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1、TalMng about starting a new onlinepany-maybe together. He was then developing a plan and he wanted me to be a part of it:we wouldgive people wonderful,whole electronic houses on a CD-ROM and let them modify those homesto their own needs.Try out different windows and doors,different paintcolors and f

2、urnishings.When they were satisfied,we would enable themto go online to make the project happen,to get the products and the financing and the。professionaldesign and construction to help to do it outright. BuildingBlocks was the name Rolly came up with for his new enterprise.Rolly tookthe plunge firs

3、t.He simply dropped his profitable energyconsultingbusiness to mit himself full time to BuildingBlocks.I soonjoined him after I quit my wellpaid job at a newspaper. Together we developed a demo to show the features of our CDROM,“The NewAmerican Dream Home”.Then we took it to the annual convention of

4、 the National Associationof Home Builders in Boston.All the big panies were there showing off their。latestproducts. To our delight,nearly everyone was eager to see what we were showing,.includingthe top executives of some enormous panies.When we left,we hadinvitations from them to e to their offices

5、 to them more aboutBuildingBlocks. That was the start of my real lifetime dream and BuildBlocks,our pany,has been prosperingever since. 46.By“somethinghuge was happening”,the writer refers to. Ahousedesigning Bhome decoration Cfurnitureproduction Dhigh-tech development 47.The textshows that Rolly Ro

6、use is. Acreative Bcautious Cconsiderate Dconservative 48.BuildingBtocksis a pany that helps people to. Arentideal houses Bbuy ideal houses Cfindideal houses Down ideal houses 49.Rolly andthe writer decided to start a pany together because they were both. Aexpegin architecture BunderRaid at their jo

7、bs Coutof work at the time Dinterested in e-business 50.At theBoston convention,Rolly and the writer were happy because. Atheyaroused peoples interest in their products Btheysold some of their own products right there Ctheygot their first orders from some famous building firms Dtheyhad the opportuni

8、ty to visit some famous building firms Text 2 Anxiety disorders are mon andrange from lo percent t0 20 percent of children and teens.Girl areusually more likely than boys to report anxiety symptoms or signs.Anxiety runsin families,due to a bination of inherent and environmental factors.Anxiousparent

9、s may produce anxiouschildren.When signs are so severe that they interfere with daily lifeactivities,it is time to seek an evaluation from a mental health professional. Consider the following example of achild who suffered stress disorder.Maria,age l2,was at herphysicians office awaiting her yearly

10、checkup.A bullet from a gunbattle in the next building tore through the wall and struck her mother in theshoulder.severely wounding her.The mother was rushed to the hospital,but Maria did notknow her fate for several days. Unable or unwilling to speak,visiblyanxious and fearful,Maria was evaluated b

11、y a child doctor in the Sallle hospital severaldays later.He remended a brief treatment and began by taking Maria to hermothers bedside. Maria,reassured that hermother was alive,neveRheless could not be separated from her.During thefollowing weeks she insisted on sleeping with her mother and would n

12、ot let herout of her sight.Her motherwas equally shocked,and told her daughter she was suffering great pain. The doctor began a series of playtreatment sessions using dolls and paly surgical instruments in which Mariaperformed operations in her doll hospital.She began to getgreat pleasure in her ses

13、sions.Her mother did not recover so quickly,so the doctorremended individual treatment for her. The final sessions involved Mafiaperforming the operation on,not a doll,but her mother,who submitted to patient status once again.Playing outthe painful theme was extremely beneficial,and with a minimumof

14、 interpretation,both were back to their normal functioning by the months end.Maria didnot need any medication. There are many ways of helpinganxious children cope with their fears and worries.A carefa,tevaluationand specific treatment plan can help these children get back on the path ofnormal develo

15、pment. 51.We learnfrom the text that anxiety in a family atmosphere is often. Aanalyzable Bunavoidable Cuncontrollable Dmunicable 52.Peopleshould seek professional help when anxiety begins to. Aappearin their kids Baffect their judgments Cappearin their families Daffect their life activities 53.Aord

16、ing tothe text.Mafia suffered from stress disorder because. Ashewitnessed a gun battle Bshe was wounded by a bullet Csheworried about her mother Dshe was scared of her checkup 54.Maria wastaken to her mothers bedside in the hospital to. Astart her initial treatment Bkeep her mom in her sight Csleept

17、ogether with her mom Dhelp with her moms recovery 55.To help allanxious kid out,it is suggested to. Atoleratehis fears and worries Bpoint out his normal grow path Cputhim in a particular treatment Dask him to make a self-evaluation Text 3 Lately,presidentsof some American universities have added inf

18、lation to their worry list.They are notconcemed about inflation of prices,but of academicgrades.Larry Summers,president of Harvard.recentlycaused a storm when he told one of the universitys professors he didnt likegrade inflation. Insiders say that nearly half thegrades Harvard awards have lately be

19、en A or A minusa lot moreman in the l980s.Is this trend a bad thing,in fact2 And is thisgrade inflation really“inflation”?To take the second question first,the answeris N0,not stricdy speaking.”Inflation”in grades ought to mean that work of a given standardwould be awarded an ever higher grade,year

20、by year.Thehighest permissible grade would therefore have to keep rising in a ceaselessprocesslon of non-improvement.Because in reality the top grade is fixed,the processis not so much grade inflation as grade pression.This isworse:a distortion in relative prices is more confusing than a uniformupwa

21、rd drift.Grade pression squeezes information out of the system. But is grade inflation necessarily a bad thing?Theanswer depends on who you are.When students leave Harvard,they carry grades as a sort of currency:a pocketfulof in ectual capital,to bid for jobs or places in graduate schools against gr

22、aduates fromother universities with other currencies.These positions goto those who can put the most academic cash on the table。Employersandgraduate schools must decide on the exchange rate,as it were,between aHarvard C student and an A student from a less distinguishedplace. Again.overall gradeinfl

23、ation-the uniform devaluation of the students capital-would be telativelyeasy to cope with,working in principle neither to the advantage or disadvantage ofHarvard graduates. aposition to see the market for graduates as a whole,would simplyadjust their exchange rate.Compression,however,

24、hasdistributional consequences.The best Harvard students see their grades devalued relativeto those of second.rate Harvard students.That is bad with respect to encouraging students to workharder. 56.The text talksabout the recent storm concerning grade inflation in American universities by focusingo

25、n. Aitscauses Bits features Citsimpacts Dits purposes 57.In thewriters opinion,real grade inflation can our when the highest permissible grade Aisraised aordingly Bis cautiously granted Cisstrictly administered Dis limited appropriately 58.The writerthinks that grade pression characterizes. Aajust p

26、olicy in evaluation Ba distorted grading system Cafixed criterion for the work done Da relative difference among students 59.As far asjobseeking is concerned,Harvard grade inflation will benefit. Aitsbest graduates Bits ordinary graduates Cthejob recruiters Dthe school authorities 60.With gradeinfla

27、tion going on in Harvard,it is likely that. Aitsbest students will lack the urge to make progress Bitsranking in the US universities will going down Citsadvantages will be overtaken by its disadvantages Ditssystem of school score distribution will be in chaos PartB Directions:Read thetexts in which

28、five people are menting on a magazine article called“The GlobalFishCrisis”。For question61 to 65,match the name of each person(61 to 65)to one of the statements(A toG)given below. Mark your answers ANSWER SHEET. Tom Hagen:I am amercial fisherman in Alaska.It was an eyeopener to see the destruction and waste in theworlds fisheries.T

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