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1、Its based on the holistic concept of the universe outlined in the spiritual insights of Daoism, and it has produced a highly sophisticated set of practices designed to cure illness and to maintain health and well-being.译文:它基于到家精神内涵解释宇宙的整体观念,并且衍生出一套高度成熟的治疗疾病及保健的方法。Pa2:Although they appear very differ

2、ent in approach, They all share the same underlying sets of assumptions about the nature of the human body and its place in the universe.Although they appear very different in approach尽管方法看似各不相同They all share the same underlying sets of assumptions他们有相同的基本认识Assumptions about.对的认识他们对的基本认识是相同的。尽管这些方法看

3、上去各不相同,但他们对人体本质以及它与自然界关系的认识是相同的。Pa3:The last twenty years or so have seen a dramatic increase in the popularity of a whole range of therapies that have their origins well outside the accepted boundaries of Western scientific thought.The last twenty years have seen a dramatic increase in the populari

4、ty of therapies. These therapies have their origins. These origins are well outside the accepted boundaries of Western scientific thought. 这些治疗方法的起源同西方科学认可的思想相距甚远Pa4/5/6Bearing no obvious relationship to 无明显关系in all case 不管怎样,无论如何aerobic exercise 有氧运动in terms of 根据symptomatic relief 症状缓解Yet, in all

5、case, the proof is there in terms of symptomatic relief and improved health and well-being.the proof is there in terms of symptomatic relief and improved health and well being.there is the proof in symptomatic relief and improved health and well-being然而,在所有的病例里,证据是症状的缓解,健康状况的改善。然而,所有的病例表明,症状得到缓解,健康状

6、况得以改善。Pa7:Analytical specificity is emphasized, and holism the view that approaches the person as a “whole” being, comprising body, mind and spiritis underplayed.Analytical specificity is emphasized, and holism is underplayed. 强调了部分的分析性,整体性却被忽略了。.the view that approaches the person as a “whole” bein

7、g, comprising body, mind and spirit. 这种观念将人体视为一个由身体,思维,精神组成的整体Pa8:The diagnosis will place the signs and symptoms into an interdependent tapestry where physical symptoms, emotional reactions, and spiritual beliefs are set alongside social and environmental factors in order to understand how the ener

8、gy dynamics of the individual lead to health or order to understand how the energy dynamics of the individual lead to health or disharmony. 为了理解个人气机能(如何)导致健康与疾病the diagnosis will place the signs and symptoms into an interdependent tapestry 中医诊断把症状置于一个相互依存的整体下分析in the tapestry physical

9、symptoms, emotional reactions and spiritual beliefs are set alongside social and environmental factors. 这是种精神、情绪同社会、环境相依存的整体中医诊断把症状归结为精神、情绪同社会、环境综合作用的结果。为了解释人体气机能导致健康或疾病,中医诊断学将临床症状归因为机体情绪及精神同社会、环境因素综合作用的结果。Pa10:Indeed, to understand these principles and to apply them in daily life is as much a part

10、of the Chinese system of health as are the treatment specialisms understand these principles and to apply them in daily life is a part of the Chinese system of health.the treatment specialisms applied are also a part of the Chinese system of health注释:1.(看Pa1)Its based on the holistic conc

11、ept of the universe outlined in the spiritual insights of Daoism, and it has produced a highly sophisticated set of practices designed to cure illness and to maintain health and well-being.2. (看Pa2)Although they appear very different in approach, They all share the same underlying sets of assumption

12、s about the nature of the human body and its place in the universe. 句中underlying sets of assumptions 意为“基本观念”。3.(看Pa4/5/6) Yet, in all case, the proof is there in terms of symptomatic relief and improved health and well-being.4.(看Pa7)Analytical specificity is emphasized, and holism the view that app

13、roaches the person as a “whole” being, comprising body, mind and spiritis underplayed.5.As human beings we exist as an integral part of an energetic energy-filled universe. Within this universe our mind ,body, and spirit are merely different manifestations of the same life force and consequently can

14、not be considered separately.人类是充满能量的宇宙的组成部分,我们的心智、集体和精神不过是同一生命活动的不同表现形式,自然不能分别看待。6. (看Pa8)The diagnosis will place the signs and symptoms into an interdependent tapestry where physical symptoms, emotional reactions, and spiritual beliefs are set alongside social and environmental factors in order t

15、o understand how the energy dynamics of the individual lead to health or disharmony. 练习:the nature of human body and its place in the universe人体本质及它与自然界的关系symptomatic relief症状的缓解/缓解症状an integral part of an energetic universe是充满能量的宇宙的组成部分well outside the accepted boundaries of Western scientific thou

16、ght 同西方科学认可的思想相距甚远Uint2One can seemingly understand it on a rational level, and yet, continually find new expressions of it in clinical practice and, indeed, in life. 在理论层面上,我们似乎不难理解这一概念,然而在临床实践与生活中我们会不断发现其新的内涵。Moreover, yin contains the seed of yang and vice versa.阴可生阳,阳可生阴vice verse反之亦然Pa4: The im

17、plications of this apparently straightforward observation lead us in a direction quite at odds with the Aristotelian logic that underpins Western scientific thought. The implications of this observation lead us at odds with the Aristotelian logic. 这种观察所具含义有别于亚里士多德逻辑学。这种明显的直接的观察(认识)所具含义完全有别于作为西方科学思想基

18、础的亚里士多德逻辑学。Pa5:Its important to understand the concept that yin and yang are essentially descriptors of the dynamic interactions that underpin all aspects of the universe.Its important to understand the concept. Yin and Yang are descriptors of the dynamic interactions. The dynamic interactions under

19、pin all aspects of the universe. 最重要的是懂得阴阳只是对自然界万物的能动作用的描述。Pa8:In theory all yin and yang can be infinitely subdivided into aspects that are themselves yin and yang.理论上,阴阳可以无限细分1.(看Pa1)The concept of yin-yang is extremely simple, yet very profound. One can seemingly understand it on a rational level

20、, and yet, continually find new expressions of it in clinical practice and, indeed, in life.阴阳的概念既简单又深奥。2.(看Pa4)The implications of this apparently straightforward observation lead us in a direction quite at odds with the Aristotelian logic that underpins Western scientific thought.3. Steam and ice

21、can be seen in terms of water molecules that themselves have yin particles in relation to yang particles.水蒸气和冰都有水分子,而水分子同时含有阴粒子和阳粒子。4. If the yin and yang aspects are prevented from achieving balance through this mutual transformation process, the consequences may be catastrophic since, ultimately,

22、balance will forcibly be achieved.如果阴阳的相互转化受阻,失去平衡,则会造成不好的后果。最终的结果是平衡会被强制恢复。5.The principle of treatment will be to allow the transformation of the excess yang into yin in order to reestablish a state of equilibrium and also of biology homeostasis.其治疗原则便是化阳为阴,以求恢复人体的动态平衡。1. opposition of contraries

23、矛盾的对立2. from the Chinese perspective of yin and yang 从中国的阴阳观念出发3. further aspects of yin and yang 阴阳的进一步分化(成的各方面)4. in relation to the lower part of the front 相对于前面的下部5. imbalance of yin and yang 阴阳失调Uint3未有summer版,只有代课老师的PPT,都是汉译英营气construction(nutrient) qi 营血construction-blood 血虚blood vacuity 血淤bl

24、ood stasis 血热blood heat 失眠insomnia 脉细a fine pulse眼花flowery vision 血液的凝滞congealing and stagnation of the blood 血寒blood cold 脉细涩a fine or rough pulse 刺痛stabbing pain热邪heat toxin 数脉a rapid pulse 胃液stomach juices 同一事物a single entity 突出其特性highlight specific characteristics相对清稀relatively thin 体表the surfac

25、e of the flesh 滋润肌肉阴液yin humor 温煦和活化作用warming and activating function 离经之血 extravasated blood 绛舌 a crimson tongue 水之上源 upper source of water 气为血之帅 qi is the commander of the blood血液行于脉管之中,是一种富含营养的红色液体物质。Blood, circulating in the vessels, is a red liquid substance rich in nutrients. 血源于脾胃化生的水谷精微,具有营养

26、和滋润全身的功能。Blood originates from cereal essence transformed by the spleen and stomach, and has the functions of nourishing and moistening the whole body. 正常的血液循行来自于心、肺、脾和肝的共同作用。 Normal blood circulation comes of the joint action of the heart, the lung, the spleen and the liver. 健全的精神活动来自于正常的血液循行及充足的血液

27、供应。Sound mental activity results from normal circulation and a sufficient supply of blood. 津与液总是相提并论,因为一方面,它们都来源于脾胃化生的水谷精微;另一方面是由于它们可以互相转化。Jin and ye are always mentioned in the same breath because of the fact that, for one thing, both of them derive from food and water transported and transformed b

28、y the spleen and stomach, and for another, they can transform into each other. 尽管气、血、津液的性状及其功能各不相同,但它们却有许多共同之处。三者均为构成人体和维持人体生命活动的基本物质。它们均来自水谷精气。在生理上,它们相互依存、相互制约、相互为用;在病理上,它们相互影响,互为因果。Despite their differences in nature, form and function, qi, blood and body fluid have something in common with each o

29、ther. They are the basic materials that constitute the human body and maintain life activities; they all derive from cereal essence; they, physiologically, depend on each other for existence and restrain and utilize each other; they, pathologically, act upon each other and have causality between the

30、m. 血和津液都是液体,而且它们都有滋养功能。津液进入脉中就会成为血液的重要组成部分。因为血和津液都源于水谷津液,因此被称为“津血同源”。Blood and body fluid are liquids and, whats more, they both perform the nourishing and moistening functions. Body fluid will become an important component of blood when infiltrating into the blood vessels. As blood and body fluid originate from the essence of food and water, they are known as “body fluid and blood are derived from a common source.” 1.The Magic Pivot(Lingshu , Jueqipian)states: “The middle jiao takes in qi, extracts its essence, and turns it into red substance that is b

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