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1、点击下载THE YALE CORPORATION BY-LAWS(As Approved by the Corporation, September 28, 2013)Yales Charter provides that its governing body, known legally as The President and Fellows of Yale College or, more simply, as The Corporation shall have the government, care and management of the College . and make

2、such reasonable laws . as they think fit and proper for the instruction and education of the students.The Corporation comprises 19 members:Three members ex officiis: the President of the University and the Governor and the Lieutenant Governor of the State of Connecticut.Ten Successors to the origina

3、l Trustees, who elect their own successors. Their terms on the Corporation are limited by their own vote to two six-year terms, except that upon recommendation of the President in special circumstances a Successor Trustee may be elected to an additional term of up to three years. Successor Trustees

4、must retire on the June 30 following their attainment of the age of 72.Six Alumni Fellows* elected by the alumni as provided in the Miscellaneous Regulations. Alumni Fellows are elected one each year for a six-year term. Alumni Fellows must retire on the June 30 following their attainment of the age

5、 of 72.In addition to the President, the officers of the University are: a Provost, a Secretary, a Vice President for Finance and Business Operations, a General Counsel, a Vice President for Global and Strategic Initiatives, a Vice President for New Haven and State Affairs and Campus Development, a

6、Vice President for Development and a Vice President for Human Resources and Administration.*In 1792, by act of the General Assembly of Connecticut, the ten Successor Trustees were joined by eight Trustees ex-officiis: the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, and six senior assistants in the Council of

7、this State. In 1819 the six senior assistants were replaced by the six senior State Senators. The attendance of the Senators at Corporation meetings was, however, perfunctory and unreliable. In 1871, therefore, the Legislature agreed to divest them of their membership and granted the Yale alumni the

8、 right to elect, instead, six of their own number.THE PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS1. Regular meetings of the President and Fellows (Corporation), unless otherwise ordered, shall be held at least five times during each year as scheduled by the Corporation on recommendation of the President. Special meetings

9、 of the Corporation may be called by the President or, in the absence of the President, by the Secretary, or otherwise in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. A written notice of each meeting shall be sent to each member by the Secretary by mail, telefacsimile or other electronic means at

10、least five days prior to the date set for such meetings, and the notice of any special meeting shall contain a statement of the chief subjects of business proposed. A member may be present at any meeting by any means of communication which permits all members to simultaneously hear one another. Any

11、action required or permitted to be taken at a meeting of the Corporation or any committee of the Corporation may be taken without a meeting if all the members entitled to vote on such action consent thereto in writing and the written consents are filed with records of the Corporation. Meetings of th

12、e Corporation shall be opened with prayer.2. Nominations of Professors on permanent appointment and of Deans shall be mailed to the Fellows at least ten days before the meeting at which action on such nomination shall be taken. Such notice may be waived if all the members of the Corporation present

13、consent.PRESIDENT3. The President is the chief executive officer of the University and as such is responsible for the general direction of all its affairs. The President is ex officio a member of every faculty and governing board, and of every committee of the faculty, administration, and Corporatio

14、n, except Audit, Compensation, and Trusteeship. The President will make himself available to these committees and may attend at the invitation of the respective Chairman. The President may discharge the duties and exercise the powers of any officer of the teaching or administrative staff who may be

15、absent or unable to act, or appoint temporary officials to discharge such duties and exercise such powers. The President shall present to the Corporation recommendations from the faculties and other units of the University which require the approval of the Corporation. The President shall prepare an

16、d submit for approval to the Corporation at its June meeting a proposed operating budget and a proposed capital budget for the ensuing fiscal year. The final budgets shall be adopted by the Corporation prior to June 30. The President shall appoint a Chief Investment Officer, who shall be responsible

17、 for recommending and carrying out investments of University assets in accordance with the policies of the Investments Committee.PROVOST4. The Provost is the chief educational and administrative officer of the University after the President. The Provost shall be elected by the Corporation on nominat

18、ion by the President. In the event of the death, disability, or prolonged absence of the President, or at the request of the President, the Provost shall perform the functions of the President until some other appointment or arrangement is made by the Corporation.Subject to the authority of the Pres

19、ident, the Provost shall direct educational policies and activities throughout the University. The Provost shall prepare the operating and capital budgets of the University on the basis of the estimated operating income and capital receipts furnished by the Vice President for Finance and Business Op

20、erations and shall present such budgets to the President. The Provost shall serve as the secretary of the Committees on Finance, Educational Policy and the School of Medicine. The Provost shall be ex officio a member of every faculty and governing board, and of all committees or other bodies concern

21、ed with educational policy or with appointments or promotions in the teaching staff. All Deans, committee chairmen, and other educational officials, other than the President, shall report to the Provost. The Provost shall attend the meetings of the Corporation and of its Prudential Committee. One or

22、 more Deputy, Associate, or Assistant Provosts may be appointed by the Corporation on nomination by the President to assist the Provost in special areas.SECRETARY5. The Secretary is an administrative officer elected by the Corporation on nomination by the President. The Secretary shall attend meetin

23、gs of the Corporation and the Prudential Committee and shall prepare and keep the records of the Corporation. The Secretary shall be responsible for the safekeeping of the seal and other official insignia of the University. The Secretary shall serve as the secretary of the Prudential Committee, the

24、Trusteeship Committee, and the Committee on Honorary Degrees. The Secretary shall supervise the election of Alumni Fellows. The Secretary shall prepare and, together with the President, sign all diplomas. The Secretary shall arrange for the registration of students in Yale University. The Secretary

25、shall be responsible for University-wide coordination of policies on student support. The Secretary is responsible for the conduct of official University functions, and for such other matters as are assigned by the President or the Corporation. Appointments for University lectures, concerts, and mee

26、tings shall be made through the Secretarys Office. The Corporation may designate the Secretary as Vice President. There may be one or more Deputy, Associate or Assistant Secretaries, appointed by the Corporation on nomination by the President, who shall have responsibility for the oversight of certa

27、in non-academic areas of the University.VICE PRESIDENT FOR FINANCE AND BUSINESS OPERATIONS6. The Vice President for Finance and Business Operations is an administrative officer elected by the Corporation on nomination by the President and responsible to the President for financial and certain non-ac

28、ademic administrative affairs. The Vice President for Finance and Business Operations shall also be the Treasurer of the University, ex officio, exercising all powers and responsibilities incident thereto, including those conferred by appropriate action or reference before July 1, 1978. The responsi

29、bilities of the Vice President for Finance and Business Operations shall include: financial planning and auditing, and such non-academic support services and other administrative work as may be assigned to the Vice President for Finance and Business Operations from time to time by the Corporation or

30、 the President. Whenever financial or administrative affairs affect activities of teaching or research, the Vice President for Finance and Business Operations shall consult with the Provost. The Vice President for Finance and Business Operations shall attend the meetings of the Prudential Committee

31、and of the Corporation, and shall serve as the secretary of the Audit Committee. The Vice President for Finance and Business Operations shall be bonded to such an amount as the Corporation may require. There may be a Comptroller and one or more other officials who assist the Vice President for Finan

32、ce and Business Operations, appointed by the Corporation on nomination by the President.7. The Vice President for Finance and Business Operations shall have charge of the accounts of the Corporation. The Vice President for Finance and Business Operations shall keep all negotiable securities in a pla

33、ce of deposit approved by the Committee on Finance, to which access shall be had only as authorized by the Corporation. The Vice President for Finance and Business Operations shall collect and account for the tuition, fees, and other charges to students of the University; but the Vice President for Finance

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