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1、five thousand kilometers long五千多千米长(5)the形容词,表示一类人或物。the old 老人(6)表语形容词。这些形容词只能位于系动词后面作表语。alone, awake, alive, well(健康的), ill, frightened等。The boy is alone.(正)The alone boy is here.(误)(7)只能作定语的形容词。little, only(唯一的), wooden, woolen, elder。My elder brother is in Beijing.(正)My brother is elder.(误)(8)形式

2、像副词的形容词。lonely,friendly, lively, lovely。(9)多个形容词修饰名词时,其顺序为:限定词(冠词、指示代词、形容词性物主代词、数词)描绘词(大小、长短、形状、新旧、长幼、颜色,材料)名词。a famous American medical school一所非常著名的美国医学院但要注意的是英语的习惯是一个名词前的形容词一般不要多于三个。 What a pretty little white horse! Those first few short English stories were not difficult to understand.2形容词的常用句式

3、(1)“Itsadj.ofsb不定式”表示“某人做某事”注意 这一句型中常用描述行为者的性格、品质的形容词,如: good, kind, nice, polite, clever, foolish, lazy, careful, careless, right, wrong等。(2)“Itsadj.forsb不定式”表示“做某事对某人来说”注意 这一句型中常用描述做某事性质的形容词:如important, necessary, difficult, easy, hard, dangerous, safe, useful, pleasant, interesting, impossible等。考

4、点二 副词1)副词修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,表示动作、状态的特征或某种性质的程度。根据其用途与含义,副词可分为下列六大类:(1)时间副词。常用的有:ago,before,now,then,soon,already,yet等。(2)地点副词。here,there,up,down,above,below,inside,outside等。(3)疑问副词。常见的有:where,when,why,how等。(4)程度副词。very,much,so,too,quite,enough等。(5)方式副词。多由“形容词+ly”后缀构成。carefully,quickly,easily,quietly等。(6)

5、频度副词。always,often,sometimes,usually,hardly,never等。2)副词在句中主要用作状语。也可充当定语、表语等。Its snowing heavily outside(状语,修饰动词)I have never heard such a beautiful voice(状语,修饰动词)unluckily, he failed in this physics exam again(状语,修饰整个句子)He was too excited to say a word(状语,修饰形容词)Class is over(表语)The weather here is di

6、fferent from that of Singapore(定语)3)程度副词通常位于被修饰的形容词副词之前,但enough则要放在后面。It was much more freezing today than yesterdayHe ran so fast that I couldnt catch up with himWe got up early enough to catch the first bus4)频度副词通常位于行为动词之前,be动词、助动词和情态动词之后,但一般不放在句末。I have never been late for classYou must always wo

7、rk like that5)几个副词同时出现时,其顺序一般为:方式副词+地点副词+时间副词(也可位于句首)。考点三 形容词与副词的区分1形容词用法:系动词形容词;形容词名词。He is careful. He is a careful boy.他是个细心的孩子。2副词用法:行为动词副词。He writes carefully. 他书写很仔细。考点四 形容词和副词的三级1形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的规则变化(1)一般在词尾直接加-er或-est。tall taller tallest, long longer longest(2)以不发音的字母e结尾的单词在词尾直接加-r或-st。nice n

8、icer nicest, large lagrer largest(3)以辅音字母y结尾的词,把y变为i,再加 er或 est。heavy heavier heaviest, busy busier busiest, funny funnier funniest(4)在重读闭音节中,末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写这个辅音字母,再加-er或-est。big bigger biggest, hot hotter hottest, thin thinnerthinnest, fat fatter fattest(5)部分双音节词和多音节词分别在原级前加more构成比较级,加most构成最高级。slowl

9、y more slowly most slowly, beautiful more beautiful most beautifulimportant more important most important2形容词和副词的不规则变化good/well better best many/much more most ill/bad/badly worse worst little lessleast far farther/further farthest/furthest3三级的用法(1)原级的用法 只能修饰原级的词有very, quite, so, too等。The old man is

10、 _ walk on. 那个老人太累了以至于不能再继续走了。 原级常用的句型结构a“Av.as形容词原级/副词原级as B”表示“A和B程度相同”。Lucy is as old as Kate. 露西和凯特的年龄一样大。Tom runs _ Mike. 汤姆和迈克跑得一样快。b“ Av.notas/so形容词原级/副词原级as B” 表示“A不如B”如:This classroom is _ that one. 这个教室不如那个大。He doesnt walk as slowly as you. 他走路不像你那样慢。(2)比较级常用的句型结构“Av.(倍数)比较级thanB”表示“A比B”或“

11、A比B几倍”如:Jim is taller than Kate. 吉姆比凯特高。This ball is _ that one. 这个球比那个大三倍。“Av.比较级thanany other单数名词(介词短语)”表示“A比同一范围内的任何一个人/物都”,含义是“A最”。Xiaoming is taller than _ in his class. 小明比他班上其他任何男孩都高。Xiaoming is taller than(any of)the other boys in his class.Xiaoming is the tallest boy in his class.小明是他班上最高的男

12、孩。“Av.the比较级of the two”表示“A是两者中较的”。Look at the two boys. Xiaoming is _ the two. 看那两个男孩,小明是两个当中较高的那个。“比较级and比较级”表示“越来越”如:He is getting _他越来越高了。He does his homework more and more carefully. 他做作业越来越认真了。“the比较级,the比较级”表示“越,就越”如:The more, the better. 越多越好。_ you work,_ your grades will be. 你越努力学习,你的成绩就越好。

13、“特殊疑问词v.比较级,A or B?”如:Which is bigger, the blue ball or the red one? 哪一个大,蓝球还是红球?注意 比较级前常用much, even, still, a little, a bit, a lot, far, any等词修饰。(3)最高级常用句型结构“主语v.the最高级(单数名词)in/of短语”,表示“是中最的”。Tom is the tallest (student) in his class.Tom is the tallest of all the students.汤姆是他们班上/所有学生当中最高的。I jump _

14、 in my class. 我是我们班跳得最远的。“主语 of the最高级复数名词in/of短语”,表示“是中最之一”。Beijing is _ in China. 北京是中国最大的城市之一。“特殊疑问词v.the最高级A,B,or C?”用于三者以上的比较。Which season do you like _, spring, summer or autumn? 你最喜欢哪一个季节,春天,夏天还是秋天?“主语v.the序数词最高级”,表示“是中的第几”如:Tom is_boy in his class. 汤姆是他们班身高第二的男生。考点过关用所给词的适当形式填空1Eating _

15、(health) food is good for you.2They were _(interest) in the action movie.3She likes light music because its _(relax)4Please listen to the teacher _(careful) in class.5The old should be spoken to _(polite)6I think science is as_ (useful) as math.7Bob is _(outgoing) than his sister.8The more you smile

16、, the _(happy) youll feel.9Jim gets to school _(early) than his classmates.10The Yellow River is the second _(long) river in China.二、 连词概述:连词是连接单词、短语或句子的一种虚词。在句中不单独作句子成分。历年中考中常考并列连词and,but,neither nor;从属连词now that,though,when。所以了解状语从句和宾语从句的真正意义有助于正确使用从属连词。1并列连词and, but, so, or等的主要用法。2常用的从属连词的基本用法。考点

17、一 并列连词1表示并列关系的: and(和;同;与),bothand(和都), not onlybut also(不仅而且), as well as(而且,还,又), neithernor(既不也不)。He likes drawing and I like dancing. 他喜欢画画,我喜欢跳舞。 his father his mother watching TV。他的父母都喜欢看电视。 you I wrong. 你和我都没有错。Not only the young but also the old can speak some English there. 在那儿不仅年轻人而且老年人都会说

18、一点英语。Tom as well as I walks to school every day.汤姆和我一样每天步行去上学。注意 用as well as 连接的并列主语句子中,谓语动词应与它前面的主语一致; not onlybut also和neithernor则遵循就近原则。2表示选择关系的: or(或;或者;还是;否则;不然),eitheror(或者或者; 不是就是)。After supper, I often watch TV _ take a walk. 晚饭后,我经常看电视或散步。Work hard,_ you will fall behind. 努力学习,否则你会落后。Either

19、 you or he is going to do some shopping this afternoon. 今天下午或者你或者他去购物。3表示转折关系的: but(但;但是;可是), while(然而)。She was very tired,_ she kept working till midnight. 她虽然很累了,但是一直工作到深夜。Hes a worker_his wife is a doctor. 他是工人而他妻子是医生。4表示因果关系的: so(所以)。He got up late,_ he didnt catch the early bus. 他起床晚了,所以没赶上早班车。

20、考点二 从属连词1引导状语从句的连词(1)引导时间状语从句的连词:when, while, as, before, after, until, till, as soon as, since等。时间状语从句和主句的时态关系为:主将从现,主过从过。when “当时”。I was doing my homework _ the telephone rang. 我在做作业的时候电话铃响了。while “正当时,正在时”。在while引导的从句中,谓语动词必须是延续性动词,且常常用进行时。As“正当时”, as引导的从句中既可用延续性动词,也可用短暂性动词。He fell asleep _ he wa

21、s watching TV. 他看着电视睡着了。As Millie sat down on the sofa, Amy came into the room.米莉坐在沙发上时,艾米走进了房间。before “在之前”; after “在之后”。Ill wait for you here before you come back. 在你回来前,我会在这儿等你。until “直到为止”。The child _ go to bed _ his mother came back. 直到他妈妈回来了,这孩子才去睡觉。as soon as “一就”如:ll call you _ I get there.

22、我一到那儿就给你打电话。since “自从”。I have lived in Beijing _ I came to China. 自从来到中国以来我就住在北京。(2)引导条件状语从句的连词: if, unless等。_ it is fine tomorrow, well go to the park。 如果明天天气好,我们就去公园。Well be late _ we hurry up. 除非快点,否则我们会迟到。(3)引导目的状语从句的连词: so that(是为了,以便于), in order that(以便于)等。He got up early _ he could catch the

23、early bus. 为了能赶上早班车,他起得很早。I spoke loudly in order that everyone in the room could hear me. 我大声说话是为了让屋里的每个人都能听得见。(4)引导原因状语从句的连词: because, as, since等。She didnt go to work _ she was ill.她没去上班,因为她病了。注意 because与so不能同时出现在一个句子中。(5)引导结果状语从句的连词: sothat,suchthat等。sothat和 suchthat意思均为“如此以至于” so后接形容词或副词,such后接名

24、词或名词性短语,that后接从句。I was _ I couldnt go any further. 我累得走不动了。Tom is _everyone likes him.汤姆是如此聪明的一个男孩,大家都喜欢他。(6)引导让步状语从句的连词: though, although, even if(even though)等。The dress looks nice on you _ its out of style.虽然这件连衣裙过时了,它穿在你身上还是很漂亮。注意 though, although不与but连用。(7)引导比较状语从句的连词: than, asas等。He is better

25、at English than I. 他的英语比我好。I think English is as important as math. 我认为英语和数学同等重要。2引导宾语从句的连词: that(陈述句作宾语,从句由that引导,that无意义,可省去),if/whether(一般疑问句作宾语从句用if或whether引导,意为“是否”)和特殊疑问词(用来引导特殊疑问句所作的宾语从句)。I want to know _ you will start. 我想知道你何时出发。m worried about _ she can come here on time. 我担心她能否按时来。用适当的连词填

26、空1_ David and Jim draw well.2Neither my father _ I have been to Canada.3Helen is a quiet girl, _ she is active in class.4Hold on to your dreams _ one day they may come true.5The camera is too expensive, _ I cant afford it.三、 非谓语动词1动词不定式作主语、宾语、表语、宾语补足语、定语、状语的用法。2动名词的用法。3现在分词和过去分词的用法。考点一 动词不定式动词不定式的构成: to动词原形。它没有人称和数的变化。1作主语常用it作形式主语、将真正的主语(动词不定式)置于句末。To ask the teacher for help is necessary. It is necessary to ask the teacher for help.

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