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SC rules 安理会现行规则Word文档格式.docx

1、 1761st meeting, on 17 January 1974; and 2410th meeting, on 21 December 1982. Previous versions of the provisional rules of procedure were issued under the symbols S/96 and Rev. 1-6) UNITED NATIONSNew York, 1983CHAPTER I . MEETINGSRule 1Meetings of the Security Council shall, with the exception of t

2、he periodic meetings referred to in rule 4, be held at the call of the President at any time he deems necessary, but the interval between meetings shall not exceed fourteen days. Rule 2The President shall call a meeting of the Security Council at the request of any member of the Security Council. Ru

3、le 3The President shall call a meeting of the Security Council if a dispute or situation is brought to the attention of the Security Council under Article 35 or under Article I I (3) of the Charter, or if the General Assembly makes recommendations or refers any question to the Security Council under

4、 Article 11 (2), or if the Secretary-General brings to the attention of the Security Council any matter under Article 99. Rule 4Periodic meetings of the Security Council called for in Article 28 (2) of the Charter shall be held twice a year, at such times as the Security Council may decide. Rule 5Me

5、etings of the Security Council shall normally be held at the seat of the United Nations. Any member of the Security-Council or the Secretary-General may propose that the Security Council should meet at another place. Should the Security Council accept any such proposal, it shall decide upon the plac

6、e and the period during which the Council shall meet at such place. CHAPTER II. AGENDARule 6The Secretary-General shall immediately bring to the attention of all representatives on the Security Council all communications from States, organs of the United Nations, or the Secretary-General concerning

7、any matter for the consideration of the Security Council in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. Rule 7The provisional agenda for each meeting of the Security Council shall be drawn up by the Secretary-General and approved by the President of the Security Council. Only items which have bee

8、n brought to the attention of the representatives on the Security Council in accordance with rule 6, items covered by rule 10, or matters which the Security Council had previously decided to defer, may be included in the provisional agenda. Rule 8The provisional agenda for a meeting shall be communi

9、cated by the Secretary-General to the representatives on the Security Council at least three days before the meeting, but in urgent circumstances it may be communicated simultaneously with the notice of the meeting. Rule 9The first item of the provisional agenda for each meeting of the Security Coun

10、cil shall be the adoption of the agenda. Rule 10Any item of the agenda of a meeting of the Security Council, consideration of which has not been completed at that meeting, shall, unless the Security Council otherwise decides, automatically be included in the agenda of the next meeting. Rule 11The Se

11、cretary-General shall communicate each week to the representatives on the Security Council a summary statement of matters of which the Security Council is seized and of the stage reached in their consideration. Rule 12The provisional agenda for each periodic meeting shall be circulated to the member

12、s of the Security Council at least twenty-one days before the opening of the meeting. Any subsequent change in or addition to the provisional agenda shall be brought to the notice of the members at least five days before the meeting. The Security Council may, however, in urgent circumstances, make a

13、dditions to the agenda at any time during a periodic meeting. The provisions of rule 7, paragraph 1, and of rule 9, shall apply also to periodic meetings. CHAPTER III. REPRESENTATION AND CREDENTIALSRule 13Each member of the Security Council shall be represented at the meetings of the Security Counci

14、l by an accredited representative. The credentials of a representative on the Security Council shall be communicated to the Secretary-General not less than twenty-four hours before he takes his seat on the Security Council. The credentials shall be issued either by the Head of the State or of the Go

15、vernment concerned or by its Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Head of Government or Minister of Foreign Affairs of each member of the Security Council shall be entitled to sit on the Security Council without submitting credentials. Rule 14Any Member of the United Nations not a member of the Security

16、 Council and any State not a Member of the United Nations, if invited to participate in a meeting or meetings of the Security Council, shall submit credentials for the representative appointed by it for this purpose. The credentials of such a representative shall be communicated to the Secretary-Gen

17、eral not less than twenty-four hours before the first meeting which he is invited to attend. Rule 15The credentials of representatives on the Security Council and of any representative appointed in accordance with rule 14 shall he examined by the Secretary-General who shall submit a report to the Se

18、curity Council for approval. Rule 16Pending the approval of the credentials of a representative on the Security Council in accordance with rule 15, such representative shall be seated provisionally with the same rights as other representatives. Rule 17Any representative on the Security Council, to w

19、hose credentials objection has been made within the Security Council, shall continue to sit with the same rights as other representatives until the Security Council has decided the matter. CHAPTER IV. PRESIDENCYRule 18The presidency of the Security Council shall be held in turn by the members of the

20、 Security Council in the English alphabetical order of their names. Each President shall hold office for one calendar month. Rule 19The President shall preside over the meetings of the Security Council and, under the authority of the Security Council, shall represent it in its capacity as an organ o

21、f the United Nations. Rule 20Whenever the President of the Security Council deems that for the proper fulfilment of the responsibilities of the presidency he should not preside over the Council during the consideration of a particular question with which the member he represents is directly connecte

22、d, he shall indicate his decision to the Council. The presidential chair shall then devolve, for the purpose of the consideration of that question, on the representative of the member next in English alphabetical order, it being understood that the provisions of this rule shall apply to the represen

23、tatives on the Security Council called upon successively to preside. This rule shall not affect the representative capacity of the President as stated in rule 19, or his duties under rule 7. CHAPTER V. SECRETARIATRule 21The Secretary-General shall act in that capacity in all meetings of the Security

24、 Council. The Secretary-General may authorize a deputy to act in his place at meetings of the Security Council. Rule 22The Secretary-General, or his deputy acting on his behalf, may make either oral or written statements to the Security Council concerning any question under consideration by it. Rule

25、 23The Secretary-General may be appointed by the Security Council, in accordance with rule 28, as rapporteur for a specified question. Rule 24The Secretary-General shall provide the staff required by the Security Council. This staff shall form a part of the Secretariat. Rule 25The Secretary-General

26、shall give to representatives on the Security Council notice of meetings of the Security Council and of its commissions and committees. Rule 26The Secretary-General shall be responsible for the preparation of documents required by the Security Council and shall, except in urgent circumstances, distr

27、ibute them at least forty-eight hours in advance of the meeting at which they are to be considered. CHAPTER VI. CONDUCT OF BUSINESSRule 27The President shall call upon representatives in the order in which they signify their desire to speak. Rule 28The Security Council may appoint a commission or co

28、mmittee or a rapporteur for a specified question. Rule 29The President may accord precedence to any rapporteur appointed by the Security Council. The Chairman of a commission or committee, or the rapporteur appointed by the commission or committee to present its report, may be accorded precedence fo

29、r the purpose of explaining the report. Rule 30If a representative raises a point of order, the President shall immediately state his ruling. If it is challenged, the President shall submit his ruling to the Security Council for immediate decision and it shall stand unless overruled. Rule 31Proposed

30、 resolutions, amendments and substantive motions shall normally be placed before the representatives in writing. Rule 32Principal motions and draft resolutions shall have precedence in the order of their submission. Parts of a motion or of a draft resolution shall be voted on separately at the request of any representative, unless the original mover objects. Rule 33The following motions shall have precedence in the order named over all principal motions and draft resolutions relative to the subject before the meeting: 1. To suspend the meeting;2. To adjourn the meeting;

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