1、 完成质量保证体系并建立了文档a) Receiedec uipment=purchased 收到的设备购买的设备d) Adherence toctesigi drawings/spscifictiansvT/ m AAi5 : |. 4fi1 姑c) Msterias oconstuctioi 施工材料d) Workmanship 工艺技术iemNo. 序号nqrtplicable)建议(请 填写下列行动项或注明“不适用”)Department / Responsible Person 部门/责任人De 完成日期Equipment conponerts ceckojttcnimisianing
2、 (cbciment)设备部件检査调试(文牛)9Loop andirtelock/permisBive/alam: sepoin a(Custnent and testing dociment esUts)回路和联锁许可/报警:设置点调整禾测试(文档 记录)10nstument cibr i(ns d)ne and cCclmenteC 仪表校订完成并记录11Vaidaicn prciSd devecped, qDproved 制定、批 准和执行的验证椒12Pressure testing cbne and cocumerted 压力测 试完成并记录13System cleaned and f
3、lished 系统已完成清扫、 冲洗14sytens 匹上由,亦申肛6-661 刚481 1 I 611血 povidsd、出乍 力分心木 +f若15 91打1百0阳2上旳$ aiaiced 通风系统已平衡16Perfdlmancecheckcut o loa eXhaust sytems 局 部排气系统的性能检测17Vibr ioi measurements/(Ocumentib 振动测量记录187idd aCiograhydcneanC as equired现场放射性物质检测已完成H己录19Baseline da such as thickness eadngs fopressue ves
4、sds/ppirg 基础数据,如压力容器管线的壁厚20Otherbaseli nedta 其他基础数据21XDT epots 无损检测报告22Water batching 8011*1!) 配水(记录)Engineering Design D)cumentation 工程设 讣资料23Xarrive of cotol plilcsophy/Sequencecf (pefatiosha &| 筒 XHIW. M; |石 r-y 口口次也:l24Instumert index仪表索引25Instumert kop dagiams 仪表回路图26safety&non-safety) ctescrpi
5、ors 联锁(安全和非安全)描述(Type Action Bdow or nqrtplicable27.AsbUlt daWngs: P&IDS, eectica, ppng nechanica竣工图:P&ID图,电气图,配管图,机28Tabdstian of pocess arms, irtelocks/ermSsive descrpicns and trps withsettigs P&ID)丄艺报警表、联锁许可说明表和带设定值;ID的 跳转表29Reviewaid aopioval o fie prctectiois systems ofesign消防系统设讣的审查和许可30Pipngs
6、pBciftations P&I mechanic daWngs) 配 管图(P&I图机械图)31Pressure elie dsvicesizng cacllajons 安全阀规格的选定计算32ASME code pressue vessds U1 data sheets (oMantenance)压力容器ASME代码UM数据表(用于维修)33Referencecades/staldards fofacilitydesigi 装置设计的参考规范标准34ReferenDecades/staldards 他$11 让恥八4 曲 6 设备安装的参考规范标准35Design codes fospec
7、ifi equipment 特殊设备的 设计规范36elcfer cetifictioi焊工资格证书37XDT cetifictjon 无损检测证书38Electrca clasificaoi dawings 电器分类图39Electrciai cartificfecn fo clas ifid aeas 特定施工区域的电工资格证书Maintenance Ifems 维修项u40Spare paits tits dvdcped List euipment: 备品备件清单并附设备清单41Stock equirel spare paits备品备件所需储存 设施42Equipment manuas/
8、secificaoistoMaintenanceardOperatingDepatmentWr /i攵 In比 W rn 砧 夂 丁- HR43Vendor prrts供应商提供的印刷资料44Submit peventie mrienance equests PW s) 提 交的预防性维修要求45Servicecoitacts inface服务合同已签订Date 完成日期46Trainmairienance personnel anl document 培 训维修人员和相关培训谿Operation Ifems 生产项目47Devel (p SCP and specif pocedues -in
9、corporate safetyand operations issss:编写标准操作规程SOP及特殊操作规程一考虑了 操作风险和可操作性题48Complete clarge contiol authoizations 完成 变更控制授权49Devel (p/isse operating procedures:制定颁布 下列操作规程a) Initiastaup 初次开车) Nomal stat-up 正常开车c) Nomal operation 正常操作d) Normal shutdown 正常停车e) Emergency qperatiors inrluding emergency shut
10、cbwn包括紧急停车的应急操作f) Start-ip fooWng emergency shutdown 紧急停车后开车g) Start-qp fooWng turnaround 大修后开车i) Nqn-butinepbcedjes equipment c1en-oU, equipmert plepaatiqnf(c*mairrenance) 非常规程序(设备清理、设备维修准备)i) Auxiliay equipment qDeraticn 辅助设备的操作50Tran qoeratingprsqnne 1 and document 培训操 作人员和相关培训谿51rovidetechnica c
11、oeirage 技术服务范围52What istl probabilityf contnment fOlue? What are ths subsequent c(nsequences? Reviewspll cotainment, rainwater rurff, ad fie water containment防泄漏设施的失效概率是鈔?失效的后果是什Electrical Issues 电气问题53Panel access,Clearancearourd panel, kes,etc 配电盘的通道、配电盘周围勺间隙、钥匙等54Cableeniy sectin ganding housekee
12、ping anl other issies电缆接入部分一密封、保洁1其他问题55Panel power sauce icertifid? Multipe feds? 配 电盘电源的标识?多源供电?56Spacehed:es equied? 需要空间加热器吗?57Lichting inpanels配电盘里的照明58Canopies etc fooutcbor panels 用于室夕卜酉1 电 盘的雨棚等59Protection settings aai ill le? 有保护设置吗?60Panel board schedules 配电盘面板清单61Spare caoacityavai1dde?
13、有备用容量吗?62PPE availalte? HV mstsQoves有个人防护用品吗?有高压fe缘垫吗?有高压绝 缘手套吗?63Emergency/St a i dby power required?有应急备 用电源吗?64VSD settigs a/alOole -factay/cammisionrlg 变 频器设置一工厂/调试65Room access,permittirnmairtairab订ityixrgess/eg less o eqLipmertR 丄帛、皿 2/r ttT、-T* A/r- g * VL Z7 AA 41- i 1 i 帛 H66Pocketsfor craW
14、ngs inpanels?配电盘的图纸集67Voltage warring labls?电压警告标签68Ventilaonsufcient? 通风充足吗?69Sutailitfor area - IP ating GMP sit aoi1ityhazarcbus area clsifiation区域适宜性一一国际防护等级、GMP适宜性、危险 区域分类 Relief Devices- 泄放设备70Are there stadaid makings on the P&ID?在 P&ID 图上有标准代号吗?71Do relie line vert toa se loDation? 放空线排放到一个安
15、全地点吗?72Are relie lins and elie cb/cessecued and adequately sized?放空线和泄放设备安全吗尺寸足够大吗?73Are there anyisdstioi valves WiichWII ihibit (perationcf relie valvs if cSec? If YS, rominate Operstiors to monito ecord no有处于关闭状态会抑制放諏操作的隔离阀吗?如 果有,请指定操作人员祺进行监视如果没有,记 录无74Is tlere a staidad coeratingpoceCure fordif
16、cbVces in place?现场有泄放设备的标准操作规程吗? For FiQd Veification- 现场确认75Is ligtirg sifficiiet?照明充足吗?76Is energencyligitirg sUficiet? 应急照明充足吗?77Are steam ps, valves, otiaps sitated withrn poxmity of pjcpleirsUec?位于人接近范围内的蒸汽管线、阀门或疏水器被 隔离了吗?78Is a intumentaioi idsntifie and tagged?所 有的仪表都有标识和挂牌T吗?79Is tlere any r
17、jsted ordamaged equipment? 有 任何生锈或损坏的设备吗80Are swinggates iistalel on cf laidrs oron access plafoms?在梯子顶部或平台通道上安装了止回门吗?81RevieweCgeprdectiol on pafoms and heights .Will it protect prsannd ad eqjipnent?lsaccess adequate?检査平台和高处 的边缘保护它能保护人员和设 备吗?通道足够82Do sfetyshowers pro/ide a hazard topeop e slips) pr
18、oduct CcntaminSticn cf sytems) Ringresstoelectrc switchgear or eqjipmert?安全喷淋对人滑跤的危险)产品(系统的污染)或 内部的电气开关柜或设爵生危险了吗?83Are sfetyshowers sippliedfom tempenedwate? 安全淋浴供应热水吗?84Is clem cal dosing withina sfeproximitycf popeaid product?化学品操作是在人和产品安b接近范围内吗?85Label al ppe lins标识所有的管线86Label al esctrcswtcles,
19、dscoinects, MCCs, cantiol panels, cales, ec.标记所有的电气开关、中断器、电动机控制器、控 制盘和电缆87Label (materal, lazard warnings)List:标记容器(材料、儘警告)的清单88Seal will pnetatians 密封墙壁的渗透89Pour conduit sis 灌注导管的密封90Instil 他 eXingishers91Evacuation outes posted92Instil apopra: earea signs93Is a ssffdriing andequipment emoved; issg
20、ier housekeepingaccetab e?94If there is ptentia fo ertiapment (Deposirei has an EStop been provided?95If fill garcing is iqdace, has alocdble islltian device been povided?96Pest c(rtlpl equiied inpam/buildng?97HSDS sleets equre?98Sprirklers inpams?99Singlepoirt o fauecpCitip? Has it ben idsntifid?-
21、RecordPSSR Checklist Example A-2Prestartjp Saety Review ChecklistIn specti on Date:DeohtmentAreaPropct Numbar:Tite/Equipmeit:Sigpetuies below indcaeaccedtaxe that ths equipment ar poject is sfe and satisfatcry to start-up withthe exceptions ndedEngineering /Man tenanceEHS GroupQA GroupManufacturing
22、/ OperationsProject EngheerProcess EngineringChecklist ItemDetails (reference cstegory/iem no.)ResponsbilityCompleteSign &Category AACian Itms -terns tobe completed BEFORE authDrzatiorEnd stat-up1.Category BACion Itms -terns tobe completed AFTEFStdt-p5.Sign bdow onlywhen allpunch listtefoe sta-jpz/i
23、tens are competedAUthorizei:Faci1ityEqjipmert Owner Sigatire: DatePSSRTM NO.CATEG0RY7ITEM TO ASSESSNotApplicable1. 1GENERALSAFEY1. 1. 1HaveALL appopratepesonnel (peiatians, Mairterance, Thnical, ad SipeVsio) receivedadequate and appropriate tairing ontle equipment and operd:irg procedures?1. 1.2Has alequd:e and ap)raorid:ePPE (Personal Potectie Eqjipment) been speci
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