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1、s got a weapon on the right.收到 蜂鸟可以看到Roger that. Hummingbird can see it.他有武器Hes got a weapon.他还在朝天开枪s still shooting up in the air right now.我们能看到他We see him.史密斯军士 这个角度能见度非常好Sergeant Smith, I have good arcs on your position.他是英国人 他正在开枪射击I believe hes British. Hes shooting.蜂 鸟回音3-5-2 完毕Echo 3-5-2, ov

2、er.宪兵司令报告第a-r-6-3-0-1-0号&Installation provost marshal report a-r-6-3-0-1-0.约瑟夫史密斯军士Sergeant Joseph Smith.从斯坦布鲁克军事医院隔离区逃跑了Absconded from Stanbrook Military Hospital secure wing.伦 敦他被诊断为战争焦虑症Diagnosed with combat stress.由国防部宣布为长&期&失踪人员Filed as department of defense, long-term missing person.一 年 后抱歉Sor

3、ry, mate.收税啦Taxman!要么给钱 要么交货All we want is your cash and your rocks.乔伊 别还手Joey, dont fight back.伊莎贝尔 快跑Run, Isabel!你好 我是达蒙Hi, this is Damon.十月一日之前I wont be available at this number这个打这个号&码无法联&系&我until October the first.如果有事找我 请和我的经纪人保罗谈If you need me, you can call my agent Paul或者打我在纽约的电&话&Or reach m

4、e on my New York number.212-555-9898212-555-9898.号&码是212-555-9898Thats 212-555-9898.没有新留言You have no new messages.有人迷失方向需要指点吗Anybody lost or needs direction?有人迷失方向.Anybody lost or needs滚开 滚开Get off, get off!住手Dont do it!生日快乐克里斯提娜Happy birthday, Cristina.其实我生日是两天前 还是要谢谢你Actually, it was two days ago,

5、 but thank you.生日快乐 克里斯提娜不准喝酒No alcohol.我是来找人的Im looking for someone.约瑟夫 你这身行头哪里来的Joseph, where did you get those clothes?我要找伊莎贝尔Her names Isabel.他们发现她了They saw her.我要救她ve come to save her.约瑟夫 你是不是抢了别人Joseph, did you rob someone?我走运了I had some luck.可能是上帝显灵Maybe god, you know?上帝给了我这个God gave me this.

6、约瑟夫 我得告诉大卫Joseph, Im going to call David,他是我的警方联络人my police liaison officer.这是给你的 修女This is for you, sister.你人不错Youre okay.给你自己买&点东西吧Buy something nice for yourself.20 40 60 80 10020, 40, 60, 80, 100.20 40 60 80 20020, 40, 60, 80, 200.20 40 60 80 30020, 40, 60, 80, 300.20 40 60 80 40020, 40, 60, 80,

7、 400.450 500450, 500.克里斯提娜修女Sister Cristina.你知道共有多少钱吗So, do you know how much is there?500英镑500.这是捐助得来的A donation is a donation.我觉得没问题I dont see the quandary.他恶名昭著s quite famous among them.他们说他是个突击队员They say he was a commando.在阿富汗杀过人He killed people in Afghanistan.那是士兵的职责s what soldiers do.并不能说明他是个小

8、偷It doesnt mean hes a thief.他说过这钱是怎么得来的吗Did he say where he got the money from?他说 可能是上帝赐予的He said, Maybe god.退一步说 你觉得如果上交了这钱Anyway, what do you think the police themselves警&察&会怎么处理would do with it if you handed it in?他们可能就这么分了 去酒吧买&醉Theyd just share it out and drink it in the pub.也可能是在圣诞节的时候给自己买&几件衣

9、服Or at Christmas, get them all jumpers or something.事实上 他让我给自己买&点东西Actually, he told me to buy something for myself.我在想我也许能I thought perhaps maybe I could use花其中的一小部分just a small proportion of it.有样东西是我整天祈祷想要的You see, there is something I have been praying for.克里斯提娜修女 你是个善良圣洁的女人re a good and holy wo

10、man, Sister Cristina.如果说这钱是对信徒的回复If the moneys an answer to a prayer,花这钱有何不妥呢how can it be wrong?这么和你说吧Let me put it this way.这笔钱我不入账ve not written anything down about this in the book.买&一张玛利亚叶林斯卡的票One for Maria Zielinska.一张什么One what?叶林斯卡的告别演出票One for the Maria Zielinska farewell performance.很抱歉都卖&

11、完了m afraid its all sold out.卖&Sold out?但演出是在&十&月&份But it isnt until October.在网上2小时就售罄了It sold out online in two hours.网上Online.不过我们还有一个包厢We do still have one box available.包厢A box?日期是十月一日 周二On Tuesday, October first.包厢多少钱And how much is a box?告别演出的包厢价格是A box for the farewell performanceis 500.遇敌 遇敌C

12、ontact! Contact!遇敌可能遇敌Possible contact.蜂鸟无人机 完毕Hummingbird drone, over.他右手持枪Yeah, he蜂鸟能看见他 他有武器Hummingbird can see it. He我们看见他了我们能甩掉他吗Can we just cut the guy off?收到没Do you copy?修女Sister.你来晚了 没汤喝了m afraid youre too late for soup.我不饿m not hungry.我需要药品I need medicine.你受伤了吗re hurt?我要抗生素I need antibiotic

13、s.我没权分发抗生素m not allowed to dispense antibiotics.但是你给那些没有医保的人But you do it for people who cant get into the system.-去看急诊吧 -我能去- Go to emergency. - I cant.为什么不能 如果你不想透露名字Why not? If you dont want to give your name,就说你叫史密斯什么的just call yourself Smith or something.那你可说错了That would be a mistake.-怎么错了 -我名字

14、就叫史密斯- Why? - My name is Smith.那你说叫琼斯Jones, then.Sister.我在逃避军事法庭m on the run from a court-martial.我以前是特别行动队的I was in a special forces unit.他们不会原谅我的ll be no forgiveness.你怎么知道自己需要抗生素How do you know its antibiotics you need?我断了两根肋骨ve got two broken ribs.骨折处感染了s an infection around one of the breaks.如果扩

15、散到骨头 我就死定了If it spreads to the bone, Ill die.我以前也受过伤ve been wounded before.如果你和着酒吃药 不会有效果的If you drink alcohol with these, they wont work.我需要止疼片ll need painkillers.给我二氢可待因一种镇痛剂Give me something with dihydrocodeine.是长官Yes, sir.我四处打听了下你的朋友伊莎贝尔ve asked around about your friend Isabel.你是怎么认识她的Howd you k

16、now about Isabel?昨晚的事 你不记得了吗Last night, dont you remember?我昨晚来过Did I come here last night?没做什么傻事吧Do something stupid?你说你走运了You said youd had some luck.你说上帝显灵了God, You said.你不信上帝吗You dont believe?那你如何解释这身新衣服So how do you explain those new clothes?我不信伊莎贝尔有什么消息So whatd you find out about Isabel?她不来吃救济了

17、She doesnt come for food anymore.如果你见到她 把这个给她If you see her, give her this.告诉她来找我Tell her she can come to me.告诉她这里很安全Tell her she can be safe.-谁住那里 -我- Who lives here? - Me.-你擅闯民宅 -我是掉进去的- Did you break in? - I fell.你没伤害别人吧Did you hurt someone?就摔伤了我自己Only myself.你知道人们说你是天使吗Do you know the boys say y

18、oure an angel?约瑟夫 晚安Good night, Joseph.纯银制品The solid sterling silver.你这边有很多ve got lots of pieces纯银的小物件of solid sterling silver and, of course.细数一下 我们可以发现There we go. You can see all of that从帽针到.from your hat pins to your.到牧羊用的钩子Uh, to your shepherds hook,还有你的扣子 卷珠Your- your clasp, your crimp beads.六

19、米长的橡皮带And six meters of elastic.一大一小两个礼品包One large and one small gift pack.色泽不错Showers good.福蒂斯 克罗默蒂 福斯 泰恩 多格尔Forties, Cromarty, Forth, Tyne, Dogger.东方或者东北方Easterly or northeasterly.四个或者五个.Four or five, occasionally.圣经告诉我们 在蒙难地基&督&被犹大出&之地.Bible tells us, you know, in gethsemane,与上帝对话 想要避免此事talking t

20、o god and wanting to not go through with this thing犹豫不决And hesitating, you know.尽管做出了这些匪夷所思的事情And as all these incredible things,犹大还是去见神父Judas going to the priests.伊莎贝尔 给乔伊打电&Joey是我 伊萨贝尔Joey, it没必要到处找我 我很好s no need to look for me. Im okay.我只会给你惹麻烦And Ill just cause trouble.我同意给他们打几周的工ve agreed to wo

21、rk for them for a few weeks直到我攒够钱换个好点的住处until Ive got enough for a deposit on a nice place.到时我会往北走Then Ill go back up north.你这么想我And for thinkin of me.我离开伦敦后When I get away from London,会给你打电& 如果你还在的话ll call you if youre still there.我得挂了ve gotta go.你有两封留言You have two messages.然后我会往北走感谢你的照顾乔伊Thanks fo

22、r looking after me, Joey,And for thinking of me.你没有未读留言You have no more messages.我知道屋里有人 我看到你进去I know someone is there cause I saw you go in.我要报&了m gonna call the police.你是谁Who are you?达蒙说他整个夏天都会在纽约Damon said he was gonna be in New York all summer.我是他男友m Damons boyfriend.男友之一One of em.他说他不在的时候我能住这里H

23、e said I could use his flat while he was away.你是模特吗Are you a model?有时兼&职&Sometimes.没听他说有人要住这里He didnt say anyone was gonna be staying.你有他在纽约的电&吗Do you have his number in New York?没有 他很注重隐私No, he keeps himself very private.真可惜 不然你可以电&他Pity, you couldve called him.你有他的号&码吗Do you have a number?他没给我He doesnt give it to me.怕我在半夜打给他In case I call him late at night.-我叫特雷西 -乔伊- Im Tracy. - Joey.乔伊琼斯Joey Jones.达蒙说我能在这里过一个夏天Damon said I should stay here for the summer,找回生活的勇气get my

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