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1、全新版大学进阶英语第二册第四单元答案Unit 4 Study Abroad之南宫帮珍创作创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日Key to ExercisesOpenerSuggested answers for reference1. Between the 2006/07 academic year and the 2013/14 academic year, the number of Chinese studentsat US colleges grew from 67,723 to 274,439, making China the single largest country of ori

2、gin for allinternational students in the US.2. There are several reasons. For starters, Chinese families are better off now and can affordinternational study for their kids. Secondly, in this age of globalization, its natural for people tomove from country to country seeking opportunities, including

3、 opportunities in a different educationsystem. Thirdly, studying abroad is a way for countries to learn from each other. When Chinesestudents return from overseas, they can help develop China.3. Id like to study abroad. Im curious about the outside world, want to pick up different perspectives,and b

4、roaden my mind. Id like to draw on the best of the Chinese education system and the Westernone.Reading & InteractingI. Understanding the Text1. Text OrganizationName of the calssicTheme of the classicParagraphsRelated events in authors lifeThe OdysseyGoing home1-61. She had left home because she wan

5、ted tounderstand better Western civilization andAmerican society.2. She missed home because studying humanitiesat Yale was1) different from that in China, e.g. nocorrectanswers to memorize, originality needed inclass and for homework;2) difficult for a foreign student, e.g. reading,listening and not

6、e-taking.The AeneidBeing torn betweenthe pastand the future7-91. Her mother wanted her to take science likeChinese students traditionally did.2. She wanted to study humanities and write betterEnglish.2. Comprehension Check2.1 Focusing on the main ideasI was admitted into a freshman program at Yale t

7、hat required us to read up Western classics,comprehend them, analyze them and turn in papers with original ideas on them. Although thiswas my first year in an all-English environment, and sometimes I was tired of all the hard work,I yearned to understand Western society. I made up for my lack of pre

8、paration with diligence. Ipulled all-nighters, I lingered after class to ask questions, I learned note-taking in English from myclassmates, and I visited the writing tutor. As a result, as the year came to an end, I received As forall my papers.2.2 Digging into detail1. No, there wasnt. Because when

9、 she reached out for a human being, she grabbed a book instead.2. Because it was like committing suicide to try to read up and understand Western canons in ayears time.3. Force students to read without being concerned about whether they are interested, willing or ableto.4. Because she had been used

10、to the Chinese way of learning humanities, i.e., teachers giving outstandard interpretations for students to memorize.5. She would spend the night reading their works and trying to understand their ideas.2.3 Understanding difficult sentences 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. AII. Focusing on Language in Contex

11、t1. Key Words & Expressions1. Which one is better, a secure job with a low pay or a job with a high pay but easy to lose?2. News filtered through from Bombay last night of a city on strike and tourists stuck at the airport.3. Suicide ranks as the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. Glo

12、bally, an estimated700,000 people take their own lives annually.4. A large product catalog is critical to a successful furniture store website. People who visit yourwebsite are looking for new furniture. You need to show it to them.5. Some of the most provocative thinkers, writers, artists, business

13、 people, teachers and otherleaders drawn from different fields around the world will gather at this summer program toteach, speak, lead, question, and answer.6. The guy tried to run away but the policeman caught him by grabbing the collar of his coat.7. This dialogue window pops up in my game every

14、five seconds! How do I disable it?8. Life is like a journey with no known destination.9. No one can finish all the tasks alone. Dont hesitate to ask for help. We can all benefit fromcooperation.10. Manchester United, dubbed the Red Devils, is a top football team in England.11. The police officer tur

15、ned to the crowd and shouted, “Come on. You need to get out of here. Nolingering around the crime scene.”12. The flower show is so crowded that there is never an ideal spot for taking pictures no matterhow you position yourself.13. Our mutual friend John has got a rare ability to memorize facts and

16、figures.14. John stretched out an arm from bed to pick up his phone. Sleepily he asked, “Who is it?”15. An advance team was sent to the UK to make preparations for President Xi Jinpings visit.1. for instance 2. was flooded with 3. destined to 4. reluctant5. pull them apart 6. stick to 7. pleaded wit

17、h8. As a result1. No flowers grew here. No humans ever came. Only the bare grey sand stretched out towards/tothe roaring sea.2. As a Harry Potter fan, Emily felt obligated to visit the Elephant House, the caf shop inEdinburgh where J. K. Rowling started writing the series.3. The saying “Students mus

18、t do the boring stuff before they can do the interesting stuff” can beroughly translated as “Students must memorize before they can be allowed to think.”4. According to The Odyssey, Odysseus was the only human being to hear the alluring song of theSirens and live to tell of it.5. At first, she plead

19、ed with the doctors to save/not to cut off her sons arm, but the doctor saidthere was no choice.2. Collocation1. Many Chinese tourists are disappointed to find shops in Europe closed on weekends.2. Peter Mayle, author of A Year in Provence, is content to live a quiet life in rural France.3. I am sor

20、ry to say that, despite the efforts of our care team, the patient is going from bad to worse.4. Because of pollution, water here is no longer fit to drink.5. The old lady impressed me as someone hard to deal with.6. This sofa is comfortable to sit on. Ill take it.3. Sentence Patterns1. What better w

21、ay to remember our beloved daughter than to set up/setting up a scholarship in her name?2. What better way to start off the new year than to draw up/drawing up a list of goals to be attainedin it?3. Yes, listing Americans favorite foods may depend a lot on whom you ask, but one thing is sure:The Uni

22、ted States owes many of its favorite dishes, or the ideas for these foods, to the rest of theworld.4. Yes, Claire is young, but she is very good at attending to difficult customers.5. Yes, he talked like a man of sense, but his action was that of a fool.4. Comprehensive Practice4.1 ClozeWhat would y

23、ou do if a chance to study abroad popped up? Would you hesitate or would yougrab it straight away? Your answer may well depend on the destination on offer. For instance, studyingat Cambridge may well seem more alluring than studying at a less well-known university. Andthen, of course, there is the p

24、rogram on offer to take into consideration. Do you yearnto exploresubjects totally new to you or are you reluctant to stray from areas in which you feel secure? In makingthe choice you may just have to rely on your instinct about what will suit you best.4.2 Translation1. I grabbed my baby from the t

25、iger before I had time to feel afraid. I guess it was a mothers naturalinstinct.2. Modern tourists yearn for mysterious places like Tibet. You should go there before it is floodedwith visitors.3. Now that my daughter can crawl, there is not a spot in the house she hasnt reached. Im justtired of pick

26、ing up toys constantly after her.4. I felt pulled apart of late by work and taking care of my sick child. Can I postpone turning in thebusiness plan?5. I dont mean to be provocative, but I do think its better for our company to split into two.6. The US government feels obligated to prefer US-made pr

27、oducts, but its still possible for aforeign company to be its supplier. For instance, if a product is not made in the US, then the USgovernment will buy abroad.7. We must constantly analyze changes in the environment to see if there is a need to change theoriginal program.8. Whats your interpretatio

28、n of the Chinese governments new policy of allowing two children perfamily? Is it to make up for the shortage of young people in the future in China?Reading & ComprehendingReading 11. Comprehension Check for Reading 11. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. F 10. T2. Translation1.“这是一种全然分歧的学习风格, 非

29、常注重课堂介入.”他说.“课上教授们从不满堂灌, 课堂介入占总成果的一定比例.”2. 我不认为英国有哪所年夜学会把这么多分歧的人聚集到一间教室里.因为我学的是哲学和社会学这样的课题, 所以多元化的学生构成使得课堂上的交流和辩说精彩纷呈.3. 周游各地不单给人留下美好回忆, 还能让结业生们在职场占据优势.4. 你了解了另一种文化和它的行政管理系统.你变得更为自力、更积极、更自信.所有这些技能都是你在找工作时雇主所看重的.Reading 2Comprehension Check for Reading 21. Yes. Many countries are working hard to incr

30、ease their share of Chinese students. The Universityof Sydney is now accepting the Gaokao as an application credential.2. The trend towards Chinese students becoming more self-funded.3. To show that studying overseas may not ensure a high income or comfortable living.4. When the Chinese economy make

31、s the successful transition from a heavy manufacturing emphasisto one more in line with a “knowledge economy” model.Integrated Skills PracticingI. Viewing & ListeningSegment 11. Excellent recommendations from your professors.2. A heck of an admissions essay.3. At least a 175 on your LSATs.Segment 21

32、. She is skilled at commanding the attention of a room and discussing very important issues.2. She is able to recall hundreds of important details at the drop of a hat.3. She feels comfortable using legal jargon in everyday life.Segment 31. Her GPA or Grade Point Average is , and her LSAT score is 179.2. Since Harvard Law School has never had a fashion major before, admitting Elle would add tothe diversity of the student make-up.

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