1、人教版高中英语第三册Unit 5 THE VALUE OF MONEY教学设计人教版高中英语第三册Unit 5 THE VALUE OF MONEY教学设计文本简析本单元的话题主题是:金钱的价值。本单元阅读文本是百万英镑剧本的第一幕第三场。百万英镑剧本改编自美国作家马克吐温于1893年创作发表的中短篇小说百万英镑。小说讲述了美国小伙子亨利亚当斯在伦敦的一次奇遇。伦敦的两位富翁兄弟打赌:一个人能否凭借一张百万英镑钞票在伦敦生活一个月。他们挑中了流落街头、身无分文、举目无亲的亨利亚当斯,并把一个装有百万英镑面额钞票的信封给了他。亨利携带这张大额钞票,在伦敦引起了很大的轰动,也引发了一个个幽默滑稽、
4、教学内容了解戏剧剧本的基本要素及其功能,剖析人物形象,尝试戏剧表演。理解全文,明确剧情。二、课时目标1. 理解文本主旨,厘清情节脉络,分析人物形象。2. 学习戏剧剧本的基本要素,分析各要素的功能和意义。3. 体会戏剧语言的魅力,并通过角色扮演进行应用实践。三、教学过程Activity 1: Viewing and Talking本活动为实现课时目标1作铺垫。1.View the picture and talk about the bank note.The teacher asks the students to take a look at the picture and then dra
5、ws their attention to the million pound bank note.Q1: What is the man holding in his hand?Q2: What would you do if you had a million pound bank note?Students are encouraged to air their own views. The teacher provides feedback or make comments if necessary.设计意图 借助电影百万英镑的剧照,激发学生的阅读兴趣,进入目标话题。即时创设情境,激活
6、学生的思维触角,尊重学生的个体视角,通过师生对话帮助学生树立正确的价值观和人生观。Activity 2: Reading and Predicting本活动旨在落实课时教学目标1。1.Skim and predict.The teacher asks the students to skim the title and make predictions about the content of the reading passage.Q1: What can we learn from the title? What kind of text is the passage?Q2: What d
7、o you think the passage might be about?Q3: Who might own the million pound bank note?Q4: What might happen to the person with the million pound bank note?2.Scan and check.The students scan the passage and check if they have made accurate predictions.Q1: Who owned the million pound bank note?Q2: Who
8、got the million pound bank note?The teacher asks the students to summarize the plot. (Two wealthy brothers gave Henry a letter with the million pound bank note in it.)设计意图 引导学生解读文本标题,感知文本类型,扩大认知图式。基于文本标题,围绕话题中心词“百万英镑”,预测文本内容,提高学生的阅读期待。帮助学生通过快速阅读文本,把握文本的情节发展脉络,从而构建“俯瞰式”整体认知的文本阅读思维路径模式。Activity 3: Und
9、erstanding and Exploring本活动旨在落实课时教学目标1和2。1.Focus on the reasons.The teacher encourages the students to read more carefully and answer the following questions.Q1: Why did the brothers give someone the million pound bank note? (Reason 1)Q2: Why was Henry given the million pound bank note? (Reason 2)2.
10、Read for Reason 1.The teacher asks the students to read carefully for Reason 1, and then introduces them to the narrators part, an important element in play-writing. The students are encouraged to ponder over the functions of the narrators/narration part in play-writing.Q1: What was the reason? (The
11、y made a bet whether a man could live a month in London with a million pound bank note.)Q2: How does the author tell us about the reason? (By adopting the narrators part in the third person at the beginning of the passage.)Q3: Why is narration/narrators part used in play-writing? (To provide backgro
12、und information and lead into the following scenes.)3.Read for Reason 2.The teacher asks the students to read carefully for Reason 2 and encourages them to explore the functions of the lines of dialogue in play-writing.Q1: What was the reason? (Henry was the right person.)Q2: How does the author tel
13、l us about Henry? (Through his lines of dialogue.)Q3: Why are lines of dialogue used in play-writing? (To portray the characters and advance the plot.)4.Focus on the brothers feelings.The students read for the brothers feelings when they decided to give the million pound bank note to Henry.Q1: How d
14、id the brothers feel about Henry? (Satisfied.)Q2: How does the author tell us about their feelings? (Through lines of dialogue and stage directions.)Q3: Why are stage directions used in play-writing? (To display characters psychological activities or indicate actions, movements of the characters.)设计
15、意图 引导学生遵循剧情主线,探究“两兄弟为什么给出百万英镑”和“为什么亨利得到百万英镑”两个问题,鼓励学生自主阅读,从情节内容、剧本语言和功能意义,即“WHAT-HOW-WHY”三个维度解读目标文本,训练学生的推理、判断、评价等思维能力。Activity 4: Reviewing and Analyzing本活动旨在落实课时教学目标3。1.Review to get prepared.Students review the scene to prepare themselves for role-playing. And group discussion is recommended when
16、 they further analyze the characters and peel the plot.2.Work out an evaluation chart.Students are encouraged to work out an evaluation chart which will serve as criteria when they make comments on others performances as well as reflect on their own performances.设计意图 鼓励学生开展小组讨论,通过准备角色扮演和设计评价表,揣摩戏剧人物
17、形象,理解戏剧剧本要素,进一步加深对目标文本的体验和理解。Assignment1.Review the basic elements of play-writing and their functions.2.Review the scene and practise role-playing.设计意图 要求学生巩固所学,关注戏剧体裁的写作要素及功能,扩大认知图式。同时,鼓励学生走进文本,切换视角,融入情境,多维度训练语言表达能力和思维创造能力。第2课时一、教学内容分析主人公亨利的情感变化,铺设剧情,完成场景剧本创作。了解作者及其创作的相关背景知识,探究主题意义。二、课时目标1. 评价角色扮演
18、,解读人物对白、舞台说明,分析人物情感变化。2. 预测剧情发展,遵循戏剧写作基本要素,尝试场景剧本创作。3. 补充相关背景知识,探究文本主题意义。三、教学过程Activity 1: Acting & Evaluating本活动为实现课时目标1作铺垫。The teacher invites some students to act out Act 1, Scene 3. Other students are welcome to make comments on their performances referring to the evaluation chart. The teacher g
19、ives feedback and offers suggestions if necessary.设计意图 学生通过角色扮演,既能增强合作意识、发展创新思维,又可以身处其境感受戏剧语言,理解剧本剧情,了解戏剧人物,领略戏剧魅力。另外,同伴评价和教师反馈有助于构建生生、师生双赢多赢的课堂模式。Activity 2: Comparing & Inferring本活动旨在落实课时教学目标1,并为实现课时教学目标2作铺垫。1.Make comparisons and draw conclusions.The students are required to infer Henrys feelings
20、 from his lines of dialogue. Meanwhile, the teacher provides different versions of expressions and asks the students to tell the differences and then draw conclusions.Q1: How did Henry feel?Q2: What if Henry said “.”?2. Draw a mind map.The students are encouraged to draw a mind map to show the chang
21、e of Henrys feelings as the plot unfolded.Q1: How did Henrys feelings change?Q2: How was Henrys curiosity sparked and peaked?设计意图 通过深度解读人物对白和舞台说明,学生不仅了解了作者如何利用语气词等措辞表达来展现亨利的情感变化及好奇心的增长,而且能体会到人物对白和舞台说明在推动剧情发展、揭示人物个性以外还具备增强戏剧悬念的功能,这为后续场景的剧本创作作好铺垫。Activity 3: Pondering & Creating本活动旨在落实课时教学目标2。1.Ponder
22、 and predict.The teacher asks the students to ponder over what has happened and predict what is likely to happen in the following scene.Q1: How will Henry feel when he discovers the million pound bank note in the letter?Q2: What might Henry do with the million pound bank note?2.Imagine and create.Th
23、e students are encouraged to imagine and create a scene (Act 1, Scene 4) in which Henry discovers the million pound bank note. Group work is recommended.Q1: What might Henry do?Q2: What might Henry say?Q3: How might Henry feel?Q4: Who else might be in the scene?Q5: What might they do?Q6: What might
24、they say?Q7: How might they feel?设计意图 鼓励学生在情节、语言和思维的铺垫基础之上,尝试场景剧本创作。通过续写第一幕第四场,学生加深了对所学场景的理解,也进一步在新语境中运用所学来设计合理的故事情节、刻画生动的人物形象。Activity 4: Researching & Sharing本活动旨在落实课时教学目标3。The teacher shares the background information of the author and the play/story with students.Q1: Do you know the author of th
25、e story?Q2: Why did Mark Twain write such a story about a million pound bank note?Q3: Can you share your personal insight into the value of money?设计意图 分享原作者马克吐温及其小说和剧本的相关背景知识可以加深学生对文本的理解,激发学生进一步探究文本的主题意义,进而将所学知识转化为内在的、具有正确价值取向的认知和品格。通过分析论证、推理判断作者的观点,引导学生联系生活实际,思考人性与金钱的关系。Assignment1. Polish your wri
26、ting of Act 1, Scene 4 with your partner using the checklist below.- Are all the elements of play-writing included and in good order?- Is the plot clear and exciting enough?- Do the characters use proper language?- Are the stage directions clear and useful?- Are there any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors?2. Read the short story The Million Pound Bank Note. And tell the difference between story-writing and play-writing.设计意图 通过同伴润色习作,加深学生对文本的理解程度和加强学生在新语境中运用新知的能力,提升自主表达能力和语言表达的准确性和连贯性意识。鼓励学生品读原著感受经典,并通过比较小说写作和剧本写作的差异,进一步巩固学生对剧本写作要素的理解和掌握。
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