difference between 5 _unwanted people and friends. This is becausetheir masters welcome friends and invite them intotheir houses. Some dogs must always attack the postman 6 _who comes

15、 to deliver letters. One explanation for this behavior is that the postman often comes to the house, 7 _he never enters the house. Therefore, the dog thinksthe postman is someone who is not welcome, but who keeps coming. Masters of dogs who attack postmen can easilyshow the dog that the postman is a

16、 friend and the dogdoes not need to treat him as an enemy. A dog is quiteready to do that his master wishes. And a dog is always 8 _happy when he is praised for understanding correctly. Dogs can be taught to obey commands when thesound of a word is connected to a certain act. Two im- 9 _portant fact

17、ors in teaching a dog to obey commandsare: using the same act, and moreover teaching only 10 _one act at a time. Dogs can learn not only to sit, liedown, come and stay in a place when their masters goaway, but also to jump, carry, and fetch things.III. Reading comprehension. (30 points)In this secti

18、on there are three reading passages followed by a total of fifteen multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and answer the questions.Passage OneBy the close of the eighteenth century, the outlines of a world economy were clearly visible. Centered in Western Europe, it included Russia, India, the

19、 East Indies, the Middle East, northern and western Africa, and the Americas. Trade had increased greatly and shipping had grown in volume and speed, connecting the markets of the world more closely than ever before. The world market, however, was confined to the coast and along rivers, and its effe

20、cts were rarely felt a hundred miles inland. The expansion of economic activity into the interior, and its spread throughout China, Japan, Oceania, and Africa, was a major development of the nineteenth century. It was largely accomplished through a revolution in transportation, particularly the deve

21、lopment of the steamship, canal, and railroad.Since the fifteenth century, the wooden sailing ship had been the main instrument of European economic and political expansion. Sailing ships constantly grew in carrying capacity and speed with improvements in design, and they were built of easily availa

22、ble materials. The age of sailing ships reached its zenith in the middle of the nineteenth century, the era of the great ocean-plying clippers that carried the majority of international trade.Before 1850, the bulk of internal trade was carried by water. In Western Europe, there had been several atte

23、mpts to supplement the excellent river network with canals. However, it was the 共11页 当前第3页demands of the Industrial Revolution, particularly the need to transport huge quantities of coal, that stimulated large-scale canal building in the years of 1760-1850, first in Britain and then in Western Europ

24、e and the United States. The introduction of steamboats gave an additional impetus to river navigation and canal construction. The steamship rose in stature in the 1870s, when technical progress reduced the amount of coal the steam engine consumed. Technical innovation, along with the completion of

25、the Suez Canal in 1869, enabled the steamship to surpass the sailing ship as the chief instrument of international trade.Methods of land transport continued to be slow, uncertain, and expensive until the boom in railroad construction at mid century. In 1840 there were 5,500 miles of rail track throu

26、ghout the world; just twenty years later, there were 66,000 miles. Of these, 50 percent were in North America and 47 percent were in Europe. The rail lines built during that period served populated areas where considerable economic activity already existed, yet a global ideology of railroads gradual

27、ly emerged: the belief that railroads could populate and bring wealth to undeveloped regions.In Britain and the United States, private companies built hundreds of uncoordinated rail projects, but in continental Europe railroad construction became a concern of the state, which provided overall contro

28、l and a large share of capital. Until 1914, the building of railroads remained the most important reason for the export of capital as well as the main method of developing new territories. British capital financed the majority of the railroads built in India, Canada, and Latin America. The U.S. tran

29、scontinental railroad played a key role in populating and developing huge tracts of land in North America, as did the Trans-Siberian Railway in Asia.In the course of the nineteenth century, around 9 million square miles of land were settled in North and South America and Oceania. This was made possi

30、ble by the decline in transportation costs, which greatly extended the area from which bulky products such as grains and minerals could be marketed. The introduction of refrigeration on railcars and steamers in the 1870s opened huge markets for meat, dairy products, and fruit in North America and Eu

31、rope. The 1870s also saw the adoption of steel rails, electric signals, compressed-air brakes, and other inventions that made railroads a leading source of technical innovation in the nineteenth century.In the world context, the rise of the railroad was inseparable from that of the steamship. The economic and geographic consequences of these two innovations complemented one another. Both had the effect of increasin

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